State asked for 180 days plus fines for calling a PA at concentra a cunt for not administering a UA when I refused to mask up. Judge just sentenced me to 1 day jail, 2 years probation and anger management. My advice, leave the moment you are asked. You will not be given justice. Prosecutors entire case was I shit you not, " There are some things that JUST shouldn't be said! Too offensive". Judge ate it up. Fuck the legal system.
Link to previous post for proof of summons.
I'm sorry, Patriot, that you had to find out the hard way, BUT the court system is and has never been on our side. The court system is every bit about control. This is the BEAST system.
so their defense was you dont have the first amendment, got it.
File a fexeral lawsuit. You do not need a do it.
"US Citizens" are not a party to the Constitution. The designation of "US Citizen" does not mean what you believe it means.
Deception abounds!
I've watched the war castles video multiple times and it's still difficult to grasp. I don't know how they are going to explain it to people who are still sleeping. It's hard enough being awake and trying to understand it all.
Would you mind sharing a link to that video?
Most states and SCOTUS have recognized restrictions on the first amendment. Personally, I take a "rights come with responsibilities" approach that I think should be taught instead of having laws that limit our rights. We can all take the responsibility to no use our rights in harmful ways, so to speak. But in Texas, for instance, you've lost the right to free speech when you use speech that tends to "cause a breech of the peace". I would assume slurs that have a history of causing fights fall into this area and that those slurs change over time. In 1880, calling someone "yellow" might get you shot, for instance. Not sure "cunt" falls into that, but it might because the law is subjective in nature.
Doesn't sound like OP caused a disturbance, just said something that offended somebody. This definitely isn't constitutional.
"Cunt" is known, in north America, to be a disturbing word. Motherfucker isnt. It's weird.
Indeed. By disturbance, I wasn't referring to the offensiveness of the word, but rather that OP didn't cause a literal fight to break out.
Doesn't have to to violate that particular Texas Code. Also, later in that code... being real smelly is enough for a citation.
Should be national news.
Agreed. Call your local news station - the most conservative one.
I'd appeal on free speech grounds, if you've got the time/money/patience.
Get this in front of another Judge at least.
Depending on the state, that wont fly with that strong of a word.
According to the Texas Penal Code, you can be charged with disorderly conduct if you do any of these in a public place:
At one point calling someone "yellow" would've fit the definition. The vagueness allows for it to work over time.
I dont like codified laws on speech. I prefer the rights come with responsibilities model. We are capable of policing ourselves and others in the moment if we are raised right.
Very interesting philosophical proposition.
True. Generally speaking, the more decent and law-abiding the populace, the fewer laws are on the books. A vast and restrictive code of laws is either the direct reaction to the moral decay of the citizenry or otherwise a symptom of an imperious and corrupt ruling class.
Terrible defense. But at least she will remember you and won't forget what u called her?
Ask Lin Wood for help.
Think he'd take it?
He answers just about everyone, give him a try -
If he's licensed in AZ then he should be able to, if he's willing to.
If not, maybe he will refer you to one of his colleagues but I don't know about this one, seeing how he's saying everyone, including his family, is against him because "Orange Man Bad REEE!"
Should've called them all fucking cunts.
I know of a young man (veteran) right now being indefinitely detained by the ATF in a federal prison awaiting trial (could be up to a year). They denied bail because of his Facebook posts. ATF argued to the Judge (female lib) that because he liked a Facebook post that quoted Jefferson (tree of liberty) that was made by a 3%er, he could be dangerous. The judge considered him a 'threat to the public'. No bail. Stays locked up until trial - next year, yes, next year. This young man has never even had a traffic ticket. Hard core patriot and Christian. Got picked up by the ATF because he made one too many rifles (buying parts online) for other veterans. Did it at cost. No shit ... that is 100% fact. Faces up to 20 years. We are not Headed to Dystopia ... WE ARE THERE.
This is why you don't use social media to do your daily tasks. It is one giant honey trap.
Sounds like ATF was desperate to find something to use against him. Also, that judge evidently isn't a fan of the first amendment. No wonder she was so concerned about that particular Jefferson quote.
Bro just appeal.
I am
Here in Los Angeles you can dump a bucket of hot diarrhea on a woman's head and not go to jail for it. We're living in an upside down world.
Give the judge and PA HIV and you got no problem.
U can't expect a system designed by criminals for criminals to prosecute themselves. So how does it protect them ? By keeping the little guy down, fearful, handcuffed, docile, hopeless, etc. TRUTH. Most just don't know it until they go thru it. I don't mean u, just generally speaking. But damn, mad respect for standing up.
To be honest, I don't believe this.
I hear you.
Not that I don't believe this, but I'd certainly like to see some sort of confirming evidence before giving it credence as fact.
Obscene if true, but prudence demands some proof here.
Name checks out. :^0
lol thanks man
That's fucking terrible. Really sorry man. This country has gone to shit. WTF law is the judge upholding? What a fucktard.
Disorderly Conduct: Language. Az statute
That's so ambiguous it could be anything. That even sucks more!
So there's a statute in Arizona that violates the first amendment?
I feel like lawyers should be chomping at the bit for the freedom of speech violation.
I think if I was in your shoes a judge and PA would be learning what real malice looks like.
You'll have a nice lawsuit soon
DO NOT ARGUE with store if they tell you to leave. You're on private property and it's there rules not yours. Justice is 100% not on our side and we're going to lose unconstitutional or not. Judge's are corrupt leftist specially at the local level. Out in public you can tell anyone eat a dick and fuck off and they can't do shit but on private property you can be told to leave and you must comply. If you don't then you're in violation of the law and can (and in a lot of cases) arrested depending on the woke level of the police.
we need the name of the cunt
Sherri Gronden, PA. Concentra in Mesa, Az. off Val Vista and Baseline. Have fun! Leave some bad reviews
Should have said, "Well your honor, I have one thing to say... Fuck Trump!" and the judge probably will give you the keys to the city.
Dude... roll with it. Then you can sue the state and make bank because that's EXACTLY what the 1st Amendment is for.
Not exactly lol.
"Mr Jefferson, why we adding this 1st amendment thing again?"
"Well my son, so 250 years from now some dude can call a PA a cunt, get arrested and charged for it, then makes lots of money from lawsuits."
Hehe. I meant the part about the government limiting free speech. This is a First Amendment issue. It's not like getting kicked out of a store for saying something they don't like or getting run off of Twatter. This is the government imprisoning and fining somebody for their speech.
i Wonder how that fire started in the bathroom? Damn BLM
On another note, you got calling someone a cunt to be recorded as history. Impressive.
I tell people I can't understand them with that stupid thing on their face.
OP is a certified badass. Sorry you have to deal with this.
Should have said, "I have a medical condition which hinders my oxygen level when I wear a mask." Plus, "HIPPA laws are there to protect individuals from overbearing nosey neighbors who want to know my medical history.:"
Then you should have called her a name or two.
I did. The PA told me flat out she didn't care. Thats when I lost my temper and called her a cunt, among other things.
Another victimless "crime". They make the rules, us slaves have to live by them. ?
From the word go, defense should have been "I said I wanted to go hunt," and watch them try to PROVE otherwise.
What exactly did you say to them to get this kind of abuse?
As a law student, sadly, they were within their rights ?