Ok Fract, I laughed. I will now burn in Hell.
How do they actually get it thought? Not your keys, not your wallet. Are the criminals giving up their keys?
I'm in Phoenix now at a Comfort Inn for a little winter vacation. GAW is blocked here. I am using my hot spot to be able to get on this site.
Makes me wonder how many places block this site here in Arizona.
I CANNOT STAND the sound of her voice.
I love the fat electrician! His videos are awesome.
Always wanted to buy some land out west. Hope it's affordable!
I want my money back.
Common side effects include nausea, constipation, itching, rash, and headaches, but unlike opioids, it does not carry a risk of addiction.
And cost $15.50 per pill
Have the left started crying about their avocados yet? Ha!
I feel like he is removing their support system so they no longer have a stable foundation to fall back on. They are on their own.
You know, he's my governor, but he never does anything first. He always waits to see which way the wind is blowing. Sorry, but he is a coward and only follows the crowd.
I'm just so sad listening to the tower, the ground, and all involved. You know they are in shock but immediately doing their job to shut down the airport.
Isn't Mt Rushmore part of a reservation? I don't think that tribe would allow it. Or maybe since it's a Natl Park? Or I'm talking out my ass
As this is basically a monopoly, I would think the government could bust them up.
But what are their orders for ROE? I don't want them standing there without the protection of being able to fire on if attacked or approached.
Edit: grammar their/there
Yeah, this was my first thought too.
I assume Gov Abbott will as he likes to do the right thing once he sees it gets attention. I'm glad we have a Rep governor, but Gregg is more of a follower than leader.
Get him a GI Joe and build a bunker! He can furnish it with a camo bed. I was joking but it sounds kind of fun.
God I hope he does it. Cornyn has been my only choice to keep the dems out.
I want a refund
I want Vindman tried for treason too.
With John Cornyn at the top of the list!
Read photobuf answer again. I will help with your reading comprehension.
We did not have the DOJ or FBI on our side.
Now ask yourself, why did Durham lose at trial?