mjs001 7 points ago +7 / -0

How to vote multiple times:

  1. Open a private browser session (CTRL+Shift+N)
  2. Go to https://www.thepostnewspapers.com/reader_poll/should-the-ar-15-assault-rifle-be-banned/poll_03badc2e-ceba-11ed-810b-47e33e6c89f0.html (Copy link using CTRL+C, paste into browser address line using CTRL+V)
  3. Vote no and register vote.
  4. Close browser (ALT+F4)
  5. Open another private browser (CTRL+Shift+N) and repeat from step 2.
mjs001 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe a merciful God has ransomed her innocent baby’s soul. Her soul, on the other hand, is looking to be headed towards a much warmer destination.

mjs001 4 points ago +5 / -1

Some key content in the Quran.

  1. When the Quran speaks of treating others well, it only applies to other Muslims. Non-Muslims (Jews, Christians) have no rights and can be treated any way you please. It is not a crime to rape, murder, or enslave a non-Muslim.

  2. The Quran was revealed to Mohammed in a series of visions from the angel Jibril (Gabriel). Galatians 1:8-9 warns against any scripture revealed after Christ, the final revelation, with these words "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!"

  3. Even though it is claimed to be the "perfect and unchanging word of Allah", the Quran has many internal contradictions. This is resolved by the concept of abrogation (Naskh), in which anything Allah revealed later supersedes anything written earlier. How the "perfect and unchanging word of Allah" can be inconsistent with itself is a mystery to me.

  4. The Quran is not written in chronological order. It is organized by length of verse. Islamic scholars have produced Quran's sorted by chronological order.

  5. The final revealed truth in the Quran is the "verse of the sword" (Q9.5) which counsels Muslims on how to treat Christians and Jews. It reads "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." According to Muslim scholars, the Sword verse abrogates over a hundred pacifist verses that call for peaceful coexistence and religious tolerance with non-Muslims. This verse instructs to kill non-Muslims unless they convert to Islam, or agree to live as subjects and pay the jizya (tax assessed to dhimmis, non-Muslims living under Muslim rule). Generally dhimmis are treated as an underclass. They have few if any legal rights, and are prohibited from most jobs or business ownership opportunities, rendering them unable to pay the tax, at which point they either convert to Islam, are required to leave the country, or are killed.

mjs001 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like simultaneous bacterial and viral pneumonia. Anyone know how common/severe that is?

mjs001 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anything by Thomas Sowell.

mjs001 6 points ago +6 / -0

True. The cost is paid by the taxpayers, not the govt employees. Should come out of their pensions.

mjs001 5 points ago +5 / -0

And the attorneys earned $3 million, minus whatever payoffs are going to the corrupt city officials and court system.

mjs001 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am in consulting and travel to client locations. I refuse to work in Philadelphia for the simple reason they charge me 3% income tax for every dollar I earn in Philly, starting with the very first dollar. The city is such a shithole I refuse to pay 3% to work there. This just strengthens my conviction to never work there.

mjs001 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yes. I started following Q about 2 weeks before the drops ended. Drop 4953 was Dec 8, 2020. Next drop 4954 was Jun 24, 2022

mjs001 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have some very exiting information to share with you all today. I want you to continue to pray and keep the faith. In the very near future you will see a great shaking of Washington DC. There is going to be massive things happening within Congress and Senate that will have to be reported by the mainstream media and will also be reported globally. Mark my words and save this video. Watch the politicians, CEOs, health leaders and world leaders in the news closely. They will all start to turn on each other and run in fear. You will watch and witness the dismantling of the new world order agenda. A flood of information is coming, and some of you have already seen the start of this All truth will be exposed about covid 19 and the vaccine, discrediting the CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA, WEF, and big pharma The IRS and Federal Reserve along with the world banks and wall street will be exposed for all their illegal banking and taxing schemes that have enslaved us all. There will be a stock market crash to bring in the new system - God's system. Do not have fear. There are going to be many people removed from office at all levels of government without elections. I have been authorized to tell you that you will witness AOC removed very soon. You will witness the removal of Adam Schiff and he will be charged with Treason. You will see the removal of Kamala Harris and the fake Joe Biden along with many others. Keep a close eye on Georgia and Arizona as well. Your government and your lives are being restored. This war is not completely finished, so do expect the deep state to attempt false flag events and attempt to spin media narratives. This will fail and will all be exposes. The war is already won, and you will witness it first hand. When everything is finished, you will say "This could only have been by the hand of God the Almighty." He is working to prosper you and everyone around the world. The things you are about to see happen will impact the entire globe. Darkness will be brought to light, and justice has been, and will continue to be served. Be vocal, be loud, and share this information with others as it begins to pour out. Wake the remaining sheep. God has put a fire in many of your hearts to be a beacon of light and truth. Continue to do this regardless of ridicule. I am so excited and proud to be part of this movement with you all. It is a very exciting time to be alive. You are part of the greatest revival in the history of mankind. Stay strong patriots. We've waited far to long for this, and it's just about over. God bless you all.

mjs001 3 points ago +3 / -0

Text of the opening message:

I have some very exiting information to share with you all today. I want you to continue to pray and keep the faith. In the very near future you will see a great shaking of Washington DC.

There is going to be massive things happening within Congress and Senate that will have to be reported by the mainstream media and will also be reported globally. Mark my words and save this video. Watch the politicians, CEOs, health leaders and world leaders in the news closely. They will all start to turn on each other and run in fear. You will watch and witness the dismantling of the new world order agenda.

A flood of information is coming, and some of you have already seen the start of this. All truth will be exposed about covid 19 and the vaccine, discrediting the CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA, WEF, and big pharma. The IRS and Federal Reserve along with the world banks and wall street will be exposed for all their illegal banking and taxing schemes that have enslaved us all. There will be a stock market crash to bring in the new system - God's system. Do not have fear.

There are going to be many people removed from office at all levels of government without elections. I have been authorized to tell you that you will witness AOC removed very soon. You will witness the removal of Adam Schiff and he will be charged with Treason. You will see the removal of Kamala Harris and the fake Joe Biden along with many others. Keep a close eye on Georgia and Arizona as well.

Your government and your lives are being restored. This war is not completely finished, so do expect the deep state to attempt false flag events and attempt to spin media narratives. This will fail and will all be exposed. The war is already won, and you will witness it first hand. When everything is finished, you will say "This could only have been by the hand of God the Almighty." He is working to prosper you and everyone around the world.

The things you are about to see happen will impact the entire globe. Darkness will be brought to light, and justice has been, and will continue to be served. Be vocal, be loud, and share this information with others as it pours out. Wake the remaining sheep. God has put a fire in many of your hearts to be a beacon of light and truth. Continue to do this regardless of ridicule. I am so excited and proud to be part of this movement with you all. It is a very exciting time to be alive. You are part of the greatest revival in the history of mankind. Stay strong patriots. We've waited far to long for this, and it's just about over. God bless you all.

mjs001 2 points ago +2 / -0

And so what if he did? Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones $850 million to go away and nothing has ever been done about that.

mjs001 2 points ago +2 / -0

In French the word "gauche" means "left". It also means "wrong".

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