stray502 1 point ago +1 / -0

Full immunity likely doesnt mean for cops who are actual criminals. You have to have law and order to have a decent country and cops at this moment cannot do their job. Yes there are some bad cops but there are not that many of them that it should even be a problem.

stray502 16 points ago +18 / -2

I dont believe that if they were under him in the mud they would have been dead in 15 minutes not days.

stray502 3 points ago +3 / -0

She didnt touch the car in front of her so what are you talking about. She slammed on the breaks thats all.

stray502 4 points ago +4 / -0

It can put out electronics, power etc. Its also the cause of the auroras seen world wide lately. We are currently in the highest solar flare cycle from the sun and will be until June of 2025.

stray502 -8 points ago +3 / -11

lol America was never the greatest nation on earth. You had the military yes but you sure as hell didnt have it at the time the land was discovered. And even your military is gone now.

More babies are born dead than any other country in the world except the 3rd world countries.

You have too many people that just dont have any option of medical care. You have tons of people dying of diabetes because they cannot afford the insillin to keep them alive.

You have guns yes but that is only good at times of war.

You have more people in prison then any other country on earth, you have violent streets people cannot even walk down.

How many homeless do you have and this is not a new problem but it sure is big.

There are thousands of reasons why you are not even close to the greatest nation on earth. You tell everyone you have freedom but how many political prisoners do you have in prison because there is no freedom. Even at the best of times you only had freedom because your dollar was used world wide. Now its not so where does that leave you.

You were hated world wide at one time but they are not afraid of you any more. Look at ISIS they were only 40 to start with you invaded their country and turned them into hundreds of thousands and your soldiers were being killed left right and centre and that came from a group who basically lived in caves and had nothing. Now thanks to you they have everything.

Why didnt you stop the BS then why did you let it go on so long.

Whites have been killed off for a long time WW1, WW2, Vietnam how many millions upon millions upon millions of white men were killed off during all the wars and if they had lived how many more children would have been born from them.

There are tons and tons and tons of reasons you are not the greatest nation on earth.

stray502 6 points ago +6 / -0

This was caused by a coronal mass injection from the sun. This is at the peak of their 11 year cycles. This aurora was from the biggest mass injection from the sun that has ever been recorded. All auroras are from mass ejections from the sun including the ones here in Canada and in Norway etc. That is where they come from. It has always been that way. The reason you see them outside the normal areas now is because the sun is at the highest peak of mass injections which occurs every 11 years, and this high cycle is the biggest that has ever been recorded.

stray502 0 points ago +1 / -1

Where in this post does it say men are overwhelmingly refusing to vote for Kamala. I see a post by one person so this man hates Kamala but you cant lump all the other men in the post.

stray502 -3 points ago +3 / -6

What hero. From what I read he made a fortune off people for selling fake vaccine cards. That is a crime. No no one should have been forced to get a vaccine but no one should have got fake vaccine cards either. If you dont want a vaccine you say so you dont do sneaky underhanded things like that.

stray502 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its central command it would be well built and well protected. I doubt it would be anything other than minor these are not huts they are solid buildings.

stray502 3 points ago +4 / -1

It wasnt that massive it downgraded to CAT 3 by the time it hit land and before too long downgraded again to a CAT 2. Yes there is lots of flooding but the death toll should be light if any.

stray502 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have got to be kidding! Please tell me this is not real.

stray502 3 points ago +3 / -0

So everything on the other side is AI but everything on this side fact right? Melania is not pro abortion and neither is Trump.

stray502 2 points ago +3 / -1

This is likely a fake document when you look up the name signed on it there are tons of articles all listed as fake by this women who is a self proclaimed judge not an actual judge.

Here is the first part of one article.

On an unseasonably warm and clear afternoon in Anchorage, Alaska, in early December, Anna Maria Riezinger, aka Anna von Reitz, a self-proclaimed judge and internet guru in the anti-government extremist sovereign citizen movement, concludes a three-hour interview in a suburban home with a complex series of prescriptions for the visiting Hatewatch reporter.

stray502 21 points ago +25 / -4

I am sorry but its been 7 days since the disaster and many people likely were trapped and died because no one came and got them.

Yes it is a good thing patriots are getting through but this is not a win in any sense of the word.

stray502 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think people have always been like that. I worked at a telecommunications company for years and I was a great worker. When I first started I made a lot of enemies and was told by at least 4 people in my department to slow down I was making them look bad. I said no I am not slowing down it is the way I work and I was not making them look bad I was just doing my job and they made themselves look bad. People that talk about their peers are just crap workers that dont seem to understand that they too have to put in the work. For some reason a lot of people seem to think all they have to do at a job is show up.

stray502 7 points ago +7 / -0

Any nurse or teacher who followed the dumb protocols should be charged. They are supposed to be smart enough to see what is happening. I am neither and I saw.

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