One day they'll realize that if we want fair and free elections, things might need to get violent at-least once or twice to show the unethical scumbags that truth and freedom is worth killing over.
Putin is no angel, but he has a history of pushing for legitimately Christian values.....sometimes by force lol.
He has gone on record several times stating things and doing things that will protect the sanctity of a wholesome society, on behalf of his people.
Eh, I trust DeSantis. He's doing good by us here in FL.
IMO, if you take action to protect rights and the children, you're allright in my eyes.
Hmm.. if Ukraine is the start of WW3 (which it clearly is becoming), then maybe C19 was the shot heard around the world.
I find it EXTREMELY ODD that all these white celebrities cant stop fawning over black (specifically AFRICAN) juveniles for adoption or for media attention.
Why put in ALL that money, ALL that time, ALL that effort for a stranger in another country? What about all the suffering black Americans in her own hometown??
Something aint right.
Get a similar one, except it says "LAZY" in the blue portion and "ACTIVIST" in the yellow lol.
Does this apply to businesses conducting interstate commerce? i.e. cruises?
Asking for a burnt out fella that wants to go on one lol.
They've been that way! They just came into the spotlight is all.
The WEF, WHO and other similar organizations are like HOA's. They very brazenly take away your rights via "recommendations" or suffer the consequences (fines).
People, like Karens and college aged liberals give them power by turning on their friends and neighbors.
This is why it is so important to protect the community and the education of said community. Its been going on for so long, so many decades, that they now have such great power.
Absolute idiots!! The youth are not only trying to destroy us, they're destroying themselves in the process. For what??? Compliance and entertainment.
If he did so with malicious intent or in direct contradiction of his duties, each patch and ribbon should be ripped off individ and blowtorched in front of him and his entire family.
No honor.
It's quite impressive how well Trump uses these people, giving JUST ENOUGH information to further his agenda but not hurt him. I'm sure Trump suspected it for a long time. The man spent decades just watching and observing before running.
He's real. I was able to find his family members and such. He has the typical American family and lifestyle, with the exception of him specifically.
A DNA targeting vaccine? Sounds like the latest James Bond flick.
Say nothing. Let them realize on their own. Its important for people to self-reflect. If they don't listen to their hearts and minds telling them that even NOW something is NOT right with the country and that there ARE hidden powers working against them, then that's their own fault.
We have our wits and senses for a reason. Gotta learn to listen to em every now and again.
I'm generally all for science if its used to help people and not to hurt them.
The arbiters of science as of late has been exposed as being paid off and are highly politicized.
They always try to say its a false claim, its a conspiracy and a total fabrication that juvenile sex trafficking rings exists.
Are they following around every politician 24/7? How do you make a denial without even hearing it out first? A criminal ALWAYS tries to hide their crime. Their faces, their fingerprints, they buy different clothes, they steal cars etc all to throw off identification efforts by law enforcement.
Journalists sit at home sipping wine and just type up "yeah nah that aint real". They have zero investigative ability (Google isn't the central hub of information) and zero access to investigative resources.
The DS is fighting back, and both their side and ours has a reset plan; revolution.
Its no different than any other revolution. We have our voting systems and whatever, but if those fail and revolution (whatever that entails) breaks out, people had better snap to and EFFECTIVELY make it happen.
The DS has the organized resources, folder after folder (USB storage really lol) of plan after plan should one fail.
DON'T rely ONLY on the courts or guns.
Huh.. look at that. Vaccine is being used as a tag like to discern you as documented or undocumented animal in the wild.
The same people who deny Balenciaga, NXIVM, Comet are the same ones who were first to believe in it happening in the church.
Soon they came to realize it was definitely happening at the border when people crossing began to say on camera that they handed their daughters birth control before making the journey (if they were even able to afford it).
Then the rumors of the Island was next. Then the photos of the used mattresses within the Island's building were shown. Who stacks mattresses in what some call "the temple?"
The democrats who believe some republicans were denied were likely standing in-line and heard and witnessed frustrated people walking off, upset that they took the day off and couldn't participate. Those same democrats still in line probably freaked out that they wouldn't be able to participate either, and thus the thought was put in their head.
I like it.
Its unfortunately fairly easy to obtain a warrant on a user with a Google account. You just need to justify and articulate throughout each of the three phases. Each phase requires a subsequent warrant, which grants more specific data as you go higher.
IE - Phase 1 gives you a list of phone numbers in a given area. As you progress higher, the information gets more specific down to the user themselves being placed in the area.
Its generally used for law enforcement purposes, but obviously for J6 its political.
"In what some have labeled BDSM-inspired outfits."
Except they don't even attempt to course correct. They just say "oops hehe just all a coincidence, we'll look into it".
Out of the thousands of case law documents, how does one directly related to CP get thrown into the same photo with a child's toy dressed in BDSM?? I've quite literally never seen such an accident and quite literally have NEVER seen a plush toy with BDSM gear. What could the BDSM gear POSSIBLY meant to be other than BDSM??
We sure do take treason very lightly these days.
We will likely never see if the rumor is true or not. The state will likely have taken over the case and if it is true, the girlfriend/spouse would've likely been pulled into it too.
All parties will have to likely keep their mouths shut before, during and after all of it. I guess we will see if she leaves/divorces/dumps him afterwards.