So do the kids get their own pod? If they have to share, the pods must be completely sterilized before the next kid goes in. Seems like more of a way to demoralize and scare students instead of protecting them.
Does anyone know WHERE this occurred? Are we sure this is real?
Edit: This is in Wenatchee, WA. I honestly thought this a joke. No, these people are just insane.
I know there will come a day when the truth will be exposed that the world was subject to an epic fraud. The insanity has to end before these people are too far gone.
If the military really is conducting all of this insanity on the public to “wake us up”, and that is why we have to be tormented like this, then my question to the military would be, “Do any of you actually know anybody or work with anybody in the outside world? Or is this more theoretical for you?”
We know guys like Bill Gates and Soros and the Rothschilds are all in a bubble where they do not interact with the outside world. Just the way they talk about humanity starts to give it away. But I am starting to think that the military might also have this problem too. Not that they are evil, but that they also look at humanity and see us as cattle to be herded and manipulated. Perhaps all these guys at this level all think of people this way. Perhaps in their inner circles of wealth and power they all have access to so much secret knowledge that they are almost forced to view us as subhuman.
All I know is that pretty much none of what is going on makes any sense to any of us on the outside. We are being herded this way and that by these elites and most of us used to be fine with that because the elites seemed to herd us relatively effectively but lately their herding has been chaos. It’s not working at all. And yet they control the system so we continue to be trapped in the patterns they choose to impose on us. But they don’t seem to understand the agitation this is creating in people. The psychological damage it is causing. It’s like they are running this experiment on us - either the cabal or the military - but whoever it is, they have forgotten what they manipulate we actually have to live through. And where everyone in their circles knows the news is fake and to be ignored, the friends and neighbors and family on the ground with us, here in the outside world, they still think that shit is real. None of these elites - military or cabal - seem to actually understand this as part of their lived reality.
You can take it from ex mil here. Unless anything has changed since 10 years ago, most of the military are more blue pilled and asleep than you or I on these boards.
People like us are even more ostracized and flushed out in that world. You even try pulling something like going against the covid narrative and your ass is chewed by every male karen. and the military is full of male karens.
Dont even get me started on the females. They bask all day long in the marxist msm fear porn and get off by being authoritarian
Waiting for the military to save anyone the way you think they are going to is a huge mistake.
I'd love to see twat posters' responses to Biden's prefab cells for kids, but I refuse to even look at threads on Dorsey's platform. It's bad enough I am forced to use Square at work. He owns 32% of Square.
The teachers should all quit and find new jobs at normal schools. The parents should refuse their children's attendance. Anyone complying is helping this crazy shit continue.
In a rare moment of truth from the UK government, they stated this week that there is virtually no risk to kids from Covid or of passing it on to others. So what the hell is going on here?!
This is Clown World. Glad she is calling it out but she should not have to. Parents need to fight back. People need to fight back. This cannot continue.
The Twitter feed responses are really scary. A lot of people actually go along with it. I also think that they’re unhappy with DJT not present on Twitter anymore, and therefore taking it out on MTG.
I thought I have seen the end of the stupid rainbow. Maybe that is the real main metaphor. You never see the end of the rainbow agenda but they always says it's right there.
This is not based on science.
That is evil.
Welcome to the New World Order. Where the People are Sheep and the Sheep are scared.
To quote the cancelled Gina Carano:
To be fair, there is science behind a person who is so immunocompromised that they must be kept in a sanitary bubble.
However, I agree, doing it preventatively like this when school age kids might as well be considered immune, abuse is not a strong enough term.
God bless the rational thinkers on this site.
Neither is 73 genders.
In a week or so, when they decide there are 74 genders, I will get canceled for maliciously claiming there were only 73.
So do the kids get their own pod? If they have to share, the pods must be completely sterilized before the next kid goes in. Seems like more of a way to demoralize and scare students instead of protecting them.
That's the real idea.
The real evil here is some jerkoff is making big bank by selling these to the school from wal mart with a 20000% increase in price.
I'll take a wild guess and say that they're probably made in China as well.
Does anyone know WHERE this occurred? Are we sure this is real? Edit: This is in Wenatchee, WA. I honestly thought this a joke. No, these people are just insane.
My state. Teachers union and China have joint custody of WA STATE
I know there will come a day when the truth will be exposed that the world was subject to an epic fraud. The insanity has to end before these people are too far gone.
If the military really is conducting all of this insanity on the public to “wake us up”, and that is why we have to be tormented like this, then my question to the military would be, “Do any of you actually know anybody or work with anybody in the outside world? Or is this more theoretical for you?”
We know guys like Bill Gates and Soros and the Rothschilds are all in a bubble where they do not interact with the outside world. Just the way they talk about humanity starts to give it away. But I am starting to think that the military might also have this problem too. Not that they are evil, but that they also look at humanity and see us as cattle to be herded and manipulated. Perhaps all these guys at this level all think of people this way. Perhaps in their inner circles of wealth and power they all have access to so much secret knowledge that they are almost forced to view us as subhuman.
All I know is that pretty much none of what is going on makes any sense to any of us on the outside. We are being herded this way and that by these elites and most of us used to be fine with that because the elites seemed to herd us relatively effectively but lately their herding has been chaos. It’s not working at all. And yet they control the system so we continue to be trapped in the patterns they choose to impose on us. But they don’t seem to understand the agitation this is creating in people. The psychological damage it is causing. It’s like they are running this experiment on us - either the cabal or the military - but whoever it is, they have forgotten what they manipulate we actually have to live through. And where everyone in their circles knows the news is fake and to be ignored, the friends and neighbors and family on the ground with us, here in the outside world, they still think that shit is real. None of these elites - military or cabal - seem to actually understand this as part of their lived reality.
You can take it from ex mil here. Unless anything has changed since 10 years ago, most of the military are more blue pilled and asleep than you or I on these boards.
People like us are even more ostracized and flushed out in that world. You even try pulling something like going against the covid narrative and your ass is chewed by every male karen. and the military is full of male karens.
Dont even get me started on the females. They bask all day long in the marxist msm fear porn and get off by being authoritarian
Waiting for the military to save anyone the way you think they are going to is a huge mistake.
you wouldnt be on a q board if that was true - obvious shill is obvious. Deport!
If the truth is exposed, no one will believe it
I thought putting kids in cages was a bad thing.
It depends on who does it and whether or not its for a Satanic ritual.
I'd love to see twat posters' responses to Biden's prefab cells for kids, but I refuse to even look at threads on Dorsey's platform. It's bad enough I am forced to use Square at work. He owns 32% of Square.
These people are sick - and I don't blame the band teacher! IT'S THE FLU!
The teachers should all quit and find new jobs at normal schools. The parents should refuse their children's attendance. Anyone complying is helping this crazy shit continue.
They should do a Zoom call.
Click and see the twatter page THERE IS A TUBA in one!
Heres the pic. Clown world.
These kids are blowing out air into an enclosed space.....can they even get oxygen in those things? And they numbered the dehumanizing .
In a rare moment of truth from the UK government, they stated this week that there is virtually no risk to kids from Covid or of passing it on to others. So what the hell is going on here?!
This is Clown World. Glad she is calling it out but she should not have to. Parents need to fight back. People need to fight back. This cannot continue.
6% unreachable?
Do you think it is only 6%?
According to Q post 3029: 4-6% [brainwashed] will never wake up even when presented w/ FACTS.
Q is an optimist. Where I live we will be lucky to get half to wake up.
The Twitter feed responses are really scary. A lot of people actually go along with it. I also think that they’re unhappy with DJT not present on Twitter anymore, and therefore taking it out on MTG.
Where's the drummer?
Any parent seeing this needs to pull there kid from public school.
I get sick of reading the bots replies.
What are we looking at? Is that a class room?
What a CRAZY visual. And someone will somehow think that this is a great idea.
I thought I have seen the end of the stupid rainbow. Maybe that is the real main metaphor. You never see the end of the rainbow agenda but they always says it's right there.
What. The...???
Where are the (double) masks?
What will our ancestors say about us in a hundred years from now...
Just when you think we've peaked, someone finds yet another level-up of full retard.
What if there's a fat kid in the band? Do they get a bigger pod?
I don't remember where in 1984 this part was. They must have gotten a hold of the sequel.
Holy fuck thats so ridicalous
HTH do you mic that?
The elites are laughing their asses off at the stupidity and compliancy of their cattle.
You can see how the demoncratic party gets away with this, people have lost all common sense. Wake Up Sheep!