splash73 6 points ago +6 / -0

Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter. That's the two of them shown on the Bitchute channel. They keep a pretty low profile for obvious reasons, but I believe they are very credible researchers. And very courageous.

splash73 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks! I'm frankly surprised these two commie outlets would give the incident such an even-handed treatment.

splash73 3 points ago +3 / -0

Shatner DEFINITELY... would... hold... out... THE... longest 😆

splash73 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good for all of you! And as far as feeling like you're voting in a banana republic, try voting in NM sometime 😡

splash73 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yup. Perfect example, ya think it's some coincidence the last three senate races in GA have gone to run-offs? Clearly there's an algorithm at work in their system to cause that. Yet another thing the media is silent on.

splash73 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good idea! Been watching Charlie Kirk & Timcast (no more legacy media for me on election night), but I didn't think to go to Lindell's site.

splash73 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anyone know where to find hourly/precinct returns i.e. the red vs blue graphs that so infuriated us in 2020? I recall hearing NYT did away with theirs after 2020 since that so clearly exposed the fraud.

splash73 2 points ago +2 / -0

They also hosted RFK Jr to speak, & they warn students that if their parents have been vaccinated, they should not hug them for more than FIVE SECONDS.

This. School. Is. Amazing.

splash73 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm glad Mike Adams' staff archived all the speeches because YT, in their typical Orwellian fashion, has erased all traces that the conference ever happened ?

BTW I finally got around to a wrap-up of my experience at the conference:


& some photos:



splash73 1 point ago +1 / -0

I heard this speech in person. PB is very based & very smart, but I think his view of Jan 6 is a bit superficial. I'm convinced that even if there had been no Capitol breach, it wouldn't have changed the outcome in Congress. No matter how many senators challenged the vote, there were/are enough corrupt people in key positions to make sure the fraud was ignored. Remember, the person at the front of the room controlling the whole process was Mike Pence. Whether you think losing was part of the plan or not, it was inevitable things would not go Trump's way that day.

splash73 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or Isaac Kappy'd, or Anthony Bourdained, or Avicii'd, etc etc

splash73 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have to admit I didn't know who Mike Smith was until he spoke on Night 2, & yet he was hanging out very accessible to folks the whole weekend! I would've certainly gone up & chatted with him.

splash73 2 points ago +2 / -0

I cannot over-emphasize how electric the atmosphere in the room was both nights Lin spoke (but especially Night 2). Serious truth bombs.

splash73 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mike Adams the Health Ranger has made this same point a lot lately. He also points out how people of color tend to be more Vit D deficient, & if there were any sense of decency in the medical community, there would be doctors practically shouting from the rooftops for black individuals to take Vit D supplements. But of course, you never hear that, anywhere, ever.

splash73 2 points ago +2 / -0

The confounding thing is, like all MSM propaganda tactics, this will actually work on a few gullible souls: "I don't have vaccine envy....do I?....DO I?.....Hmmm I guess I do!"

splash73 3 points ago +3 / -0

The cool or edgy thing is one of many examples how the left & right have done a 180 switch. The left used to be about edginess, free speech, questioning authority, health & wellness, sticking up for the common man, etc. Now every single one of those traits identifies with the right. Whodathunkit......

splash73 3 points ago +3 / -0

Years ago, Rush Limbaugh said he'd be willing to serve as Barkley's campaign mgr if he ever ran for office. Even back then Barkley had a penchant for speaking the truth.

splash73 1 point ago +1 / -0

As I see it, if the DS wants Kemp to remain in office, they simply have to flick the same switch on the Dominion software that they did for Biden, Warnock, & Ossoff. Until/unless the Dominion problem can be solved, the DS can "elect" whichever corrupt politicians they want in Dominion states & keep them in office in perpetuity. IMO Kemp is still a black hat but one who is concerned about optics. So he occasionally throws Georgians a bone like voter ID laws, knowing it won't matter anyway thanks to Dominion. What am I missing?

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