Right. And WE are the "cult" -- WE are the "conspiracy." They doom themselves to hell. All day, every day, in unimaginable terror and agony, in the company of Killary, Obozo, Soros, Gates and their ilk. All of the feigned superiority in this world cannot deliver them from what awaits them in the next.
He used to host a reality game show called The Mole... when i first saw him on CNN I laughed my head off and figured thst was CNN standards. Didnt know at the time he was just connected
Everything, Hollyweird, media and Cabal are all family members. Most of the children were products of trafficking for MK ultra through pizzagate. Total slime of the earth!
also mother goddess worshop stemming from Semiramis or Nimrod wife.
It is an old pagan religion. There is more to the symbolism. The two babylons book is excellent on the symbolism. I recommend older version that has pictures to illustrate.
That's the Queen of Heaven. Also known as Lucifer. Satan. Also called Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth. See also: Astarte, Akkadian, Ashtorat, Ishtar, Venus, Aphrodite.
Satan is a transsexual Hive Mind who calls himself the Queen of Heaven and uses parasite demons to infect and control the children of God.
Are you drunk or high? I don’t talk about Hell at all or even scripture. I’m responding to someone who thinks the Art above is based on something in the Bible. It is not.
Lol. What the Hell are you going on about? I agree, the pic above is about the Devil not the Lord. Which is why I clearly say it has nothing to do with the Lord. You are responding to the wrong person you complete imbecile. Are you drunk or high?
That’s the Queen of Heaven, not Mary. The Queen of Heaven is Lucifer. Everything in the pic above is a dark mirror of Christianity. Where in the world did I say otherwise?
Just admit you responded to the wrong person, apologize, and move on. You’re making a complete fool of yourself.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 6:12 NKJV
When I said "If you are new here" I just meant it for general anons (probably many new eyes that are reading this thread). Not you specifically. Sorry for the confusion. ;)
Oh, no problem at all. I get asked if I'm new a lot, I guess I don't post much and haven't had an account for long... but I'm all too familiar with this stuff. I knew about almost all of this crap before a lot of readers here were even born. I'm an old dusty fart... but it's nice that people who have called me nuts for a decade or two will finally get to kiss my white hairy ass.
With this one, it's pretty obvious that you're seeing what you want to see. There's nothing wrong with that picture aside from looking a bit creepy, mostly due to their facial expressions.
Or is there any possibility that you just haven't identified what you're looking at, and therefore I'm the one seeing shit? Ever consider that maybe I know exactly what I'm looking at, and you're the one reaching?
I mean, this would be more convincing if it was some sort of a symbol they used in extremely private conversations that they didn't expect to be leaked. The fact that it's used for a public thing, especially something that'd be so ironic, means that it's a coincidence. Nobody would be stupid enough to publicise that sort of shit if they were actually doing it. You don't incriminate yourself for no reason.
They "incriminate" themselves because this is their way of avoiding "bad karma".
If they tell us, even in some round-about cryptic manner... then it's OUR FAULT for being too stupid to understand. They think this absolves them from any wrong-doing because WE are the ones who weren't clever enough to figure it out since they make it SO EASY to tell what's going on. Hidden in plain sight. The simplest answer is often the correct one... and all that jazz.
The "art" on the wall, while admittedly strange in style (likely central American in origin) depicts several elements from scripture. The beheaded man is John the Baptist, the rooster is from when Peter denied knowing Jesus three times, the three men in the upper right look more like the three wise men at Jesus' birth. The thing in the middle is likely Jesus in the Ark of the Covenant. The original ark contained the laws of God, and Jesus is the fulfillment of Law. There's a LOT of symbolism going on in that thing in the wall, and most of it, from what I can tell, has a biblical explanation, especially when considering that it has Central American origin, they obviously added their own cultural style to it.
If the roster symbolizes Peters rejection of Christ and the heads of John the Baptist was served up on a platter after a daughter dances for the king in a way he likes... great symbols of “faith.”
I know art history and Hispanic Catholic art and symbology. This is dark shnit man. Human sacrifice in a burning coffin. I see “ in our history, in our religion, we killed your Christ man. Served his prophet up on a platter. We rule.”
And then half of what art means is either based on interpretation or must be informed by the artists statement. Without that we have our various opinions about the meaning of the piece. Just because there is Biblical symbolism doesn’t make this a Procatgolic piece. I think of the Piss Christ. Catholic symbology in urine. Same sentiment here imho.
You would hope so, but no. I had to dig a lot to get the real answer to this. Fortunately for you, the answer is given several times in this thread. To help get you there, they are Devil worshippers, not Christians. Once you accept that, then you will be able to find the original work this is based on. Took me months, but other anons have posted the answer in the comments to this post multiple times.
That they worship something other than Christ would not surprise me. If you wouldn't mind, since it's been mentioned several times already but I seem to be overlooking it, provide some details on the "art" hanging over the bed? I'm curious to know the artist, timeframe of its creation (specifically the year or decade at least), country of origin, etc. And to clarify, I'm not interested in arguing over pooper or his heathen mother, they can all rot in Moloch's asshole for all I care. But since others are convinced the scene above the bed is "clearly satanic", and I simply don't see it that way (although its style is definitely different from traditional European artists) I'm curious to know the ground truth on it.
Let’s put it this way. You are correct about all the Christian symbology. Actual devil worship is a dark mirror. I found the original painting this is based off of many years ago and don’t have that kind of time to go find it anymore.
Instead of Mary, that’s the Queen of Heaven. Also know as Lucifer. Who is a tranny in their system, I shit you not. This is depicting human sacrifice and a bunch of other horrible things while mirroring Christian heroes and events.
To be completely clear, I never learned the name or artist of the oil painting this is based off of. Never occurred to me to look for that.
Someone on the thread mentions the name of the Queen of Heaven in this instance, starts with a T. She also has a bunch of others, but that was the name that got me there.
I like your initial answer because that was mine when I first saw it. Once again, it is correct in a way. That’s what’s being mirrored. But there is a reason your creepy sense is going off. That’s the decent and divine part of you noticing something is off.
Sorry for not having what you respectfully asked for. It’s more than a fair ask. I’ve been at this for a ridiculously long time and I purposefully do not hold on to files.
Happy hunting!
Also get a VPN and maybe create a virtual machine before going down that horrific rabbit hole. Part of me wishes I never saw any of it.
He did explain it. Said it was not satanic and gave some explanation that the average normie will take as true. But they did talk about Gloria’s necklace being from Guatemala and talked about the theory that Cooper was CIA. You all need to watch this. I’m telling you, there were lots of truth nuggets thrown in.
My husband and I were talking about it this morning. They focused on facts in many places that may give someone a reason to start digging. Someone who knew nothing about Q before this has at least an understanding of how it works now.
Anderson Cooper does actually attempt to give an explanation for this photo in the latest CNN hit-piece: https://youtu.be/3IPpqHQG0as?t=1935
The thing is, all Q did was share this image and ask if this were "Normal?" – and I think we can all agree it is definitely not. I do agree that there is an issue within the Q community where people see photos like this and become convinced people like Cooper are guilty of unspeakable crimes. Innocent until proven guilty.
Lisa Ling too. I remember that show. I remember her reporting on a flood and was standing in water up to her knees and she tripped and went down and got all wet. The mic got all crackly and everything.
African slaves in Cuba/ Caribbean coating traditional Voodoo religions with Roman Catholic symbolism—as their traditional religions were outlawed by the Catholics in Cuba. Includes the practice of spirit mediums and animal sacrifice.
Catholics see Santeria as Satanic. can’t argue there. No amount of kiddy pink shit in that room makes Witchy Vanderbilt and her creepy-ass art any less creepy.
The right side with the moon and stars. It reminds me of Islam. Venus over a crescent moon.l just like Ramadan. They use that imagery in their flag and jewelry also.
lol "no training as a journalist" - basically just described 97% of the media
Right. And WE are the "cult" -- WE are the "conspiracy." They doom themselves to hell. All day, every day, in unimaginable terror and agony, in the company of Killary, Obozo, Soros, Gates and their ilk. All of the feigned superiority in this world cannot deliver them from what awaits them in the next.
All the msm
He used to host a reality game show called The Mole... when i first saw him on CNN I laughed my head off and figured thst was CNN standards. Didnt know at the time he was just connected
Everything, Hollyweird, media and Cabal are all family members. Most of the children were products of trafficking for MK ultra through pizzagate. Total slime of the earth!
Or his mother's necklace??!!!
Back side posted by anon https://www.neonrevolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/firefox_2018-08-15_22-23-49_compressed.jpg
A Pooper explained it as Mother Mary and Jesus, but I've never seen Mother Mary and Jesus look so demonic.
It's because they are..everything is inverted even in government! Everything you were taught is a lie.
also mother goddess worshop stemming from Semiramis or Nimrod wife. It is an old pagan religion. There is more to the symbolism. The two babylons book is excellent on the symbolism. I recommend older version that has pictures to illustrate.
That's the Queen of Heaven. Also known as Lucifer. Satan. Also called Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth. See also: Astarte, Akkadian, Ashtorat, Ishtar, Venus, Aphrodite.
Satan is a transsexual Hive Mind who calls himself the Queen of Heaven and uses parasite demons to infect and control the children of God.
Basically Him from the Power Puff Girls https://maaretta.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/creep012-powerpuff-girls.jpg?w=640
kek, PPG predicted the future better than Simpsons
Looks like a rendition of the Harrowing of Hell - when Jesus went to Hell and preached to the spirits in prison 1 Peter 3:18-22
Keep digging Anon. Good swing at the bat, but that pick has nothing to do with the Lord.
Are you drunk or high? I don’t talk about Hell at all or even scripture. I’m responding to someone who thinks the Art above is based on something in the Bible. It is not.
Lol. What the Hell are you going on about? I agree, the pic above is about the Devil not the Lord. Which is why I clearly say it has nothing to do with the Lord. You are responding to the wrong person you complete imbecile. Are you drunk or high?
That’s the Queen of Heaven, not Mary. The Queen of Heaven is Lucifer. Everything in the pic above is a dark mirror of Christianity. Where in the world did I say otherwise?
Just admit you responded to the wrong person, apologize, and move on. You’re making a complete fool of yourself.
It's a shrine to Tenet
Edit: Tanit
Love the sacrificial killing of a child artwork by a satanist on the wall there... looks real good surrounded by all the children in the photo
The CNN hitpiece special honestly tried to claim this was Christian art depicting Mary and Jesus. There are no levels of insanity they will not stoop.
If you are new here and exploring this, please use critical thinking skills, and ask yourself if that make any sense.
Also, welcome! <3
Gee it's almost like we are really in this battle between good and evil.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 NKJV
Amen!! What we see manifesting in the physical is just a small portion of the greater battle in the heavenlies!
I've thought that for several years. "Rulers of darkness", doesn't get more descriptive or accurate than that.
Oh I'm fully aware. My post was sarcastic... I'm not really a fan of demi gods who sacrifice and rape kids, nor artwork depicting them.
When I said "If you are new here" I just meant it for general anons (probably many new eyes that are reading this thread). Not you specifically. Sorry for the confusion. ;)
Oh, no problem at all. I get asked if I'm new a lot, I guess I don't post much and haven't had an account for long... but I'm all too familiar with this stuff. I knew about almost all of this crap before a lot of readers here were even born. I'm an old dusty fart... but it's nice that people who have called me nuts for a decade or two will finally get to kiss my white hairy ass.
I've never seen this!
I'm pretty sure the depiction if of Tanit... the goddess of child prostitution and sacrifice
Whatever title you want to attach to it is really superfluous, but OK, sure... It's bad news, either way.
Ok mr handshake fag go finish peelin the scab of ur moms puss so u can go at it again...
So far, this person is the most wrong. This is a stylized take on another work though.
Hey Anderson, where's your brother now?
he was pushed out their apartment window as a sacrifice to evil sure AC sleeps well at nite !
Killing of the first born
Sacrificial killing of a child...? That is obviously supposed to be some sort of a Biblical scene. The first thing that it reminded me of was this statue: https://previews.123rf.com/images/jgroup/jgroup1209/jgroup120900063/15440326-statue-of-mary-holding-the-body-of-jesus-by-michael-angelo.jpg
With this one, it's pretty obvious that you're seeing what you want to see. There's nothing wrong with that picture aside from looking a bit creepy, mostly due to their facial expressions.
Or is there any possibility that you just haven't identified what you're looking at, and therefore I'm the one seeing shit? Ever consider that maybe I know exactly what I'm looking at, and you're the one reaching?
No, because your assumption is beyond ridiculous. If it was something that wasn't such a stretch, I would give it a lot more consideration.
Educate yourself please https://mega.nz/file/u0tABYwC#xXNBNrA40ImH34CkJxjnBRA9txtnmnUkr_X7Yvxpl7I
I mean, this would be more convincing if it was some sort of a symbol they used in extremely private conversations that they didn't expect to be leaked. The fact that it's used for a public thing, especially something that'd be so ironic, means that it's a coincidence. Nobody would be stupid enough to publicise that sort of shit if they were actually doing it. You don't incriminate yourself for no reason.
They "incriminate" themselves because this is their way of avoiding "bad karma".
If they tell us, even in some round-about cryptic manner... then it's OUR FAULT for being too stupid to understand. They think this absolves them from any wrong-doing because WE are the ones who weren't clever enough to figure it out since they make it SO EASY to tell what's going on. Hidden in plain sight. The simplest answer is often the correct one... and all that jazz.
Man Stargate for the win again?! What episode?
Just finished season sg1 season 4: episode “2010.” Related to vaccines
Ah, thanks! I’ll have to look into the movie. I’m not familiar with their movies.
still pissed we never got the promised SGA movie :(
cooper always looks like a creepy robot, his mother looks like a satanist whore, wonder if she sacrificed her first born for the cabal.
Interesting points. Ba’al does like his gender bending.
Yep. And Anderson’s brother looks like a traumatized child who will eventually jump from a building
She thew him off a building and I won't be convinced otherwise. That whole story is fucked up.
Sacrifice gets you to the top.
Yep and first born is usually the call.
Rumpelstiltskin was not a joke
Sounds like a motivational poster until you get the context.
The "art" on the wall, while admittedly strange in style (likely central American in origin) depicts several elements from scripture. The beheaded man is John the Baptist, the rooster is from when Peter denied knowing Jesus three times, the three men in the upper right look more like the three wise men at Jesus' birth. The thing in the middle is likely Jesus in the Ark of the Covenant. The original ark contained the laws of God, and Jesus is the fulfillment of Law. There's a LOT of symbolism going on in that thing in the wall, and most of it, from what I can tell, has a biblical explanation, especially when considering that it has Central American origin, they obviously added their own cultural style to it.
If the roster symbolizes Peters rejection of Christ and the heads of John the Baptist was served up on a platter after a daughter dances for the king in a way he likes... great symbols of “faith.”
I know art history and Hispanic Catholic art and symbology. This is dark shnit man. Human sacrifice in a burning coffin. I see “ in our history, in our religion, we killed your Christ man. Served his prophet up on a platter. We rule.”
And then half of what art means is either based on interpretation or must be informed by the artists statement. Without that we have our various opinions about the meaning of the piece. Just because there is Biblical symbolism doesn’t make this a Procatgolic piece. I think of the Piss Christ. Catholic symbology in urine. Same sentiment here imho.
Christ has risen and defeated the cross.
It represents our daily struggle and keeping the faith.
The picture above is flirting with satanism.
What the lady wears around her neck is also a pagan symbol not of Christianity.
Very good catch of the alleged Christian symbolism. But her eyebrows you look villainous I wonder if the picture has a double meaning
probably Peter (First Pope) standing in front of Jesus's casket, the rooster is crowing at him, the rest of what you said looks good
Catholics think he is the First Pope, I am not Catholic
And yes , I know Jesus was buried in a tomb
You would hope so, but no. I had to dig a lot to get the real answer to this. Fortunately for you, the answer is given several times in this thread. To help get you there, they are Devil worshippers, not Christians. Once you accept that, then you will be able to find the original work this is based on. Took me months, but other anons have posted the answer in the comments to this post multiple times.
That they worship something other than Christ would not surprise me. If you wouldn't mind, since it's been mentioned several times already but I seem to be overlooking it, provide some details on the "art" hanging over the bed? I'm curious to know the artist, timeframe of its creation (specifically the year or decade at least), country of origin, etc. And to clarify, I'm not interested in arguing over pooper or his heathen mother, they can all rot in Moloch's asshole for all I care. But since others are convinced the scene above the bed is "clearly satanic", and I simply don't see it that way (although its style is definitely different from traditional European artists) I'm curious to know the ground truth on it.
Let’s put it this way. You are correct about all the Christian symbology. Actual devil worship is a dark mirror. I found the original painting this is based off of many years ago and don’t have that kind of time to go find it anymore.
Instead of Mary, that’s the Queen of Heaven. Also know as Lucifer. Who is a tranny in their system, I shit you not. This is depicting human sacrifice and a bunch of other horrible things while mirroring Christian heroes and events.
To be completely clear, I never learned the name or artist of the oil painting this is based off of. Never occurred to me to look for that.
Someone on the thread mentions the name of the Queen of Heaven in this instance, starts with a T. She also has a bunch of others, but that was the name that got me there.
I like your initial answer because that was mine when I first saw it. Once again, it is correct in a way. That’s what’s being mirrored. But there is a reason your creepy sense is going off. That’s the decent and divine part of you noticing something is off.
Sorry for not having what you respectfully asked for. It’s more than a fair ask. I’ve been at this for a ridiculously long time and I purposefully do not hold on to files.
Happy hunting!
Also get a VPN and maybe create a virtual machine before going down that horrific rabbit hole. Part of me wishes I never saw any of it.
He did explain it. Said it was not satanic and gave some explanation that the average normie will take as true. But they did talk about Gloria’s necklace being from Guatemala and talked about the theory that Cooper was CIA. You all need to watch this. I’m telling you, there were lots of truth nuggets thrown in.
My husband and I were talking about it this morning. They focused on facts in many places that may give someone a reason to start digging. Someone who knew nothing about Q before this has at least an understanding of how it works now.
"It's weird art" probably.
They compared Hellen Keller with Margaret Sangar? Is there something about Keller I’m unaware of? Closest eugenicist?
Even a physically abused child will always still protect the abuser, mother.
Anderson is CIA and CNN is CIA.. all satanists.
looks up from zoom it’s a resume requirement.
I get a bad vibe from this picture. And yes in those families always someone dies in mysterious circumstances.
What is with the family pictures alway on a bed? Hey lets all get together for family photo and lay out on the bed? Messed up.
While we are at it, what are all of those pieces on the necklaces she’s wearing?
Anderson Cooper does actually attempt to give an explanation for this photo in the latest CNN hit-piece: https://youtu.be/3IPpqHQG0as?t=1935
The thing is, all Q did was share this image and ask if this were "Normal?" – and I think we can all agree it is definitely not. I do agree that there is an issue within the Q community where people see photos like this and become convinced people like Cooper are guilty of unspeakable crimes. Innocent until proven guilty.
Apparently his brother got suicided when he jumped from their penthouse in 1988.
All right, I'll ask for everyone's sake. What is that a depiction of, who's got the links? Cough em up lol
Tanit who requires human/child sacrifice.
It seems like it's supposed to be some sort of a Biblical scene. The first thing that it reminded me of was this statue: https://previews.123rf.com/images/jgroup/jgroup1209/jgroup120900063/15440326-statue-of-mary-holding-the-body-of-jesus-by-michael-angelo.jpg
Some of the stuff people are talking about in this thread is nuts. Come on, guys, don't go off the deep end.
... Torched? That's beyond a stretch.
Again, look at that sculpture. Same vibe.
I didn't know Cooper's mother was Morticia Addams.
Lisa Ling too. I remember that show. I remember her reporting on a flood and was standing in water up to her knees and she tripped and went down and got all wet. The mic got all crackly and everything.
Where did this photo come from?
They look like 1980’s Holly Hobby girls in prairie bonnets, which, considering there are no daughters in this house, explains A LOT.
Poor Anderson is lucky that gay CIA cabal puppet is the only thing he grew into.
I thought AC was gay, just like Lemmon nuts
Cooper is a homo pedo. Worst of the worst.
I did a google image search -
Alien demon creature in a robe.
Why so obsessed with JonBenet Ramsey. Vanderbilt I mean anderson. And her son.
Woah wtf?!
Cooper is CIA trash.
Which one is Anderson in the pic?
Ok the eyes I see now
This looks like Santeria
African slaves in Cuba/ Caribbean coating traditional Voodoo religions with Roman Catholic symbolism—as their traditional religions were outlawed by the Catholics in Cuba. Includes the practice of spirit mediums and animal sacrifice.
Catholics see Santeria as Satanic. can’t argue there. No amount of kiddy pink shit in that room makes Witchy Vanderbilt and her creepy-ass art any less creepy.
The right side with the moon and stars. It reminds me of Islam. Venus over a crescent moon.l just like Ramadan. They use that imagery in their flag and jewelry also.
Man! That other kid sure does look like Kathy Griffin!! ?
He did I thought, just badly
his mum looks demented! look at the way shes looking at him, like she can't wait to eat him or something