the_todd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Late to this party but just want to add that our belief plays a role in attaining a healthy lifestyle no matter what we eat. I totally admire your success with the high fat diet. I tried it briefly and didn't like it and it doesn't resonate with me overall. I've had seasons of health and seasons of SAD throughout my life but when I want to get healthier am always drawn to fruit n veg. It resonates with me and I've seen extroardinary health when I've done intensive experiments. Best health of my life was about ten years ago when I went two years on nothing but fruit n veg (ala 80/10/10 diet - Doug Graham). I gave it up just because I got tired of the social ostracism but wish I had endured longer. Got unhealthy again over the years and started IFing.

Now I've found what works for me which is OMAD during the work week with my one meals at dinner being high in fruit n veg. I still eat fat/protein but it comes after my fill of fruit n veg. It's what I desire and am living healthy and am fit for my age. I am so fat adapted after doing this for years that it's all good... On the weekends and vacations/holidays I relax, go out to breakfast with the wife and eat what/when I want, then snap back into OMAD and other fasting intervals during the week depending on schedule.

This works great for me and most importantly I don't obsess on food. For me it's the best of both worlds. Strict fat diet just would feel to restrictive for me because I love and feel great on fruit. I just wish I had discovered this decades ago.

All that to say I don't think there is one way that fits all. My wife refuses to IF even though she has seen my long term success and progressively improving health. She still hasn't found what works for her and her health suffers for it, but I don't pressure her because fasting is for sure not her thing and keto/fat isn't either. Every time she has tried it she loses some weight but starts having other problems.

Again cheers on the success you're enjoying with the fat diet! Just thought I'd add my perspective fwiw.

the_todd 2 points ago +2 / -0

yeah with my experience getting spiked (c19 no jab) it seems like i have healed over time, contrary to the claims of mclot damage being permanent. also plenty mystery remains as noted how some jabbed dont seem to clot up at all. only thing makes sense there is saline jabs...

the_todd 4 points ago +4 / -0

Worth it imho to upgrade the VitD from the Traitor Brandon's stuff and get something with K2. I got Upnourish brand Liposomal Vitamin D3+K2 and seems quality...

the_todd 2 points ago +2 / -0

No clue what you're talking about but I've long thought Rush had more potential and was hampered by his commitment to mammon. I appreciate his accomplishments and it's always a mixed bag with each person to one degree or another, but as it is with public figures, we get to observe, and just think there was even more here for him if he'd wanted to trade for it.

the_todd 3 points ago +3 / -0

committed to improving "The State" or "The World State"

the_todd 2 points ago +2 / -0

What is the best device to remove the tag with? I only have one hat with their logo but off it must come.

the_todd 2 points ago +2 / -0

ive heard AA was true north and head of earth in first creation then it flipped but is still considered head, so giants rule it.

the_todd 4 points ago +4 / -0

that profile pic doesnt look like him imo

the_todd 2 points ago +2 / -0

well well... I've always been a Federer guy, and found Novak to be annoying and arrogant, until today. I'm finally converted. Go Novak!

by BQnita
the_todd 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wouldn't be surprised if these pols are just acting and it's part of their plan to have the appearance of some from their tier falling ill with Imacon for the optics and fear spread.

the_todd 6 points ago +6 / -0

Father we come before you boldly and surround dad together in love, joy and peace. We declare your perfect victory with him over fear, death and sickness and restoration to perfect health. We praise you for all you're doing to protect and liberate him. Thank you for his purpose on earth and for your kingdom, that he won't leave physically until all on his destiny scroll is fulfilled. Strengthen the family in your grace to stand united in faith with him in this time of need.

the_todd 10 points ago +10 / -0

I won't believe Brady got legit jabs despite the claims. I read his book years ago and he has way to much invested in his health to take the poison.

the_todd 2 points ago +2 / -0

the seemingly low incidence in the nfl so far makes me think they must be ensuring saline for the majority of players. glad for them and smart of the evildoers if true since players dropping dead on rhe nfl stage would be huge red pill

the_todd 1 point ago +1 / -0

He is "not antivax" but still makes good points

the_todd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Too bad they couldnt get the salt jabs the NFL uses...

the_todd 3 points ago +3 / -0

crisp and clean and no vaccine. never hod it never will. hahaha

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