wheresmysnare 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't watch all the games either but I don't think so. If you watched the Chiefs game then you saw how the refs handed KC three shots for the 2 point try to tie it at 17-17. A little weird.

I did see an article that 4 games with the same score on one day has never happened before. There have been 9 days in which there were 3 games with the same score but never 4 so a bit unusual. When I saw that 20-17 score I laughed because of the "17" and thought the Q folks are going to go wild on this. For fun I looked up the Q post #2017 and when I saw it said "blind eyes in the sky" I remembered the skycam falling in the Jets game too, also weird.

If you want to bet Monday night's game 20+17 is 37 so you could take the over-under line on that game, lol. It will be wild if that game ends 20-17.

wheresmysnare 1 point ago +1 / -0

WarGames. 1983. Verrrry primitive AI, lol.

wheresmysnare 4 points ago +5 / -1

This happened in the Bills/Jets game that finished 20-17 but there were four games today that ended with that score.

Chargers 20, Falcons 17

Jets 20, Bills 17

Vikings 20, Commanders 17

Chiefs 20, Titans 17


wheresmysnare 12 points ago +12 / -0

In my opinion his historical legacy is;

  1. Exposing the Dems as a bunch of commies, fascists and traitors.
  2. Exposing the Rinos as a bunch of spineless cowards, sellouts and worse than the Dems.
  3. Exposing the corporate media as fake news.

In the long term these are his achievements that will matter because they make it possible to save the country.

wheresmysnare 3 points ago +3 / -0

I reached the same conclusion a few months ago. This is why we are going to have to have the strength to forgive because if things go as planned the precipice is for all the socialist and commie sympathisers who did not understand the evil they were supporting. The silver lining is that once they know the truth then they will become ardent anti-communists.

Recap from an earlier comment I made in another thread;

Here is my recent lightbulb. If you haven't watched the interviews of Yuri Bezmenov (former Soviet KGB agent that defected back in the '80's) you should. In these interviews and lectures he reveals the commie's 4 stages to taking over a country.

1) Demoralization (15-20 yrs)
2) Destabilization (2-5yrs)
3) Crisis (2-6mo)
4) Normalization (x)

We are around step 2-3 but, thanks to white hats and other factors, this process is dragging out a bit and taking longer than it would for some shithole country which would have already fallen.

What is interesting is that in one interview he says that during the crisis phase and just before the commies take over (step 4), they kill all the "useful idiots" including the intellectuals, politicians and business leaders who helped them take power. He said the commies have lists of people to be "terminated". This is a crucial step as these duped leaders (the stupid, ignorant or naive) who bought into the propaganda of a glorious socialist state quickly realize the true evil of what they supported. Brezmenov said that they have to be killed because they become the most motivated and rabid anti-communists if they survive.

This is the exploitable flaw in the commie's plan. So my theory is the white hats have the termination list and will swoop in and block the commies from killing the useful idiots, including many prominent leaders. This will create a huge number of ex-socialist to become ardent anti-communist, once they realize the true nature of the evil that confronts us. The white hats also know who is NOT on the list and were in on the plan from the start -- and can then be tried and prosecuted for treason.

wheresmysnare 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here is my recent lightbulb. If you haven't watched the interviews of Yuri Bezmenov (former Soviet KGB agent that defected back in the '80's) you should. In these interviews and lectures he reveals the commie's 4 stages to taking over a country.

  1. Demoralization (15-20 yrs)
  2. Destabilization (2-5yrs)
  3. Crisis (2-6mo)
  4. Normalization (x)

We are around step 2-3 but, thanks to white hats and other factors, this process is dragging out a bit and taking longer than it would for some shithole country which would have already fallen.

What is interesting is that in one interview he says that during the crisis phase and just before the commies take over (step 4), they kill all the "useful idiots" including the intellectuals, politicians and business leaders who helped them take power. He said the commies have lists of people to be "terminated". This is a crucial step as these duped leaders (the stupid, ignorant or naive) who bought into the propaganda of a glorious socialist state quickly realize the true evil of what they supported. They have to be killed because they become the most motivated and rabid anti-communists if they survive.

This is the exploitable flaw in the commie's plan. So my theory is the white hats have the termination list and will swoop in and block the commies from killing the useful idiots. This will create a huge number of ex-socialist leaders to be ardent anti-communist, once they realize the true nature of the evil that confronts us. The white hats also know who is NOT on the list and were in on the plan from the start -- and can then be tried and prosecuted for treason.

wheresmysnare 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep, I noticed the same thing. I used to tell NPCs to read the Yahoo comments not just the articles, it was filled with redpills countering the narrative. After the hiatus it was just another socialists/globalist echo chamber. I'd like to know who paid Yahoo to revamp their comment section with bots and bans. Verizon overpaid for Yahoo and hasn't spent a dime on the services, features, servers, etc. since they aquired it so where did they get that money?

wheresmysnare 2 points ago +2 / -0

How do you get evidence in front of a court?

deleted -4 points ago +2 / -6
wheresmysnare 0 points ago +4 / -4

Absolutely but that doesn't address anything I said and is irrelevant to saving the country. Of course the 2A has hampered and prevented what the tyrants want to do. AUS, NZ and CAN are clear examples of how disarmed citizens are powerless to stop a takeover but the implied end game -- essentially a civil war -- is not the outcome that we want. And you ignored my main point that IF there is a military op behind Q they have to reveal themselves at some point. They aren't going to secretly manipulate events to vote back in respect for the Constitution, that ship has sailed.

wheresmysnare 0 points ago +4 / -4

Of course, but nothing I said is counter to your main point. I see the trends shifting too. However, even Q said "the military is the only way" which I knew over 20 years ago. If Q is false and there is no military op that monitored the election, has the receipts on all the corruption then we are literally screwed. Not even you can deny that. The scale and scope of the corruption -- every branch of the govt -- is such that people "pushing back" or "standing up" is futile unless there is a military op behind it. Lest you forget, the J6 protesters are still in jail for sticking their headless necks out and standing up alone. The only alternative to a military op to save the country is civil war which will be a disaster and play into the leftist's hands.

My point is that the (necessary) need to wake people up before the reveal is over. This has gone as far as it can go and will only get more difficult from here on out. Pull the trigger means whoever is behind Q needs to make their move sooner rather than later NOT for me or you to take to the streets in a suicide mission.

wheresmysnare -5 points ago +2 / -7

Okay fine, downvote me. But at least be a man and point out where I am wrong you coward.

deleted -4 points ago +5 / -9
wheresmysnare 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah, rabbit holes are for rabbits. We need sunlight and I too am done with the BS. If the "Patriots are in control" and "have it all" then pull the F'n trigger and let us pick up the pieces.

wheresmysnare 1 point ago +1 / -0

No matter what happens I think Trump's three major and historical accomplishments are;

  1. Exposed the Left as fascists and commies that want to undermine and ultimately suspend the Constitution and violate our individual rights.

  2. He exposed the RINOs as traitors to the country AND to the Republican Party. As he has said -- the RINOs are actually worse than the Dems because they don't stand for anything and compromise on the principles while pretending to be Republicans.

  3. He exposed the corporate media as liars and for spreading fake news.

We are seeing the consequences of these three achievements already but the effects will reverberate for generations.

wheresmysnare 0 points ago +1 / -1

It is NOT unconstitional, it is now up to the state legislators to decide.

What is going to happen now and is already happening is that women will cross state lines to get abortions. Some state will arrest them on return and charge them with murder and then the Supreme Court will have to weigh in on the legality of that. That is the basis of what I wrote.

wheresmysnare 1 point ago +2 / -1

This will never fly. The Constitution disallows the govt from establishing religion. The vast majority of people don't agree with the religious "moment of conception" argument. On the other hand, many non-religous people don't like legal baby killing at 8.9 months or whatever. At some point I think the Supreme court will just rule that abortions are legal up to X weeks but not based on "viability" because then that just becomes the new disputed point.

This will be similar to defining age of adult at 18. It is a somewhat arbitrary number that is both too young and too old depending on the context but for legal issues we have to draw a line somewhere. This is an element of common law tradition, BTW.

wheresmysnare 9 points ago +10 / -1

Things are accelerating for sure. HB data drop, Abe assassination, Guidestones destruction, Nuke-NYC on the table, yada, yada. So much to track.

My guess is a credible assasination threat after Abe's murder and the MSM media literally called for his death on TV. Alternatively, maybe he's ready to pull the trigger and be reinstated as president so he needs time to prepare his speech "Ladies and Gentlemen, the storm has arrived".

wheresmysnare -15 points ago +3 / -18

Nothing from the iphone backup ever came out this is MSM spin, misdirection and damage control. As bad as it is, normies don't care about HB dick pics, "discredited" pedo shit, smoking crack or fucking whores. This pic is from the unencrypted ipad backup which is just more of the same debauchery of a crackhead already seen. It doesn't even move the needle.

The anon sites are controlled, once the iphone file was cracked and anons started posting the contents all the threads were deleted. The anon who dropped the files hinted that JB ties to China and Ukraine corruption were on the phone and that info was never released.

wheresmysnare 1 point ago +2 / -1

The structure of the FED is intentionally complicated and opaque so unless you have an interest in banking systems or economics trying to understand it is a waste of time for the average person. If you study the history and the details you will discover that Keynesianism, which dominates the field of economics today even by those who denounce it, is a rationalization for socialism, i.e. theft.

I know people claim the problem is that the FED is "privately owned" which is technically true but an irrelevant legal point. Right now it is a form of fascism (corp & govt "partnership") but if the govt ever took it over and kicked out the "private owners" the same fraud would continue as a form of socialism (govt only).

All you need to know about the FED is that the essence of the operation is a legalized check-kiting scheme. That's it -- a govt sanctioned fraud. The agreement between the govt and the supposedly "private" owners is the govt makes the fraud legal, giving them monopoly power to defraud people and they'll split the theft in various complicated ways.

I'm not trying to discourage anyone from doing their own research but it is a very complex subject and made even more difficult due to a century of intellectual frauds that justify the system. Don't get lost in the weeds. I recommend Von Mises "Theory of Money and Credit" if you want to learn.

wheresmysnare 1 point ago +3 / -2

Yeah, I read it again and it says exactly what I thought it said the first time -- doing anything under the auspices of the UN is a joke. The bioweapons in Ukraine are a distraction. We don't need international commissions to try our own domestic traitors, this is a domestic military op to save the country.

Also, read my reply to AtomicBlonde.

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