slippypede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why are you equating Q with Jesus' coming?

slippypede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ray Croc left them 1.5 billion dollars. They don't give a shit.

slippypede 9 points ago +9 / -0

Hey brother, thanks for saying this: "If this is a TRUTH movement, and not cult of personality movement, then we must be willing to look at multiple sides of any issue, and THEN arrive at conclusions."

slippypede 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's normal. The apple flavored is jelly-like and no tamper seal. Keep in mind, this is a $3 product in normal times and made exclusively for animals.

slippypede 13 points ago +13 / -0

This has been going on for awhile. This is how they fudge the numbers. Soon it will be no booster = unvaxxed death.

slippypede 3 points ago +3 / -0

It might appear that way because he has to plead his case and innocence to a public that may not be aware of all the attacks going on, but by virtue of those attacks have a reflexive negative feeling toward him. If he stays quiet, people would just accept the lies or be uncertain about him.

slippypede 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one here will take their attention away from what's most important. I hope it isn't true either as I put my trust in them too. However, I think it's unhealthy to just ignore it, especially when it's being brought up by the people involved, which if true, would mean we have been sabotaged and are being attacked by our own.

slippypede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well that would have to mean that General Flynn's prayer was purposely questionable. This is one of the reasons why Lin Wood has a problem with Michael Flynn, amongst others

slippypede 3 points ago +3 / -0

The OP presented this as bad rumors that should be ignored. She implies this was an operation by Strzok and his ilk. In other words, "it's all bullshit, nothing to see here." I'm saying it's not just "rumor/lies" being spread by some unknown "they"; Patrick Byrne, one of the people involved in this whole ordeal, is the one who brought up serious accusations against Sidney Powell.

  1. According to Byrne, Sidney's Defending the Republic is a For Profit organization with funds somewhere in the neighborhood of 15-70 million dollars and she refuses to have this audited.

  2. Byrne claims Sidney uses these funds for her legal defense and spends very little of it for the patriot cause.

  3. Byrne says one of the attorneys involved in Defending the Republic is responsible for many of the public mishaps, bad press, etc. involved in Sidney's court cases, and he just so happened to be Hillary Clinton's lawyer right up until near the election.

  4. Lin Wood claims his name was signed to several of these court cases without his knowledge and he is unhappy about it because he is entangled in some legal issues because of it.

  5. Lin Wood is also disapproving of Sidney's comment of finally paying herself with some of the donation money, effectively turning the public into her client.

On General Flynn, people are upset with two of his public prayers. One, he said we need One religion in America and the other he gave a prayer that was pretty much taken word for word from Elizabeth Clare Prophet that many are calling a New Age guru. There are other people who broke this down that are way more qualified than I am to speak on it, so I'll leave it at that.

Am I saying we've been infiltrated by snakes and satanists in our ranks? I'm not claiming anything. Patrick Byrne brought this up to Lin Wood - why? If it's true, should it not be investigated. If it's a lie, should we not be wary of Patrick Byrne? Could it all be theater or some Sun Tzu tactic? Maybe, but if it's not, this is very serious. Lin Wood is calling them out and it wouldn't take much to look at just a couple of those claims above such as the Hillary connection or a public accounting of funds. Why can't we look into it? Is it just a distraction or are we afraid of what we might find out?

slippypede 3 points ago +3 / -0

How do you know she's not? Look, as far as I can tell, I like Sidney and as far as I know, I think she's a patriot. I donated to her organization. I hung on to her words when she promised the Kraken. But we have a couple of people who actually know her and work with her who and are also part of the patriot movement bringing serious accusations against her. Should we just ignore it? Maybe it's a misunderstanding, maybe it's some grand meta art-of-war play or whatever, but why are we putting our head into the sand because one of our idols is attacked.

slippypede 6 points ago +6 / -0

Byrne was the one that called Lin and made these accusations based on his purported experience. Did you even listen to the phone conversation? YOU might take it as rumor because you don't find his evidence convincing, but he still made the accusation, unprompted and supplied Lin with the information.

slippypede 10 points ago +12 / -2

These aren't rumors... these were accusations brought up in a conversation between Byrne and Lin Wood, the implications of which are serious. It would mean the ones trying to do the distracting are the very ones you are protecting.

slippypede 4 points ago +4 / -0

Been reading your posts with great interest. Thank you patriot for shining a light on this issue and defending the good name of Lin Wood.

slippypede 0 points ago +2 / -2

The media is the virus because they are lying and manipulating people, your family even. Why spread the message of ignoring it. Of course you don't buy into the fake programming, but this stupid old man is telling the young girl to be in denial and focus on the inanities of life. Lol, imagine being 87 years old and still thinking like a college freshman.

slippypede 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't know anything about Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and I'm just providing sources. According to the guys in the video, she's apparently some New Age guru and they go more in depth on it. If you watch the entire video, they show General Flynn's response to people questioning him about the prayer and he says he carries the prayer card to archangel Michael in his wallet. People have to make up their own minds.

slippypede 4 points ago +4 / -0

It depends. It seems the deaths have been planned to stagger out in years, and we'll still have billions of NPCs running around who will feel no remorse and forget all about the tyranny they imposed on others. In fact, they will probably hate us and seethe with jealousy as they battle their own degenerative diseases and continue to make life hell for everyone else by demanding policies that benefit them because "somebody needs to pay." It may be a bright shining world, but it won't be for us. The boomers down to the zoomers will pay for their sins. It probably won't be for the next flock of children either; I mean they are getting jabbed and the ones that don't will have had to witness it all and pick up the pieces. Even if some miracles were performed and people got healed, etc., can you look at your doctor the same? How about your neighbors or even family? The trust is completely broken and patriots won't put up with the farce of polite society. I think this is the reality, and people need to harden up a bit. Trump can't just snap a finger and make the boo boo go away.

slippypede 1 point ago +3 / -2

Maybe you're just insecure? Anyway, not everyone wears a whole getup, including me, but who cares if they do. You are ignorant.

slippypede 18 points ago +19 / -1

Yea, I'm with you. I've reduced some risky activity like cycling on the roads for now. Don't want to end up in the hospital getting hit by some zoned out masked vaxxer and "accidentally" get jabbed.

slippypede 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree with you here. Not sure what Mikovitz was trying to say exactly. She even referenced Dr. Peter McCullough who says covid is very real and that the delta variant is dangerous to a small segment of the population if not treated early. People can call it whatever the hell they want, maybe a different flu, but there is a sickness out there and its treatment requires a multi-drug therapy approach for the fat, elderly, and immuno-compromised early, or they run the risk of going the traditional hospital route when it's too late and get killed with Remdesivir and the ventilator.

slippypede 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'll probably get flak for this, but that analogy doesn't work. It's more like Adam saw Satan poisoning the apples in the tree, Eve doesn't want to offend anyone so pretends not to notice, and God tells them "I created all good things. Look it's your choice, but I ate one."

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