Breyer and Kagan showed themselves to be completely ignorant of the ineffectiveness of these experimental shots. They claimed repeatedly during today's arguments that forced vaccination would PREVENT the transmission of covid in hospitals. How can anyone be this stupid?
The vaccine trial sites were the incubators for variants. Delta was India. Here comes South Africa.
GT outpost = Georgia Tech?|Oct+11%2C+2019|Oct+11%2C+2020
Could "GT outpost" be Georgia Tech outpost based on the latest Durham info?
Social media influencers being paid by Xiden admin to influence kids.
Virus 1000th the size of holes in mask. NIH's own website.
They've convinced people that serious adverse reactions are the norm. I know two people with reactions 1) moderna - heavy bleeding and bruising 2) j&j - fever shakes headache. Neither reported until i convinced them.. Interestingly VAMS called them and they reported the reactions to VAMS under assumption that it would be added to VAERS. It wasn't, we checked.
link to letter shared via politico.
And the article:
Susan Rice.