I could even see that happen willingly. Billionaire computer nerd with Epstein blackmail material against him is a great combo to be easily controlled. At some point he could get tired of it and blow the whole operation out of the water.
Is there anything else Kim prophecied (is that how you spell it?) that we're still waiting on to come true?
Hollywood will do that to ya.
A few "facts" in here are a bit of a stretch. I believe they're connected in some way but for the normies some of this being not fully accurate makes our memes look bad.
Embarrassing them by using their own polls against them is quite enjoyable, though.
Done. I like how they shoehorned in the question about media trust in there.
"This note is legal tender for all debts public and private."
Not sure what's so hard to understand about this.
Yeah but if we do we gotta be in full maga gear. We don't want any of those self absorbed jerks thinking we're encouraging their childlike behavior.
I can hear the crying from here.
Employee walkout would be great. Get rid of all the idiots, restaff with competent people. It may take a year to recover, but it might actually turn into a functioning platform.
The sitting president's son getting arrested while his father is president would definitely bea fun shit show.
Loved it!
Mods are slow sometimes and many people don't read the comments to do a little fact checking. I love this place but I don't get excited until I dig into the meat and potatoes of the headline.
This post is unfortunately total garbage.
"Dispensational message of Rapture". Can you elaborate on this? I was always under the impression the antichrist would be around in the last days, but only after rapture creates a world crisis will he step in and unify everyone into a one world government.
I've watched every episode of CSI. All 3 series. I was super excited for the bringing back of Grissom with Vegas, but I heard they immediately started the cringe with the new episodes, so my interest is dead in the water.
Back to the Future 4: Orange Man Bad.
That's a real shame. I own every one but the current one. Looks like I won't be buying them any more.
They weren't even good at integrating it into the series, it felt SO forced. Like, I thought the way they did the gay captain and his husband from the beginning made for some funny moments, and they're great characters. When Rosa suddenly had to deal with being bi, it just got really weird and suddenly everyone got all serious half the time.
Oof I just got to season 10 for the first time. Looks like cringe time is coming.
Most of us have to take breaks from this site from time to time; it's intense. I am incredibly appreciative of the work you do here and I'm sure I speak for a lot more people than just myself on that.
Yes more info please!
Anyone else digging on Don Huffines? I like what the guy seems to stand for but I haven't done any deep dives.
Q posted stuff that wasn't super serious back in the past, so this seems in line to me.
Glad you're doing better. Sorry so many people are here are giving you a hard time. We're skeptics by nature around here.
Much like the other manufactured pop stars, she made some unique songs for an album or two and everything after that is just phoning it in. Someone showed me a recent song by her and I was like, "That's getting radio play? That sounds so generic I thought it could have been like a dozen other current pop stars."
Pure garbage. People who still follow pop stars after their sophomore slump are already the type of NPC that repeats whatever dialogue is the flavor of the week.