Well I’m trying to figure out how tucker made the leap from flightsuits to pregnant women in combat ?
I don’t know, much of the conservative base here and at patriots.win ate this shit up. I’ve been trying to explain how ridiculous this is but some conservatives still want to jump on the muh women shouldnt serve bus. Ironic though because 9 times outta 10 those conservatives never served and are too fat and physical incapable of serving even if they wanted to - but yeah it’s liberals eating it up. I expect more from conservatives - people need to start using their brain
This is a classic strawman argument lol. Make up an imaginary argument "Women can't serve in military" and argue against it, while putting us all down because in your mind we somehow believe women shouldnt serve. I am thinking this is less of a shill and more of a Q-fatigue blackpill setting in. Buckle up buddy its gonna be a bumpy ride.
Re: Wictor and QV; the issue there is the guy that mods/owns itl. He is absolutely afraid of being parlered so anything even slightly "conspiracist" in nature he bans outright. He strikes me as possibly envious of the following Wictor has; which exploded after he left youtube and began posting in QV exclusively.
I saw Wictor's shutdown in December too. He fled for nearly a week after that with mod chiming in that "you people drove him away" and then doubling down on bans for anything Q related. So you are left with toadies and those talking around the issues to avoid being banned. But there is good stuff there besides Wictor; @Rex, @DrawandStrike, & more.
Wictor though is consistent and why I continue to read him. His conclusions are based on info he can access or research. AFAIK he's never claimed to have inside or "deep cover" sources. Doesn't mean his conclusions are accurate, everything devolution related remains to be seen. But, they could be accurate based on facts in evidence and more importantly the chain of custody as to how he arrived there is usually clear. He shows his work (mostly) in other words. And he is irascible, he suffers fools badly. That isn't a character fault IMO.
And... a lot of what he's concluded aligns with the Q drops. Although that does not corroborate them it is certainly interesting. Sort of a checksum if you will.
And... a lot of what he's concluded aligns with the Q drops. Although that does not corroborate them it is certainly interesting. Sort of a checksum if you will.
First time I got banned was because I was trying to explain to them that everything they conclude aligns with Q, and asked them to take a look at the raw Q drops themselves and not worry about "Qanon".
This time though its really hilarious - even young kids know instinctively that wall street is rigged.
The only character flaw Wictor has (that I have noticed) is his deep insecurity. A guy like that should be like a rock, talking about things he knows but not caring what anyone says about it. To me, this is a huge turn off because I have to see everything he says through the lens of "Is he saying this to defend something he said earlier, or is this an organic thought".
Your observation about the owner being envious of Wictor is spot on. Its possible that he is subconsciously sabotaging his own platform without even realising it. Once you find out people's insecurities, they become an open book.
I have already seen the quality of folks there has fallen drastically. A lot of interesting people used to be there and I used to enjoy discussing last time. This time hardly anything insightful by the common folks. Everyone just favouriting your toot or boosting it, but hardly any comments. I expect this site will die in the near future. The only folks hanging on are the ones who are desparate for a dose of respectable hopium, and they have lost their supply from Simon, Charlie Ward etc.
What are you in about? I’m pointing out that liberals aren’t the only ones falling for the psyop - conservatives have been in here crying all day about women who serve. So no it’s not a straw man - I expect better from conservatives
When you read or watch anything that makes you very emotional, STOP and Ask yourself "Who would want me to get me all charged up?".
When you find yourself angry at or hating a certain group of people, no matter who they are (Transgender, White, Black, Gay, Feminists, whatever be the group) STOP and Tell yourself "These conflicts and anger between people is an illusion. I am not angry at these people. I am angry at the people manipulating these groups".
I actually agree with what you just said. Those down votes are due to the ppl here being hardcore fighters and they just don’t relate to that sentiment. Most of us would agree human conditioning plays a large role in human behavior. A perfect example is current black culture in America. They’ve been told so many times that they can’t achieve because they’re oppressed that now many are not even trying to get a piece of the American pie because they believe it’s pointless. So what happens??? They don’t get their piece and they end up full filling an outside narrative that was placed on them. Obviously it’s a little more complicated than that,, but I’m definitely with you ..
So ... exactly what's going on here? I'll confess.... non a veteran, thank you for your service. Women in the military -- Plenty of roles. My guess is I would have separate male and female battalions, but what the hell do I know...
... so what's going on here? Is the brass really concerned about Tucker Carlson? Is this a distraction? And what's a psy-op? I mean, I'm guessing something with psychology and making people feel a certain way but why? Why here?
This is exactly what the enemie does. They divide, then conquer. This whole discussion is bullshit! It is so laughably obvious that this is meant to create division within the military. Its china propaganda and sadly, it worked. I can tell you now as a Marine Corp vet, this kind of shit is ignored. So you civilians need to stop doing the enemies bidding!
Oh wow, such amazing information, how did you get this? Oh wait, why are those guys in black coats parked outside my house and looking suspiciously. Surely that wierd site has nothing to do with this?
Agreed! I couldn't believe the dooming this morning and they were near the top of the board. And that one poster kept posting that doomer link. Where were the mods today? Are we under attack?
IMO it’s a honey trap - these liberal military ass holes not only outed themselves they opened themselves up to UCMJ - what they’ve all done is against military regulations - sounds like a bunch of people are about to get kicked out lol this is a massive set up
I’m also wondering if the dems are getting or letting these military personnel say these things on social media on purpose to make it seem as though all the military services are with/answer to Xidan, and not with white hats.
In your opinion then are the good people still in charge of the military? Is an internal tug of war happening? I'm not really sure what's going on with the military lately.
Maybe. But at the same time, diversity & inclusion lunacy has infiltrated the government and the military. I wouldn't be surprised if this is pushed by liberal cunts in the upper ranks.
I'm not following this, particularly, but I think it is meant to give Tucker back the audience that fled in the millions when he showed himself to be comped. Won't work, we're done.
Oh, he still thinks Chris Miller is playing the optics game.
I watch that quodverum for fun and sometimes find interesting tidbits, but the folks there are pretty retarded. Today I got banned for posting something about how wall street manipulates the markets. I was told that it was a conspiracy theory and they have no place for conspiracy theories there.
Yet, their whole site is dedicated to the fact that Trump and military is in control. The irony cuts deep.
Really!? Geez. I liked Wictors vid posts. Partly just for the background music. Ha. But he had good insight if a little (lot) cantankerous.
But to consider mrkt manipulation a consp theory? That is just plain idiotic.
Fed down = GME and others shoot up. Duh.
Im pretty sure the Fed and credit payment systems going down were white hat assistance to EXPOSE the Fed’s algorithms. As part of the plan. Oh wait, that's why Wictor cant acknowledge it. Because it would be part of the Q plan, not just Trump.
Wictors videos were great but once he predicted Dec 31st as the day of days, and it passed he kinda went into a defensive angry grandpa mode. He still posts some good observations and thats why I keep checking on him once in a while.
This exposes a bigger problem and the need for "Great Awakening" as opposed to "Awakening". Its not enough to see the truth in one or two areas. You need to see it everywhere. You need to see the institutional corruption. You need to see the satanic pdeophilia, the captured science and art, the hidden hand of the central banks, the evil people in FBI/CIA etc, the wall street, the international community, the charities, the UN, the WHO. Everything.
Its easy to believe one or two if these things because you have personal experience, but thats not enough. Some people who are partially redpilled, like Thomas, will still have a hard time opening their eyes regarding everything else, as much as a normie would.
Its not called Great Awakening for nothing, and we are not waiting all this time for no reason. Things like these keep reinforcing why this is so hard and what is ahead of us.
This is heartening to hear. I have friends who have no problem believing that there is a group of elites who are evil and who have corrupted every government, and yet refuse to believe they are satanic. I am still waiting for them to come and ask "Hey wait, can you tell me again how this overall corruption works again?"
I think all of his conspiracy theories fell flat on their face and he realizes that Qs "the military is the only way" still seems to hold water, but he's been saying Q is bullshit for so long, he can't exactly hop on board (would reveal he doesn't know shit and he LOVES the attention he gets from people who thinks he does) so he has to go down the military path without actually echoing Q.
Yep, this is what used to make me laugh. Without using the word Q, he pretty much says everything Q says. Honestly, I think he is too worried that people will label him a conspiracy theorist. He rationalises that as he has military background, anything he talks about just the military is unquestionable, but the moment he steps out of that box, he is extremely careful.
Whats funny is that sometimes he goes overboard with his conspiracies.
Having once served in the USMC (long ago) it did NOT make sense to me that a Sergeant Major would involve himself in such drivel as this. Such men are highly admired in the Corps, they are no-nonsense kind of people, and carry as much authority as some lower level officers.
You're right..My husband and I were very surprised to see leaders of the military get involved in something like this. After 20+ years of service to our country, we have never seen or heard of such a thing.
I agree he has a good perspective, but I am not sure about the 40,000 ft. Flying that high implies you have the full picture and not just military. He clearly does not have full picture, and actively resists the full picture.
And the first I heard of it was a senior space force official refuting Tucker’s claims. Space Force? It stumped me at first that they would bother with Tucker Carlson but it’s falling into place now.
I’m not as well versed as many on this forum....but I assume he is saying this is a distraction from Durham and behind the scenes arrests? Or what is someone else’s take on this...is it a distraction by black hats who are doing more f#ckery?
In other news the US military is bombing Syria and there is a wall with a permanent US military presence outside the White House. Like a dictator would have it.
Just like how normies suddenly don't want to listen to the CDC anymore when you counter with the real COVID death numbers that are in plain sight on their web page or the article a week back where they admitted that the masks are worthless.
I have zero issues with women in combat, but let's get Real here what Dr. Military or civilian would advise a woman pilot who is 6-9 months along to be flying combat jets? That kind of physical stress could easily set off premature labor pains mid flight. It is the absurdity of that image/thought that set off this argument.
I like Thomas Wictor's stuff, I read it all the time. At first I thought this whole Twitter spat was just some woke gender studies diversity hire that got put in place as social media person for DOD. Ocam's Razor and all, right? But it DOES seem like too many weird things going on. Psyop? Maybe a bit of a stretch but the idea of the USMC getting into a Twitter pissing match with Tucker seems too absurd to be believed.
Seriously this is a psyop if I ever saw one
Signed a female combat veteran who did psyop work
Yeah, but what gave it away is how over the top it is. Like seriously, a pregnant woman fighting? And yet the left ate it up. Its hilarious.
Well I’m trying to figure out how tucker made the leap from flightsuits to pregnant women in combat ?
I don’t know, much of the conservative base here and at patriots.win ate this shit up. I’ve been trying to explain how ridiculous this is but some conservatives still want to jump on the muh women shouldnt serve bus. Ironic though because 9 times outta 10 those conservatives never served and are too fat and physical incapable of serving even if they wanted to - but yeah it’s liberals eating it up. I expect more from conservatives - people need to start using their brain
This is a classic strawman argument lol. Make up an imaginary argument "Women can't serve in military" and argue against it, while putting us all down because in your mind we somehow believe women shouldnt serve. I am thinking this is less of a shill and more of a Q-fatigue blackpill setting in. Buckle up buddy its gonna be a bumpy ride.
In spades.
Re: Wictor and QV; the issue there is the guy that mods/owns itl. He is absolutely afraid of being parlered so anything even slightly "conspiracist" in nature he bans outright. He strikes me as possibly envious of the following Wictor has; which exploded after he left youtube and began posting in QV exclusively.
I saw Wictor's shutdown in December too. He fled for nearly a week after that with mod chiming in that "you people drove him away" and then doubling down on bans for anything Q related. So you are left with toadies and those talking around the issues to avoid being banned. But there is good stuff there besides Wictor; @Rex, @DrawandStrike, & more.
Wictor though is consistent and why I continue to read him. His conclusions are based on info he can access or research. AFAIK he's never claimed to have inside or "deep cover" sources. Doesn't mean his conclusions are accurate, everything devolution related remains to be seen. But, they could be accurate based on facts in evidence and more importantly the chain of custody as to how he arrived there is usually clear. He shows his work (mostly) in other words. And he is irascible, he suffers fools badly. That isn't a character fault IMO.
And... a lot of what he's concluded aligns with the Q drops. Although that does not corroborate them it is certainly interesting. Sort of a checksum if you will.
First time I got banned was because I was trying to explain to them that everything they conclude aligns with Q, and asked them to take a look at the raw Q drops themselves and not worry about "Qanon".
This time though its really hilarious - even young kids know instinctively that wall street is rigged.
The only character flaw Wictor has (that I have noticed) is his deep insecurity. A guy like that should be like a rock, talking about things he knows but not caring what anyone says about it. To me, this is a huge turn off because I have to see everything he says through the lens of "Is he saying this to defend something he said earlier, or is this an organic thought".
Your observation about the owner being envious of Wictor is spot on. Its possible that he is subconsciously sabotaging his own platform without even realising it. Once you find out people's insecurities, they become an open book.
I have already seen the quality of folks there has fallen drastically. A lot of interesting people used to be there and I used to enjoy discussing last time. This time hardly anything insightful by the common folks. Everyone just favouriting your toot or boosting it, but hardly any comments. I expect this site will die in the near future. The only folks hanging on are the ones who are desparate for a dose of respectable hopium, and they have lost their supply from Simon, Charlie Ward etc.
Surely not this Simon?
What are you in about? I’m pointing out that liberals aren’t the only ones falling for the psyop - conservatives have been in here crying all day about women who serve. So no it’s not a straw man - I expect better from conservatives
I believe it when I see it. Thanks for playing.
Buy some glasses then - lots of doomers crying over this nothing burger
My two rules of thumb in life:
When you read or watch anything that makes you very emotional, STOP and Ask yourself "Who would want me to get me all charged up?".
When you find yourself angry at or hating a certain group of people, no matter who they are (Transgender, White, Black, Gay, Feminists, whatever be the group) STOP and Tell yourself "These conflicts and anger between people is an illusion. I am not angry at these people. I am angry at the people manipulating these groups".
I actually agree with what you just said. Those down votes are due to the ppl here being hardcore fighters and they just don’t relate to that sentiment. Most of us would agree human conditioning plays a large role in human behavior. A perfect example is current black culture in America. They’ve been told so many times that they can’t achieve because they’re oppressed that now many are not even trying to get a piece of the American pie because they believe it’s pointless. So what happens??? They don’t get their piece and they end up full filling an outside narrative that was placed on them. Obviously it’s a little more complicated than that,, but I’m definitely with you ..
So ... exactly what's going on here? I'll confess.... non a veteran, thank you for your service. Women in the military -- Plenty of roles. My guess is I would have separate male and female battalions, but what the hell do I know...
... so what's going on here? Is the brass really concerned about Tucker Carlson? Is this a distraction? And what's a psy-op? I mean, I'm guessing something with psychology and making people feel a certain way but why? Why here?
This is exactly what the enemie does. They divide, then conquer. This whole discussion is bullshit! It is so laughably obvious that this is meant to create division within the military. Its china propaganda and sadly, it worked. I can tell you now as a Marine Corp vet, this kind of shit is ignored. So you civilians need to stop doing the enemies bidding!
It's all about demonstrating the absurdity of the left
Left and right are galvanizing as polar opposites more and more. It's making tensions rise.
And in the meantime women fail the Army Combat Fitness test 65% of the time so a review is underway to make the test "fair for both genders".
They are playing political games that endangers the security of our nation and every citizen. And you spout bullshit.
Tell us to use our brain and I seriously doubt you have one.
Oh wow, such amazing information, how did you get this? Oh wait, why are those guys in black coats parked outside my house and looking suspiciously. Surely that wierd site has nothing to do with this?
Agreed! I couldn't believe the dooming this morning and they were near the top of the board. And that one poster kept posting that doomer link. Where were the mods today? Are we under attack?
"are we under attack?"
Just remember this site is constantly under attack from various groups of people.
When these shill waves happen, they are just coordinating an attack. Usually to line up with some public event
But there will always be paid shills among us. Fact is any place of online discussion has to deal with shills these days.
End of the day just learn to spot them, and ignore them.
Lot of trolls running some more convincing troll game in the past few days, and you've been great, mods. Thank you!
IMO it’s a honey trap - these liberal military ass holes not only outed themselves they opened themselves up to UCMJ - what they’ve all done is against military regulations - sounds like a bunch of people are about to get kicked out lol this is a massive set up
I’m also wondering if the dems are getting or letting these military personnel say these things on social media on purpose to make it seem as though all the military services are with/answer to Xidan, and not with white hats.
In your opinion then are the good people still in charge of the military? Is an internal tug of war happening? I'm not really sure what's going on with the military lately.
https://social.quodverum.com/web/statuses/105744162388816437 https://social.quodverum.com/@StevenDouglas/105750381839846248 https://social.quodverum.com/@ThomasWic/105750924147226767
Wictor's threads on devolution provide a good theory of what is going down.
Well this is pretty interesting, thanks for sharing.
These threads are great thank you
I can never get to that site. No matter what my IP address is, I always get '403 Forbidden'.
But other people seem to be able to view it just fine. ?♂️
Personally I hate early all officers and think the leadership has been trash for a bit ?♀️
That doesn’t make me particularly confident in patriotic military intervention.
Honey trap for libtards. Combine the 'liberal' military with Chris Miller's comments and you have classic MILDEC.
Remember also that the social media is probably managed by some 23 year old communications grad.
Maybe. But at the same time, diversity & inclusion lunacy has infiltrated the government and the military. I wouldn't be surprised if this is pushed by liberal cunts in the upper ranks.
Under Obama?
I'm not following this, particularly, but I think it is meant to give Tucker back the audience that fled in the millions when he showed himself to be comped. Won't work, we're done.
Yep, the mask slipped on election night, and now there's no going back. Fox is going down with the rest of the ship.
"They think you will follow the stars"
And dammit if it won't almost work with Kayleigh.
Exactly. I'm not desperate.
Me neither.
Truth in Haiku form will do.
seriously wicker told us chris miller was the man and pence was great
hows this working out these days
the berd blathers blame the VOTERS??? hello wicker dominion??
Oh, he still thinks Chris Miller is playing the optics game.
I watch that quodverum for fun and sometimes find interesting tidbits, but the folks there are pretty retarded. Today I got banned for posting something about how wall street manipulates the markets. I was told that it was a conspiracy theory and they have no place for conspiracy theories there.
Yet, their whole site is dedicated to the fact that Trump and military is in control. The irony cuts deep.
Really!? Geez. I liked Wictors vid posts. Partly just for the background music. Ha. But he had good insight if a little (lot) cantankerous.
But to consider mrkt manipulation a consp theory? That is just plain idiotic.
Fed down = GME and others shoot up. Duh.
Im pretty sure the Fed and credit payment systems going down were white hat assistance to EXPOSE the Fed’s algorithms. As part of the plan. Oh wait, that's why Wictor cant acknowledge it. Because it would be part of the Q plan, not just Trump.
Wictors videos were great but once he predicted Dec 31st as the day of days, and it passed he kinda went into a defensive angry grandpa mode. He still posts some good observations and thats why I keep checking on him once in a while.
This exposes a bigger problem and the need for "Great Awakening" as opposed to "Awakening". Its not enough to see the truth in one or two areas. You need to see it everywhere. You need to see the institutional corruption. You need to see the satanic pdeophilia, the captured science and art, the hidden hand of the central banks, the evil people in FBI/CIA etc, the wall street, the international community, the charities, the UN, the WHO. Everything.
Its easy to believe one or two if these things because you have personal experience, but thats not enough. Some people who are partially redpilled, like Thomas, will still have a hard time opening their eyes regarding everything else, as much as a normie would.
Its not called Great Awakening for nothing, and we are not waiting all this time for no reason. Things like these keep reinforcing why this is so hard and what is ahead of us.
This is heartening to hear. I have friends who have no problem believing that there is a group of elites who are evil and who have corrupted every government, and yet refuse to believe they are satanic. I am still waiting for them to come and ask "Hey wait, can you tell me again how this overall corruption works again?"
Nice response, thanks for thus.
Love this!
Nailed it. And everything else as well. 100% agree and well said.
didn't he also say Krebs would uncover the fraudulent election and act on it?
quodverum - we will ban you if you talk about Q and engage in what we deem to be conspiracy theory.
wictor - "I theorize that Trump is the shadow president." 3/14/2021
quodverum <===what is this
it's a small social website using mastodon as it's front end. i won't link to them.
ty it helps explain things ... why do they still use that platform then
Wictor is pretty funny. He laughs off the Q stuff, but he basically interprets everything that happens as a military plan.
Without saying “trust the plan”, he tells everyone to trust the plan.
I think all of his conspiracy theories fell flat on their face and he realizes that Qs "the military is the only way" still seems to hold water, but he's been saying Q is bullshit for so long, he can't exactly hop on board (would reveal he doesn't know shit and he LOVES the attention he gets from people who thinks he does) so he has to go down the military path without actually echoing Q.
Yep, this is what used to make me laugh. Without using the word Q, he pretty much says everything Q says. Honestly, I think he is too worried that people will label him a conspiracy theorist. He rationalises that as he has military background, anything he talks about just the military is unquestionable, but the moment he steps out of that box, he is extremely careful.
Whats funny is that sometimes he goes overboard with his conspiracies.
^ exactly
Having once served in the USMC (long ago) it did NOT make sense to me that a Sergeant Major would involve himself in such drivel as this. Such men are highly admired in the Corps, they are no-nonsense kind of people, and carry as much authority as some lower level officers.
You're right..My husband and I were very surprised to see leaders of the military get involved in something like this. After 20+ years of service to our country, we have never seen or heard of such a thing.
You barbecued for a week straight?!
This is not really the issue, just a distraction. They willbe dealing with the real issue though
“Draft Our Daughters!!“
Pepe Farms Remembers...
I find it reassuring that Wictor doesn’t at all believe in Q, yet comes to similar conclusions.
I agree he has a good perspective, but I am not sure about the 40,000 ft. Flying that high implies you have the full picture and not just military. He clearly does not have full picture, and actively resists the full picture.
Plus if you spend all your time at 40,000 feet you might see a big picture but you'll miss a lot of finer details.
Ideally you should have a good depth in one area and a passing acquaintance with a wide breadth.
And the first I heard of it was a senior space force official refuting Tucker’s claims. Space Force? It stumped me at first that they would bother with Tucker Carlson but it’s falling into place now.
Space Command, which is not the same thing as Space Force but it's obvious how people get it mixed up.
Ok.Thanks for the clarification!
So if this is a psyop.....what is it to distract from? Wictor doesn’t say but I have my own suspicions....
I would say some military action is incoming. When? Where? Who knows.
If no one has any idea when, where, or what, why would there need to be a distraction?
This is probably the dumbest thing I ever heard.
glad we agree....
What are your suspicions?
I’m not as well versed as many on this forum....but I assume he is saying this is a distraction from Durham and behind the scenes arrests? Or what is someone else’s take on this...is it a distraction by black hats who are doing more f#ckery?
I don’t know....thx.
In other news the US military is bombing Syria and there is a wall with a permanent US military presence outside the White House. Like a dictator would have it.
Whats amazing is that normies dont even talk about and if you bring up the topic they just change the subject
Just like how normies suddenly don't want to listen to the CDC anymore when you counter with the real COVID death numbers that are in plain sight on their web page or the article a week back where they admitted that the masks are worthless.
I have zero issues with women in combat, but let's get Real here what Dr. Military or civilian would advise a woman pilot who is 6-9 months along to be flying combat jets? That kind of physical stress could easily set off premature labor pains mid flight. It is the absurdity of that image/thought that set off this argument.
No doubt
Progressives in the military are infiltrators
Great show. Need more popcorn.
The military official social media is supposed to be neutrally neutral on issues like this. Someone orobably got fired behind the scenes?
Thats a given. Everything any of these people say is their best guess.
Never trust anything Tucker is involved with. He is a highly programmed operative. He needs some gentle interrogation. In the basement.
I agree
I like Thomas Wictor's stuff, I read it all the time. At first I thought this whole Twitter spat was just some woke gender studies diversity hire that got put in place as social media person for DOD. Ocam's Razor and all, right? But it DOES seem like too many weird things going on. Psyop? Maybe a bit of a stretch but the idea of the USMC getting into a Twitter pissing match with Tucker seems too absurd to be believed.
What a joke how dumb do they think we are
How do you catch a wild animal?
What if it's Injured and wary?
Enjoy the ? peeps
Tucker is a moron!!...I'll take the side of anyone who's willing to give Tucker the shits.