Yep, still not trusting this shit. They're looking for ANY reason to get people vaccinated, how is this not obvious??
"But the military created this one!"
Don't be a fucking retard.
Handshakes trying all sorts of new tactics to move the goalposts. "Maybe if they believe a white hat did it, they'll accept more bioweapons"
How people don't see the problem with this concession in the future is insane.
You're only getting downvoted because of cognitive dissonance. Seriously the idea that anyone would release a "good virus" to protect us from the "bad one" is not just handicapped, it's retarded.
Only problem is when the definition of "white hat" changes and nobody is the wiser....
Exactly. The fact that more folks aren't concerned about this idea is truly frightening.
"They're white hats guys, it's perfectly fine!"
Only a matter of time before the media is using the term for themselves to sell us another.
Imagine all the money that could be saved if they just allowed James to donate plasma. For fucks sake...
Perhaps, but ask yourself this question:
Do you really want anyone playing gain-of-function when they've already proven they'd rather do it for nefarious purposes?
Fauci has repeatedly denied gain-of-function research because of the clear and present dangers that bio-engineered viruses present.
They've already cured the vast majority of diseases with natural compounds, but because they can't patent these, they're left to reverse-engineer natural cures with oil-based garbage. We should be asking why our taxpayer dollars aren't funding natural cures when we're already paying for that research, it's just not being done.
Of course, it's not like they could put bad juice in every jab. This allows them to trace serial numbers back to every debilitating condition caused by the bad jabs while making it seem like it's an individual's immune response to said jabs. So long as medical "professionals" are reporting adverse effects like they're legally obligated to.
I suspect these "experiments" are not at all new and have existed since IG Farben was running the cabal back in the early 1900s.
So long as you trust your dog not to injure anyone in public, or run off into the wild. Same goes for indoor cats. There's really no point in vaccinating pets if they're indoor-only.
I wonder what shift he's talking about. His shift working for the Mossad or shilling for Pfizer. Hard to keep them straight these days.
Love the comparison between what truly is a luxury accessory and injecting experimental compounds into your one and only circulatory system. How fucking smooth does your brain have to be to think these are even comparable in any way? Let's try.
Most normal people don't buy "winter" tires. They get by with the one set they have and they trust that their vehicle will still stop in the snow. Kinda like how those of us with immune systems have taken the risk that our bodies will stop the infection without injecting ourselves with "winter tires".
Actual Chinese spy + plastic surgery?
To me this map is more of an indicator as to who's playing ball for big pharma and who isn't. They were over counting coof cases last year because of financial incentives for hospitals, so why would we expect that things changed suddenly once that news broke? If anything it was swept under the rug and even more hospitals are now taking advantage of this. In the end, they can claim ignorance and point their fingers at the CDC and WHO in an attempt to avoid accountability. Don't forget how much fucking taxpayer money the bureaucrats dumped into Operation Warp Speed. That money was laundered for sure, and states aren't going to bite the hand that feeds them prime rib.
They're pretending to be ignorant of all that because they think they can avoid Nuremberg 2.0.
Bill Gates is cringing at the thought of Africans thriving.
Cognitive dissonance.
Exposure is great, but justice must follow or this industry will NEVER LEARN.
At the end of all of this horseshit, MDs are going to have a hard time finding customers (oops I mean "patients") who actually trust them. I already gave my GP my notice that I won't support practitioners who refuse to do research outside of what they're spoonfed. My advice for everyone here is to find a chiropractor that you connect with (the vast majority of them are anti-vax and pro-managing your own health) and start seeing them at least monthly. I've learned more about managing my health from my chiro then I ever have from my GP. MDs are, by and large ,only interested in treating symptoms, whereas chiros find the root cause and go from there.
Oh, also giving pharmaceutical companies legal immunity to vaccine injuries under the guise of protecting children. FUCK BIG PHARMA. Looking forward to hearing about their suicide weekend.
You forgot Grassley's home state.......
AP, believe it or not, is actually faker than CNN. That's because AP is where news starts. It's the most heavily controlled media outlet in the US because EVERY MSM station gets their news from AP newswire.
Maybe it's just me, but I noticed that I'm no longer able to like/react to any posts related to COVID, Fauci or vaccines. Can someone else confirm?
Bullets? Shit, why not use a bobcat or an old beat up truck?
Deep down, this mother knows what caused her son's death. Apparently virtue signaling is more important than grieving though, HOLY SHIT
Right. As if Walter Reed isn't getting a large chunk of Operation Warp Speed money and playing ball just like the other hospitals.
Rockefeller medicine is Rockefeller medicine. Period.