w4terfall 1 point ago +1 / -0

Make sure you add some veggies from time to time as well. I do it maybe 3 nights a week, just the 99 cent frozen peas and carrots at Walmart. Throw them in the mix every few days

w4terfall 1 point ago +1 / -0

Prayers my friend.

Also, what food are you feeding her? Commercial dog food is not the best, especially kibble. If you have the money, cook her meals, use things like chicken, egg, beef, brown rice, peas + carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc etc. I did that for a while, but it can be time consuming. What I do now is get a good quality wet food, and every few days I add in some chicken or ground turkey.

w4terfall 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, if Trump isn't in the White House come January next year, I think we should all seriously consider relocating elsewhere. I'm thinking Hungary or Poland, my ancestral homeland.

w4terfall 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just imagine this insane scenario for a sec. They would have to add Asians into this too, because without whites, Asians would defacto be the new boogeyman. That would take humanity back to the stone ages in probably less than a week. They would rob and loot everything in site, cash would cease to be relevant, the remaining infrastructures would eventually become ruins due to lack of upkeep. Go to your local MLK Blvd in your city - this is the utopia that this gentleman envisions.

w4terfall 1 point ago +2 / -1

I know this is MSM, but why does this keep happening? Any chance we get to press forward with the evidence of the steal, whoever is representing us drops the ball. The evidence is all over - any of us could file the evidence ourselves in a matter of a few searches.

w4terfall 7 points ago +7 / -0

What a fucking idiot. "I keep large sums of cash in my house" you live in fucking Atlanta, you NEVER say something like that ever. Fucking affirmative action dumbest 😆 🤣

w4terfall 11 points ago +11 / -0

I believe he saying essentially "The CIA was once respected. You wanted to even join them at one point. I'm glad you didn't, because you're far more important as a journalist than a deep state shill."

w4terfall 2 points ago +2 / -0

Plenty of prosectuors looking to go down in the history books.

w4terfall 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is entirely AI generated, though. Listen to the reporters, the only actual word they are saying is Taylor, everything else is gibberish.

w4terfall 1 point ago +2 / -1

Relax. He was talking about the primaries, and gave a rough estimate. Stop two-weeksing

w4terfall 8 points ago +11 / -3

Please stop with the medbeds. That shit makes us look like retarded Facebook boomers.

w4terfall 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's not a delta unless it's connected to something happening currently on that particular date.

w4terfall 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's insane that all you need to do to infiltrate this administration is go to DC and download Grindr and pretend to be gay lol

w4terfall 4 points ago +4 / -0

Because, even at the highest levels, a lot of these people don't pay much attention to politics ironically enough. It's just simply their job. Especially a gay dude like this one. He knows he's gay, he's liberal, he hates Republicans - outside of this, he knows nothing, and pays no attention to much of anything.

That is at least 50% of the left.

w4terfall 3 points ago +3 / -0

You fell out the womb with the vast wealth of knowledge that everything around you at all times was fake and gay? Wow how cool

w4terfall 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you want a laugh, go to the r/Texas subreddit.

This and the economy have already win us the election. Not because those problems exist, but because the left is so adamant that they don't exist - and in the rare event they concede with the facts, they mental gymnastics their way into blaming the Republicans or Trump.

Go tell some random person on the street in any given place on US soil that the economy is great and these illegals are just mere refugees - if all you get is laughed it, you'd be a lucky man

w4terfall 1 point ago +1 / -0

WHs are not in control. It's a war between white hats, the deep state, and other foreign interests. We just happen to have the goods on the evil doers, and in due time their crimes against humanity with be exposed. The "in control" part is that the good guys are in control of the information drip - they don't actively control the world, nor should we want or expect them to, as that's what we're fighting against

w4terfall 3 points ago +3 / -0

Since 2016, 9/10 things shared on that subreddit is Trump hate. It's truly insane, and obviously uber-compromised. I believe Ghislaine Maxwell's reddit account was on of its moderators

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