solmoratlis 13 points ago +13 / -0

Force in defense of one's life, family, and property has long been an accepted response. Only modern sympathy for criminals had changed that.

Theft is a small murder. The victim cannot recover the time and effort, that piece of their life, that was put into the stolen object, nor the future losses that often result.

No one needs to steal. Ever. If they choose to steal a portion of another's life, it is acceptable that they are risking their own lives.

solmoratlis 13 points ago +13 / -0

You do realize that DaVinci being gay is just a rewrite of history by these same people, yes? Read his actual writings. There are several passages that make it clear he wasn't gay. In fact, if you read enough of his writings, you'll begin to see that he struggled with the desire for women on a primal level versus his intellectual reflection on the subject and his disgust with the lack of cleanliness that was rampant in his day.

I urge anyone with access to read DaVinci. He was definitely brilliant, but the pop culture portrayal of his character is a travesty of academia pseudo-intellectual gaywashing. It's no different than several other recent revisions of history. He was the pinnacle of intelligence in his day, and the ego of the modern academia "intellectual" has an inherent need to remake him in their own image.

Of note, we see the same behavior with all ego-driven, low intelligence groups that cling to a false facade of superiority. Such groups come in all colors and creeds, including as you named, those who care what race Jesus might have been. Academia is almost exclusively such a group at this point, as well.

I am guessing you are, like myself, on this site as a curiosity, not as a follower of Q. Try treating the people here with respect. I may not agree with everything they believe, or even close, but I do believe that most here are good people that want the best for all. When you disrespect that, you only look foolish to everyone.

by BQnita
solmoratlis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Long time observer and skeptic. But I respect the people here, so I try to only comment when it's constructive or will feed discussion.

This is totally different from everything Q has seemed to be about prior. Oh, there's been a few hints, but mostly it's been political in nature. I suspect I know what it being referenced here, but I am uncertain if I know how to explain it. It's definitely along the lines of things that must be learned through action and initiative, rather than teaching. Which IS the one aspect that is consistent with the Q 'protocol,' if you will.

I will say this actually makes me think the Q phenomenon is even less likely to be anything more than, at best, a psychological operation. This could be a very mechanistic message shrouded in metaphysical language, but if not....then basically nothing discussed here has begun to touch the point of the Q endeavor. And it's simply been too long of a game for that to be viable. The same goes for how long Q has played coy with the identity of the enemy. While referencing fragments that have lead people down the path of assuming it to be aliens or demons.

There are times and places to play coy. But when you do it for years, it's only to fool your audience. The question then, I guess, is it you believe that Q followers are the audience, or that the target audience is the enemy.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not certain this observation is spot on, (the problems being pointed to are more a consequence of other things), but I do agree there was a focused attack on the traditional family. However, I would bet that most of the people here espouse some views that are contributing to the problem. Examine all changes versus longstanding traditions and ask yourself what the consequences might be. Even the changes you support. You might be surprised.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

These are practiced expressions. Literally. It's based on a philosophy of being "powerful" by following traits of aggression in animals. (Compare to an aggressive dog.)

Many of the ways these people act and look in non traditional ways is because they are operating from a baseline where humans are purely animal, so they mimic animals, and men and women are the same, so they frequently mimic male traits and expressions when attempting a practiced appearance of dominance, regardless of their gender.

I'll abstain from injecting my opinion on that approach. But it's not demons. It's simply a change in baseline influencing approach and expression.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think a lot of people here don't realize that the top personalities of the left think they have total control and are taking a victory lap. The FBI raid was part of that. There's so much plan trusting here that I think y'all miss that, outside of this and similar sites, the sentiment is that the left is a few short steps from eradicating the right forever.

Please read from outside this information channel, or you may be blindsided by matters in the near future. The team you think is winning is not, so far. Perhaps there's a plan and things will suddenly turn around. But a dystopian nightmare is a little more likely at this point.

solmoratlis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fun topic that I've never seen in my time observing this board. I don't know if that's surprising or not. Ha.

I'd like to believe that there aren't. I have firsthand, shared experiences that have made it clear that the world isn't entirely what we "know" it to be in a materialistic sense. Not that I have any answers, only experiences and observations. But it's always made me wonder about aliens and all the other non human intelligence that many believe in.

At the end of the day, if there is something out there...even if it resides on another planet, I expect it wouldn't be aliens in the pop culture sense. We are the ants, staring up at the sun and thinking our anthill is the world. I don't think we even understand what we are or what our planet is, so forget about understanding anything extraterrestrial.

For those who actively seek...be wary of the things we don't understand. All that we know is one grain of sand.

solmoratlis 3 points ago +3 / -0

While the thriftiness is commendable, time is money, and that's a lot of time involved. Not saying don't be frugal, but I would advise that everyone assess their time investment as cost.

I grew up with super frugal parents who were perpetually poor. I copied their example for years, and I struggled to survive but made the most of it. Then one day I realized the point of "time is money." I began to evaluate the things I did to save money as a time cost. It flipped a lot of the frugality on it's head, and now I am better off than I ever could have imagined being. Because I'm no longer over investing large blocks of time to save a small amount of money.

My formula is pretty simple: if I were at work, would I make more money in the time invested than I am saving? If so, skip it.

Not saying that's for everyone or that we shouldn't be frugal. I'm still a cheap bastard. Lol But I have met many people, especially those influenced by Depression era thinking, who burn up their days to save a buck instead of going out and making more. Be wise in your time investment.

solmoratlis 6 points ago +6 / -0

I hear that argument a lot and it baffles me. Nothing in the Bible accepts homosexuality.

I like to think that i am a very open minded person. I post on here even though I think a lot of the Q interpretations are pretty whack, just because this is a community of people with good intentions. I don't have to share all the same beliefs. I don't hate people who are sexually deviant, either, as long as they live their lives and don't try to dictate the lives of others. But I can't wrap my head around how anyone reads the Bible and comes away thinking Jesus was accepting of gays. 🙄

Like, I genuinely want someone to explain that one. I can't see how they could.

solmoratlis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Someone else has probably said this, but just one tip: you succeed through your people succeeding. Yes, you have to set the bar and demand they meet it, (and weed out the unemployable), but that's all another function of helping your people succeed.

Keep that in mind and you'll go far.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Woke" is a weapon. Always view it that way. If a company is woke, they have a profit-based agenda. They do not care about the environment - they want an excuse to use poorer materials and packaging that are often government subsidized. They don't care about LGBTQ, they care about using damaged people who cry in the public forum as free advertisement, and cashing in on social programs. I could continue, but you see the gist.

On the street, yes, there's woke folks. But there are very few truly woke companies or politicians. They're mostly predators leveraging the weak minded for power and profit.

solmoratlis 5 points ago +6 / -1

As someone who is an executive in a service industry, what happened is a combination of factors. First and foremost, companies that are dominated by analysts discovered that being totally awful to their customers with the excuse of COVID didn't really hurt their business. So they are leaning into that, banking that people will want their products no matter how difficult they make them to acquire or how poorly they treat their customers.

Second is that this COVID enabled mistreatment of customers coincides with a lack of skilled leaders in the workforce. Many decry the laziness of the latest generation, but the real problem is that they grew up without leaders - be it from a broken home, or school teachers that thrive as crybullies, or simply the lack of strong leaders to look up to. Yes, yes, I know many hear would point to Trump as a strong leader, but I'm not really sure of that. He's a strong person with charisma that can lead others. This is not entirely the same as a strong leader. I think he makes up the gap by being invested in people. Nothing wrong with that, but not as easy to emulate as a thoroughly strong leader.

In any case, the point is that a lack of strong leadership role models has lead to a lack of leaders in the current generation, even as that generation thirsts for leadership. We condemn them for their "NPC" status, but the truth is that they follow influences or trends or the media only because those are the strongest voices they know. So for the analytical executive, the best road is to disregard the customer, boost the product, and remove the employee as much as possible, so they don't have to develop the rudderless, lost generation entering the workforce.

I am thankful to work for a company that still values customer service and taking care of our people, but it's not a model that will survive another 40 years at our society's current trajectory.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess I still don't get it 😂

I asked because it struck me odd. I had a very unusual day in the late 90s... And the most vivid thing that I always remembered from that day was the song Thirty-Three stuck in my head as I walked past a store with a large sign advertising bumblebee tuna. So your username on this thread made me remember and laugh.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

One where Joe Biden is in the White House. Life is a results oriented business.

solmoratlis 10 points ago +10 / -0

You are incorrect in attributing this to an ethnicity. This is a cultural issue. Rednecks from heavy meth zones present the same lack of skills. I understand the disgust and anger, but refocus. It's a cultural (and to the religious, spiritual) war, not an ethnic problem.

In fact, attributing it to an ethnicity allows the true problems to be neglected under the shield of racism.

Now, biologically, both of the example demographics do often present low functioning intelligence in children, but this is a nurture issue related to poor parenting/neglect and very frequently, drug/alcohol use while pregnant. It is the tolerance, acceptance and praise of this type of culture that is problematic.

And I will tell you, as a Yankee that moved deep South, there are parts of the country where drug abusing redneck is just as culturally hot as inner city street criminal. In fact, I've lived in places where those were the primary two breeding demographics in males, no matter the cultural background of the females, and has been for generations.

You know what you get? People of all colors, living like animals. And proud to be. And every single mom wondering why daddy didn't stay, why he couldn't stay out of prison, why every man they date beats them, etc etc. Anything to not look in the mirror and realize it's that they're choosing animals. The conditioning is that strong, they can't even begin to comprehend their own lives.

It's a problem that's so far beyond the focus you are giving to it. It's a cultural structure on the brink of collapse.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

And yet they still succeeded. Thus, close enough to rig. Was it to the very extent of their fraud capabilities? Yes. Did it require complicit media? Sure. But it still succeeded. However anyone may feel about that, it's the reality of the situation.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many facets can an operation have? Ha. But in all seriousness, I think there's too much faith in what Q seems to be on the surface.

Very clearly, there's extensive inside information. But I think, just as clearly, that either a lot of it was misinformation... Or not all points of the plan went as expected. My thoughts are that it was a comms channel. And some of the players had fun with it. Not in a bad way, in a trying to change the world kind of way, but ultimately they promised more than they could deliver.

The curveball that seemed to derail everything was how much no one cared about all the horrible things Hunter Biden was up to, the proof of it all, and the complicity of his father. I think that was supposed to be the magic bullet. It was built up through the entire operation, it's connected to every spoke of the wheel of corruption, and it fell on its face because it was simply too much. Too horrible to believe.

From there, the election was close enough to rig. Transparently rig, sure...but not a lot of elections hold up to scrutiny. Fair elections are like Santa; everyone knows there's no Santa, but they keep the myth alive for those who need it. You only defeat the rigging by out gaining the chosen candidate by a margin they lack the ability to cover. Thus the move to mail in voting, because they needed more volume.

It's great to hope. It's great to keep fighting for change and to be inspired by a cause you believe in. But it's not great to sit around hoping that the movement that inspired you was meant to be on prescient three year deltas.

The real world is out there, and it's falling apart. If hoping for some super secret looking glass operation inspires you, then more power to you. We all have something like that, I think. But let it inspire you to make the most of your day and your life, and not to sit around scouring the internet for reasons to believe in a savior.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idk about fallen angels and all that. But you have a point on the tech. I learned of a tech 20 yrs ago from a very qualified inside source that has still not come close to reaching the public. And no, I won't disclose it. It would almost inevitably point to the source for anyone aware of it. But it is one reason why I've watched the Q story from the beginning.

In fact, when I think about capabilities needed for this tech, my primary question comes back to fabrication. I don't believe currently known methods could fabricate this tech. Most likely it would be on a quantum tech development chain. 20 yrs ago. So yes, I certainly question where the tech is now. And knowing what it was used for then...I don't care of you're off the grid, whatever extreme measures you think you take...if the wrong people want to know every single thing about you and what you're doing at any given moment...they do.

One thing I would put out there: I'm not certain how much this tech is spread. I have a hunch that not all tech is shared between departments or even within departments, depending on it's nature. Rather than a monolithic deep state, or perhaps as well as a monolithic deep state, I would wager on countless inner factions.

Coincidentally, that's why I think trump wasn't more successful than he was. We heard stories of cleaning the house of bugs and so on, but I don't believe any conventional methods--or possibly any methods--can eliminate surveillance. Not when you're POTUS.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm an observer here, not often to chime in and pretty Q skeptical. Not that the phenomenon doesn't have real resources behind it, it clearly does. Just that I'm not convinced that it's what most people here believe.

That being said, if you're still reading...I have read a lot of these threads on Trump pushing the vaccines. I'm sure someone else has said this, but I haven't seen it yet, which means it's not being said enough: we know that there is data suggesting that only certain batches of vaccine cause major issues (outside of people who may have risk factors, like a family history of heart issues). Does anyone think that Trump is coming out behind the vaccines because the bad batches were no accident, but now the forces behind them have been removed from the pool of available shots? Essentially a case of him saying they are safe NOW?

I still don't think the vaccines are worth it, as their efficacy just isn't there. But this could be a signal that they're at least safe now, and compliance with a mandate is no longer a death sentence or a hill to die on.

by gamepwn
solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have no idea how much I agree with you. I have 10-30 seconds for an article no matter what's up. I don't usually have several minutes for someone to babble and self-promote as they meander towards the point.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is. But you accomplish it by building yourself and your self-confidence. Focusing on finding someone is focusing on the problem. Once I realized this, I went from never dating to having the option of dating about 30% of the single women I met. And I'm tall and okay looking, but I'm also over 40 and a bit overweight. So if I can do it, so can you.

I still don't date much. Most women have never developed themselves beyond being sex objects, unfortunately, and I am too busy being my best to waste time on empty vessels. But there are still amazing women out there, too. Just requires a little patience.

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