Doesn't necessarily mean its fake...they could just be terrible at compliance. I've seen worse.
A quick perusal of the Managing Partner's various social media accounts shows he's been around for awhile and has lots of connections. Doesn't mean those accounts were not also faked of course.
Great work, yep it's castle realty logo. Logically, they wouldn't spin up an entire fake website and logo in the last 24hrs just to "debunk" this 1 single claim. Random coincidences still do exist.
The reference to Castle is still interesting though. And it is strange how the right half of the logo is blurred out after the R in the original broadcast.
I find the mention of "real-time" interesting, similar to "realty". Maybe I'm reaching, I dunno. It is strange that the post has the word "real" though.
You can't really read it in the video. You can sort of make out that the first word in white letters on the blue line under Castle is "Established" (it's the correct number of letters). If you go to the website of Castle Realty that I linked above, you can read the text under the logo more clearly there.
It is rather strange that someone who works for Castle Realty, which hails from St. Cloud, MN would be at the inauguration. If it were a local real estate agency, it would seem more likely, but out of the 10 people who were there, it just happens to be someone who is wearing a castle realty hat from MN? Something still seems strange about it.
I am immediately suspicious of anyone who twists themselves into a pretzel to dismiss obvious irregularities. They don't always mean something, no. But they could.
Like everything else, there's usually a good reason to try to disqualify common sense. Like the HCQ stuff we're learning has worked all along. We likely won't know mush of this until the very end.
hubby's business was considered essential and never closed. The president's brother is a doctor and there were 2 waves of covid that hit the office, months apart. The last one got 14 people. The president of the company gave them all HCQ, including my husband, and they all healed quickly. I got it from my husband and the president gave me ivermectin. I was over it in 4 days.
I was on board with it until I saw that the Resolute desk that Biden is using is the exact same one Trump used, down to the minute blemishes. Yeah they can replicate blemishes, but would they go to that extent, I sincerely doubt it.
So your logic is that they went through the trouble of replicating a one of a kind Resolute desk carved from oak that was in the Arctic, down to the blemishes, but also was sloppy in editing and filming a fake inaug?
But, but, Chris Wallace said it was the most eloquent Inaugural speech he had ever heard. Are you saying that Wallace is full of crap? Well are you sir!
they announced the rehearsal was canceled - as a bluff to improve security
shot a lot of footage over 2 days - 2 "cancelled" rehearsals - got what they needed - spliced it together and on the day the real inauguration was pbly not aired at all.... or they ran it - 5 minutes delayed - and they had cuts they put into the live feed as it went - so if there were mistakes live, they could cut out
they were also probably running audio from the rehearsals. tricky to do....
that can explain how it landed at 11.48am instead of starting at midday, cos the live one was a mess of Biden flubs and they went to the spliced recorded rehearsal version.
or if the live was was running 5-10 minutes delayed, they started 5-10 minutes early and used the live part for the swearing in - and landed too early.
you also have to see the two girls in pink changing positions - these are not pro actors that are fully prepared and rehearsed and they only basically have 2-3 takes to get it right so on the fly - it's not easy to get full production quality.
it also explains the low energy, Clinton nodding off and people a bit transparent and stressed because they thought it was just a rehearsal so they weren't making an effort.
ENHANCE! It's weird, if you look up their logo it's of a lighthouse with a big circular moon behind it. I don't see that in this logo. It looks like a castle to me.
I can't tell either. He and Ken Buck are the only two I had come up when I searched senator or congressman from Castle Rock. Doesn't look like either to me.
But they have a vector logo series....check these out...picture isnt clear enough from OP for actual comparison but they do have other logos...
Yeah, I believe were are watching a movie designed for not us, but the sleeping world, it's so they can de-program the ones who are brainwashed by making them see for themselves, the errors and bugs are intentional. They aren't even worried about us, that's why we are told to get popcorn and enjoy the show, and that the whole world is watching. I have a feeling that the pope won't be resurfacing any time soon. (Opinion)
Kudos to whoever discovered this one ! great work.
well why wouldn't they hire a good production company for an inauguration ? why not ?
everything is about media these days - and the expectations are so high because the movie production standards is so high.
we don't want to see some ugly politician in the raw - we want GoT live steam.
even for youtube bloggers - you need a make up artists, stylists, continuity directors, camera men, cinematographers, editors, online editors if it's live to cut shots.
if you ever tried just to take pictures of a product to sell on ebay, or pictures of your apartment to rent out - you know the kind of effort that needs to go in just to make it to an reasonable amateur standard.
it doesn't mean anything in and of itself, but Q mentioned it - that's all - it's more of a Q confirmation than a signal that Trump will overturn it all and reveal the fraud and the CCP.
He's drawing a parallel between when Abraham Lincoln wrote those words and when he's saying it now. Emancipation Proclolamation was given on January 1, and now he's saying them again on a January day.
Unrelated question—There have been questions about the weather. So my question is - if this is taking place at noon, why is there harsh side light instead of zenith light? I also don’t know the layout of things in relation to the cardinal directions. Maybe someone else can gauge the time of day from this clip.
The thing that stuck out the most to me was how the camera was able to track Joe’s side to side motion perfectly. The camera was also pretty stable on his closeup.
Oh fuck - I just overdosed
Breathe Mahn, Breathe!! Don't go toward the Light! Here, Drink The Bourbon.. You'll be OK..
-Antifa/Byecep Man
Sorry, the current budget situation we will send out a social worker. They have a liberal art degree, so you should be fine.
Applies tourniquet. Scratch. applies tourniquet, Sucking chest wound, applies tourniquet, stubbed toe, applies tourniquet, smoke inhalation, applies tourniquet.
Doesn't necessarily mean its fake...they could just be terrible at compliance. I've seen worse.
A quick perusal of the Managing Partner's various social media accounts shows he's been around for awhile and has lots of connections. Doesn't mean those accounts were not also faked of course.
Great work, yep it's castle realty logo. Logically, they wouldn't spin up an entire fake website and logo in the last 24hrs just to "debunk" this 1 single claim. Random coincidences still do exist.
Looks like entertainment lower, but this is a janky video for sure. Why do we need the guy typing
Overdosing will cost you more now, drug prices just went up
Correct, probably Castle Realty. See other answers.
Go to
type in "images castle rock logo"
Pay especial attention to the black and white version of the logo.
What does it look like to you???
A dick.
Ding, ding, ding ding, ding! Now, what do you think the "moon" represents?
What is the occult significance of the moon?
A cunt.
You get a gold star!
I disagree brooooo
I was also convinced that it was Castle Rock, but after a bit of searching found that it's actually Castle Realty. Check out the website below.
The reference to Castle is still interesting though. And it is strange how the right half of the logo is blurred out after the R in the original broadcast.
Nice solve! Our credibility as a community is more important than ever.
Citizens Journalist!
Tell that to the "pictures of Hunter Biden with kids!!! AHHHH!" people.
They're shooting the movement in the foot.
That's it
I thought this was pure cut hopium! What did I just buy?
It would love to see Castle Rock logo but you seem to be right.
Yes. That's Castle Real logo.
Everyone please compare and vote on this comment up so we can remove sticky. Do t let the fake news to use it and blame us for fake news.
@partiotNL - please update
How? What should I do? I am still a handshake.
Still in “shill” status.
Yes, it does look like that one!
The logo has "Established in 1982" written under it.
I looked at Q's post 1982, it contains two links: Q
I find the mention of "real-time" interesting, similar to "realty". Maybe I'm reaching, I dunno. It is strange that the post has the word "real" though.
That's the "established in 1982". It lines up perfectly with the placement in their logo.
Credit goes to u/psychoblizzard for that one. :)
the first listing is a DQ in Sleepy eye MN for $495,000
You can't really read it in the video. You can sort of make out that the first word in white letters on the blue line under Castle is "Established" (it's the correct number of letters). If you go to the website of Castle Realty that I linked above, you can read the text under the logo more clearly there.
It is rather strange that someone who works for Castle Realty, which hails from St. Cloud, MN would be at the inauguration. If it were a local real estate agency, it would seem more likely, but out of the 10 people who were there, it just happens to be someone who is wearing a castle realty hat from MN? Something still seems strange about it.
My thought exactly!
I am immediately suspicious of anyone who twists themselves into a pretzel to dismiss obvious irregularities. They don't always mean something, no. But they could.
Like everything else, there's usually a good reason to try to disqualify common sense. Like the HCQ stuff we're learning has worked all along. We likely won't know mush of this until the very end.
hubby's business was considered essential and never closed. The president's brother is a doctor and there were 2 waves of covid that hit the office, months apart. The last one got 14 people. The president of the company gave them all HCQ, including my husband, and they all healed quickly. I got it from my husband and the president gave me ivermectin. I was over it in 4 days.
Was kind of odd that the theory was dismissed so quickly.
Wonder if any shills are here questioning? This is good stuff
I was on board with it until I saw that the Resolute desk that Biden is using is the exact same one Trump used, down to the minute blemishes. Yeah they can replicate blemishes, but would they go to that extent, I sincerely doubt it.
So your logic is that they went through the trouble of replicating a one of a kind Resolute desk carved from oak that was in the Arctic, down to the blemishes, but also was sloppy in editing and filming a fake inaug?
I guess that's fair. Steve Bannon's ties to Castle Rock are definitely quite the coincidence...
Bannon was brought in to help Westinghouse Electric negotiate a minority stake acquisition in Castle Rock Entertainment — the producer of the iconic Jerry Seinfeld comedy — a person familiar with the deal told TheWrap.
“If my name ever goes down into history it will be for this act, and my whole soul is in it.”
What. In. The. Fuck.
It's a quote from Abraham Lincoln.
Edit: from the Emancipation Proclamation
Makes sense now.
What a bizarre speech he gave
But, but, Chris Wallace said it was the most eloquent Inaugural speech he had ever heard. Are you saying that Wallace is full of crap? Well are you sir!
I would never! I must have listened to another inauguration speech that same day.
I am not sure if it was posted already, tried to search. And I have not confirmed it myself, lazy sunday...
Ok I had to check it in original livestream, it's at 4:56:30
I got 4:56:41 when it just starts to come in focus.
Yes, you are correct. I wanted to have the soul quote in it too.. :p
I think psychoblizzard found the logo and it says: Castle Realty...
Holy crap!
They were hired to stage the entire biden presidency!
It may have been rushed, but did the white hats organize it?
yes that is my theory too -
they announced the rehearsal was canceled - as a bluff to improve security
shot a lot of footage over 2 days - 2 "cancelled" rehearsals - got what they needed - spliced it together and on the day the real inauguration was pbly not aired at all.... or they ran it - 5 minutes delayed - and they had cuts they put into the live feed as it went - so if there were mistakes live, they could cut out
they were also probably running audio from the rehearsals. tricky to do....
that can explain how it landed at 11.48am instead of starting at midday, cos the live one was a mess of Biden flubs and they went to the spliced recorded rehearsal version.
or if the live was was running 5-10 minutes delayed, they started 5-10 minutes early and used the live part for the swearing in - and landed too early.
you also have to see the two girls in pink changing positions - these are not pro actors that are fully prepared and rehearsed and they only basically have 2-3 takes to get it right so on the fly - it's not easy to get full production quality.
it also explains the low energy, Clinton nodding off and people a bit transparent and stressed because they thought it was just a rehearsal so they weren't making an effort.
ENHANCE! It's weird, if you look up their logo it's of a lighthouse with a big circular moon behind it. I don't see that in this logo. It looks like a castle to me.
Check out other logos they have...these are for castle rock ent. Vector..
Hmm... this doesn't say "Castle Rock" though, just "Castle". I think this is a logo for something else.
That's Senator Michael Bennett of Castle Rock Colorado I think. Can anyone confirm?
By comparing photos it is difficult to see, those masks are not helpful. But it could be, they both have overhanging eyelids.
I can't tell either. He and Ken Buck are the only two I had come up when I searched senator or congressman from Castle Rock. Doesn't look like either to me.
Don't think so. Different face diaper and clothes per image in linked.
I cant find this logo anywhere on the internet.
Me either..
But they have a vector logo series....check these out...picture isnt clear enough from OP for actual comparison but they do have other logos...
I searched for "castle rock entertainment logos" this was under the "vector" listing...if it doesnt apply, my apology
A whole lotta digging going on these days...?
How could the camera crew be so careless???
Whoa. What are the odds?
Yeah, I believe were are watching a movie designed for not us, but the sleeping world, it's so they can de-program the ones who are brainwashed by making them see for themselves, the errors and bugs are intentional. They aren't even worried about us, that's why we are told to get popcorn and enjoy the show, and that the whole world is watching. I have a feeling that the pope won't be resurfacing any time soon. (Opinion)
Here are some logos used by castle rock entertainment vector...this image shown could match one of these?
Kudos to whoever discovered this one ! great work.
well why wouldn't they hire a good production company for an inauguration ? why not ?
everything is about media these days - and the expectations are so high because the movie production standards is so high.
we don't want to see some ugly politician in the raw - we want GoT live steam.
even for youtube bloggers - you need a make up artists, stylists, continuity directors, camera men, cinematographers, editors, online editors if it's live to cut shots.
if you ever tried just to take pictures of a product to sell on ebay, or pictures of your apartment to rent out - you know the kind of effort that needs to go in just to make it to an reasonable amateur standard.
it doesn't mean anything in and of itself, but Q mentioned it - that's all - it's more of a Q confirmation than a signal that Trump will overturn it all and reveal the fraud and the CCP.
"On this January day..." he couldn't say the actual date for some reason?
He's drawing a parallel between when Abraham Lincoln wrote those words and when he's saying it now. Emancipation Proclolamation was given on January 1, and now he's saying them again on a January day.
Unrelated question—There have been questions about the weather. So my question is - if this is taking place at noon, why is there harsh side light instead of zenith light? I also don’t know the layout of things in relation to the cardinal directions. Maybe someone else can gauge the time of day from this clip.
They aren’t on the equator is why. At noon today it calculates a 1m tall object has a 1.6m shadow, 32 degree peak angle in D.C.
Winter sucks.
Joe "This act" lol
Nope, its Castle Realty
The hat may say Castle Realty, but they sell property in Castle Rock ?
Didn't we hear something about his private security having the name, Castle Rock? Could it be one of those guys?
psychoblizzard found this:
Pretty sure he's right.
I see Biden's face, I close.
I'm never listening to one word from that turd, except if it's "I'm guilty" or "arrhhhghghg"
I think I figured out the hat. The castle resembles a recording studio in Nashville called Castle Recording Studios.
Wtf.. this was deeboooonked, then reafirmed.. then debooonked, and now reafirmed again..
Fuckit I'm done guess I believe it's a movie
Clint Eastwood has done some work with Castle Rock Entertainment. I’ve always thought how badass it would be if he was helping to direct everything.
How do we know they're not fucking with us....?
If that's what you want to go with, go with it. We won't stop you. Defies logic to me though
The thing that stuck out the most to me was how the camera was able to track Joe’s side to side motion perfectly. The camera was also pretty stable on his closeup.
I have NEVER seen somebody wearing a "Castle Rock" hat. Definitely notable.
Is that really their logo?