Democrats being worried about what Trump will do to them personally when he is back in office indicates one of two things... either they themselves are guilty of something that is on Trump's radar (like are they pedo? are they blackmailed? etc.) or they are really clueless parrots of anything the media is peddling that day... coupled with TDS to the extreme and part of the sad 5% that will never wake up. People worried about an actual threat to democracy, however, are either lying for political/financial gain or they are fit into that TDS 5% group... or the third option is they are lying because of being blackmailed or otherwise compromised. NCSWIC!
just finished... what a jackass... NCSWIC!
So many sheeple out there don't know just how many Democrats are lying about so much right now... all for a pitch to get this brain dead dementia patient in again so Trump doesn't "get them". All of their pitches are based on inaccuracies from saying Trump took away a women's right to choose (he didn't do a thing, but the SC he was partially responsible for was, and all they did was determine that is a State function and not a National one. If someone now doesn't like the law of the land, its a smaller land, and they should work on changing it in their state. Simple as that. Amazing how brainwashed people are from media omission of everything. There should be law experts on all news stations explaining that this last ruling doesn't make the president king.
Just another fabricated cause to distract from the vaccine mRNA turbo cancer. I have yet to see anything concrete regarding 5g and any harm. Coming from the industry I’d lean towards claims of such being larpy fear mongering. NCSWIC! - or maybe Johnny Mnemonic was on point.
I used to live in Blackfoot and worked at Bingham Memorial Hospital for a bit even 30+ years ago... lived way out amongst the potato fields too... can't imagine what that area will go through with the water shut off. Quite a bit of dairy there as well... at least back in the early 90's... and canola. Fook this is crap to hear about. 4B
Just another Antifa turd that doesn't know what 'anti' means. Looks like this one might be a bit more charismatic than most, but nevertheless he still thinks that "taking out" people that do not think the same as him as being somehow not fascist itself. Antifa in general has been a tool of the left... and blind to it completely. Dumbasses. NCSWIC!
What we have right here is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Only the kettle is anyone actually seeing the decline of Biden's mental capacity and isn't actually black at all. Whats the actual word again? Projection... these fools in the media do this all the time and selectively edit clips. Then they expect people to by it that everyone else is doing that right now when calling out Biden's gaffs. Its tough to have to lie about a lie about a lie - getting close to breaking all of it with some precipice we can all see that we're teetering on. NCSWIC!!!
this guys sounds like the "highly educated" variety of sheep. The premise that Trump is doing things purely to benefit himself is what allows them to believe everything else that this dude laid down. Now if they weren't programmed to believe Trump is as corrupt as the slime in DC maybe they can see that he is doing everything for the country and the people in it. Its a hard programming to get past though. Regardless of this numb-nuts view NCSWIC!!!
"Mark-bag-o-dicks-Hammil" - thanks for this! made my night. NCSWIC!!! (I have no better reply but was hoped in to see one - I've heard all of the facts and probably a decent 40k ' view of it... but help combatting the brainwashed sheeple holding on to their media talking points regarding this one would be cool to see.
Every state on their should be RED except Oregon - but only the counties not trying to into Idaho. :) NCSWIC!!!