Nazis on the moon...
Well that's a new one I haven't heard...
Sounds like a movie Mel Brooks would make.
lol, Granny Madonna with a melting face thinking she's still hot stuff even in her senior citizen years.
I know it seems ridiculous, but we need wins even in things like this, and especially for good people like her, so please throw a prayer her way for her protection and success over those with evil intentions.
Dear Lord, please protect Caitlin Clark and guide her. Amen.
True, and though it's subtle I detect a little cosmetic surgery on her face already. Probably some injections, lip fillers, things like that. In less than 10 years those are going to start making her face look like an alien hive.
Gay as the day is long.
I've always disliked Taylor Swift, so I needed no extra reason to dislike her, but knowing Cheney likes her at least gives me another good reason to despise her.
I really hate Taylor Swift so I'm not advocating for her a bit, but if she's a 6 out of 10 then I'm in trouble! kek
Give it a couple months and soon this post won't be fake.
They're terrified of the kind of brotherhood/camaraderie that can defeat evil that LOTR was all about. Fellowship that's stronger than blood bonds, something to fight for even to our deaths, they're horrified that people could have such strong convictions.
I agree. Her popularity with younger audiences is already dying, and her main audience is women her age or a bit younger. Women who want to live the "Taylor Swift Life" idolize her, thinking they can be single and hot and successful even while that horrible 40th birthday looms on the horizon, and they're no longer hot, no longer successful, yet still single and with no husband or family.
It's the same in Minnesota, neighbor. Though our state's corruption is very firmly placed in the Twin Cities metro, yours in Wisconsin seems to be spread very evenly throughout your state.
She's always pledged allegiance to Somali. Obammy brought she and her family in specifically to MN to once and for all overtake the Twin Cities metro. That area has been controlled opposition for decades now, and unless Trump gets back in office and deports ALL illegals, not just Hispanics or those who come across the southern border, then we're in big trouble.
What will happen when Swift hits the wall at 40? I don't think she's going to appeal to 13 year olds anymore.
Her teeth are in poor shape too. Reminds me of a certain parmesan cheese sniffer.
People who marry their brothers should not have a chance at any public office position.
"What do you mean? Milk comes from the store."
"No, milk comes from dairy farms."
"What do you mean?? Milk...comes from the store. It's always there, at the store."
^^^ Literally what a lot of idiots believe.
The only way to change the future is to have children. They will carry on the good values you want to see in the world.
Poor people have children all the time and still make it work. One child is not as huge of a financial strain as you think. Parenting is all about sacrifice. Sacrifice going out to drink in favor of saving that money for food or clothes for your child. Your child is more important. It IS possible if you're not selfish.
Make sure to start keeping track of your wife's cycles, and study up on when it's the best time to try. For a normal healthy woman there's really only a couple days a month she's at her most fertile, and those are the days you want to try. Look up NFP (natural family planning) to learn more. My parents used it and it was very successful. I know a lot of young families that are using it too and getting pregnant left and right. The key is to hit those days, and even if you aren't successful one month, you can try again the next month, and more than likely you'll get it within a few tries. Good luck!
People are getting plenty pregnant, the problem is they're either aborting these babies, or having insane numbers of miscarriages due to clot shot effects. It's sad to say, but overturning Roe v. Wade didn't completely abolish abortion, and in fact it is now enshrined in many states, like California and New York. We're saving thousands of babies in other states, but CA and NY more than make up for the slaughter.
If you're able to, and you're married, please try to have at least 3 kids. That will put you leagues ahead of the leftists, and it's above the replacement level. In reality, having 5 to 8 kids is preferable, but I know it's just not possible for many, especially in this economy. Three is not so bad though, and surely many of us grew up with even more siblings than that.
I'm pretty suspicious of Vivek. He's saying all the right things, but so was Desantis not long ago too, and look how that turned out. My guess is that Vivek might be the Deep State's last bid to get normie Republicans to vote for anyone other than Trump in the primaries, as another way to keep Trump off the next election if their ploys to ban him don't work. Nikki Haley is obviously controlled, but I bet the Deep State wanted another person to control as well. Someone less obvious maybe. Enter Vivek.
That's my theory for now anyway.
I do sincerely wish that Vivek is really a good person, but Trump doesn't seem to buy into him so...
The septum ring. Every. Single. Time.
Lesson of the day: climate change isn't caused by humans, and is almost certainly caused by natural events. The Earth itself had 1,000-2,000 times more CO2 millions of years ago than it does now. Humans didn't exist back then, so...what's their explanation? Here's the real explanation: CO2 levels have nothing to do with human activity, and everything to do with the Earth's activity, and also the sun to some extent.
I know, but I knew that if I wrote 356 days that some idiot would be like "durr, years are 365, and 365 minus 10 is 355 not 356 durr."
And wasn't it the Greeks who sodomized young boys back in ancient times too? History truly does repeat itself.
Huh, weird.