Im gonna sleep for awhile bcoz im in a different timezone. I hope when I wake up the next day I see drastic changes happening. Cross fingers, TRUST THE PLAN
There is an outside chance that these lockdowns are driven by the white hats. It does reduce the soft targets that the black hats like to target. Schools, churches, shopping malls.
Just something to consider
I used to get upset with all of these restrictions that Ford and Tory have implemented. I agree that the White Hats are most likely trying to protect us.
Just my opinion. I think Tory, Trudeau and Ford have been neutralized. When I watch videos of them, it looks like CGI. Look at their necks moving over their collars. Again, just my opinion.
How about going back and looking up all of the corporate resignations, "won't be running for another term" politicians, and all of the human trafficking arrests since then?
Just because high-level criminals haven't been publicly arrested doesn't mean that shit isn't happening.
Take your AOGTFO shit over to TD.W if you can't wait for the plan to unfold.
I don't buy into JFK jr still being alive. You have to admit that if he were to come out in public today that would be a MASSIVE Q proof. Also this fear nonsense about the plan being a failure would be tossed right out the window.
Here is my dream for today.
The house impeaches President Trump. In their rush to impeach they sent it to the senate. They hand it off to the guy the Senate put in charge to receive it.
As soon as they hand it to that guy on National TV he says HI we now take control of this, btw my name is JFK jr.
Hey,I know this will not happen but I am allowed to have dreams.
IF JFK jr. was alive it would NOT be a Q proof. The question was asked if he was alive and Q said "No". There has been no hints about JFK jr. being alive in the Q drops.
The only ones peddling this are a few followers hoping it is true and going down rabbit holes trying to connect Q drops and certain people seen at Trump rallies due to a post on the chans by someone who referred to themselves as "R".
It would be awesome if it was true though. That would be a massive red pill for the masses around the world.
I think some people think he is alive because his father passed away before he did and that makes him not a jr anymore. Also Robert Kennedy during an interview with Andrew Wakefield today (9th July 2020) was requested by someone in the LIVE chat to "touch your nose if jfk jr. is alive?". He touches his nose.
There is a connection to JFK and the slave vote though (guessing the black vote – since many are slaves to the D party). IIRC, that's when things shifted, and, watching the Uncle Tom documentary, that was due to JFK visiting MLK in jail while the republican side didn't. This may mean NOTHING, just thought it was interesting.
Even something said from beyond the grave from JFK could open eyes if there's anything there?
7/10 targeted kills is referring to plane crashes in the news. 7 out of 10 are targeted kills. Another Boeing 737-500 crashed in Indonesia 4 or 5 days ago.
I've noticed a lot of plane crashes with hundreds of passengers happen in or around Indonesia. What is it there that they (the left) are trying to hide?
It could simply be a place where it is easy to compromise plane mechanics (the people and that of the planes).
I know a long time air crash investigator, considered top of his field. He was convinced that first missing flight many years ago was brought down intentionally by someone.
My wife didn’t understand why I’ve been so worried about this. After that video leak, she’s starting to get a glimpse of the evilness of the left (and right), and their “anointed authoritarianism.” Very creepy, evil people.
yea we are not there yet, threatening to take peoples kids away can get a mofo killed namely innocent people over at PBS. it's just human nature. some people would snap at that kind of rhetoric :(
Does anybody else when they hear this type of hateful rhetoric scream to themselves‘I wish a mother zucker would try!?’ All these people calling for this type of persecution would never have the guts to follow through. Ironically they want people in government with guns to do it.
You are missing the CHECKMATE drop#523. Checkmate hodings is the security firm covering the inauguration. Planning/set-up starts today. If you haven't checked this out do it NOW! look at the pic of the guy at his desk. Look at the planner. What is missing? Here is the link.CHECKMATE
It reads 10 11 12, 23 24 25. It jumps 10 days. today is now the 13th. What will happen/not happen between now and the next drop delta? 13th, 14th, 18th,?
Oh yeah for sure. I mean fuck man we need something to happen Caus as the days go by and I see nothing idk how much I can still believe. Especially with the deltas. And them just not coming true it’s a little discouraging. It’s true dates are fluid. I just don’t wanna get to the 20th and sleepy joe be put in office ?
I hear you. If on Jan 20th Biden is sworn in and nothing happens, then our team lost. *Probably (i've heard people speculating that they're going to let Harris get in and bla bla bla, but i don't believe that shit. no outside comms. it's just speculation).
I agree something needs to happen. Trump needs to counter, and he hasn't yet. So far he's just said "this is a big deal and we caught them all..."
There are a few scenarios. Here they are:
he's pushed out of office and does not utilize declass and all of the other things at his disposal (EO, everything) and instead encourages a 2024 "this time we really mean it" run, we were had / we lost bigly.
I've heard rumors that the reveal will be 9/11 big. A nuclear scare or something big enough to get the world to literally be watching. Until the Alamo speech the world was holding it's breath to see Trump's counter and he comes out and does a pretty regular speech at the Alamo and it's minor. But he does a few min of press before that and mentions that there is always a counter.
One of the most important aspects of this is that the POTUS needs to be neutral. He's an actor playing a role. A role of a guy that lost the election. This is done to keep markets calm. You don't telegraph to the bad guys "arrests have started." You put out disinformation. Did you hear Trump had died? Did you hear that Trump is starting a hot war with China? Did you hear that there are states of emergencies declared across 4 - 6 states and in DC right now and 4 of them were signed by POTUS today?
Don't listen to the media. Breath through it til the 19th. I think we're going to see a big big curtain drop. a big reveal that truly the whole world will be watching. Trump isn't going to half ass this.
If we knew, the bad guys would know. Art of war. Look weak when you are strong. Is Trump going to hand off to Beijing Biden? A proven national security risk? I wouldn't bet on it. I could be wrong. But i wouldn't bet on it.
Until Trump runs for cover or starts prepping his 2024 campaign from outside of the white house / after Jan 20...i think we'll see something. And if we've been had, does anyone then think even Trump could call off the patriots who descended on DC (in a non-violent protest until their voice are heard, a la Ghandi)?
edit: I don't pretend to know Trumps game on the vaccine bullshit. He shouldn't be recommending it. I don't care what Trump says, i won't be taking that shit.
Yes, I agree 100% with what you said. My significant other and I have spent countless hours discussing what happened. And what will happen, if something will happen or not. We know what’s on the line. Most of us here do. And trump knows. Q knows, his team knows. They know that if we win, it’ll be a new golden age and all people will be freed. If not- all our lives are on the line including the freedom of mankind. This is a big big deal, and trump I personally believe wouldn’t give up. He’s a patriot like us and loves the American ppl- not just them, but ppl all over the world need his help. He’s the one man sticking up for us (besides the military IF they’re with him, alongside a few others of course), and the world is literally resting on his shoulders. If he loses, we all lose. If I were trump I would do anything and everything in my power to make sure I got these sons of bitches out of here.
As for the vaccine, I think it’s quite possible trump knew they were going to put something shady in the vaccine, and carefully timed it to make sure that when all the info comes out, so does the dirt on the vaccine as a way to trap them. Just my speculation. He did say neither him nor his staff would be taking it, to me, that’s like saying “hey guys, I wouldn’t completely trust this right now”. Just my speculation. Thank you for the message.
Yes, I think that cognitive dissonance of many can be broken, but there are a few that will never be able to process the truth. Easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled.
Side by side Vs actual news
Show future PROVES past.
BIGGER next week
side by side
adj. Alternative spelling of side-by-side.
adv. close to each other, together
adj. nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space
Pompeo Tweeted yesterday side by side with another tweet in abrabic (at least I think it’s Arabic lol) He tweeted these in the same minute.
“We have stood with the Iranian people. We sanctioned their oppressors. We exposed the truth about the regime’s brutality. We deprived the regime of funds they would have used to support terrorism. Beyond a shadow of a doubt #MaximumPressureWorks”
Sorry guess I missed part of that thread, his magazine being relevant has nothing to do him being alive or not. Think about how long the plan has been working out, if past proves the future then why wouldn't clues to what is now or about to be be inside of thr magazine, I have tried finding copies to look at but you "pay to play " and I do not have to play
Im gonna sleep for awhile bcoz im in a different timezone. I hope when I wake up the next day I see drastic changes happening. Cross fingers, TRUST THE PLAN
There is an outside chance that these lockdowns are driven by the white hats. It does reduce the soft targets that the black hats like to target. Schools, churches, shopping malls. Just something to consider
There is a chance that these lockdowns are driven by the black hats AND that this is also playing in the White Heads' cards.
IMHO this is the most likely scenario. POTUS and white hats using [their] stupidity to their advantage. However, I'm with you on the initial driver.
I used to get upset with all of these restrictions that Ford and Tory have implemented. I agree that the White Hats are most likely trying to protect us.
Based on what? John Tory literally owns Rogers.
Just my opinion. I think Tory, Trudeau and Ford have been neutralized. When I watch videos of them, it looks like CGI. Look at their necks moving over their collars. Again, just my opinion.
You could be right. Who knows
Look, the initial Corona lockdowns in March last year were said to be white hat operations and look at the lack of arrests that took place.
How about going back and looking up all of the corporate resignations, "won't be running for another term" politicians, and all of the human trafficking arrests since then?
Just because high-level criminals haven't been publicly arrested doesn't mean that shit isn't happening.
Take your AOGTFO shit over to TD.W if you can't wait for the plan to unfold.
They were clearing the tunnels and needed the public at home. I believe that, anyway!
What exactly are white hats and black hats?
Have you noticed that Ford has that deer in the headlights look?
He's following orders... and I'm not impressed that he hasn't got the balls to say "NO".
Who is George? Is it a reference to the George magazine?
Soros perhaps?
I don't buy into JFK jr still being alive. You have to admit that if he were to come out in public today that would be a MASSIVE Q proof. Also this fear nonsense about the plan being a failure would be tossed right out the window.
Here is my dream for today. The house impeaches President Trump. In their rush to impeach they sent it to the senate. They hand it off to the guy the Senate put in charge to receive it. As soon as they hand it to that guy on National TV he says HI we now take control of this, btw my name is JFK jr. Hey,I know this will not happen but I am allowed to have dreams.
IF JFK jr. was alive it would NOT be a Q proof. The question was asked if he was alive and Q said "No". There has been no hints about JFK jr. being alive in the Q drops.
The only ones peddling this are a few followers hoping it is true and going down rabbit holes trying to connect Q drops and certain people seen at Trump rallies due to a post on the chans by someone who referred to themselves as "R".
It would be awesome if it was true though. That would be a massive red pill for the masses around the world.
I don't think he is alive.
Q said not alive to JFK Jr.
I think some people think he is alive because his father passed away before he did and that makes him not a jr anymore. Also Robert Kennedy during an interview with Andrew Wakefield today (9th July 2020) was requested by someone in the LIVE chat to "touch your nose if jfk jr. is alive?". He touches his nose.
**All I was saying is that IF he was alive, it would NOT be a Q proof as Q said he was not and there are no hints in the drops that he is. **
I was not arguing about Q's answer as a hard truth.
Agree with everything you state though.
I don't buy it either.
There is a connection to JFK and the slave vote though (guessing the black vote – since many are slaves to the D party). IIRC, that's when things shifted, and, watching the Uncle Tom documentary, that was due to JFK visiting MLK in jail while the republican side didn't. This may mean NOTHING, just thought it was interesting.
Even something said from beyond the grave from JFK could open eyes if there's anything there?
Hehe nice dream!
Are you sure? ^,^
I not sure about anything anymore! Except that Trump will be POTUS for 4 more years.
I’ll dream that dream with you too
I think so.
I thought the same.
Four more years of George.
7/10 targeted kills is referring to plane crashes in the news. 7 out of 10 are targeted kills. Another Boeing 737-500 crashed in Indonesia 4 or 5 days ago.
I've noticed a lot of plane crashes with hundreds of passengers happen in or around Indonesia. What is it there that they (the left) are trying to hide?
It could simply be a place where it is easy to compromise plane mechanics (the people and that of the planes).
I know a long time air crash investigator, considered top of his field. He was convinced that first missing flight many years ago was brought down intentionally by someone.
But then why even say they crashed? What's the point? Trying to scare us or make us submit? What is it?
Saw that. Not surprised anymore. I don't believe a damn thing the MSM or government/corporations tell us.
it's on thephaser com
Shit i watched it but I must have missed it
@Jack going to feel the pain today.
This is freaky! Robin D Bullocks prophesied yesterday that now it's time for Jack Dorsey. Plus he hears the word "Cabal" just before it!!
And then, I hope I'm saying this right. I think it's cobol, maybe cabal, but I think it's cobol, and I heard, "Now, it's time, for Jack Dorsey".
I'm sorry but this is dumb as shit. How can you follow jesus christ if you think this idiot is talking or hearing words from god?
literally made an account cause im tired of seeing these fake preacher fucks trying to be a prophet.
The Lord used a man who actually murdered the apostles. I don't know anything about this guy, but I don't choose who the lord uses, he does.
Is he a Q follower? Lol
My wife didn’t understand why I’ve been so worried about this. After that video leak, she’s starting to get a glimpse of the evilness of the left (and right), and their “anointed authoritarianism.” Very creepy, evil people.
What pbs video?
Which surprisingly got the guy fired that same day.
yea we are not there yet, threatening to take peoples kids away can get a mofo killed namely innocent people over at PBS. it's just human nature. some people would snap at that kind of rhetoric :(
Thanks. Will check it out.
Does anybody else when they hear this type of hateful rhetoric scream to themselves‘I wish a mother zucker would try!?’ All these people calling for this type of persecution would never have the guts to follow through. Ironically they want people in government with guns to do it.
Thanks for this. Just to clarify. These are not the only drops from 1/13/2018. They are drops 519-531. Which includes: 523 13-Jan-2018 CHECKMATE. Q
You are missing the CHECKMATE drop#523. Checkmate hodings is the security firm covering the inauguration. Planning/set-up starts today. If you haven't checked this out do it NOW! look at the pic of the guy at his desk. Look at the planner. What is missing? Here is the link.CHECKMATE
I don't get it. What is missing?
It reads 10 11 12, 23 24 25. It jumps 10 days. today is now the 13th. What will happen/not happen between now and the next drop delta? 13th, 14th, 18th,?
I don't understand. What IS missing from the planner?
Jan 13-22 Moves from Jan 12->23 on the next page.
10 days reference?
me either? any semblance of muscle tone? Qlue me in...
Big day today boys
Don't date fag
English please
During the NK negotiations q would post things that imo coincided with nk. "big week" etc.
This lead to a lot of hope and then disappointment because "q promised a big week and nothing happened."
3 year Delta etc aside, expecting something inevitably leads to disappointment.
Enjoy the show. Don't expect your expectation to happen on your timeline. And this is a war. Dates are fluid.
I hope it's a big day, but don't be disappointed if it's not.
Oh yeah for sure. I mean fuck man we need something to happen Caus as the days go by and I see nothing idk how much I can still believe. Especially with the deltas. And them just not coming true it’s a little discouraging. It’s true dates are fluid. I just don’t wanna get to the 20th and sleepy joe be put in office ?
I hear you. If on Jan 20th Biden is sworn in and nothing happens, then our team lost. *Probably (i've heard people speculating that they're going to let Harris get in and bla bla bla, but i don't believe that shit. no outside comms. it's just speculation).
I agree something needs to happen. Trump needs to counter, and he hasn't yet. So far he's just said "this is a big deal and we caught them all..."
There are a few scenarios. Here they are:
he's pushed out of office and does not utilize declass and all of the other things at his disposal (EO, everything) and instead encourages a 2024 "this time we really mean it" run, we were had / we lost bigly.
I've heard rumors that the reveal will be 9/11 big. A nuclear scare or something big enough to get the world to literally be watching. Until the Alamo speech the world was holding it's breath to see Trump's counter and he comes out and does a pretty regular speech at the Alamo and it's minor. But he does a few min of press before that and mentions that there is always a counter.
One of the most important aspects of this is that the POTUS needs to be neutral. He's an actor playing a role. A role of a guy that lost the election. This is done to keep markets calm. You don't telegraph to the bad guys "arrests have started." You put out disinformation. Did you hear Trump had died? Did you hear that Trump is starting a hot war with China? Did you hear that there are states of emergencies declared across 4 - 6 states and in DC right now and 4 of them were signed by POTUS today?
Don't listen to the media. Breath through it til the 19th. I think we're going to see a big big curtain drop. a big reveal that truly the whole world will be watching. Trump isn't going to half ass this.
If we knew, the bad guys would know. Art of war. Look weak when you are strong. Is Trump going to hand off to Beijing Biden? A proven national security risk? I wouldn't bet on it. I could be wrong. But i wouldn't bet on it.
Until Trump runs for cover or starts prepping his 2024 campaign from outside of the white house / after Jan 20...i think we'll see something. And if we've been had, does anyone then think even Trump could call off the patriots who descended on DC (in a non-violent protest until their voice are heard, a la Ghandi)?
edit: I don't pretend to know Trumps game on the vaccine bullshit. He shouldn't be recommending it. I don't care what Trump says, i won't be taking that shit.
Yes, I agree 100% with what you said. My significant other and I have spent countless hours discussing what happened. And what will happen, if something will happen or not. We know what’s on the line. Most of us here do. And trump knows. Q knows, his team knows. They know that if we win, it’ll be a new golden age and all people will be freed. If not- all our lives are on the line including the freedom of mankind. This is a big big deal, and trump I personally believe wouldn’t give up. He’s a patriot like us and loves the American ppl- not just them, but ppl all over the world need his help. He’s the one man sticking up for us (besides the military IF they’re with him, alongside a few others of course), and the world is literally resting on his shoulders. If he loses, we all lose. If I were trump I would do anything and everything in my power to make sure I got these sons of bitches out of here. As for the vaccine, I think it’s quite possible trump knew they were going to put something shady in the vaccine, and carefully timed it to make sure that when all the info comes out, so does the dirt on the vaccine as a way to trap them. Just my speculation. He did say neither him nor his staff would be taking it, to me, that’s like saying “hey guys, I wouldn’t completely trust this right now”. Just my speculation. Thank you for the message.
"Hello George."
These make so much more sense today. Future proves past indeed.
Hell yes!!!
4-6% lost forever meaning that percent of the left changing political views?
Yes, I think that cognitive dissonance of many can be broken, but there are a few that will never be able to process the truth. Easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled.
Hello George...? And really could see jack getting fired.
You must mean “arrested” right?
523 Jan 13, 2018 10:36:29 PM EST Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 11 CHECKMATE. Q
Goodbye @Jack...
I understand what a delta is in principle, but what is it's significance in this context?
Future proves past. We don't know if it applies to today or not.
Man y'all are helpful af.
Side by side Vs actual news Show future PROVES past. BIGGER next week Q
side by side adj. Alternative spelling of side-by-side. adv. close to each other, together adj. nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space
Pompeo Tweeted yesterday side by side with another tweet in abrabic (at least I think it’s Arabic lol) He tweeted these in the same minute.
This is Pompeos Tweet
“We have stood with the Iranian people. We sanctioned their oppressors. We exposed the truth about the regime’s brutality. We deprived the regime of funds they would have used to support terrorism. Beyond a shadow of a doubt #MaximumPressureWorks”
Dark to light, future PROVES past
Power Outages in Redmond/Bellevue this morning, including the Microsoft campus. Lots of wind last night so might be just weather related?
also check the results for this search query seems relevant here.
Sorry guess I missed part of that thread, his magazine being relevant has nothing to do him being alive or not. Think about how long the plan has been working out, if past proves the future then why wouldn't clues to what is now or about to be be inside of thr magazine, I have tried finding copies to look at but you "pay to play " and I do not have to play
Has anyone tried cross referencing JFKJR magazines, the name of it was George
Maybe George Soros.
Saw this, not sure if relevant.
What is this 3 year delta and where did it come from?