qiscoming 1 point ago +2 / -1

The entire point of scripute, from the very beginning, was to introduce the name "I AM" or "IESUS" in latin, "ehyeh" in hebrew/aramaic to each and every person on earh as the highest name of god. That is what the christ is, I AM the christ.

The society of jesus, or jesuits, still maintain this truth in their motto "IESUS HOMINUM SALVATOR" or I am the savior of man. That was always supposed to be the final revelation of scripture, from the very beginning. But the kings and the the religious hierarchy hated giving this truth to men and women because it destroyed their power, and have been subverting that truth ever since by changing the alphabet, changing the meanings of words, etc. The letter J didn't exist until the 16th century, or 1500 years after Christ. It took the name I AM and externalized it in a single savior who lived in the past.

qiscoming 2 points ago +3 / -1

A single letter, J vs I, could change the whole world. What century was the letter J invented again?

qiscoming 1 point ago +3 / -2

Yeah no, pedophiles and the murderers behind covid and the injections need to be ARRESTED.

deleted 3 points ago +5 / -2
qiscoming 0 points ago +1 / -1

not jab deaths. They're faking their own deaths to go into hiding. Very normal in the celeb community.

qiscoming 1 point ago +2 / -1

it killed over 600,000 americans, as well as having 200 billion plasmid DNA fragments per dose that can permanently integrate into your genome so....

qiscoming 4 points ago +6 / -2

The biggest kept secret of the history of Israelites is that the ten tribes aren't lost...they're christians. Kings and Queens of england and scotland still to this day are inaugurated on "The Stone of Destiny" also know as "Jacob's Pillow". They gave KJV, the history of Israel, to Britain. Not roman law, Israelite law.

After the second temple fell, the true holy men of Israel scattered, Joseph of Arimethea went to Britain, others went to Germany, Russia, etc. One of the holiest books in the history of Israel, the Zohar, is unequivocal that Christ consciousness and the name "IESUS" or "I am" is the messiah, and that the second temple was destroyed because Israelites, no one else, sinned greatly. It talks about Israelites not wanting to hear the truth and even killing children who tried to tell the truth within the community. Further, it talks about a subset of jews in the future who will try to retake the physical holy land because they are unable to comprehend that the "holy land" is everywhere and is a state of mind.

qiscoming -1 points ago +1 / -2

without a doubt. Did you know the pentagon foundation stone was laid on 9/11, in 1941.

qiscoming 0 points ago +2 / -2

"Thou shall lend to many nations but never borrow" Deut 15:6

Unfortunately they're not dumb enough to accept such an offer. Only to propose them for others.

qiscoming 0 points ago +2 / -2

The truth is difficult for most christians, but I tell it to them anyways because it is extremely empowering (if not exactly what you expected).

The letter J did not exist until the 16th century. It was never JESUS christ, it was IESUS christ (still preserved in the society of jesus motto IESUS homimen salvator "I am the savior of man). The entire point of the biblical narrative was supposed to lead each and every man and woman on the planet to the realization that THEY ARE the savior IF (and it's a big if) they BEHAVE LIKE the savior.

This is not blasphemy, this was the entire point of the bible. Every medieval painting you see with a christian with a gold halo behind their head is a reference to the ONE christ being "born again" inside them.

That was always the point, not to have a single person Jesus as the savior....You are the savior...if you act like it. That is what the third eye awakening is about....

qiscoming 2 points ago +3 / -1

extremely awkward that Q is his cousin, then.

qiscoming 0 points ago +2 / -2

As you should.

qiscoming 5 points ago +6 / -1

America will learn the truth about 9/11 (and wtc 7) soon and never again will an american child die for lies and business men.

qiscoming 0 points ago +1 / -1

"Go home and tell them everything is going to be okay"

-Donnie Darko (guess who)

deleted -2 points ago +3 / -5
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