When I was a child moms would have sick overs, make sure every kid got measles and pox and got it over with.
Speaking of con... m'am
The Gulf of the Americas...
I thank God every day that you and your ilk are becoming less and less noisy every day. NCSWIC. You won't be able to walk down the street.
Lindsey will be in the top of the Ukraine kickback schemes too Hes a war monger.
The constitution of the USA lays out specific rules for how our government is supposed to work. Although I agree with most of Trumps EO's our country is not supposed to be ruled by one man. Or judges. Or military. Our state govenors and legislators should be in control and the Feds only for Defense. That is how it should work.
The resident did not say that, the resident was opposed to that decision made by the Supreme Court.
Nasic constitutional principles place power with the states. Your govenor is afforded more power than the president, constitutionally. The purpose of the federal government is to defend the states. Review the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
One day tallies of paper ballots.
To be brutally honest it is up to the states to make their laws. It should be up to the states to ensure the people getting into office are the people they want. I voted for Trump and like what he is doing because it needs to be done, but my USA was not set up to be run by executive order. That is totalitarian rule, not how our Republic should be.
Is he talking about rhe 100 billion he "lost" or the 100 billion used to kill, maim and destroy?
I hope hes ready for prosecution, We need to strip him and his minions of the 100+billio dollars they "lost".
Im thinking thats not something we need to expect or worry about. LOL.
I would leave it also. I think it embodies the entire realm of the groupthink we have had to navigate for the last 4 years. Dont forget, we have a supreme court justice who doesnt know the difference between a man or woman... LET THAT SINK IN. Also we dont need more laws, we need God in peoples lives.
I thought it was because it is literally THE GULF OF THE AMERICAS.
Watchinhg over it. I dont know of they were ever told to report it, just watch it.
Those "representatives" who were hugging and trying to kiss on him the house floor proboñy need to be locked up with him.
he can only do what his minions allow him to do. Now that the Briben and son admin. is out hes not gonna last long.
I repay my debts, and I know its wrong, but "we let this happen" Once the ongoing theft is stopped and government is corralled it shouldnt be impossible to fullfil our legal & valid obligations.
Amazing. This truth has been around for proboly 2 yrs now and sheeples are still buying the lie.
what you speak of ther is called communisn. I agree we have been robbed, robbed so badly that our national debt is over $36,000,000,000,000 (trillion). I dont think we are going to see low folks getting repaid, or that debt. In the meantime I wouldnt mind seeing a few repossessions and public hangings.
sindsley is a war monger. He should lead the troops
i would like to see justice served, That may encourage some honesty and service in our representatives
Oh my... I knew they were stupid but Oh my!