Edit: also hijacking the top comment since there's too many people here talking about space being fake (and no one is commenting on "The best is yet to come").
This is a thread on the secret space program for which Nasa is a smokescreen:
One of the original founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory was occultist Jack Parsons, disciple of Aleister Crowley with future founder of Scientology L Ron Hubbard.
The more I learn about Hollywood satanic shit, the more I understand why celebrities were drawn to Scientology. Still don't agree with it and think its wrong. But the Parsons' occult stuff was dark. I also think he died making meth.
Parsons seems to have been as crazy as the others, had a short sad life. There's a YT on Crowley that's more about the kind of guy he was than his beliefs (which may have been rooted in their troll factor rather than sincerity), "The most dangerous man in the world." Hubbard was the most dangerous, people take scientology seriously.
You all remember "OPERATION FISH BOWL" ? And the folks in the spacestation saying "One day we will be able to fly beyond earth`s orbit and to the moon" They (deepstate fags) have admitted we can't leave our atmosphere.
I live in the country so I may not understand....but when I go to town and see a traffic light malfunction or a fender bender back traffic up for like 3 minutes.....people are FREAKING OUT. IF folks are unwilling to wait for a few minutes in traffic, on earth, where they can get out and take a leak.....who are they gonna wad into the taxi to Mars?
if the US government is lying about space why did the soviets play along with the space race? not trying to debunk this, just trying to understand because i never really considered this before
IMO, because the planet is run by a cabal of globalist elites, and everything is manufactured to make us believe a narrative. The wars & conflicts are as fake as our elections (the fighting and bloodshed is real, but the reasons behind the actual conflicts are fake). They keep us fighting each other so we don't see who is pulling the puppet strings (of every nation). The space race is/was just another "circus" to keep our attention and keep their false narratives going. As long as we have bread & circuses, the majority of us will never look deeper.
One of the most respected Marine Corps generals in history was Gen. Smedley Butler. He said war is a racket, and isn't fought for the reasons thought by the general public.
People really hold on to the feeling of patriotism that the moon landing brought and this kind of comment ruins a lot of peoples (especially boomer-aged) world view. If the moon landing wasn't real then everything they have ever been told / believe in could also be fake. For me, 9-11 was that event, I was in heavy denial for years - even when evidence of stuff not adding up was shown to me, I could not accept it. But once I saw all the oddities about sandy hook - it opened the flood gates and finally allowed me to question many, many things.
Why did Putin play along with the Covid hoax? It is almost like some of these lies are forced onto every country by an authority even higher than any individual national leader. Even Trump played along with the hoax too. On the night of the 2016 Election, John Kerry made an emergency flight to Antarctica. Who was there that he suddenly needed to speak to? There seems to be something there that we aren’t being told about.
Kerry does seem to be the go to guy when there is a need for clandestine face to face meetings. Remember when he went to Paris to meet with Iranians? He married his daughter off to them hoping to cash out and now he's useless as a puppet.
Yep, good thing that moon landing happened during prime time TV watching time (on a late sunday afternoon).
In 2021, I can't get wifi to reach from 1 side of my house to the other, but 50+ years ago, the (lost?) technology could transmit audio & video 240k miles through a radiation belt.
I have no doubt that we have indeed landed on Mars. The whole point of this mission to find proof of Alien life. I find it quite curious that 2 days before we landed, the retired security space chief of Isreal announced that there is life on other planets, that there is aliens and American astronauts living under Mars. And that we have a treaty signed with the aliens allowing them to do testing here. They didn't want their existence known about until the world was more and advanced and ready to hear it. Also the announcement of the US government by way of the information of freedom act that our government has been testing alien artifacts specifically from the roswell crash- a memory metal called Nitonol. This is huge and frankly, I can't believe it was not front page on every newspaper! I just feel like we are about to find out the depth of what's going in regarding aliens and this new world order that our government is trying to push toward. I am hearing mumbling about this new banking system that runs with the 5th dimension called Qantum Financial System. I feel like all this is leading us to it...
Andrew Basiago said in the 70s he and Barry Hussein AKA Obama were sent up to Mars via CIA teleporter room and Barry was groomed to be President form there...
Not only does that occur to us, but that is what we believed, until we looked into it ourselves (just to mock it, like you are doing) and then saw the evidence and heard the words and interviews directly from the sources themselves. Like NASA themselves posts informative interviews with the artists who create the computer generated images of planets. Read the fine print on those photos and they are never called photos, but images. By NASA’s own admission there has never been an undoctored photo of Earth. Every image they have put out has been created by an artist. Doesn’t it seem strange that they won’t even release one photo of Earth? Just one that they could say, “That is our planet. An untouched photo. I know it doesn’t look as exciting as our computer generated images, but this is the real deal. Earth, untouched!” Instead we get these artist renditions that are so absurd that when we line them up year by year, the Earth never looks the same twice. Not just weather and lighting, but the size and shape of continents.
A computer generated image is not a photograph. That’s not splitting hairs. That’s the difference between evidence and fakery. They clone-stamped the clouds on one of the most famous images of Earth! That’s not acceptable to me. It’s been fifty years now, I think we deserve at least one actual photo, especially given the millions we pay to NASA every minute.
Once you understand that NASA is not a valid source of information, the whole charade collapses, since NASA is the gatekeeper for all information and evidence. (They were started by Nazis by the way too.)
If it makes you feel better, of all the space agencies in the world, NASA produces the best videos! You really wanna laugh? Look for footage of the Sovjet lunar program from the sixties. It's Thunderbirds without the wires!
"Space may be the final frontier, but it's built in a Hollywood basement." - Red Hot Chili Peppers
We'll agree to disagree. I think you're going to find that our space program is far more advanced and the polar opposite of where you are at right now. Take care.
Yes, it's not that they waist taxpayers money...... oh wait! They absorb billions in exchange for some cheap CGI. The truth will set you free, but also piss you off at first! So, throw all your anger at me, my fren. I understand your pain. ;D
What is the point of all the funding? It’s a money laundering operation? What is the Deep State up to with propagating this lie?
It’s never been an issue I’ve had opinions on one way or another.
Space isn't "fake", we've just been lied to about our missions and technology in it. We never put humans on the moon and they are manufacturing the footage from the ISS. I don't know what the truth is, but the prevalent theory is most of the funding went to space weaponry.
Go look at Space Force's Twitter's pinned video, it talks about when enemy nations build bases on the dark side of the moon or private industry starts economies on mars. They're just being theoretical, right? Right?
Because Japans weather satellite called Himawari-8 isn't really in space providing real time images every 10 minutes. Sorry to burst your bubble but space is very real. Also, NASA has nothing to do with this satellite. Explain why this satellite is used to forecast weather by Japan and not NASA and why it would be done from space.
Afghanistan looks cold and dry this time of year.
Was dropping down to comment something like "what part of Nevada do you suppose that is?" you beat me to it and funnier to boot.
Or Arizona or Devon Island.
Edit: also hijacking the top comment since there's too many people here talking about space being fake (and no one is commenting on "The best is yet to come").
This is a thread on the secret space program for which Nasa is a smokescreen:
Why was my previous reply that was posted here removed???
Nasa are a smokescreen for the secret space program. I made a thread that can help you on your way regarding this subject:
"Red Planet" my ass
Are we all missing the "The Best is Yet to Come" or...
Idiot shills.
Ohhh I see what you did there. I missed the “This is a Joke.” disclaimer. Lol.
Another sign!
Can we all just fuck off to Mars and leave the Democrats to starve to death in the hell they created?
Fuck that, this is our planet. We can plot a course to pluto and send them on their way. They get the tiny rock, we get the rest of the solar system.
It’s the whole Texas/California thing. As soon as they destroy earth they’d move to Mars.
This comment reminds me of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
I vote we send the Democrats to Mars and we get to keep Earth. Why should we have to live on the crappy planet?
I agree but it would be best to send the democrats to mars, otherwise I am afraid humans would go extinct.
One of the original founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory was occultist Jack Parsons, disciple of Aleister Crowley with future founder of Scientology L Ron Hubbard. https://archive.is/l3J5X
The more I learn about Hollywood satanic shit, the more I understand why celebrities were drawn to Scientology. Still don't agree with it and think its wrong. But the Parsons' occult stuff was dark. I also think he died making meth.
Parsons seems to have been as crazy as the others, had a short sad life. There's a YT on Crowley that's more about the kind of guy he was than his beliefs (which may have been rooted in their troll factor rather than sincerity), "The most dangerous man in the world." Hubbard was the most dangerous, people take scientology seriously.
‘Processed’. NASA =Never A Straight Answer
Mars does have clouds. The color depends on location and sun vector.
Just point the camera at the dirt and no one will ever know.
ANOTHER ignorant tard.
Excellent! Then we can nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
NASA is legit.
You all remember "OPERATION FISH BOWL" ? And the folks in the spacestation saying "One day we will be able to fly beyond earth`s orbit and to the moon" They (deepstate fags) have admitted we can't leave our atmosphere.
Ues they did, including men who supposedly went to Stanley Kubricks moon lol
I still think this is bullshit. Nobody can even prove this shit. Nobody. Fake ass fucks.
Do you think Trump was bullshit when he created the spaceforce and pushed NASA to go back to the Moon?
I live in the country so I may not understand....but when I go to town and see a traffic light malfunction or a fender bender back traffic up for like 3 minutes.....people are FREAKING OUT. IF folks are unwilling to wait for a few minutes in traffic, on earth, where they can get out and take a leak.....who are they gonna wad into the taxi to Mars?
This star trek stuff better be real....
if the US government is lying about space why did the soviets play along with the space race? not trying to debunk this, just trying to understand because i never really considered this before
Nasa are a smokescreen for the secret space program. I made a thread that can help you on your way regarding this subject:
IMO, because the planet is run by a cabal of globalist elites, and everything is manufactured to make us believe a narrative. The wars & conflicts are as fake as our elections (the fighting and bloodshed is real, but the reasons behind the actual conflicts are fake). They keep us fighting each other so we don't see who is pulling the puppet strings (of every nation). The space race is/was just another "circus" to keep our attention and keep their false narratives going. As long as we have bread & circuses, the majority of us will never look deeper.
One of the most respected Marine Corps generals in history was Gen. Smedley Butler. He said war is a racket, and isn't fought for the reasons thought by the general public.
How did this get downvotes?
People really hold on to the feeling of patriotism that the moon landing brought and this kind of comment ruins a lot of peoples (especially boomer-aged) world view. If the moon landing wasn't real then everything they have ever been told / believe in could also be fake. For me, 9-11 was that event, I was in heavy denial for years - even when evidence of stuff not adding up was shown to me, I could not accept it. But once I saw all the oddities about sandy hook - it opened the flood gates and finally allowed me to question many, many things.
sandy hook was just insulting; they didnt even try to stage it properly
Why did Putin play along with the Covid hoax? It is almost like some of these lies are forced onto every country by an authority even higher than any individual national leader. Even Trump played along with the hoax too. On the night of the 2016 Election, John Kerry made an emergency flight to Antarctica. Who was there that he suddenly needed to speak to? There seems to be something there that we aren’t being told about.
Kerry does seem to be the go to guy when there is a need for clandestine face to face meetings. Remember when he went to Paris to meet with Iranians? He married his daughter off to them hoping to cash out and now he's useless as a puppet.
Yep, good thing that moon landing happened during prime time TV watching time (on a late sunday afternoon).
In 2021, I can't get wifi to reach from 1 side of my house to the other, but 50+ years ago, the (lost?) technology could transmit audio & video 240k miles through a radiation belt.
Using computers that were as big as a house, had no display at all, and could only print read outs on large dot matrix printer rolls.
That was almost 10 years before "pong" was created on the atari.
devon island
When we land on Mars we will be the new Martians
I have no doubt that we have indeed landed on Mars. The whole point of this mission to find proof of Alien life. I find it quite curious that 2 days before we landed, the retired security space chief of Isreal announced that there is life on other planets, that there is aliens and American astronauts living under Mars. And that we have a treaty signed with the aliens allowing them to do testing here. They didn't want their existence known about until the world was more and advanced and ready to hear it. Also the announcement of the US government by way of the information of freedom act that our government has been testing alien artifacts specifically from the roswell crash- a memory metal called Nitonol. This is huge and frankly, I can't believe it was not front page on every newspaper! I just feel like we are about to find out the depth of what's going in regarding aliens and this new world order that our government is trying to push toward. I am hearing mumbling about this new banking system that runs with the 5th dimension called Qantum Financial System. I feel like all this is leading us to it...
Andrew Basiago said in the 70s he and Barry Hussein AKA Obama were sent up to Mars via CIA teleporter room and Barry was groomed to be President form there...
Wouldn't doubt it one bit. I want full disclosure when this shit comes out!
Just a coincidence, Qtards, nothing to see here
Fuck yes frens! Extra planetary hopium!
We bought this movie locale... Greenland .
Say hi to Greenland for me.
If it's even on Mars.
I think it's beyond the ice ring
Not only does that occur to us, but that is what we believed, until we looked into it ourselves (just to mock it, like you are doing) and then saw the evidence and heard the words and interviews directly from the sources themselves. Like NASA themselves posts informative interviews with the artists who create the computer generated images of planets. Read the fine print on those photos and they are never called photos, but images. By NASA’s own admission there has never been an undoctored photo of Earth. Every image they have put out has been created by an artist. Doesn’t it seem strange that they won’t even release one photo of Earth? Just one that they could say, “That is our planet. An untouched photo. I know it doesn’t look as exciting as our computer generated images, but this is the real deal. Earth, untouched!” Instead we get these artist renditions that are so absurd that when we line them up year by year, the Earth never looks the same twice. Not just weather and lighting, but the size and shape of continents.
A computer generated image is not a photograph. That’s not splitting hairs. That’s the difference between evidence and fakery. They clone-stamped the clouds on one of the most famous images of Earth! That’s not acceptable to me. It’s been fifty years now, I think we deserve at least one actual photo, especially given the millions we pay to NASA every minute.
Once you understand that NASA is not a valid source of information, the whole charade collapses, since NASA is the gatekeeper for all information and evidence. (They were started by Nazis by the way too.)
If it makes you feel better, of all the space agencies in the world, NASA produces the best videos! You really wanna laugh? Look for footage of the Sovjet lunar program from the sixties. It's Thunderbirds without the wires!
"Space may be the final frontier, but it's built in a Hollywood basement." - Red Hot Chili Peppers
We'll agree to disagree. I think you're going to find that our space program is far more advanced and the polar opposite of where you are at right now. Take care.
Yes, it's not that they waist taxpayers money...... oh wait! They absorb billions in exchange for some cheap CGI. The truth will set you free, but also piss you off at first! So, throw all your anger at me, my fren. I understand your pain. ;D
They’re products of Public “Schooling”. (Idiots).
What is the point of all the funding? It’s a money laundering operation? What is the Deep State up to with propagating this lie? It’s never been an issue I’ve had opinions on one way or another.
Space isn't "fake", we've just been lied to about our missions and technology in it. We never put humans on the moon and they are manufacturing the footage from the ISS. I don't know what the truth is, but the prevalent theory is most of the funding went to space weaponry.
Go look at Space Force's Twitter's pinned video, it talks about when enemy nations build bases on the dark side of the moon or private industry starts economies on mars. They're just being theoretical, right? Right?
https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1b5oX7n2Ogk/VtChwjstmpI/AAAAAAAAKu8/ZbN2TmWk1io/s1600/Forked%2BTongue.jpg https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zqQ9DlLbTYQ/VtChiVfsFnI/AAAAAAAAKu0/p2dlGxH_1D0/s1600/NASA%2BSerpent.jpg
Because Japans weather satellite called Himawari-8 isn't really in space providing real time images every 10 minutes. Sorry to burst your bubble but space is very real. Also, NASA has nothing to do with this satellite. Explain why this satellite is used to forecast weather by Japan and not NASA and why it would be done from space.
Wikileaks Source?
I know, only China has a real space program, right?
Space is not fake. Nasa has been lying to us, since they're a cover for the secret space program.