Weird how this is an example of how someone can use "pro-life" for the cause of evil, which will result in far more deaths of innocent people in the big picture of things.
And to confirm that roughly 3/4 of Americans are fat - just walk around your local Walmart. It's pretty dang clear to see. I'm just a "normal" size but usually feel quite skinny.
They LIE. And lie and lie more. The beast is angry.
Praise the Lord! This is personal to me because one of my close friends lost her daughter to Fentanyl that came right over the border. Damn everyone who cracked that border wide open.
Ultimate treason punishment needs to be done to the extreme ones, and then the rest all shut their yappers and return to their closets defeated for a couple generations.
Let's Freaking Go!!!!!
Thank you, that's great!
This is gonna be a wild ride!! Buckle up!!!
A present from Elon.
It is mind-blowing how clueless they are!
"The checkmate symbol in standard chess notation is "#" which indicates that the opponent's king is in check and cannot escape. This signifies the end of the game with one player winning."
It is about the Flouride in the water. I thought maybe it was an urban legend or new age woowoo, but no, this is scientifically true - Flouride calcifies the Pineal Gland, which is the source of our spiritual feelings!!!
Young men helped save America!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
So Much Winning!!!!
That saves a step!
Your mom is looking down on you and this election with great joy and satisfaction, knowing that she did her part in helping re-elect our President Trump! And everything will work out perfectly in the end!!
Biden won't play. Jill has gone full MAGA.
Wow this is good. As a horse person, I knew about DMSO long ago, but I wasn't quite sure about its uses or safety, and info has long been tainted. This is super.
We don't have time to waste. Let's go!!!