If Elon buys it, what additional trove of information will be found?
Bail in underway
Fathers who abandon babies perpetuate bastards, Colin.
Don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!
You may cook food by opening your window for .002 seconds.
Monsanto, Typhoid Mary, the Tylenol poisoner and Twinkies are here to help.
Maryland tried to jail me for turning back one of two home invasion attempts. Sam Colt was of great assistance. One automobile died from gunshot wounds and very poorly executed escape retreat. Statistic; 9/10 were black criminals, (5+5). The grand jury refused to indict me. Thank you to those unknown patriots. Do your jury duty, please. Maryland is a political shithole. The mentality cares nothing for the honest citizen in these cases. The state should have paid for my ammunition and a participation trophy would have been nice. The state stole my Police Positive .38 instead.
Brand is a buzz saw. Such a fast mind.
This is just burning down another food source for the people. Many think they will eat off the land when SHTF.
Freespoke gives results that Brave does not. I can't rate security on any of these. I'll leave that to those who might know. Use several for better results. The Swiss impinged on Proton Mail, I think reserving the power to demand information. Anyone know?
If the ten days happen it might mean big territorial invasion, other big move.
Educated people must consider themselves to be intelligent because of what was planted in their brains. When instinct wins over "intelligence", instinct is smarter. Also the fear factor and the threat of job loss, starvation, homelessness for your family, social pressure. It was hard to resist. Purebloods are intelligent and brave.
Invite them in for a glass of water. Lock the door.
What if two AI's scam each other and they set up a universe of fantasy that goes on into the distant future? Just more television? How many AI's could be in on the mutual fraud?
Will Soros even flush?
Ive been it it since a kid, now 74. I plant family heirloom cowpeas. Drought resistant, bug resistant, will grow on soil that other things can't use, they climb over weeds, will make a smother crop to mow when you are ready to plant other things. You can use them in three stages, green, shell peas, or dry peas for winter. Hand gather, no machine needed. Also, Illinois Mulberry tree, from Burnt Ridge nursery. Several months of production during warm weather to feed you. Grows very very fast, fruit in a year or two. Easy to graft onto wild seedlings. Also, sweet potatoes produce much for the labor. Keep on the weeding!!!
Bullshit. Some blue states like California, Maryland have ports. They will accept CCP ships with troops, weapons. Bad idea.
Try this for ringing in the ears, tinnitus. Even 50 mg seems to work.
There were two previous train wrecks. One fertilizer, one coal.
Food growing, and processing plants burned, many.
I saw this coming more than a year ago when news/military started the UFO narrative. Lot of mental/psychic energy is stored in the public mind since Roswell. They intend to mine it like plague fear was mined for their purposes. Reject whats coming.
Too much is enough.
Franklin, one of my ancestors. He got around.