So, [they] cheated the system AGAIN by stopping trading on GME, AMC, etc because [they] not only write the rules, [they] also control how the rules are followed. Got it.
Glad you posted this. I was getting tired of filling my bathtub up and staring at it for the last couple years! Seriously though... This decode makes complete sense.
Where were you when I needed you??? One of those could have been the "Keystone" to my research!!!! Instead I spent many nites just sitting there... Alone... Staring.. Staring.... Doin research.
WOW...Forgot about the Liquidity of Water..Another LAYER of the SWAMP exposed! Also makes sense as to WHY they had to Halt the trading. Excellent Post! TY
DTCC which is FED had no money to cover the volatility.... yeah for sure .... trillions for putting us in depth through money given away to others through US gov (e.g. abortion and gender studies in Pakistan) ... no limit there.
If the DTCC was demanding 100%, why would they not have enough to cover? They were not demanding 100% from themselves. This explanation is circular. The clearing house IS NOT on the hook to have the funds for transactions. The TRANSACTORS are (brokers/banks). They deposit the requirement to the clearinghouse. This story is rife with inconsistencies.
I thought the wording was weird too. No expert here, but aren't clearing houses separate from the DTCC? I saw a video talking about how robinhood stopped trades because their clearing house they use told them they couldn't handle it.
I thought it was that brokerage firms use clearing houses for handling the backend part of the trade (some brokerage firms run their own), and then the clearing houses work with the DTCC. I could be wrong though.
Except THEY DIDN'T STOP TRADES- just BUYING. They all allowed SALES, hoping to get the price down. If WeBullSht CEO were correct, they would have had to stop selling too, which they did NOT.
So, all retail buying was unilaterally stopped, but not selling- WHO WAS BUYING??
Oh yeah without a doubt. As for who was buying, the hedge funds. I bet they used those billions from the bailouts timed with this to close some of their shorts and reset around that $250-300 range. That way the short to float percent stays relatively stagnant, so we assume they're in the same place. They likely still are in a pretty shitty situation, but I bet some of those reset shorts will help offset their losses.
However, if people just keep piling on and buying, they could still end up in the same boat overall. What good is a reset short around $300 if the stock goes up to $600 so to speak. They still would end up getting liquidated.
Somewhat unrelated, but I'm hearing a lot of talk about silver too. Perhaps people should buy silver instead as not only is it a safer investment, but if it's as undervalued as they say there's quite a lot of potential. It's also a physical asset (assuming you get actual coins/bars) which is nice too.
Let me clear this up for those people out there that don't get it. They create money out of thin air. They then use that money to make money for themselves. Then they either get rid of that money by waving a magic wand... or they wash it through the government and it causes your money to have less value... while they keep getting richer and richer.
But they don't stop there. They also go out into the stock market and use insider knowledge with tons of that fake money to prey on little people who think the stock market is fair and a great way to grow their money. So they are stealing from you on both ends.
All of it leads back to a corrupt government and a corrupt federal reserve. Its designed to be so complicated we can't see what they are doing. The entire system is built to FUCK YOU... the little guy. Meanwhile these rich "in the know" fat cats live the life of private jets, mansions and $1,000 meals with money/value/labor they basically stole from us.
Even more fun is when they screw up... when they make a mistake that causes a problem such as the 2008 prime lending housing bubble thing guess what??? Then they take your hard earned taxpayer dollars and use them to bail themselves out so they stay rich and you stay poor.
Yes. You still have a chance to live in poverty and drink yourself to death or OD on drugs so you die "happy". They will gladly profit from the alcohol/drugs you consume to keep yourself in a constant state of ignorant bliss. OR do you prefer mind numbing brainwashing TV shows like I do???
I kind of assumed it was at least partially sarcasm. I just moved on tot he next layer of abuse because it seemed appropriate to point out. These people want us dead.
I'm not really a stock guy so I don't know the timing on that. It might be too late to buy and make a difference. That's the problem with the "system" these people have created. They make it overly complicated on purpose. That is meant to give them camouflage to hide their abuse of the common man. We falsely believe its complicated because that's just the nature of how those things work. Not so. They made it that way on purpose.
The same applies to our laws. They used to be simple and strait forward. You raped a woman you were tried and jailed. Now its a complicated mess and the judges and lawyers control everything not justice and juries.
When a lawyer screws up who judges him? Other lawyers(the bar).
When a citizen(non-lawyer) screws up who judges him? Lawyers(DA/AG).
Sure sometimes lawyers are punished. Its token sacrifices to make you believe the system works. More often than not they did something so blatantly obvious it had to be dealt with. They got caught red handed and sacrificed. IE ...
But look closely at the punishments. Nifong was stripped of his law licenses etc, great, but he served 1 freaking day in jail. It was a joke. He tried to ruin those kids lives USING THE POWER OF HIS OFFICE. If you or I filed false charges we'd end up doing years in jail.
Hastings! LOL! That motherfucker took bribes as a judge, got caught, he escaped criminal prosecution because his partner refused to testify(and was pardoned by Clinton later). He was finally impeached by the US Congress and booted out of office. Only a few years later HE WAS IN CONGRESS as a member of the house, and he is STILL THERE TODAY!!! A known bribe taker.
Its all rigged. The special people get all the breaks and little people like us just get trampled.
... So there's only that small amount of money available to actually pay out at once, and we're to believe there ISN'T a conspiracy? It's just luck that there aren't massive sellouts at once resulting in insolvency?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the process, but it sure seems barely functionable.
Also I'm not shocked, I just find it so blatant it's maddening.
What if every “little person” pulls their money out of the stock market and watch it fail... They are just making money off the little people, so why keep allowing them too? After all of this, they are going to come up with even more rules/regulations and they won’t be applied to them....
So, [they] cheated the system AGAIN by stopping trading on GME, AMC, etc because [they] not only write the rules, [they] also control how the rules are followed. Got it.
Fucking thieves.
'we're learning more about Covid, every day'
More so learning how to slowly boil the frog to quietly kill the economy.
Glad you posted this. I was getting tired of filling my bathtub up and staring at it for the last couple years! Seriously though... This decode makes complete sense.
What are you laughing at? I was way down the rabbit hole working hard on a very serious decode for months on end!
I have 15K gallons I keep on hand. Some people call it a swimming pool though.
But did you try watching in Infrared, Black Lights or with a magnifying glass?
Where were you when I needed you??? One of those could have been the "Keystone" to my research!!!! Instead I spent many nites just sitting there... Alone... Staring.. Staring.... Doin research.
My wife has had ours filled for a month, I feel you fren.
lol Do you mean you've been filling your bathtub as is advised in case of emergency? So you will have a reserve of water?
WOW...Forgot about the Liquidity of Water..Another LAYER of the SWAMP exposed! Also makes sense as to WHY they had to Halt the trading. Excellent Post! TY
DTCC which is FED had no money to cover the volatility.... yeah for sure .... trillions for putting us in depth through money given away to others through US gov (e.g. abortion and gender studies in Pakistan) ... no limit there.
Most of those trillions aren't liquid assets :)
Remember "asset seizures" for CCP collaborators?
If the DTCC was demanding 100%, why would they not have enough to cover? They were not demanding 100% from themselves. This explanation is circular. The clearing house IS NOT on the hook to have the funds for transactions. The TRANSACTORS are (brokers/banks). They deposit the requirement to the clearinghouse. This story is rife with inconsistencies.
Thank you. I was thinking the exact same thing. DTCC requires 100% from... themselves? Makes no sense.
You should do some digging on DTCC. Bix Weir is not a great source but this has some good info in it.
I thought the wording was weird too. No expert here, but aren't clearing houses separate from the DTCC? I saw a video talking about how robinhood stopped trades because their clearing house they use told them they couldn't handle it.
I thought it was that brokerage firms use clearing houses for handling the backend part of the trade (some brokerage firms run their own), and then the clearing houses work with the DTCC. I could be wrong though.
Except THEY DIDN'T STOP TRADES- just BUYING. They all allowed SALES, hoping to get the price down. If WeBullSht CEO were correct, they would have had to stop selling too, which they did NOT.
So, all retail buying was unilaterally stopped, but not selling- WHO WAS BUYING??
Oh yeah without a doubt. As for who was buying, the hedge funds. I bet they used those billions from the bailouts timed with this to close some of their shorts and reset around that $250-300 range. That way the short to float percent stays relatively stagnant, so we assume they're in the same place. They likely still are in a pretty shitty situation, but I bet some of those reset shorts will help offset their losses.
However, if people just keep piling on and buying, they could still end up in the same boat overall. What good is a reset short around $300 if the stock goes up to $600 so to speak. They still would end up getting liquidated.
Somewhat unrelated, but I'm hearing a lot of talk about silver too. Perhaps people should buy silver instead as not only is it a safer investment, but if it's as undervalued as they say there's quite a lot of potential. It's also a physical asset (assuming you get actual coins/bars) which is nice too.
Let me clear this up for those people out there that don't get it. They create money out of thin air. They then use that money to make money for themselves. Then they either get rid of that money by waving a magic wand... or they wash it through the government and it causes your money to have less value... while they keep getting richer and richer.
But they don't stop there. They also go out into the stock market and use insider knowledge with tons of that fake money to prey on little people who think the stock market is fair and a great way to grow their money. So they are stealing from you on both ends.
All of it leads back to a corrupt government and a corrupt federal reserve. Its designed to be so complicated we can't see what they are doing. The entire system is built to FUCK YOU... the little guy. Meanwhile these rich "in the know" fat cats live the life of private jets, mansions and $1,000 meals with money/value/labor they basically stole from us.
Even more fun is when they screw up... when they make a mistake that causes a problem such as the 2008 prime lending housing bubble thing guess what??? Then they take your hard earned taxpayer dollars and use them to bail themselves out so they stay rich and you stay poor.
True, I can remember when a millionaire, think Thurston Howell III on Gillian's Island was a person of wealth.
So you're saying we still have a chance.....? :)
Yes. You still have a chance to live in poverty and drink yourself to death or OD on drugs so you die "happy". They will gladly profit from the alcohol/drugs you consume to keep yourself in a constant state of ignorant bliss. OR do you prefer mind numbing brainwashing TV shows like I do???
Yep, I understand... Was just being silly.... (sarcasm) Reminds me of George Carlin's Big Club bit..... [(]
I kind of assumed it was at least partially sarcasm. I just moved on tot he next layer of abuse because it seemed appropriate to point out. These people want us dead.
So true..... God bless you, and stay strong fellow patriot....
So, should we buy GME still or no?
I'm not really a stock guy so I don't know the timing on that. It might be too late to buy and make a difference. That's the problem with the "system" these people have created. They make it overly complicated on purpose. That is meant to give them camouflage to hide their abuse of the common man. We falsely believe its complicated because that's just the nature of how those things work. Not so. They made it that way on purpose.
The same applies to our laws. They used to be simple and strait forward. You raped a woman you were tried and jailed. Now its a complicated mess and the judges and lawyers control everything not justice and juries.
When a lawyer screws up who judges him? Other lawyers(the bar).
When a citizen(non-lawyer) screws up who judges him? Lawyers(DA/AG).
Sure sometimes lawyers are punished. Its token sacrifices to make you believe the system works. More often than not they did something so blatantly obvious it had to be dealt with. They got caught red handed and sacrificed. IE ... OR
But look closely at the punishments. Nifong was stripped of his law licenses etc, great, but he served 1 freaking day in jail. It was a joke. He tried to ruin those kids lives USING THE POWER OF HIS OFFICE. If you or I filed false charges we'd end up doing years in jail.
Hastings! LOL! That motherfucker took bribes as a judge, got caught, he escaped criminal prosecution because his partner refused to testify(and was pardoned by Clinton later). He was finally impeached by the US Congress and booted out of office. Only a few years later HE WAS IN CONGRESS as a member of the house, and he is STILL THERE TODAY!!! A known bribe taker.
Its all rigged. The special people get all the breaks and little people like us just get trampled.
Yep. Agree on all fronts.
Was hoping to jump into the GME front but it might be too late. I dunno.
I understood the first time... I was just being silly.... Reminds me of George Carlin's big club bit.... (
So does this have the potential to take out the entire stock market and/or the Fed?
Watch the water is referencing Seal team six plane crash recovery of “bodies”.
I can't see any difference from deferments, posting delays, retro-booking and Ricky Jay's "The History Lesson".
As amazing as the slight of hand is, the narrative distraction (the FED - the Greenspans, the Bernakis, the Yellins....) is equally impressive. (7 min)
My guy this has nothing to do with water.
Time to bring the whole diseased system down on there heads
So, they are suggesting a stimulus bill for billionaires is what they need to cover their greed? $600 for each of them should be fine.
Bring it down. Bring it all down. Boom!
... So there's only that small amount of money available to actually pay out at once, and we're to believe there ISN'T a conspiracy? It's just luck that there aren't massive sellouts at once resulting in insolvency? Maybe I'm misunderstanding the process, but it sure seems barely functionable. Also I'm not shocked, I just find it so blatant it's maddening.
What if every “little person” pulls their money out of the stock market and watch it fail... They are just making money off the little people, so why keep allowing them too? After all of this, they are going to come up with even more rules/regulations and they won’t be applied to them....
So it depends?