Nope, not "never." Typos and misspellings are different.
Spelling foreword as foreward, or apparently as aparrantly, isn't a typo; it's a misspelling. The author's fingers didn't slip; he just didn't know the right spelling.
"Unites States" is a textbook typo IMHO, not a misspelling: the author could not possibly have believed United States was really spelled Unites States. The initial S in States was the next letter in the sequence, and the brain accidentally added an -s to Unite instead of the terminal -d. This is among the commonest varieties of typographical errors. (Source: am former editor)
Exception: if there were any discernible meaning whatsoever in "UniteS States" beyond wildly creative and fanciful imaginings on our part, then one could make a case for intentional misspelling. Since there isn't, it's probably just a typo.
Do you have any recommendations for resources to improve your English? I've always been somewhat decent at knowing the basics from observation but I didn't really get taught these things at school and would like to fill in the blanks.
If I were trying to figure this stuff out, I would find the above pretty darn useful
One tip: if you click at the top, e.g., on PARTS OF SPEECH, it shows just nouns and pronouns on the page. Where are the others?
Click the large ">" arrow at bottom right, it will show them. Pretty cool UI/UX on the site. (Kek...I just made two errors right there: a comma splice and a sentence fragment with no verb. Because in online forums and email, who cares? :)
I appreciate you taking the time! As you may have guessed, I asked you because of your obvious experience and I figured you would know what to look for if you didn't have any standard recommendations. Thanks a lot!
As a frequent misspelled I see the mistake but any ideas how this lead to more than just that or u just happen to notice. I mean a mistake is huge because the stakes r so high they would make sure they dont but what do u think it means just curious
Dozens of eyes would have been on such a high-profile document, from lawyers to paralegals to top-notch eagle-eyed legal proofreaders. This is comms. There's no way it's a missed typo.
No way this was typed up and nobody proof read it before it was sent out. I think this was spelled like this for a reason. If not, Trump is probably firing someone right now.
So as nothing is coincidence, everything is deliberate. Here goes some english for those less fluent. :
A) we have two groups, the "honourable", and the senate. These are being made distinct by the humble comma.
B) "unites states senate" does multiple things:
draws eyes to the document to read it.
is a piece of word play in of itself.
The "Unites states" senate, which could be easily converted to "senate that unites the states as one". They are the "democratic" cancer trying to remove the idea of thw republic. They want America as a single country.
I love how Trump keeps giving them low hanging fruit to be preoccupied with. It never gets old seeing wipe the floor with [them] when he's ready to strike.
This Peach Mint thing should be quite entertaining to watch.
Thats because the united states isnt impeaching him. He cannot be impeached if he is not president. If the court accepted the file as is then he cant be impeached in unites states lol. It doesnt exist. Like this case.
You clearly aren't on board here. Your post history makes that clear. So why bother? What's your endgame? Just enjoying telling people they're wrong and you're right?
^ This
“To: the Honorable, the Members of the [Deep] State[’]s Senate”
I agree, but it also negates the idea that they are honorable. Nice fucking mind games GEOUTS et al! ?
Love how they also disconnect honorable from the fucking senate too.
Nice catch. Punctuation is everything.
Yes but no comma between subject and verb ;)
Did somebody say biscuits?
It should be easy to see...
In Art of the Deal he talks about this tactic and for 30+ years he has been using it.
It's always more than just angling for eyeballs. Misspellings have meaning, per Q
Missing the D
D=Durham? Second to last Q drop
Yes but not always. To me this just reads like a regular common ordinary run-of-the-mill everyday typical boring typo.
Nope, never. Misspellings matter.
Nope, not "never." Typos and misspellings are different.
Spelling foreword as foreward, or apparently as aparrantly, isn't a typo; it's a misspelling. The author's fingers didn't slip; he just didn't know the right spelling.
"Unites States" is a textbook typo IMHO, not a misspelling: the author could not possibly have believed United States was really spelled Unites States. The initial S in States was the next letter in the sequence, and the brain accidentally added an -s to Unite instead of the terminal -d. This is among the commonest varieties of typographical errors. (Source: am former editor)
Exception: if there were any discernible meaning whatsoever in "UniteS States" beyond wildly creative and fanciful imaginings on our part, then one could make a case for intentional misspelling. Since there isn't, it's probably just a typo.
Do you have any recommendations for resources to improve your English? I've always been somewhat decent at knowing the basics from observation but I didn't really get taught these things at school and would like to fill in the blanks.
Sorry I don't have any standard recommendations. But a 1-minute search produced this, which I kind of like the look of:
If I were trying to figure this stuff out, I would find the above pretty darn useful
One tip: if you click at the top, e.g., on PARTS OF SPEECH, it shows just nouns and pronouns on the page. Where are the others?
Click the large ">" arrow at bottom right, it will show them. Pretty cool UI/UX on the site. (Kek...I just made two errors right there: a comma splice and a sentence fragment with no verb. Because in online forums and email, who cares? :)
I appreciate you taking the time! As you may have guessed, I asked you because of your obvious experience and I figured you would know what to look for if you didn't have any standard recommendations. Thanks a lot!
See “AmericanScholar373” below. #831
To each their own. I’ll take Q on this one.
Or maybe to not be censored since breathing is now censored >_<
Do you know what "sensored" means?
Forget the misspelling -- it's just misdirection. The real message is in the comma:
To the Honorable AND the Members of the US Senate. What a troll, lol!
That's what's coming. The Honorable will be in on it
Good catch, he's not calling them honorable. He's probably talking about anons.
Trump’s legal team misspelled “UniteS States Senate”.
RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1
This. Unfuckingbelievable. Fine work
Syntax. Why not just say syntax matters
Q said, "Misspellings matter," and misspellings have often been used to send messages. Syntax goes beyond misspellings; they're not the same thing.
I was referring to “sentence formation matters” but I think I see why he might have phrased it that way now thanks
Sentence formation is more general than syntax.
No it isn’t. Sentence formation is syntax.
Syntax describes the legal rules. Sentence formation includes the choice of words order when there are multiple legal options.
Stop arguing the toss
Because it is a quote.
Wow. Very interesting! What could it all mean and sorry but what does CLAS stand for in Red3?
I'm pretty new here, and have wondered the same thing.
I believe/think its classified or classification.
Also new here, wondered that, is it for classified and declassified, but also keep seeing "Sabmyk" can someone explain their meaning?
Congressional Actions or Legislators
Q post had USS[S] something like that meaning something might be misspelled to form USSS....just a reach.
I like this interpretation as it makes sense and implies we're close to a showdown. Have the other previous markers all been met?
"Learn our comms"
Missed opportunities
Time for a new .win
Yeah because who would believe USA Inc???
Lol, I would've read that as Trump dangling secession. /s
That's what she said!
As a frequent misspelled I see the mistake but any ideas how this lead to more than just that or u just happen to notice. I mean a mistake is huge because the stakes r so high they would make sure they dont but what do u think it means just curious
Good example of typos. Thanks.
There's no way they would miss this accidentally...any program's spellcheck would have it very obviously underlined in red.
Would it? Unites is still a correctly spelled word.
Dozens of eyes would have been on such a high-profile document, from lawyers to paralegals to top-notch eagle-eyed legal proofreaders. This is comms. There's no way it's a missed typo.
Oh yeah, duh.
No way this was typed up and nobody proof read it before it was sent out. I think this was spelled like this for a reason. If not, Trump is probably firing someone right now.
Yes because thousands are talking about this “embarrassing error” right now on Twitter . Trump does it again
How else would you get a bunch of lame brain sheep to actually read it? Fucking troll master in chief.
One thing's for sure: there are no honorable members of the senate. Or even the whole of congress for that matter.?
So as nothing is coincidence, everything is deliberate. Here goes some english for those less fluent. :
A) we have two groups, the "honourable", and the senate. These are being made distinct by the humble comma.
B) "unites states senate" does multiple things:
The "Unites states" senate, which could be easily converted to "senate that unites the states as one". They are the "democratic" cancer trying to remove the idea of thw republic. They want America as a single country.
EPIC trolling
I love how Trump keeps giving them low hanging fruit to be preoccupied with. It never gets old seeing wipe the floor with [them] when he's ready to strike.
This Peach Mint thing should be quite entertaining to watch.
There's no more "D" in the US! love it
This is definitely level 10 troll, I think it's also sarcasm because Dems are supposedly the party of "unity".
Thats because the united states isnt impeaching him. He cannot be impeached if he is not president. If the court accepted the file as is then he cant be impeached in unites states lol. It doesnt exist. Like this case.
I Like It!!! Bonus points for you!
Basically saying they are fakes and dishonorable except for maybe a few.
Now that is real interesting.
It's on purpose for sure.
unites v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unite.
okay something is definitely going on, this is way to abnormal for it to just be an accident
My first inclination sending a message Missed the d used an s Deep State Members of the Deep State Senate
USSS Space Force?
That's USSF
Lol. Thank you
More coffee needed
Commas matter too ❤️
Can anyone find the link to this brief ? Cant find it
There are other errors in there too. Bad proofreading.
Also for those that think he is still in charge, this filing states no less than 5 times that he cannot be impeached as he does not hold office.
He doesn’t - in the United States OF America government
No. Bad copy editing.
That explains the new legal team.
Q has deliberately made spelling mistakes in the past. No reason to believe he won't do it again. Maybe it was a genuine mistake, not ruling that out.
No this thing is double proof read that was on purpose.
Respectfully, then why are you here?
It's a handshake that has 100% doomer posts. He's being paid to be here.
That's what I figured.
I remember finding out that many WoW gold farmers back in the day were often Chinese prisoners. I felt sorry for them then
Handshake shill. Ignore.
every single data point must be collected and scrutinized
not all of them will be relevant, but if you just discard things because you think they can be easily explained away then you will miss things
maybe this typo is just a typo (the s and d are next to each other so sure... might be nothing)
but you scrutinize everything
it's not like we're starved for time here lol
You clearly aren't on board here. Your post history makes that clear. So why bother? What's your endgame? Just enjoying telling people they're wrong and you're right?