This is why he's not spoken to the press or publicly because he has no filter. He was told this was the plan for him and he told everyone. Just like the dems having the biggest cheat machine. His brain is pudding and who knows what else he will say. He's not going to do a presser in 8 days it's all a tactic to buy time. They will not let him speak to the press and take un-vetted questions.
Right. He was told not to worry about campaigning or being unable to draw attendees to events, because he has "the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in American history." And he repeated it verbatim into the mike. Just like he did when they told him "salute the marine".
Oh I'm sure he will do the press conference. It will just be exactly like on the campaign trail when his handlers called on a list of people with easy softball questions he already knows the answer to.
And this will really hurt him when only entertains questions from the WaPo,NYT,CNN. Don't forget *Biden's brain is pudding and him going off script is all but guaranteed,he'll entertain a question from Steve Ducey who will not ask a softball question and trip up the old fool. I hope he does it frankly you think it will be done "live" or will it all be a pre recorded farce over a video conference?
Steve Doocey is the best! And Biden actually likes him, remember in December when he said at that one presser "God I love you man but you're a one horse pony!"
I think they'll record it like an hour earlier than it's broadcast so most people won't know the difference
Funny part is that the 700 people in Washington DC think they’re more powerful smarter and more populous than the 330 million they are supposed to serve and just to make sure they have a fence and the National guard protecting them from you.
But what really makes me sick about him whenever he speaks is how it's always such pablum. "They think you're stupid "
This is, simply put, politics meant to appeal to infantile minds. And, if there is no Plan, it apparently worked, and our government has been chosen by people to whom this drivel appeals. People who clearly didn't have moms and dads growing up, and who think an explanation of how adults are supposed to cooperatively work through disagreements is a compelling reason to vote for someone.
God forgive me for saying this, but stuff like this makes me feel depopulation is really the right way forward for humanity.
Regardless, the fact is if even one person who actually watched Biden speak during his "campaign" thought he exuded presidential leadership, it makes me deeply concerned that they will never "wake up." Granted, from what I've observed of liberal friends and colleagues, few of them actually bother to watch live events and instead rely on repackaged sound bites and misinfo. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but watching this buffoon speak boils my fucking blood.
Those liberals have attached their ego to their narrative and there is a lot of discomfort associated with changing that. They won't look too hard in case they see something they can't ignore.
It's frustrating because our asses are on the line too.
A different take from me on this on. It's been bugging me for a while. He says that if he disagreed with BHO, he would fake a disease and resign. Is he now saying that, in the event of a disagreement between Biden and Harris, he is going to expect HARRIS as VP to resign similar to him as VP considering resigning in the event of a disagreement? That's what it sounds like to me. It would certainly be fun to ask her that...
He’s like that 4 year old watching cartoons in the living room while the parents are discussing “adult stuff” in the kitchen. Then you get a phone call from mom-in-law repeating kitchen conversation. 4 yr olds and Bidan tell EVERYTHING!
Notice the way Kamala shakes her head and smiles tight-lipped at Biden (0:47)? It's like when two people share a secret and one accidentally blurts it out in public. She's doing all she can to not shout, "Shut up, you idiot! You're giving away our plan!".
I think he was referring to when he was vice president....if he disagreed he would resign. Either way it is very telling of the strength of his character and conviction as a man. He is literally telling us that if he believes strongly about something and it's not what his overloards have planned he will "lie" and back down. What a sorry excuse for a man. Nothing more than a deep state puppit with sick and twisted perversions.
This is why he's not spoken to the press or publicly because he has no filter. He was told this was the plan for him and he told everyone. Just like the dems having the biggest cheat machine. His brain is pudding and who knows what else he will say. He's not going to do a presser in 8 days it's all a tactic to buy time. They will not let him speak to the press and take un-vetted questions.
Right. He was told not to worry about campaigning or being unable to draw attendees to events, because he has "the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in American history." And he repeated it verbatim into the mike. Just like he did when they told him "salute the marine".
Yet the mushbrained pedo was inaugurated.
and that is why he was selected by the Q team
Did you just say Biden was selected by the Q team
yes, but everyone forgets what he said moments after that. completely overwhelm the system
What'd he say after that?
something like (completely overwhelm the system.) im having a hard time finding it though.
Oh I'm sure he will do the press conference. It will just be exactly like on the campaign trail when his handlers called on a list of people with easy softball questions he already knows the answer to.
And this will really hurt him when only entertains questions from the WaPo,NYT,CNN. Don't forget *Biden's brain is pudding and him going off script is all but guaranteed,he'll entertain a question from Steve Ducey who will not ask a softball question and trip up the old fool. I hope he does it frankly you think it will be done "live" or will it all be a pre recorded farce over a video conference?
Steve Doocey is the best! And Biden actually likes him, remember in December when he said at that one presser "God I love you man but you're a one horse pony!"
I think they'll record it like an hour earlier than it's broadcast so most people won't know the difference
It’s “developing”.
Hey fren
This narrative has been in the works. It really is a movie and it feels like a rerun at this point.
...this and many of your other posts on GA, good thoughts & understanding.
It’s like watching a church service when you know the minister is 100% full of shit and a liar
Joel Osteen?
Puts a fire in you doesn't it? I just came out of six years under a lying lie-face of a pastor. It's unhealthy in any leader.
Funny part is that the 700 people in Washington DC think they’re more powerful smarter and more populous than the 330 million they are supposed to serve and just to make sure they have a fence and the National guard protecting them from you.
Shocking for sure.
But what really makes me sick about him whenever he speaks is how it's always such pablum. "They think you're stupid "
This is, simply put, politics meant to appeal to infantile minds. And, if there is no Plan, it apparently worked, and our government has been chosen by people to whom this drivel appeals. People who clearly didn't have moms and dads growing up, and who think an explanation of how adults are supposed to cooperatively work through disagreements is a compelling reason to vote for someone.
God forgive me for saying this, but stuff like this makes me feel depopulation is really the right way forward for humanity.
You know this government wasn't voted in legitimately! You can't blame the voters who were cheated.
I know that, I know that...
Regardless, the fact is if even one person who actually watched Biden speak during his "campaign" thought he exuded presidential leadership, it makes me deeply concerned that they will never "wake up." Granted, from what I've observed of liberal friends and colleagues, few of them actually bother to watch live events and instead rely on repackaged sound bites and misinfo. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but watching this buffoon speak boils my fucking blood.
Those liberals have attached their ego to their narrative and there is a lot of discomfort associated with changing that. They won't look too hard in case they see something they can't ignore.
It's frustrating because our asses are on the line too.
Absolutely. Nice chat. o7
I remember this.
He already knows he has a disease. Has anyone seen his resting hand tremors?
That’s called hand stutters. ?
I think it’s just the sniffles.
The chat on "Intelligence" didn't take long!
A different take from me on this on. It's been bugging me for a while. He says that if he disagreed with BHO, he would fake a disease and resign. Is he now saying that, in the event of a disagreement between Biden and Harris, he is going to expect HARRIS as VP to resign similar to him as VP considering resigning in the event of a disagreement? That's what it sounds like to me. It would certainly be fun to ask her that...
When your MKultra chip implant needs a reboot ;)
Kidding aside, the way he says this and his expressions are so similar to Pelosis "Good morning, sunday morning"
He’s like that 4 year old watching cartoons in the living room while the parents are discussing “adult stuff” in the kitchen. Then you get a phone call from mom-in-law repeating kitchen conversation. 4 yr olds and Bidan tell EVERYTHING!
i cant help but notice how stretched her throat skin is...
Oh she’s in charge
Notice the way Kamala shakes her head and smiles tight-lipped at Biden (0:47)? It's like when two people share a secret and one accidentally blurts it out in public. She's doing all she can to not shout, "Shut up, you idiot! You're giving away our plan!".
Pretty funny how the Resident refers to the Poser as ‘Barack’ rather than PBO.
Here is another timeless piece. Beijing Biden telling everyone he’s cheating.
Jill and Kamala have "become friends". Can you even imagine in your wildest nightmare becoming friends with Kamala??? Eww!
Screen grabs with CC text included...
I think he was referring to when he was vice president....if he disagreed he would resign. Either way it is very telling of the strength of his character and conviction as a man. He is literally telling us that if he believes strongly about something and it's not what his overloards have planned he will "lie" and back down. What a sorry excuse for a man. Nothing more than a deep state puppit with sick and twisted perversions.
Funny, he's telling us exactly what is gonna happen. All we need is ears to listen.
If he wasn't such a vile pedo, I'd almost start to think he's trolling the shit out of everyone.
What is the date of this video? Since it's cnn and Xiden is identified as president-elect, it has to be sometime between 11/4 & 1/19.