operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

The virus causes cells to become cancerous in some people but its a long drawn out process and it takes time. In the case of the Tasmanian devils its the cancerous cells themselves that are contagious.

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only instance I have heard of, of a true contagious cancer is in Tasmanian devils. Apparently they bite each other in the face during mating and quarrels and the tumours spread from there and eventually kill them. They have a very low level of genetic diversity in their population which is probably why it can spread.

If contagious cancer ever took hold in humans it would likely be in a population where HIV/AIDS and cousin marriage was a normal practice.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Q has been many people - I think it likely started as a psyop to pacify and discredit people with our beliefs. I'm not on the Q train but I do agree that we are ruled by a cabal of satanic pedophiles who control the government, banking, Hollywood and I don't know what exactly these creatures who call themselves the elite are but I see no evidence they are human like we are.

I think they tried to shut it down when it didn't quite have the desired effects and I think some blessed anons took up the torch and ran with it for the kek to create chaos. I think the average anon is a lot smarter than your average ZOG bot and I think any serious investigation would only risk implicating the glowies in the initial psyop when it started.

operation_eland 6 points ago +6 / -0

The is a non zero possibility that some of these "UFO encounters" that people have reported including the 2004 Nimitz incident means that the cabal are in possession of craft that can manipulate extra dimensional fields. If they have this technology its not ours, they got it from somewhere or dare I say something. Which begs the second question what are they in "contact" with and to what end do they plan to use this technology?

Which also begs the question if they have craft with propulsion systems that manipulate gravitational fields then what other technologies did they recover?

Some people claim the cabal are as baffled by a select few of these encounters as we are, whatever exactly they are. Which is almost just as worrying.

Either way the implications are horrifying that people who get sexually gratified by eating babies are in possession of superior technology from an NTI or have a technology which induces detailed visual and auditory hallucinations in people and that this technology has been used against carrier groups and military installations where nuclear weapons were stored.

operation_eland 4 points ago +4 / -0

Almost certainly this is what they were doing. My guess is the original code probably was fairly decent because it was a start up and Dorsey despite being a soy faggot probably had some decent talent to begin with which is why the service limped on as long as it did but as the company became more activist and staffed with diversity hires it probably became worse.

Have you used Facebook recently? Just in every day browsing it seems to have all sorts of errors in even basic navigation and it noticeably gobbles RAM and processor resources. If it wasn't for the fact mobile devices have gotten faster the last few years it wouldn't be usable.

They need to start again with it but the company probably couldn't pull something like that off at this point because its best days are long behind it.

operation_eland 6 points ago +6 / -0

People need to understand that there is no real difference between the government and corporations. They are just heads of the same hydra and they work together to fuck you over.

I suppose you might describe the system we live under as a kind of corporate communism. Power always seeks to centralise and pretty soon you end up with every institution all on the same page.

You want to know why Gorbachev and other senior officials in the soviet system sat back and let it collapse? Chernobyl. They realised that if an accident like that could happen that the system was doomed. Precisely because everyone went along like lemmings. No one could stop it. Even the KGB couldn't bring the soviet nuclear industry into line. The scientists and engineers all knew what was wrong but no one could say or do anything. For days no one even knew what was going on because the answer was counter to the party narrative.

operation_eland 5 points ago +5 / -0

Its a travesty that bud is considered beer at all. Most stadium events on this side of the pond you normally get the option of some lager piss like Carling, Fosters or John Smiths (still better than Bud). Cider and almost always Guinness.

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

Saying the US healthcare system is "private" is like the lolbertarians and Make Israel Great Again branch of the conservative movement who claimed big tech can censor who they like they are private companies. When in fact when you look into them most of them are deep in bed with the government and probably were built off DARPA seed money and patents.

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the problem is people have a mistaken idea of how the world really works. In my opinion the idea that the state and private sector are separate is a fiction. Most of what we see are just different heads of the same hydra. We really saw during the scamdemic just how all pervading the control the regime has over every institution and every aspect of the economy.

America has socialised healthcare its just differently implemented.

The government forks out huge sums for illegals, poors and boomers to consume large volumes of healthcare and foists the bill onto the credit card and the middle class and employers. The government and the american medical association have worked hand in glove to implement the current system and fix prices. The government protects the drug companies and they get rich charging $2500 a month for a course of insulin that is probably £100 in England. The regime has also successfully convinced the average American they need to be on 10 different prescriptions when most of them could just eat better, walk 12,000 steps a day and not be so neurotic. There are a million and 1 ways if you look into it that the government picks up the tab for this system.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stitches in my experience is generally a 4 hour wait here.

You need any kind of complex surgery like knee surgery or back surgery you are going to be waiting 43 months. You need private insurance. You will get reasonably prompt treatment if its an emergency - if you had a compound fracture of your knee then you'll get surgery probably the next working day. My dad has some neurological issues probably tied to the vaccine. A consult with a neurologist was a 7 month wait. He took a turn for the worse and got carted off to hospital on Thursday night and saw the neurologist first thing on Monday morning after they ruled out the basics like stroke.

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know something strange is happening in the diesel market in Europe. Its now cheaper than petrol for the first time in ages. I wonder where a lot of this diesel fuel has been ending up after it was purchased by Ukraine? It might have been laundered into the European fuel supply via Hungary, Turkey or the Balkans.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

If he had some kind of IT admin job maintaining the various systems that this classified information transits back and forth on could he have seen them and accessed them that way? I have various friends who work in IT for large corporations and they basically have the keys to the kingdom. You are basically entrusted to see everything because you have to.

I worked at a large specialist IT supplier and it was the IT guys who tipped me off that we were being sold and they also knew our depot had been slated for closure before the hatchet men showed up partly because they could see all our orders were being redirected and they shut down a lot of our network access.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know I'd say the Financial Times is very much the paper of record that the ruling class in Britain reads. The Torygraph... I mean the Telegraph is however the main cuckservative paper of record these days. The Telegraph actually does have the odd moment of self awareness when it comes to the stupidity of the British establishment but its very much controlled opposition.

You are 100% correct - this is damage limitation. Isabel Oakeshott the "journalist" who has released these messages was palling around with Matt Hancock and supposedly helped him write his book about the pandemic not all that long ago. These journalists would only do something like this is if orders had come down from the highest level.

I almost wonder if this hasn't been done partly to kick Boris in the teeth because there have been rumours he has been plotting to oust Fishy Rishi. Maybe this is to see him off and secure Sunaks position until the December 2024 election.

operation_eland 1 point ago +2 / -1

You assume the cabal aren't in league with these "entities" whatever exactly they are?

Its a pretty stark and binary choice - either aliens or psyop both of which are terrifying.

operation_eland 3 points ago +4 / -1

I honestly don't know which is a more terrifying prospect. That the globalists want us to think there are aliens in preparation for an alien invasion psyop or that there really are aliens sending objects into our atmosphere and buzzing carrier groups and the Pentagon has been in varying degrees of denial about it over the years.

Or possibly that both are happening concurrently and the elites are just weaponising it into a current thing.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know my manager came in the office a few months ago complaining he couldn't sleep. I remarked I sleep fine. I find a clear conscience helped. He shut the fuck up and skulked off afterwards and didn't speak to me for a week.

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

Those who got booted over the vax got a blessing in disguise. The US will end up having to intervene directly in Ukraine and it will go badly for them. In fact I think they want it to go badly because it will get rid of a lot of people who they don't trust in the process.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

They would arrest him on BS charges before he got anywhere near or just outright ban him from the Schengen like they did to Jared Taylor. They fear effective people. You watch. Next year they won't allow anyone from rebel media in after calling out all the parasites this year.

operation_eland 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can a treaty be ratified through the trick where they use a simple majority or does it need 60 votes because its a binding international treaty?

operation_eland 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think the guy was just a grifter faggot all along - honestly was anything he said really new information to anyone who has been awake any length of time? People on our side of the great divide were a little taken in by these people 6 years ago or so because we enjoyed seeing more "mainstream" figures coming out and agreeing with us and it gave the populist movement more currency to "red pill the normies" but really all they were was a bunch of grifting parasites.

I would guess Adams probably leveraged his position to get money from the Gates foundation and other NGO's in 2020 to push COVID narratives and probably only changed his tune somewhat when the money dried up this year when the grift ran its course.

operation_eland 6 points ago +6 / -0

These people in our institutions - you think they choose to be wilfully ignorant or are they actually at stupid or willing conspirators? Or some combination there of? Can never really make up my mind.

operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

I lean towards believing her. In my country when we had COP26 last October there was some travel disruption due to a storm that most of the media and Twitterati shit libs attributed to the "climate crisis" where as storms are a pretty normal part of the weather in the UK in October. Given that weather systems frequently roll in off the North Atlantic.

operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah - I read it probably about 5 years ago. I found it fascinating.

A lot of Americans think Stilwell was a communist agent. Being armed with an understanding of how obstinate and corrupt the generalissimo and his regime were makes me doubt that. The idea that 'we lost china' has always seemed strange to me. China is one of the worlds great civilsations, it was never Americas to loose or to decide what course they took and the futility of trying to foist our system on them seems doomed to fail from the start when you understand just how backwards China was at the time.

operation_eland 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah - even though I'm not American I remember being blown away watching clips of Ron Pauls run in 2007. It was my introduction to a lot of those ideas and that there was a genuine alternative to the corrupt 2 party apparatus most of the world lives under.

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