redtoe-skipper 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah ... Try Telegram.

Several times Signal was forced to come up with what they have, and it is nothing. Try that with Facebook, whattsapp, the likes. Or telegram for that matter....

Russia also noticed that certain individuals who perpetrated the terrorist attack were using Signal, because they can't crack it and surveil it.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am pointing to the discourse in this thread, not the document. And you are right in pointing out the word Talmud is mentioned in the document.

I guess you would refer with Ashkanzi to Ashkenazis.

redtoe-skipper 11 points ago +11 / -0

whining like a mule, No argument, not even an inkling of: let's talk, only I feel like bud light, or should it be butt heavy ...

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Due process is a matter of viewpoint. The clause is related to citizens, and prescribed.

Those who are not citizens, are in the country based on contract, establishing the due part. Violate the contract => removal.

Those who have violated the law, and yet are on US soil .... have their due process, by finding and removal ....

redtoe-skipper 17 points ago +18 / -1

O wow .... so we really need to care about something that was percolated in dark corners of the European Zionists control grid, executed there and now it must be front and center of each and every thought, measure and action.

Holohoax = religion.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

hahahaha, no indeed. In order not to sully that particular gem: the addition of idiot.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Put differently:

When the state usurps morality by issuing statutes violating the integrity of man, as man is the embodiment of rights, and man obeys, complies, because man does not want to lose, man loses himself, and becomes a slave.

That is why, being a burger, or citizen, is a sacred duty towards yourself and your fellow citizen, to keep freedom front and center, as the only viable ideal as it is Life.

Note that the bullshitters will always hide behind the Greater Good. Hence, the virtue signalling and woke ideologies.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

His writings are recommended reading.


Obedience = cult of ultimate evil, as it means to surrender your own authority and actually: being (all your faculties is you => you are the embodiment of rights) and determination to that of another.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, it is not your money.

By opening a bank account, and depositing money, you are providing the bank with a non-secured backward loan. This is the reason why there is: Deposit insurance.

Retrieving your money is basically a request to the bank to reshuffle the current relationship into a new one, as the value of the non-secured backward loan is changed.

Say the bank would agree to pay you in banknotes: who's notes are they? What are the conditions of use of those banknotes?

  1. buy gold/silver and take delivery: you possess it => your property.
  2. buy crypto and put it into a decentralized wallet, and only use crypto that is: anonymous and untraceable. your seed-phrase, your coins.
redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

When a bank payment is done, it is a matter of accessing the underlying database. Who owns that? FED.

So, indeed, its the banks.

But ...... disbursed monies need to be registered somewhere ...

  1. D&B numbers
  2. Transaction numbers ( hence the fight put up to expel or prevent DOGE from systems)
  3. account-numbers + names, routing numbers.
  4. SWIFT-system
  5. onrampers -> crypto addresses.
  6. crypto addresses -> off-rampers.

Timing is everything .... because of all the other agenda items: stability/peace, ttrade-balances remediation, immigration-flow-control, cheap energy-supply, cutting the Gordian knot "Great Reset" without breaking the porcelain in the cupboard ...

redtoe-skipper 3 points ago +3 / -0

Her way of life indeed is racists.

She is of the fat bottom idiots race.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

How does one get around usury prohibition when the pope needs money?

  1. Unam Sanctam
  2. loan advances based on income + price per year not being an interest %.
  3. Use "traders" from Genoa

See IMF: history of sovereign debt

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

The premise is wrong, to start with.

  1. Logical fallacy: call to authority.
  2. it functions as a red hearing to divert attention away from the merits of scientific arguments put forward by people holding religious beliefs.
  3. argument from non-existing absolutes: NEVER!
redtoe-skipper 3 points ago +3 / -0

The IPCC was already demonstrated to be a money grabbing scam, and now it has been show to remain so.

Thanks for sharing BB!

redtoe-skipper 4 points ago +4 / -0

See what's going on here. ...

  1. Unhinged huy
  2. not pertaining to all jews
  3. no mentioning of talmudic jews.
  4. no mentioning of ADL.
  5. Judea declared war on Germany 1933;


1.Goyim passionately fighting amongst themselves for not wanting to be lumped in with antisemites. 2. Holohoax as a religion rules strong. 3. Congress is prevented from establishing a religion, impeding free speech, The A-S law is unconstitutional.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Eh .... this article is projection. There is nothing in there that is outright a confirmation of the title.

By the same token, the things highlighted in the article, could indicate something else entirely.

Total crap. Entertainment reporter pulling things out of her candida infested snatch.

On a different note: The commonwealth, is neither common nor wealth .... To break the Perfidious Albion strangle hold it needs to address the issue of the City of London. +

3 city states.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well done, as it makes plain, who deception easily enters into discourse.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, as said: it is a logical principle. But claiming someone said something based on a meme is in my view rather flimsy, would you agree?

Because, indeed, if it has substance, than it would support something else: Total tax protest based in international law. It means: no mo money ....

In the Netherlands people have sent about 10.000 letters to the tax office, considering suspending any cooperation. I would bet, if this can be pulled off in effective deeds, than change will roll in harder.

That said, I think that many people still try to save what they think they have. ....

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0
  1. Name stealers ....
  2. Straussians: amoral: anything goes to achieve goals.

Do you think that this kind of symbolism is anymore genuine than a Turkic Khazarian being an Aryan? These Khazarian globalists will use anything, anything to get what they want, including trying to use your kids to die.

People of Europe .... see your enemy for what and who it is. But you can only see it if you remember who YOU are.

Fuck this Straussians moral relativism.

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