monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw a documentary on the whites in SA that have been forced into shanty towns because they displaced or fired for their skin color.

The woman filming the video was there as part of an aid group to help these people. She had brought meat and supplies for a big dinner to cook for them. In one case she asked a little toddler when he ate last and his response was "a couple of days ago", so clearly these people are hurting.

As they were in the middle of the dinner, blacks from a neighboring shanty town came over with their red berets on to say how "we all are brothers, we bleed the same red" all the while they were stealing the meager remnants of the food the charity had brought to feed the whites in the town.

Clearly they came over just to steal the food because they heard a charity was feeding the poor whites. They just walked in front of the camera with their stolen food like they were doing nothing wrong.

The world is disgusted by their behavior and blacks wonder why the world hates them so much.

monkeycat2010 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have been buying foods that have long shelf life and only require a small amount of water.

I've been buying peanuts, peanut butter, oats, rice, beans, canned soup, canned beans, and crackers.

Think about items that can be refreshed with a little water or broth. Buy bouillon cubes or powder for dissolving in water and for protein.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess that is the solution to all the gun owners in this country. They know they could not just move on the country as an exercise so they are just going to starve our numbers down.

Can't fire a gun or protect your home if you are dead from starvation.

monkeycat2010 14 points ago +14 / -0

Because this IS the CLIMATE CHANGE they have been talking about.

Here people thought it was about carbon emissions, when in reality it was toxic chemicals in an intentional effort to poison the planet.

This is deep state climate change

monkeycat2010 4 points ago +4 / -0

The train derailment is the Deep State's version of CLIMATE CHANGE.

Here they had us worried about carbon emissions et al and they really meant POISIONING THE PLANET INTENTIONALLY.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the Deep State's version of CLIMATE CHANGE!

monkeycat2010 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a great point.

Right after the slaves were "freed", they really embraced their freedom. They invested heavily in their communities and in learning to read/write properly. They valued education highly.

Now fast forward to Baltimore where barely 23% of their students are literate.

What happened?

monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would have to guess that they (US Govt) has a pretty bad track record, if the truth be told and this is just what we know about.

Can you imagine, with what we know about, how deep that rot goes.

monkeycat2010 7 points ago +8 / -1

Sorry, but if you remove the fake hair, nails, and eyelashes from most black women, they don't look much different from black men.

monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

I follow this guy on YT. He has given some sound investing advice and explains macro economics well.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

According to my great grandmother, they were told to turn in their gold or expect it to be confiscated.

Since I wasn't there, I have to go on her story.

She kept a $20 gold coin minted in 1882 as a memento and she passed it on to me.

monkeycat2010 8 points ago +9 / -1

I started out a Baptist, moved to Buddhism, tried on Agnosticism, considered String Theory, eventually settled on Apatheism until I woke up and saw the deception.

I thought we, humans, had finally learned from our horrible mistakes and people were not going to repeat those horrors. When I realized how wrong I was, God filled my heart. For a while there I lost God, but now I know He is there.

I see His Majesty in the smallest of birds or the bark of a tree to the science of the human body.

I no longer struggle to understand what my role is and pray simply to accept His will through me.

monkeycat2010 3 points ago +3 / -0

They better be careful, things are getting pretty serious out there for challengers to the deep state.

They assassinated a GOP councilwoman.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

In her interview, she stated she had "no idea that the term "Benjamins" was a trope for Jews".

She expects the weak minded to believe that in all of her adult life she never knew a comment about Jewish money majic is considered anti semitic.

If that were the case, why did she not use this answer in defense of her comment 4 years ago, when it was hot and in the news? Odd.

monkeycat2010 14 points ago +14 / -0

Here is a word game.

Whenever you hear a politician screaming about "protecting our democracy", replace the word "democracy" with "corruption".

Doing this will help things make sense and take the mask off of them.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was too.

After I read about this process, I changed my designation. You can do it online in Texas.

When I read about it, it made perfect sense, why would they need to anesthetize you if you are essentially brain dead enough to harvest organs? Essentially you are just a sack at that point, but just because your brain is dead, doesn't mean you won't feel the pain.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another thing to be aware of as an organ donor, if they harvest organs from you they do not use anesthesia. Organ donation requires the body to be kept alive, which means, while you may not be conscious, your brain will feel the harvesting pain.

monkeycat2010 5 points ago +5 / -0

Definitely worth the try.

If those people are losing their jobs, they might appreciate a little grease to ease their pain.

Make sure to have your phone on if you do talk to them and make sure it is in an open space where there is no real expectation of privacy.

Check your state's recording laws.

monkeycat2010 3 points ago +4 / -1

Complete garbage. There are provisions for people who do not make enough money, just like there is in the tax code now.

The fair tax is something you can control, where as IRS is not. If you want to pay low taxes, buy less stuff. Rich people will have to pay the 30% for things like multiple houses, cars, yachts, all the stuff they buy to stay on top of their "one up" game will be taxed.

Only buy the stuff you need and on occasion, stuff you want. It will certainly help you to save money and consume less.

monkeycat2010 9 points ago +9 / -0

That was probably the whole purpose of the pandemic in the first place.

Just another huge money laundering scheme brought to courtesy of the Fed Govt.

monkeycat2010 3 points ago +3 / -0

I feel for you and your people.

It cannot be easy to stick to your commitments. I applaud you for your convictions for a better future in your country.

Stay safe and all the best.

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