redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is what the Marrakesh Pact brings ..... And everybody said: don't do it, yet ..... the prospective new NATO-SG: Mark Rutte was goiong for it.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Indeed. They should:

  1. Declare the treaty of Maastricht Null and Void due to referendum outcome: NO.
  2. Declare the Stability Pact and Euro: Null and Void due to Continued Breach of Contract by other EU members.
  3. 1 + 2 Requiring NEXIT.
  4. Immediate border closure.
  5. Remigration of 5 million people

This will make The Netherlands again: The Netherlands.

  1. Sell all the fucking electric Windmills to someone else. Perhaps the Fins or something.
  2. Buy Thorium Reactors. 8* 500 Mw at least for a total of 20 billion.
  3. Bring Nano Diamond production up to speed.

And if there is some country not willing to take in their own people, or playing shit, then it is very easy: No new chips or chip making machines for you, fuck your food and water supply.

  1. Cut off all foreign aid.
  2. Exit NATO
  3. Neutral posture + real investment in NAVY and get the fuck out of the Carib.

This will end being a NARCO state.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bill Gates was due to arrive in Court in Leeuwarden on September 18, accompanied by his lawyer.

Both did not show up, despite them arguing they would want to reiterate their position orally.

The case revolves around the jab, of course, but in particular: misleading people to take the jab and thus creating legal jeopardy to pay damages. It is a civil suit, and his fortune is now on the line. As always, it is a question of jurisdiction.

There were 8 people claiming to have been mislead and hurt by the vaxx, one has died in October last year, 4 are too sick to travel or even appear to make an oral argument.

The judges will pronounce their ruling about the incident regarding the jurisdiction question in 4 weeks time.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is indeed very prescient. However, George did not write it. Madison and Jefferson did.

It goes to show, these men were quite apt to recognize the dangers as they point to the most important aspect: virtue.

While I was reading the Oera Linda Bok, it describes the same issue:

  1. independence requires seeking out solutions based on a simple question: does this enhance my independence or make me dependent. or as Cicero wrote his son: a mind well molded by nature, compels us to look into nature and find solutions to our challenges.
  2. love for virtue
  3. love for freedom

These are not new concepts, but it goes to show, how easy it is to lose freedom, and lose the one thing that is most profound: our humanity, as we, as a being, are the embodiment of rights, or, as the Declaration of Independence would have it: inalienable rights. It is not about what we have, but about who we are.

redtoe-skipper 3 points ago +3 / -0

When the only view is GOld measured in USD than a large part of the puzzle is missing.

Think: EuroDollar market playing games across several currency crosses: Gold, Silver, Bitcoin.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Again interesting:

Note how the sentences are phrased:

  1. Some may argue ...... Really? Name names. ....
  2. Trump's public statements can resonate deeply with his base, potentially shaping their beliefs and behaviors. => CAN? What evidence do you have for this?
  3. However, whether his influence is constructive or healing is subjective and can vary widely among different audiences => Have you checked? If yes, please present your evidence, if not, what i the reason for this trial balloon? You are not influencing me, are you?
  4. respective followers' beliefs and behaviors => Note the change from: audiences (non-descript abstract) to more: respective (relating to the head of the movement) followers' belief and behaviors.

I' d say ... it is quite an improvement, in subtlety and wrong-lead.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting, what type of questions Chat is trowing back at you. First, it is an upgrade.

Second, The first question is an open question, and then chat goes into closed questions and responding to throw back closed questions .....

Intuition can be a strong guide. It's fascinating how emotions and instincts shape our views on culture and celebrity. Do you see specific behaviors in her fans that support this idea?

Fascinating ..... that a: what kind of behaviors do you see? -question is not presented by Chat.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

And all of this will be happening just as the festival of Rosh Hashanah is beginning.

Is there anyone thinking: why is he trying to use it as a reason for instead of a consequence of the calender used to calculate the same, as if the cohencidental has meaning for it's occurence? The moon calender dictates these festivities ...

So, it is inevitable that certain events cohencidentially appear to be happening.

This is hyping without telling you it is being hyped.

redtoe-skipper 15 points ago +15 / -0

Congress shall make no law[...]abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press

18 USC 241/242:

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same

Of course, Katani Jackson does not know what a woman is, because she ain't biologist, Tampton Tim is no Constitutional scholar .....

So, what SHOULD happen to those who engage in behavior as outlined in 18 USC 241/242?

They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

One has to wonder whether Tampon Tim has either lost his mind, is totally controlled by WH to perform because he is already under a sentence of death in order to save whatever it is he is allowed to save.

redtoe-skipper 3 points ago +3 / -0

I doubt whether 5-10 years must be allocated to not have the brain dead riot.

it seems to me that Q noted the activation of the NG in several places to quell rioting.

then there is another consideration. it would not be the arrest but the consequent trials that would keep these people glued tot heor screens.

Also, I find the idea Trump floated to facilitate the building of a new film industry on Federal lands in new cities interesting.....

I wonder whether not only DC but also Hollywood will be sealed in.

Q mentiones:clean in swift in relation to riots. And, ....

what kind of people are they? these are not actors in plays on stage in a theatre, but merely images, enhanced by CGI. Hardly the stuff that inbues honor....or belief.

redtoe-skipper 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wonder .... If Trump posts #, possibly meaning: check mate .... has that T-card been played already?

redtoe-skipper 3 points ago +3 / -0

Awfully nice of those Deputies to leave him his shades .....

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tied laces of a broque ......

Try shedding that in heartbeat ......

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

hahahaha .... Swifties for Trump all of a sudden have a choice to make .....

Something about cake and eat it to .... and those sort of things ...

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, well, well ..... strong words are being used. Question: whence cometh the need to use those strong words? What basis is there?

O ....eh .... an invisible coindesk secret paper. And of course: It' s Trump, you know. It must be a shitcoin.

TDS is raging high here.

And not only in the links to the articles. Searching online shows all the major crypto goto places are vehemently anti-Trump, screaming scam and shitcoin at the top of their lungs, without knowing anything substantial ....

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know of one guy, a "raadspensionaris", who was eaten by d' Or Anges...... and the De Witt - brothers who were torn to pieces by the mob created by the d'Or Anges.

All to convenient in the struggle between Republic by the People, for the People, of the People, with the People and something else. ....

redtoe-skipper 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah ... in terms of speech ... when seen on paper, as a dutch / german speaker, I can follow along, though there are some words which are quite unusual.

However, Dutch is a language that is perverted. It is actually: Haarlems.

But, @Lumenatra: you are right. I was at the fair in August in Groningen last year, to celebrate Gronings - Ontzet, that was the liberation from assault by the Bishop of Munster: Freiherr von Galen in 1672.

I did not hear a dutch speaker nor a speaker of the local language: Gronings. When I asked people: what is a " puut", they did not know. This is exemplary of the state of decomposition, the failure of integration, but the success of replacement and foreign assimiliation.

As it stands now, Schickie Doof (dick Schoof) is a spook, playing Prime Minister, taking his cues from Mark Rutte. He is the one directing the Covid plandemic in the Netherlands.

And now he goes to EU to ASK/ beg to be out of the EU migration pact (Marrakesh pact) only to discover EU does not acquiesce. He will throw up his arms in the air and say: sorry, there is nothing I can do right now. Treaties, and that sort of thing, you know.

THESE fuckers totally without authorization violated our sovereignty as is certified in 1648 with the Peace Treaty of Westfalia.

Interestingly, AfD: Alice Weidel has the same point of order: end migration and ship the criminal gangs out.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

goto tradingview.com.
find DJT daily view.
find the crosses, not the candles.
draw a line.
See where it goes ...... cohencidence ....

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