There is always evidence to support a THEORY that's why its a theory. Its where the evidence originates that is important. Or to quote from Einstein: While I was thinking of this problem in my student years, I came to know the strange result of Michelson’s experiment. Soon I came to the conclusion that our idea about the motion of the Earth with respect to the ether is incorrect, if we admit Michelson’s null result as a fact. This was the first path which led me to the special theory of relativity. Since then I have come to believe that the motion of the Earth cannot be detected by any optical experiment, though the Earth is revolving around the Sun.” <eq> Hmmm I wonder if he was on top of his house, when he thought up his idea of not being able to prove, but knowing it revolved anyways....
Absolute misrepresentation on facts. There was no debunking. At 30k feet there was no to very very slight curvature. Either way, according to Earth curvature calculator: Distance Curvature 1 mile 0.00013 miles = 0.67 feet 2 miles 0.00051 miles = 2.67 feet 5 miles 0.00316 miles = 16.67 feet 10 miles 0.01263 miles = 66.69 feet 20 miles 0.05052 miles = 266.75 feet 50 miles 0.31575 miles = 1667.17 feet 100 miles 1.26296 miles = 6668.41 feet 200 miles 5.05102 miles = 26669.37 feet 500 miles 31.5336 miles = 166497.53 feet 1000 miles 125.632 miles = 663337.65 feet
Quite a noticeable curve.
Oh and BTW just in case you dont believe me.... Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson says you cannot see the curvature of the earth at 128,100 ft so there is no curve, a slight curve (earth is aloooooot bigger than guessed (still lying), or flat. 2 out of 3 of those are lies!
Yes for sure. This is usually how it rolls: Someone posts.....nasa says blah blah blah. Then someone copies that post onto here with; Take that Flat Earthers! you Stpudid Mother F@@@@@s you Pieces of S@@@ You Retarded no good Glowies SOBs, Psyops! God How I Hate you FEs, and how stupid you all are,,,,,etc etc. We take it and go on. Ad infinitum
I believe that Nasa and the Governments of the world are liars. I believe that people who believe in absolutes are wrong. I believe that if I find out you lie, or full of crap. I won't believe a damn word you say. I believe if you try to convince me with intimidation, threats; or continue to belate me for what I am studying or looking into or interested in. Then you are a piece if S###. I don't have to have all the answers because because you don't. I am a Fren and I support you in finding the truths together.
The Sturmabteilung (or SA) symbol is the emblem of Hitler's brownshirted stormtroopers (Sturmabteilung or "storm units" in German). The Sturmabteilung were paramilitary formations used by Hitler to intimidate political opponents and Jews before and after his rise to power in Germany. It declined after 1934 when its leaders were murdered at Hitler's orders and was largely supplanted by the SS.....
What Was The Date 96 Years Ago From Today? Thursday, May 5, 1927.....
Grandfather was 7 years old....
The story in chapter 9 Relates to the coming messiah. The change Of the mosaic Covenant, To the fulfillment of the Abraham covenant. Under the new covenant. This is not something that's shot out to the future for an antichrist etc.
Sorry for you tube...
I think I might have it.
1a. Wrong again: humans do have speed time perception ever hit a baseball genius? Do you think a pitcher throws the same speed everything?
1b. Wrong again Einstein: according to nasa...The Earth's atmosphere is an extremely thin sheet of air extending from the surface of the Earth to the edge of space. The Earth is a sphere with a roughly 8000 mile diameter; the thickness of the atmosphere is about 60 miles. In this picture, taken from a spacecraft orbiting at 200 miles above the surface, we can see the atmosphere as the thin blue band between the surface and the blackness of space. If the Earth were the size of a basketball, the thickness of the atmosphere could be modeled by a thin sheet of plastic wrapped around the ball. Gravity holds the atmosphere to the Earth's surface.
So air (what did you call it ahh yes Atmosphere) cannot be "fixed" to the earth. Maybe you meant gravity, that holds the air in and keeps it close to earth in layers. But still Wrong if ya did so it doesn't matter....
1c. So moronic not gonna answer.
Stars and movement: Wtf does that have to do with fe vs re? But ok Newton, here goes. What's the north star does it move. Explain that one Galileo. How can we spin around an Elipses and the nort star never change? Cmon open your eyes dude take 1 of your marbles (if you haven't eaten them all) move it around your basketball in an elliptical pattern take your other hand make a fist. That is your north star now explain to yourself why is the north star always north.....that's right you can't. Progression of the sun lol ok...ever seen the sun and moon at the same time? Does that mean the "other side of the world" doesn't have a moon or maybe they just looked through the earth and saw the one your looking at. (Photos show 2 sides of the world looking at moon wierd huh) But hey I wish ya well, we agree to disagree.
I'm trying to be civil and kind. 1. Is not true due to the fact that a flight on an airplane 1hr east and west (without head/tailwind produces the same distance. 2. Temp: According to the people who mislead you space has a temp of approx -450 degrees f. 3. Chicago: that lie has been debunked because refractions hold fast to the visual horizon they sit upon. Think mirage on a desert sand. Also I can show you testing (if you wish) of a laser beam traveling miles across a flat lake, this being impossible as laser shoot straight. You say it's not all lies. I won't put words in your mouth. Nasa gets approx 68 million a day. That money means alot to them and possibly others. I wish you peace, and apologize if I have offended you, and ask you forgiveness.
Please explain why a satellite photograph would not show a picture on its side or upside down. I struggle with the concept that we are spinning at 1000mph+, Elipses Orbiting at 67000 mph and hurtling through space at 500, 000 mph. All the planets moons etc keeping near perfect time with us. Of course I also wonder why if the sun is 90+ million miles away, temp is 10,000f (BTW a plasma metal cutter is 40,000f) traveling through Negative 430f tempature, the rays warm/radiate/Planck through uv/molecular heat the earth. I wonder why you can see Chicago across lake MI. 53 or so miles away. Should be on the other side of the curve. I am not saying the world is flat, round. Or Taco shaped. I am saying they lie and they don't know either.
"Judge says Trump", 3rd person?