Many years ago, when I was a kid, I was taught that we were on a 30 year cycle. Think of it like sound waves. The high points of the waves represent warm years. The low, represents cool years. Thirty years between warm years, Thirty years between cool years. The average temp never really changes.
I started taking ivermectin about a month ago. About half the dose I'm supposed to. Since then, my entire family got a cold. Runny nose, heachache, slight cough, etc. Except for me. Usually, I pick up everything they do.
If you read about the end times in Revelations, you know it will be hell on earth for a while. I would imagine many of the powerful people who serve satan also know these days could come at any time. They think they will be able to escape. Likely underground.
It's more simple than that. These guys are paid to do it. Like a Jihad. The money goes to a family member along with all kinds of promises. I would be curious to see if prior surviving shooters are still in prison or if they were quietly released when the news moved on to something else.
Trump (a celebrity) has pictures with a lot of other celebrities. They went to the same parties and events. MJ has grabbed his crotch on stage way too many times for me to really care much for him. If he's a good guy, fine. Great.
You have a rough assignment. 1). Most good information has been scrubbed from the internet. Most good doctors have been silenced or even suicided by speaking out. 2). Often times, vaccine injuries are not documented as a side effect of the vaccine. Hospitals do not want correlation on the books or in the news. This info is hard to find. As you can see, most people would rather talk about your marriage than give you evidence. 3). Vaccines for young children are often for things they will never come in contact with and if they do, there are simple cures, and if there are not cures, can very well be overcome with a healthy immune system. Chicken pox is not the worst thing to get when you are young. Same thing with mumps. 4). If you look at the introduction of a vaccine in the overall timeline of the disease, the vaccine comes well after the peak, on the down slope of the curve. I think polio is a good example. The vaccine had little to do with it's eradication. I would argue that it had nothing to do with it. 5). You could also show all the times pharmaceutical companies have been sued overseas. There have even been a few examples of companies losing class action court cases in the US. (which is nearly impossible to do since they have no-fault clauses written in to legislation).
“I would prefer, and we all would prefer that people would be voluntarily getting vaccinated, but if they’re not gonna do that, sometimes you’ve got to do things that are unpopular, but that clearly supersede individual choices and are directed predominantly at the communal good,” Fauci said.