The thing is, the military can’t go half way on this. If and when they’re going to step in, they have to do it all. So I don’t think we’ll hear about the military doing anything, until it does everything.
Mil already stepped in. They've been BUSY taking out the top pedos and traitors plus dismantling all the systems and structures that support and fund the cabal. Just because you dont see PUBLIC, OBVIOUS action doesn't mean nothing is happening.
Open your eyes and look at all the crazy shit going down EVERYWHERE!! Govts collapsing. CEOs stepping down en masse. Russia booting out the central banksters and returning to gold backed money. (This is HUGE! The central banks are how the DS launders and steals our money.)
Myanmar mil stepping in to smack down a coup attempt by elites who are tight with hussein and killary. Mil is holding public tribunals and promising free elections. Oh and they are booting their central bank as well. A perfect preview of what is to come here, soon.
This is not just about arresting the traitors in Congress and the pedos in H’wood. This is a GLOBAL housecleaning op involving almost every country in the world in ridding us of a satanic cabal who has been enslaving us for thousands of years. Not gonna happen quickly.
But it IS happening. And nothing is as it seems right now. We are through the Looking Glass. They really DID have it all and what we are seeing now is the white hats directing the MSM to implode on itself in one red pill after another.
P.S. Anyone still caught up in left vs right is NOT paying attention. The right is almost as corrupt as the left. This is about good vs evil. Period.
P.P.S. And oh yeah...Putin is a white hat. Xi too, just wait and see.
I agree entirely. Plus, though unpopular, I always thought Putin was a white hat. And Xi, I know personally from my days when I lived there. He was a radical to the ccp (though in charge) then...15 years ago.
I think Putin, Xi, Modi and Mohhamad bin Salman are all white hats working with Trump while other leaders have been flipped with evidence of their crimes to cooperate.
Everything now is theater. Once you KNOW its only theater, you can watch it with awe and appreciation instead of fear and panic.
A) You expect the military to take out everyone who voted for creepy joe?
B) You will not be able to see how everything that is happening with all the govts around the world is part of a master plan to topple the global cabal...until your neighbors wake up?
How does that make me a cuck? I just wonder if we make it to the end of the year without anything happening if people will still believe there is a plan. I did for awhile but I don’t anymore.
I think we won all downballot races except maybe Georgia. Yeah we won all tossup seats in congress because the fraud needed to beat Trump allowed the cheaters to ONLY pencil in absentee ballots for Biden.
We definitely won not only the senate seats in GA but also in AZ and MI. It stands to reason that if the presidential race was stolen, so were senate races (as well as governorships). Local races are harder to figure out though so who knows how many House seats were stolen?
I think the former GA senator Kelly Loeffler can’t be trusted, she and her husband dumped millions of dollars of stock before the fake C 19 was set to lock down. The replacement not much better, I don’t know that much about Perdue.
I think the mitary already knows. So does lin wood. This site to plant the next steps in your minds.
Fuck revote. Cheating mean the vote went for trump period.
Fix that vote because I'm not voting again for an election we already won.
They blocked the algorithm in 2016. Or it doesn’t exist at all and we have all been deceived. Why would they show the country the algo exists, and then let it be used all over again? They could have avoided all of this by playing along in 2016. Doesn’t add up.
I just worry that the plans changed. We keep saying if the military does nothing, then our country is gone. And it will be gone. NOW is the time to do something.
A lot of people are resiging, dying, earthquakes are happening as DUMBS get taken out, pedos are being exposed, MSM narratives are changing, Biden voters getting red pilled and regret etc.
Seems to me MIL ARE doing things just not in the public sphere yet, as they have to make sure the cabal have nowhere left to run to. Remember this is a global stronghold, hence Myanmar and other places.
I’m good till April 1st. If nothing changes by then then I say we are all in. Let’s show the world the power of the people for the people by the people.
He is absolutely correct. There is no 2022. There is no 2024. There is only 2020 until the fraud is rectified and the guilty parties pay for their treason.
That was my question. Right now I think we need to post our sentiments in the chat in George News. I can't think of any other access. Email the Joint Chiefs? Who is there now?
Haha, this question came up a month ago when the "inauguration" took place. I asked who we call in the military to lodge a complaint, lol. I even asked husband if there was a "complaint dept" in the military knowing full well there isn't.
I don't understand how anyone thinks there is no action happening. It is literally happening all over the world. It wont be made public until after its 99% over.
The DS is a GLOBAL cabal so any plan to expose and destroy them is a coordinated GLOBAL effort, with complex layers of operation.
Lots of crazy shit going down all over the world. Look at it all as puzzle pieces and you can start to connect the dots.
However...March 4 sounds good but it isn't set in stone either. And a LOT would have to happen in the next four days for inaug to happen on the 4th. I think we'll see MARCH MADNESS for a few weeks with Declas, then a big happy reveal (JFK Jr? Jacko?) that will help unite people after all the trauma of blunt force red pilling of all the still sleeping sheep.
Pretty sure the reason the military is the only way isn't to seize the presidency by force. It's to seize the foreign land from a belligerent government, DC CORP & Biden, that certified the fraudulent vote.
The fraud was required to complete the plan, the plan was to set america free from the corporation than ran it. Due to trump 2018 EO, Dems and China did this with their fraud. (Yes, we'll be able to seize all the land and businesses China has bought up, they're screwed)
Jan 20th wasn't the inauguration for america, it was the inauguration for the corporation. March 4th is the inauguration for america.
I know people don't like dates, but if the Corp theory is correct, those dates are correct as well. Can't tell you if it will happen then but I can tell you March 4th is the inauguration for America.
The longer this takes the more likely civil war talks start
Hear, O Lord the sound of our call and have mercy on us. Please act swiftly and keep your devoted safe out of harm's way. Guide us to wipe evil off of earth.
I like counting all the ballots. We have not solved the voting problems, so another election would likely be messed up still. Just count the legal votes, or vitiate the election and Trump is the winner.
It took burma 3 years to finally get out from control.
myanmar is finishinf what the lost head tried to regain controll of.
the eagle tried to reclaim the body, but dementia and other aspects are stopping this.
sorry folks, but according to a rabbit trail we were exosed to, we have less than 150 days but more than 120 before we start our trials. cannot find the direct post but related to watery islands.
Seeing as you cocksuckers call this Qa F right off.
Myanmar is not a trial run, it is a paired run.
Aaand our poster boy resident alien was a bad agent. yet because of playboy going private to wonderland, he was switched and was a reason jeff bozo stepped down regarding gamestop.
Not saying that month is when it starts, just a date we were given with a specific reason.
gonna need to fire my desktop to follow this warren to its completion.
Very well said! Problem is those of us in Blue states have corruption at the bottom all the way to the Governor, the Mayor, SofS, most of our legislators are corrupt as well. We have a tremendous job ahead to clear them out with spineless Republicans in our state as well. So we are reviving the Tea Party here in CO.
I grew up on a lake in Michigan. There was a kid that summered with his family on the lake. He grew up and went off to Annapolis becoming an army colonel. He is retired now. A few months ago we were chatting about something that was going on at the college in his home town regarding covid lockdowns. The students were going to be virtual prisoners. It upset me and asked him how he felt about freedom. Prior to this question he was very chatty but immediately shut down and made it very clear I should not be asking HIM that question. I guess his patriotism was supposed to be self evident. I haven’t heard from him since.
Frankly I don’t want to paint all military with the same brush but if this was his response to a simple question about freedom idk what we can expect from him and his peers. The higher ups (like colonels) are allowed their beliefs but I would think there would be a consensus on freedom and I don’t think it should be hard for them to speak about it. Do you?
Idk... I’m a woman. Which ever branch Annapolis is for. But he is a colonel. Not like I followed his career. I just grew up with him as a neighbor kid. He occasionally posted pictures on FB of the guys he led in the Middle East. I paid more attention to the beauty of the country than I did of the people in the pictures, all I know is our guys were dressed in sand color,
Oh he definitely thought I should shut up and the college thing was to be ignored. What’s weird is I know for a fact he is a leftist which is one reason I brought up the freedom question. This occurred during this lockdowns late summer and I thought I’d gauge his opinion by his response to the college thing. I don’t know if he guessed that but he was sure ticked. Hasn’t texted me since!
Lin Wood has said some interesting thinks, I'll give him that. I just don't understand how him and many others don't understand that FEMA has no role in any of this. Literally nothing. Emergency Management but not in the sense of a stolen election and has no power/authority to do anything.
Pretty much sums up what we have all been thinking will happen....Lin is just trying to open some eyes for those people who are clueless
Trump is getting ready for his SOTU Address tomorrow.
Lin is part of the group fixing this.
He's not out concern trolling, that's for sure
The thing is, the military can’t go half way on this. If and when they’re going to step in, they have to do it all. So I don’t think we’ll hear about the military doing anything, until it does everything.
Mil already stepped in. They've been BUSY taking out the top pedos and traitors plus dismantling all the systems and structures that support and fund the cabal. Just because you dont see PUBLIC, OBVIOUS action doesn't mean nothing is happening.
Open your eyes and look at all the crazy shit going down EVERYWHERE!! Govts collapsing. CEOs stepping down en masse. Russia booting out the central banksters and returning to gold backed money. (This is HUGE! The central banks are how the DS launders and steals our money.)
Myanmar mil stepping in to smack down a coup attempt by elites who are tight with hussein and killary. Mil is holding public tribunals and promising free elections. Oh and they are booting their central bank as well. A perfect preview of what is to come here, soon.
This is not just about arresting the traitors in Congress and the pedos in H’wood. This is a GLOBAL housecleaning op involving almost every country in the world in ridding us of a satanic cabal who has been enslaving us for thousands of years. Not gonna happen quickly.
But it IS happening. And nothing is as it seems right now. We are through the Looking Glass. They really DID have it all and what we are seeing now is the white hats directing the MSM to implode on itself in one red pill after another.
P.S. Anyone still caught up in left vs right is NOT paying attention. The right is almost as corrupt as the left. This is about good vs evil. Period.
P.P.S. And oh yeah...Putin is a white hat. Xi too, just wait and see.
I agree entirely. Plus, though unpopular, I always thought Putin was a white hat. And Xi, I know personally from my days when I lived there. He was a radical to the ccp (though in charge) then...15 years ago.
Wow. That is reassuring confirmation.
I think Putin, Xi, Modi and Mohhamad bin Salman are all white hats working with Trump while other leaders have been flipped with evidence of their crimes to cooperate.
Everything now is theater. Once you KNOW its only theater, you can watch it with awe and appreciation instead of fear and panic.
Exactly, agree.
So either you are saying that:
A) You expect the military to take out everyone who voted for creepy joe?
B) You will not be able to see how everything that is happening with all the govts around the world is part of a master plan to topple the global cabal...until your neighbors wake up?
Sorry but neither option makes any sense to me.
If they’re doing it right, you shouldn’t see them. I disagree with the cuck sentiment.
How does that make me a cuck? I just wonder if we make it to the end of the year without anything happening if people will still believe there is a plan. I did for awhile but I don’t anymore.
My only change would be this line -->
"Down ballot races could also be conducted."
change to
"ALL down ballot races MUST also be conducted."
retroactive to 1999
Agreed - ALL races.
I think we won all downballot races except maybe Georgia. Yeah we won all tossup seats in congress because the fraud needed to beat Trump allowed the cheaters to ONLY pencil in absentee ballots for Biden.
We definitely won not only the senate seats in GA but also in AZ and MI. It stands to reason that if the presidential race was stolen, so were senate races (as well as governorships). Local races are harder to figure out though so who knows how many House seats were stolen?
I think the former GA senator Kelly Loeffler can’t be trusted, she and her husband dumped millions of dollars of stock before the fake C 19 was set to lock down. The replacement not much better, I don’t know that much about Perdue.
I think the mitary already knows. So does lin wood. This site to plant the next steps in your minds. Fuck revote. Cheating mean the vote went for trump period.
Fix that vote because I'm not voting again for an election we already won.
Military needs to be asked why they are getting their ass kicked so bad in 4th Generation Warfare.
They blocked the algorithm in 2016. Or it doesn’t exist at all and we have all been deceived. Why would they show the country the algo exists, and then let it be used all over again? They could have avoided all of this by playing along in 2016. Doesn’t add up.
Look, if it was clear to us and a Pillow man, then the MIL know all about it and have so much more than we have ever seen too.
The question is, do we trust they have a plan and are working on sorting it, or are they blue pilled and cucked?
Who knows. Gotta trust in Q for the time being.
I just worry that the plans changed. We keep saying if the military does nothing, then our country is gone. And it will be gone. NOW is the time to do something.
If now were the time, they'd be acting now. So, maybe they are, and we will find out about it all later.
Q prepared us for this battle, why is everyone acting all concerned
A lot of people are resiging, dying, earthquakes are happening as DUMBS get taken out, pedos are being exposed, MSM narratives are changing, Biden voters getting red pilled and regret etc.
Seems to me MIL ARE doing things just not in the public sphere yet, as they have to make sure the cabal have nowhere left to run to. Remember this is a global stronghold, hence Myanmar and other places.
I’m good till April 1st. If nothing changes by then then I say we are all in. Let’s show the world the power of the people for the people by the people.
He is absolutely correct. There is no 2022. There is no 2024. There is only 2020 until the fraud is rectified and the guilty parties pay for their treason.
Is there any way we can contact the military?
That was my question. Right now I think we need to post our sentiments in the chat in George News. I can't think of any other access. Email the Joint Chiefs? Who is there now?
Haha, this question came up a month ago when the "inauguration" took place. I asked who we call in the military to lodge a complaint, lol. I even asked husband if there was a "complaint dept" in the military knowing full well there isn't.
You can chat with recruiters on any branch's website. That's as much as I know.
apparently congress can’t even contact them to find out why the NG are still there.
I don’t think so as we don’t know who to trust, only Q does, look at the Luny Tune Nauseating Nancy has looking into the Capital security.
Couldn’t agree more it’s time if they get by with stealing this election what’s the point of voting in future elections
Telling us what we’ve known for far to long
give the patriots the formula to do this if it's what's truly required of us. I'm ready to go even though i had a more exciting conclusion in mind
What are they waiting for?!?
I don't understand how anyone thinks there is no action happening. It is literally happening all over the world. It wont be made public until after its 99% over.
The DS is a GLOBAL cabal so any plan to expose and destroy them is a coordinated GLOBAL effort, with complex layers of operation.
Lots of crazy shit going down all over the world. Look at it all as puzzle pieces and you can start to connect the dots.
However...March 4 sounds good but it isn't set in stone either. And a LOT would have to happen in the next four days for inaug to happen on the 4th. I think we'll see MARCH MADNESS for a few weeks with Declas, then a big happy reveal (JFK Jr? Jacko?) that will help unite people after all the trauma of blunt force red pilling of all the still sleeping sheep.
But thats just my two cents. For what its worth.
Fema..? You mean the same organization that has built concentration camps for U.S. citizens..? Somewhat of a suspicious thing to say, I think.
That’s what I was thinking. Gave him the side eye like uhhhhh.
Pretty sure the reason the military is the only way isn't to seize the presidency by force. It's to seize the foreign land from a belligerent government, DC CORP & Biden, that certified the fraudulent vote.
The fraud was required to complete the plan, the plan was to set america free from the corporation than ran it. Due to trump 2018 EO, Dems and China did this with their fraud. (Yes, we'll be able to seize all the land and businesses China has bought up, they're screwed)
Jan 20th wasn't the inauguration for america, it was the inauguration for the corporation. March 4th is the inauguration for america.
I know people don't like dates, but if the Corp theory is correct, those dates are correct as well. Can't tell you if it will happen then but I can tell you March 4th is the inauguration for America.
The longer this takes the more likely civil war talks start
best emoji for topic. ?
Hear, O Lord the sound of our call and have mercy on us. Please act swiftly and keep your devoted safe out of harm's way. Guide us to wipe evil off of earth. Amen.
It sounds like he is suggesting at least one person or group from each state officially request an audit of their state's voting machines.
So say we all.
Yes and soon
Lin Wood, American hero.
We don't need a new election we need an legitimate audit to rectify the recent election for all states and all races.
It's a big project but we're a big people
Let's get it done.
America is too important to lose.
Why is Lin speaking like there isn’t a plan already in place to do this?? Isnt it obvious B*den is just a puppet at this point.
Excellent summary, everything else is noise.
How do we asked this of the military?
I like counting all the ballots. We have not solved the voting problems, so another election would likely be messed up still. Just count the legal votes, or vitiate the election and Trump is the winner.
No greater truths have ever been said...... God Bless this man for his courage.
Or should I say....... from his lips to Gods ears
Nuff said
This is the way
soo, I came across some noname info.
It took burma 3 years to finally get out from control.
myanmar is finishinf what the lost head tried to regain controll of.
the eagle tried to reclaim the body, but dementia and other aspects are stopping this.
sorry folks, but according to a rabbit trail we were exosed to, we have less than 150 days but more than 120 before we start our trials. cannot find the direct post but related to watery islands.
Seeing as you cocksuckers call this Qa F right off.
Myanmar is not a trial run, it is a paired run.
Aaand our poster boy resident alien was a bad agent. yet because of playboy going private to wonderland, he was switched and was a reason jeff bozo stepped down regarding gamestop.
Not saying that month is when it starts, just a date we were given with a specific reason.
gonna need to fire my desktop to follow this warren to its completion.
Very well said! Problem is those of us in Blue states have corruption at the bottom all the way to the Governor, the Mayor, SofS, most of our legislators are corrupt as well. We have a tremendous job ahead to clear them out with spineless Republicans in our state as well. So we are reviving the Tea Party here in CO.
No do overs. Arrest the people who cheated, and put in the people who won.
Maybe I speak for many here. My greatest obstacle right now is controlling my anger and channeling it into something positive instead.
Most of the Top brass and insiders at Pentagon are corrupt, not gonna happen. Sadly.
I can’t say this would surprise me
I grew up on a lake in Michigan. There was a kid that summered with his family on the lake. He grew up and went off to Annapolis becoming an army colonel. He is retired now. A few months ago we were chatting about something that was going on at the college in his home town regarding covid lockdowns. The students were going to be virtual prisoners. It upset me and asked him how he felt about freedom. Prior to this question he was very chatty but immediately shut down and made it very clear I should not be asking HIM that question. I guess his patriotism was supposed to be self evident. I haven’t heard from him since. Frankly I don’t want to paint all military with the same brush but if this was his response to a simple question about freedom idk what we can expect from him and his peers. The higher ups (like colonels) are allowed their beliefs but I would think there would be a consensus on freedom and I don’t think it should be hard for them to speak about it. Do you?
"Army colonel" from Annapolis? Perhaps a Marine? Or just a load?
Idk... I’m a woman. Which ever branch Annapolis is for. But he is a colonel. Not like I followed his career. I just grew up with him as a neighbor kid. He occasionally posted pictures on FB of the guys he led in the Middle East. I paid more attention to the beauty of the country than I did of the people in the pictures, all I know is our guys were dressed in sand color,
Yes he could have be insulted.
But if he was DC based lifer he could easily think of himself as an insider who thinks you should shut your trap and do as your told.
In life, and I'm sure the military, the higher up you go the more kool-aid you have to drink.
Oh he definitely thought I should shut up and the college thing was to be ignored. What’s weird is I know for a fact he is a leftist which is one reason I brought up the freedom question. This occurred during this lockdowns late summer and I thought I’d gauge his opinion by his response to the college thing. I don’t know if he guessed that but he was sure ticked. Hasn’t texted me since!
I like it!
Lin Wood has said some interesting thinks, I'll give him that. I just don't understand how him and many others don't understand that FEMA has no role in any of this. Literally nothing. Emergency Management but not in the sense of a stolen election and has no power/authority to do anything.