n00bie 2 points ago +3 / -1

Regarding Ward, not one misinformation agent speaks 100% misinformation, no one would ever bother going back. Misinformation and Disinformation is largely about snippets of easy to verify truth, maybe even some larger truths but always with spin to shape narrative and curb digs on the larger and wider connecting dots

n00bie 2 points ago +2 / -0

it was a throwaway comment regarding the comment above, I knew easy greens wasn't quite right though

n00bie 8 points ago +8 / -0

https://rumble.com/v3da3xi-there-is-a-plan-a-anon.html part one link on Rumble. https://rumble.com/v3nxi34-there-is-a-plan-pt-2.html part two link on Rumble.

Linked as I had trouble watching the other links for some reason.

n00bie 2 points ago +2 / -0

If military is in control of goings on then the tests would be via FEMA but from military would they not? I dont know.

n00bie 8 points ago +8 / -0

For anyone who hasn't seen what this post refers to, astounding piece of observation and writing. "Its called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it"


n00bie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Re read the Q posts mentioned, far more weight to those than any documentary anyone cares to mention. The bloodline families intermarry and obfuscate their children in numerous ways including adoption, changing names by deed poll, bastard children who never really have legitimate paperwork, incestuous marriages/births and a whole lot of travelling to raise children in different countries with different surnames.

It gets weirder than the Q posts regarding Hitler and Rothschilds. It also has nothing to do with Jewry as the Rothschilds are not even Jewish, they just happened to have funded Israel and call themselves Jewish, its obfuscation, much like most of History is obfuscation.

As said before, kindly re read the posts mentioned and do some digging, you will see what is what.

n00bie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe Klara Hitler (Adolfs mother) worked as a maid in a Rothschild household and got pregnant with (I forget which Rothschilds residence), re-read the drops regarding Hitler, Red Cross, Vatican and Rothschilds and naming traditions of children in Germany at that time. Then trace the family tree https://qalerts.app/?n=929

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alois_Hitler - Klara Pölzl later Klara Hitler.

n00bie 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are being placed front and center for good reason, do not fear they will all be dealt with.

n00bie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was linking continued ideology of Nazism to the so called elite bloodlines which is absolutely correct. Hitler was funded by the 13 bloodlines, rumoured to be a Rothschild himself.

Plenty of information out there linking what I mentioned to modern day infrastructure. Happy (MORE than happy to be wrong) for obvious reasons :D

As for MK Ultra, there are many declassified documents online outlining the subprojects, here are a few:


n00bie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unfortunately I disagree with each point you make, mostly because they are not accurate.

1, The Nazi ideology is the same. That is which continued, try not to get caught up labelling them as Zionists, Globalists, Nazis, MS-13, world Mafias etc as all are part of the same ideology from above as they are puppeteered by the same controlling families.

2, Operation Paperclip was not the only shift of personnel at the time, top brass also escaped to South Americas which is documented and available online. Operation Paperclip was not just about ongoing projects, it also ties in to MK Ultra as well as its 200+ subprojects, infiltration of media, education system, centralised healthcare (think about covid19 and media working in tandem with healthcare bodies with provable misinformation throughout), big pharma etc. It was not a get out of jail free at all, that is part of the real projects obfuscation and cover.

3, UN, NATO, EU, healthcare bodies, media, education etc all got infiltrated over time by the same ideology previously mentioned in part 1.

4, The Khazarian Mafia much like MS-13, occult societies etc are all controlled by the controlling families, the controlling bloodlines that go back hundreds if not thousands of years and pass power down within their families generationally. - This is partly why Ghislaine Maxwell arrest was so catastrophic, the power she had within the world of trafficking came from her father Robert Maxwell who was sponsored by British Intelligence, Russian Intelligence as well as Israeli Intelligence. It was a blackmail ring for the controlling families to continue pulling strings on anyone of influence, power or with sufficient financial weight.

n00bie 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have said it before and I will say it again, Optics work both ways. How do you root out the remaining players? By making them believe their plans are continuing, they are getting cocky even though they do not know the entire tip of the pyramidal power structure has already been dealt with. The orders, or plans are coming from military. Two posts to refer to "What advantage might exist in knowing your enemy's playbook?" 'how do you know the future?' "control Q".

https://qalerts.app/?n=3596 - 'Playbook known' is another phrase to look for.

https://qalerts.app/?n=2606 - Control

The cult is incredibly loyal, blindly following orders or instruction from above without questioning, the people passing that information on are now the people that wrote the entire Q plan for public consumption, information goes through the remaining players via military. You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard, they are everywhere, only low and middle level players still in play which leads the plan to "suicide weekend" when they finally understand the game has already been won and not by them. "Some will take the easy path and exit early."

"suicide weekend" - No idea when or what leads up to that but its clear that the rug will be pulled from underneath the remainder of the tracked and traced cult members.

n00bie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow! That one passed me by entirely. Thanks for sharing, vile!!

n00bie 3 points ago +3 / -0

When the hell did that happen? wtf!?

n00bie 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Bidan" and Biden. Tweet from Trump on that "spelling error" somewhere

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