Grassley was exposing government perverts long before the Q drops. He received no help from any other politician when he did this. He informed the public about the insane amounts of pornography on government computers.
I believe SCOTUS will eventually rule that the right to be confronted by your witness simply means no star chambers. A defendant deserves to know the identity of their accuser. A defendant deserves to hear testimony against him. A defendant deserves the right of cross examination. A defendant does not deserve the right to sit next to and harass a witness. We already remove unruly defendants from the courtroom all the time and continue the proceedings with them participating by video.
APMEX accepts paper checks through the mail. Old school style. You lock in a price when you order and then you have several days to mail a check. The price can rise every day but you’re still locked in at the price from days earlier. I use them a lot but any of the well known sellers are trustworthy. They have a good selection of coins, junk and bullion. If you can buy local go for it. I don’t because online sellers are the cheapest.
It was about $375 when I bought my first ounce. I preferred silver though after watching the Hunt brothers do their thing. Late 80’s we were buying 100 oz silver for $550. It was so cheap we never wanted anything smaller. But that was also when my new Chevy S-10 was $7750. I’m still stacking but mainly graded eagles the past decade. I’ve never earned a high salary but always lived frugally, mainly due to my silver addiction.
Blackstone, not Blackrock, is the company that owns thousands of rental properties.
Blackrock owns 6.7% of a rental company that owns far fewer homes than Blackstone.
Easy to confuse these scumbag twins, but it’s important for us to keep the easily proven facts straight. It’s incumbent on our discernment of the truth in order for us to continue to awaken normies.
The chemicals and lab equipment required for production are regulated and monitored in the USA. The cartels have a stranglehold on the drug market and have since at least the 1970’s. They have their own methods, money, soldiers, routes and most importantly, the ultra violent reputation that wards off competition.
I compare it to a mom and pop operation trying to open a small shop next door to Walmart. Except that this Walmart openly murders any potential competitor and their entire family.
I have the same experience. Local online marketplaces regularly will get you over spot on sales.
I also am friends with three gold/silver bugs and we all regularly trade with each other at spot - always. This is for non-governmental rounds and bars. We do this regularly when someone needs cash. We are able to keep less wealth in cash this way.
A local university used high frequency sound waves to turn hog excrement into crude oil. Their funding was cut off after they published the results.