user20461 4 points ago +4 / -0

They should give back tax payers any money they've recovered.

Make it clear that the money returned was from government "waste" (read: fraud).

Make this separate from tax refunds so people know the difference

Make it clear that, if payments stop coming, it's because these fraudulent programs were put back in place, so they know who which elected officials are screwing them over.

user20461 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm surprised it was Broward county that did this. Very liberal area.

user20461 2 points ago +2 / -0

and he's now facing up to ten years in prison and up to $20,000 in fines.

Minimum sentence: 100 hours of community service.

J/K, I really don't know the minimum sentence; I just hate how people always post the maximum sentence as if that's ever the case.

Most people either take a plea deal or get less than the maximum. But minimum sentences don't have the same shock value so the media never runs with it.

user20461 0 points ago +2 / -2

You could if Trump had a spine and fought back. I tuned in for like 3 minutes and saw him just taking it as the moderators are "fact-checking" him and Kamala is making faces while he stands there with a straight face. I turned that disaster off. I remember when Trump used to win debates because he understood the retardation of the American public and would use those same tactics Kamala was using. I remember when he used to call out the moderators for being biased and point out the lies of the media. The democrats won't even need to cheat at this point.

user20461 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't he want to ban assault rifles?

Edit: Oh wait, nevermind; the cats are in uniform.

user20461 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's the Associated Press. They get their articles published on most newspapers. I know this from when I used to be into sports and would read articles. Nothing suspicious, really.

This is from their wiki page

The Associated Press (AP)[4] is an American not-for-profit news agency headquartered in New York City. Founded in 1846, it operates as a cooperative, unincorporated association, and produces news reports that are distributed to its members, major U.S. daily newspapers and radio and television broadcasters.

user20461 -6 points ago +6 / -12

We worked so hard to make Florida red and now this NY liberal is going to turn it blue with massive waves of liberal immigration.

Good bye, Florida. I don't know where I'll move once the takeover is complete.

user20461 10 points ago +10 / -0

The American people (pretty much every country, really) is so weak that it won't matter if the names are released. The actors involved will just get replaced with new ones and everyone will forget about it.

user20461 10 points ago +10 / -0

Don't let this one thing fool you; Nintendo is a horrible company.

Nintendo legally enslaves people after they've served time in prison.

Nintendo Hacker Gary Bowser Is Out Of Prison, Still Owes $10 Million

“The maximum [Nintendo] can take is between 25 percent and 30 percent of your monthly gross income, and I have up until, like, six months before I have to start making payments,” Bowser explained. That means Bowser will need to earn at least $40 million between now and the end of his life if that fine is ever going to be paid off in full. So far he has paid Nintendo $175 thanks to money he earned while working a job in prison.

Despite having to pay Nintendo at least a quarter of his wages for the rest of his life after spending more than a year in prison, Nintendo actually wanted Bowser's punishment to be even more severe. The studio called for the hacker to be sent to jail for at least five years. The judge overseeing the case ultimately settled on a little more than three, and Bowser has already exhibited good enough behavior to be sent home and start working on properly chipping away at that fine.

Nintendo hasn't eased up on hackers and leakers during the year Bowser has been away. Last week, it ordered Discord to hand over the individual responsible for leaking Tears of the Kingdom's artbook. That was quickly followed by a GameStop employee losing their job for leaking images of the special edition Tears of the Kingdom OLED Switch.

The guy would've been better off serving another 4 years in prison than having to give 30% of his earnings for the rest of his life. He will never pay off that debt. It's better off to just move to a country with no extradition to the US and start his life over.

user20461 3 points ago +3 / -0

Glad to see this as the top response.

user20461 5 points ago +5 / -0

They started the beginning of the end of America with the 1965 Immigration Act

They'll finish it with even more immigration and fake promises about border security.

user20461 5 points ago +6 / -1

There was a time before when Colorado was a purple state. Then they stopped enforcing criminalization of weed and liberals migrated to it. Then they legalized weed and a crap ton of liberals migrated. Colorado will never vote Republican ever again.

user20461 1 point ago +1 / -0

and will use every legal means available

Does someone want to tell him who created and controls "the legal means"?

user20461 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Well, we can look at his track record as president and find out if he keeps his campaign promises or is even the president we think he is and oh shit nah he's gonna side with Israel and support the vaccine and lockdowns alright I'm out before I get downvoted to hell for pointing the truth out.

user20461 4 points ago +4 / -0

Only a commie would believe that withholding the truth from Americans is in the public interest of Americans.

user20461 5 points ago +5 / -0

Afaik he released what he could

He could release everything. He's the fucking president for fucks sake. And you'd have to have your head up your ass if you don't believe that the parts he didn't release were the ones that implicated people who were still alive, like George Bush.


Now, Mr. Trump has accepted a recommendation from the National Archives to keep the lid closed on some records for now, more than five decades after the 35th president was killed.

Mr. Trump wrote in a memo issued Thursday that some of the classified documents are "of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in immediate disclosure." Mr. Trump allowed the release of some documents, but others, the president decided, will be delayed until 2021.

^ proof that he had the power to release them all but didn't. If you don't believe Americans knowing the truth is not in the public interest, you're part of the problem.

user20461 0 points ago +1 / -1

Divine intervention ?

Fidel Castro had over 600 assassination attempts on his life.

He's literally holier than Jesus.

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