If Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett don't come through for justice in this round of hearings then we are going to have to find out what's the matter with their decision making and take them down too.
We found out about Roberts and if G, K & B have been suborned we'll find out about them too.
If they choose to not hear these cases, this gives the state governments to break the laws of the constitution at their whim.... Unless of course, it's a conservative state...
Did you know that all 4 leftist justices are jewish? Kind of wierd to have that many dual citizens on OUR highest court undermining our nation... as always. Just a coincidence I’m sure.
Never got why the left was so upset about Trump getting 3 supreme court picks. They oughtta know by now that only their people vote down party lines :/
What I find odd is that Mike Lindell seemed highly confident that the Surpreme Court justices were going to watch his election fraud documentary before deciding if they would hear the cases.
In other words we are screwed! At least we know the SC is also screwing over themselves as well. If there is no constitution why do you need a high court to interrupt it? The dems are destroying it and they will the court as well and the court will be the reason for their own demise!
We're not grasping, we're looking at things logically like we should, not with emotion. Ask yourself why no inaugural events/balls? That's weird, why did all those NG members turn their backs on Biden when he was riding by? Weird. Why is DC surrounded by fencing and troops and don't use a few broken windows on Jan 6th as an excuse either. We've never in our lifetimes had a fence surrounding DC, never. Why did Bye-den get a gun salute from the military signaling a foreign dignitary and not a president?All of these plus thousands of worldwide resignations of powerful people and you can't tell me that is normal, it's not. Military is in control, in this country, period.
Well said. To get there you have to dismiss trumps overwhelming victories and winning.
These people believe the show is real. If they can't get to the point of seeing it, to bad. It does take faith. Plus anyone starting shit without trumps call to do so (which will never come as it isn't needed) is not part of our movement. Having said that, I get the frustration, have the impatience all Have but am smart enough to know a grassroots uprising is playing Into china's hands.
Some people have been talking here about a bunch of arrests/executions of high profile individuals. It’s possible they occurred and they just haven’t been made public yet.
Some people have been talking here about a bunch of arrests/executions of high profile individuals. It’s possible they occurred and they just haven’t been made public yet.
Q said the Military is the only way.
Where does Q say that?? I was trying to find it the other day. thanks.
Q also said that disinformation is real and necessary.
Also, "the only way is the military" could mean multiple things. It's not necessarily arrests or tribunals.
What, fuck No dude. We already win or they would not have revealed that post.
I think the first 4 years was all pushed to wake us up.
Was there a Plan A? If yes, there is ever a Plan B. If there is no Plan B there wasn't a Plan A.
OMG. Only 2?
Rsoberts is going down hard - GITMO way.
If Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett don't come through for justice in this round of hearings then we are going to have to find out what's the matter with their decision making and take them down too.
We found out about Roberts and if G, K & B have been suborned we'll find out about them too.
The Days of rule by weasel are over.
Weren't those three involved in Bush v Gore for Bush??
I think Kavanaugh was.
All three had mild connections, Kavanaugh was just the biggest
Thomas already got a taste of the DS and how appropriate to remind everyone of this incident with the Pedo in the WhteHouse and Clarence Thomas :
The. Military. Is. The. Only. Way.
Why is Wood posting this on the day of the conference?
Because #spicy.
As a way to let people know to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. We may only have three on the side of the Constitution.
Belt-way first, America last.
Based on this we are screwed in the High Court. Ugh
According to plan.
Think Trump is hanging his hat on a gang of pedophile enablers?
They;ll be some victories along the way, but basically just crumbs.
Add Ted Cruz to that list. His wife is on the board of Goldman Sachs and previously worked for Bush 43
Ted Cruz is an imbecile, he’s of the McConnell wing of the party. Compromised.
Lord, I'd HATE to be married to him.
Not a bit of loyalty in that guy.
Ted or his wife? Either way, I did not know that!
If they choose to not hear these cases, this gives the state governments to break the laws of the constitution at their whim.... Unless of course, it's a conservative state...
SC is the target.
Did you know that all 4 leftist justices are jewish? Kind of wierd to have that many dual citizens on OUR highest court undermining our nation... as always. Just a coincidence I’m sure.
Dual citizenship is an abomination
When you become an American you forsake all allegiance to all other nations and you swear to it
It's a thing
Never got why the left was so upset about Trump getting 3 supreme court picks. They oughtta know by now that only their people vote down party lines :/
I agree to all the above. Especially Alito and Thomas.
dayum, takin' it to The Federalist Society isn't something to brush off.
How can the rule of law be considered “non-partisan“ when it only applies to conservatives?
Kavanaugh / tied to Bush / was a Trump-pick. Biden was Trump-pick. And so on. Where is the Geniality, DJT?
Fuck any vetting society. Fuck them and their controlled bullshit.
What I find odd is that Mike Lindell seemed highly confident that the Surpreme Court justices were going to watch his election fraud documentary before deciding if they would hear the cases.
In other words we are screwed! At least we know the SC is also screwing over themselves as well. If there is no constitution why do you need a high court to interrupt it? The dems are destroying it and they will the court as well and the court will be the reason for their own demise!
In other words Trump and the American Patriots are about to be hosed by the corrupt Supreme Court, because of course we are.
Exactly as planned?
Ugh. Does anybody have good news? Im getting tired of being the better person.
Lin Wood occasionally may get some inside information but he also claims to fuck aliens. The guy is a nut job.
Not Lin Wood. Simon Parks!
Lin Wood makes that claim? I've seen that Simon Parkes makes them claim, but not Lin Wood. That's a new one for me!
I think we will see the complete destruction of the SC due to corruption and ridiculous lifetime appointments. Planned.
Anita Hill? Didn't they try to "make an example of him"? :https://youtu.be/ZURHD5BU1o8
Sen. Joe Biden was in charge of that shit stunt. It was against Clarence Thomas. I remember catching bits and pieces of it when I was younger.
We're not grasping, we're looking at things logically like we should, not with emotion. Ask yourself why no inaugural events/balls? That's weird, why did all those NG members turn their backs on Biden when he was riding by? Weird. Why is DC surrounded by fencing and troops and don't use a few broken windows on Jan 6th as an excuse either. We've never in our lifetimes had a fence surrounding DC, never. Why did Bye-den get a gun salute from the military signaling a foreign dignitary and not a president?All of these plus thousands of worldwide resignations of powerful people and you can't tell me that is normal, it's not. Military is in control, in this country, period.
Those are some strong facts there. We all need to remember these when it doesn't look like things are going according to the plan.
The obvious is lost on them. they want a direct guarantee with the"plan" attached or to them There is no plan.
They, our hope comes from God. You overthink and under believe.
Well water you gonna do about it tough guy?
Now's your time to shine.
All that stuff you thought so long you were going to do, but didn't do because anons weren't holding your hand, well now it's your lucky day.
Do it without having your hand held.
Make sure you chime back in on your success.
Well said. To get there you have to dismiss trumps overwhelming victories and winning.
These people believe the show is real. If they can't get to the point of seeing it, to bad. It does take faith. Plus anyone starting shit without trumps call to do so (which will never come as it isn't needed) is not part of our movement. Having said that, I get the frustration, have the impatience all Have but am smart enough to know a grassroots uprising is playing Into china's hands.
And please, if you do succeed, accept my applause
Some people have been talking here about a bunch of arrests/executions of high profile individuals. It’s possible they occurred and they just haven’t been made public yet.
“It’s possible” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence.
It's possible we're living in a simulation
It's possible Alex Jones isn't controlled opposition
It's possible Nancy Pelosi is a white hat
It's possible Trump is a time traveler -- well, this one might be true
As it's meant to.
Works for me. Lots of smart people all over have suggested things already happening without fanfare so as not to wake the antifassholes.
(yep, another new one...enjoy :)
This is never not the case
One day it'll be true