people_who_annoy_you -1 points ago +1 / -2

Nope, just assumed you were. The lime green text next to your name helps.

people_who_annoy_you -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yeah, honestly, this sort of response was expected from you.

Disrespectful towards your long standing peers on GAW. Real upstanding, glad we have some great and loyal mods here. Really.

people_who_annoy_you 0 points ago +4 / -4

Patronizing people who have been obsessively on here and OG TD for years and making us out to be the type of people to say “drumpf” will certainly make that happen faster. People can be disappointed for being blue balled in this sort of manner.

And don’t pretend the mods in specific did not literally date fag the fuck out of tonight. Not sure what your expectation would have been.

You’re SURPRISED that level of hype for this would result in people, yes, real people mind you, being disappointed?

Lol. Human nature, my friend. We’re digital soldiers, not soldiers. And real soldiers can have morale issues as well, particularly after things like this from their understood leadership.

people_who_annoy_you 5 points ago +5 / -0

What law? Do you have a statute?

people_who_annoy_you 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hopefully TODAY will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our Country!

people_who_annoy_you 0 points ago +1 / -1

So if real people who have been here for years with expectations are sock puppets for being disappointed about something hyped like today was going to be something truly significant (other than announcing yet another run), what’s that make you? I’d say that makes you an instigator, attacking long standing members of this community, even through insults, and pitting us against each other.

Read the room.

people_who_annoy_you 2 points ago +3 / -1

Nope, that’s us, real people.

It’s not dooming to think it’s ridiculous to expect us to be excited for another election when NOTHING of substance has been done to curb ballot drop boxes, mail in voting, and black box voting machines.

And to top that off, it’s not dooming to feel like I’ve been treated like a sucker by the people I respect and trust.

people_who_annoy_you 4 points ago +5 / -1

I’m done with the WINRED spam, I’m done with the constant hype directed towards me and us, I’m done with the advertisements targeted for geriatric people who can’t read normal sized text and all want a LIMITED EDITION TRUMP COIN, I’m done feeling like a sucker getting raked over the coals by the corruption while some paytriots toy with my emotions and my anticipation to make a buck off all of us and boost their followers and app installs overnight by some bullshit “perhaps the most important speech of our lifetime” sort of lines when every time it’s just the same shit.

This shit is broken and nobody appears to be coming to fix it. It’s a de facto tragedy of the commons that the corrupt criminals have both created and descended upon like a feeding frenzy to both profit off of and kill us off using.

I’m done and at this point I’ve been convinced I’m a fucking sucker who’s poured so much time and thought and hours into this it’s practically unimaginable.

I’ll probably still browse and read some. I might even waste my time to go and vote again. But I’ll do so knowing I might as well just be tossing a coin into a fountain and making a wish.

Apparently nobody can fix this and the military is nowhere to be found. Apparently there was no plan X, Y, or Z.

people_who_annoy_you -1 points ago +1 / -2

Putting your expectations low for things you SHOULD have high expectations for (like the legitimacy of our election systems and our votes), is a self destructive form of coping.

deleted 28 points ago +32 / -4
people_who_annoy_you 16 points ago +22 / -6

Lame. So lame. We’re all fucked. So much for the military and devolution. Broken system. Broken elections.

people_who_annoy_you 1 point ago +1 / -0

And either voter ID or a finger dipped in permanent ink (comes off after a couple weeks), like other countries that don’t fuck it up.

people_who_annoy_you 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can we please convene somewhere other than here too as backup? Redundancy would be good considering the circumstances. An email list of throwaway emails as ultimate backups for all it matters. Anything. I couldn’t get on here for a long time this morning. Or any of the .wins.

by DRan
people_who_annoy_you 1 point ago +1 / -0

Generated by software, perhaps...

people_who_annoy_you 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it’s an involuntary reaction to the bright stage lights. Like trying to keep your eyes open looking near a very bright sun.

people_who_annoy_you 0 points ago +3 / -3

I don’t think it’s fair to single out and attack Clandestine like that. He’s put out good stuff out there. This is akin to cancel culture.

People attack board mods for the same reasoning. “Oh they didn’t agree with me on this thing and they’re doing so from a point of authority. They’re bad!”

That’s pretty childish imo. Take the information and analyses for what they are and move on. The rest is drama.

people_who_annoy_you 3 points ago +3 / -0

Literally though... what might be more likely is “hey AI create me a disease that harms specifically people who have {this gene} or {these genes}”... you know the term “ethnic cleansing”? There’s no clearer and more straight forward way to go about it than that. Messed up stuff. Technology will be the death of all of us. Specifically applications of AI.

people_who_annoy_you 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep my mistake. Removed fb click id.

Not without paying there isn’t. You can try searching for quotes of the abstract with “file type:pdf” in Google and see if that yields results with full text. I’ll do it in a few once I’m on a computer.

Unfortunately, removing that identifier doesn’t get rid of the “Referer” http header. Need to copy and paste it instead of clicking it for that.

people_who_annoy_you 3 points ago +3 / -0


AI based drug discovery was successfully used to recreate discovery of harmful molecules including sarin, many other human invented toxins, and even pathogens such as Ebola.

I’d wager that’s what it’s about.

Take this into context with COVID and the related drugs.

people_who_annoy_you 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Simpsons one actually wasn’t real - is photoshopped. Verify for yourself as well

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