The UK census will be out this year, last one was 2011. I think the figures are going to shock some people. I'm not from the UK but they are going down the route of the USA when it comes to the (((Kalergi))) plan. France is catching up and Canada is long gone. In the not so distant future, all white countries will be shitholes where whites are disenfranchised, persecuted minorities. We are being sterilised and replaced with 3rd world immigrants and encouraged to breed with them. The Zionists want whites dead and gone, and their globalist shabbos goy lackeys are more than happy to sell out their kinsman for a shot of wealth and power.
This is kinda one of the things I am sceptical about when it comes to Trump. I wish he would call out the anti-white racism and hatred that is so rampant.
The UK is way further along with the Kalergi plan then the USA. We still have a chance to save ourselves. I fear the UK is already too far along to save.
Did you look at the evidence? Jews being genocidal against Europeans. You are wittingly or unwittingly behaving as a Trojan Horse.
You did not say a word about the evidence presented to you.
The Jews pushing anti-white rhetoric are NOT a minority. They are the MAJORITY and just because you aren't one of them does not make it all untrue. You would help yourself to admit there is a problem and help us. What you are doing now...looks subversive.
It's the hypocrisy that gets me. If I used any one of those words in post, I'd get banned for hate speach. But I'm with you that blanket statements and overgeneralizations concerning an entire group of people shouldn't be made. That goes both ways.
Stop blaming Zionists for what a tiny minority of Zionists do? I'm sorry what? Are you suggesting we be pro Zionists, despite the fact as an ideology it's goal is to destroy Europe and enslave humanity?
You seem to think that I'm blaming Jews, but not once have I mentioned Jews. Point out to me where I said Jews or said it was their fault. Use logic. Read again. Show me exactly where I said Jews or alluded to that. I've read read my post and all I see is me saying Zionists.
I said Zionists. You're the one putting words into my mouth. If you don't think Zionism is a threat to Western civilization then I don't know what you're doing here.
I get that you're Jewish and touchy about this subject but you're accusing me of something I didn't do.
Actually race does matter. There are differences between the races and how they can form a society. To deny this might make you warm and fuzzy inside but it is a cold hard fact. Whites are builders and a people of laws and order. Blacks are more prone to violence and destruction. Simply look at the statistics and IQ levels. Call reality racist, it still does not change the facts. I would love everyone to be on the same levels but genetics are genetics.
Ok moron. What about Jewish people? What about Jesus of Nazareth? He wasn’t even white. What about the great societies of Asia and Latin America? Ancient societies of Persians or Egyptians when Europe was still full of nomads barely removed from Neanderthals.
Asia hasn't built it's own "great society" for hundreds of years. The only "great" Asian society is Japan and they became modern and industrial because they... wait for it... Westernised. They used European technology to advance themselves. Ancient China was a land of prosperity and technology sure, I can respect that, but it hasn't been that way for hundreds of years.
Pre-Columbus America? If they were so great how come a few hundred Spaniards were able to dismantle the Aztec Empire, with it's millions of inhabitants? Same with the Incas? Disease was not a factor in the initial conquests and victories. The deaths from diseases happened and accumulated over hundreds of years.
Arabs and Turks had a shot at the limelight in medieval times but they were unable to sustain the progress they made. As a race they have achieved next to nothing for centuries. Sure the Ottoman Empire lasted a long time and was big but in terms of contributions to humanity, it contributed very little outside of Turkish coffee and Turkish baths (and random Muslim communities in Bosnia and Albania)
There is ample evidence to support the fact that both the ancient Egyptians (at least the royalty/rulers) and Jesus were white.
Persia? Sure. They had a mighty empire... 2000 years ago. I respect Persia and Iranians but outside of regional cultural influence, they have not achieved anything of interest for millennia.
The fact of the matter is that white Europeans were the undisputed masters of the world for centuries, once we came out of our shells, until the end of WW2. The white race is the most successful race of all time. Artistically, technologically and also the most beautiful (according to every other ethnic group... including ourselves). Acknowledging our prowess and proud history doesn't mean you have to hate others or be a "supremacist". There's nothing wrong with loving your own people.
The Zionists want to destroy that because we are a threat to their global hegemony. The Zionists teach whites "race doesn't exist!" yet at the same time they teach non-whites "white privilege! kill whitey! reparations!".
Oh shut the fuck up. Read a goddamn book some time. You’re comparing civilizations in 2021. Why don’t we compare modern day Belarus or Greece to ancient Assyria? Even then, who is white? It wasn’t even a few decades ago when white didn’t even include Italians and Irish.
Holy shit, that is so succint and prescient. Do you have more links where I can study this phenomenon? It's literally a template for what's happening today.
It should have been obvious, but I haven't read this since college. I will have to dust off my copy and check back in with you to compare notes. I want to see how the allegory of the cave fits in with what's happening in our country today amongst other things. You're the best!!
Thank you for touching on this!! Plato's Republic and Democracy and Education by John Dewey are both must reads. I like that Q uses the Socratic method as well. You guys are the best!! Thank fsm that I found this site!! ??
Just the exact opposite is what needs to happen: no immigration for a decade at least
The goal is to slowly drive the populace insane
Same with bringing in islamics, who only want sharia law
Calling a peaceful patriot protest a riotous insurrection, and calling riotous insurrections peaceful protests
The goal is to slowly drive the populace insane
Trying to ban guns so good people can't defend themselves against bad people with guns, as if the good people were the bad people
Making all healthy people wear a mask, after first saying healthy people should never wear masks
Telling people that singing in church or cheering at a game makes them a selfish murderous superspreader of viral contagion, but screaming and shrieking in violent mobs at mass street riots and looting shops don't spread the virus....and neither does bringing in thousands of infected criminals from other countries to spread the virus
Telling people masks block viruses...and only in one direction, so their own mask can't protect them
Now random strangers are all responsible for your health, instead of you
Claiming Trump's a racist when he was on many TV shows including Oprah for decades, and nobody ever he helps non-whites more than anyone else ever has
I think leftist are encouraged (by [them]) to be “tolerant” (actually now it’s more like admire) Islamic culture is because sharia law is a form of control and that’s what [they] want us to accept and think is nice.
I’m sure the early settlers would be so pleased to know their efforts were not in vain. Couldn’t they have had just a few tokens in Plymouth, you know to show their support for minorities.
People of that generation on back used white as a stand in for WASPs, those of Anglo-Germanic decent. Joe Biden is of Irish/Celtic stock which was seen as foreign until the last few generations.
You should have a 100+ upvotes. Very clearly explained.
How do you dilute the the vote in red states or draw “voting” representation (house seats) away from the red states? Unrelenting immigration to border states....
Sounds like we "whites" will just have to get our own country to not be persecuted. Sad that this is going on this direction. What happened to being American? Why can't we just be American? But if this keeps going....I don't see any other option... Iceland?
Greenland. Iceland is full tilt socialist. I stopped in Greenland and worst part was the giant nurder-mosquitos. Arctic style. I was there in July tho and weather was beautiful; flowers, grass etc.
Not going to end up well if you are the white minority and the majority all hate you along with half white minority as well. What the hell are these liberals trying to accomplish and for what purpose? Can't really believe its just votes. They've shown they don't need real votes to win an election. And thats doesn't look like it will change any time.
You know... Every other other ethnic group has banded together to become pro (insert ethnic group here). Whites should do the same. Problem is that most white people with money are too self engrossed. They could care less about their next door neighbor. All is good as long as their lifestyle is met. On the other hand..every other ethnic community is absolutely pro their ethnicity.
Piece of shit. “Unrelenting immigration???” Makes a lot of sense when veterans are homeless. The idea really seems to be going great right now. I wonder who he plagiarized this from. The absolute worst thing about him is he has never had an original idea since birth and is a puppet.
Throw this man and his entire family in the getto, no-go zone, or barrio without the protections he has for being wealthy.
These people literally do not get it AT ALL.
And they should be forced to get it.
Every single traitor.
Not the death penalty, but fighting-for-their-lives-for-the-rest-of-their-life-penalty, without zero chance of upward mobility without scamming someone or the govt or lawyers.
Children and daughter included, no guns allowed. No security. No money to move out and get a safer place. Just your physical strength and mental acuity between you and the oppressors. Choose your friends wisely.
This goes for all races, and that’s why I hate other race dwelling posts meant to incite.
Is it a problem? Yes, but please don’t play it up on the f’ng internet. The way things are going, it will be your own children, family, and friends who have to bear the brunt of what is said here.
Any country that is minority white turns into a shithole.
The UK census will be out this year, last one was 2011. I think the figures are going to shock some people. I'm not from the UK but they are going down the route of the USA when it comes to the (((Kalergi))) plan. France is catching up and Canada is long gone. In the not so distant future, all white countries will be shitholes where whites are disenfranchised, persecuted minorities. We are being sterilised and replaced with 3rd world immigrants and encouraged to breed with them. The Zionists want whites dead and gone, and their globalist shabbos goy lackeys are more than happy to sell out their kinsman for a shot of wealth and power.
This is kinda one of the things I am sceptical about when it comes to Trump. I wish he would call out the anti-white racism and hatred that is so rampant.
The UK is way further along with the Kalergi plan then the USA. We still have a chance to save ourselves. I fear the UK is already too far along to save.
Only a very tiny amount of people are trying to do what you’re talking about.
If you think President Trumps son in law is trying to undermine America you ain’t using your brain. There are good and bad in all groups of people.
No, it's not paranoia. It's an intergenerational psychological subversion. A genocide. It permeates all aspects of our society.
I can keep going with these images but there are too many to choose from. You are sorely mistaken if you think it's some tiny minority doing this.
u/Motzfeldt, My god! This is outrageous! I had no idea. Thanks for the enlightenment. CC for me!?
You miss the point.
Stop blaming a whole group of people for what a relatively tiny number of them do.
Or keep that closed mindset, up to you.
Said the Trojan Horse.
You are missing the point.
Did you look at the evidence? Jews being genocidal against Europeans. You are wittingly or unwittingly behaving as a Trojan Horse.
You did not say a word about the evidence presented to you.
The Jews pushing anti-white rhetoric are NOT a minority. They are the MAJORITY and just because you aren't one of them does not make it all untrue. You would help yourself to admit there is a problem and help us. What you are doing now...looks subversive.
It's the hypocrisy that gets me. If I used any one of those words in post, I'd get banned for hate speach. But I'm with you that blanket statements and overgeneralizations concerning an entire group of people shouldn't be made. That goes both ways.
Yeah hypocrisy is annoying I don’t like it either but I can’t just snap my fingers and change shit. I can only control myself.
Exactly!! Personal responsibility is everything. The best place to start is with yourself as you well know. Then we can start to live by example. ?
Stop blaming Zionists for what a tiny minority of Zionists do? I'm sorry what? Are you suggesting we be pro Zionists, despite the fact as an ideology it's goal is to destroy Europe and enslave humanity?
Nope, read again.
Use logic. Reconcile.
WWG1WGA was chosen by Q for a reason.
You seem to think that I'm blaming Jews, but not once have I mentioned Jews. Point out to me where I said Jews or said it was their fault. Use logic. Read again. Show me exactly where I said Jews or alluded to that. I've read read my post and all I see is me saying Zionists.
I said Zionists. You're the one putting words into my mouth. If you don't think Zionism is a threat to Western civilization then I don't know what you're doing here.
I get that you're Jewish and touchy about this subject but you're accusing me of something I didn't do.
“those damn joos made it rain on my birthday”
It's funny because I never even said the word Jews. I said Zionists. It's sad to see people defend Zionism on here.
Seriously. I wish I could talk to these people face to face. Just have a discussion.
I think most are just trying to divide but some genuinely believe a single religion is the cause of all the worlds problems.
Maybe not Japan. Or Korea.
Actually race does matter. There are differences between the races and how they can form a society. To deny this might make you warm and fuzzy inside but it is a cold hard fact. Whites are builders and a people of laws and order. Blacks are more prone to violence and destruction. Simply look at the statistics and IQ levels. Call reality racist, it still does not change the facts. I would love everyone to be on the same levels but genetics are genetics.
Ok moron. What about Jewish people? What about Jesus of Nazareth? He wasn’t even white. What about the great societies of Asia and Latin America? Ancient societies of Persians or Egyptians when Europe was still full of nomads barely removed from Neanderthals.
Asia hasn't built it's own "great society" for hundreds of years. The only "great" Asian society is Japan and they became modern and industrial because they... wait for it... Westernised. They used European technology to advance themselves. Ancient China was a land of prosperity and technology sure, I can respect that, but it hasn't been that way for hundreds of years.
Pre-Columbus America? If they were so great how come a few hundred Spaniards were able to dismantle the Aztec Empire, with it's millions of inhabitants? Same with the Incas? Disease was not a factor in the initial conquests and victories. The deaths from diseases happened and accumulated over hundreds of years.
Arabs and Turks had a shot at the limelight in medieval times but they were unable to sustain the progress they made. As a race they have achieved next to nothing for centuries. Sure the Ottoman Empire lasted a long time and was big but in terms of contributions to humanity, it contributed very little outside of Turkish coffee and Turkish baths (and random Muslim communities in Bosnia and Albania)
There is ample evidence to support the fact that both the ancient Egyptians (at least the royalty/rulers) and Jesus were white.
Persia? Sure. They had a mighty empire... 2000 years ago. I respect Persia and Iranians but outside of regional cultural influence, they have not achieved anything of interest for millennia.
The fact of the matter is that white Europeans were the undisputed masters of the world for centuries, once we came out of our shells, until the end of WW2. The white race is the most successful race of all time. Artistically, technologically and also the most beautiful (according to every other ethnic group... including ourselves). Acknowledging our prowess and proud history doesn't mean you have to hate others or be a "supremacist". There's nothing wrong with loving your own people.
The Zionists want to destroy that because we are a threat to their global hegemony. The Zionists teach whites "race doesn't exist!" yet at the same time they teach non-whites "white privilege! kill whitey! reparations!".
Oh shut the fuck up. Read a goddamn book some time. You’re comparing civilizations in 2021. Why don’t we compare modern day Belarus or Greece to ancient Assyria? Even then, who is white? It wasn’t even a few decades ago when white didn’t even include Italians and Irish.
Let me guess, you’re a poor white guy.
Culture is downstream of genetics.
Most people, including me, stopped reading before the punchline.
I pick all the ones who’ve spent the last several years calling me a white supremacist
The first step towards the collapse of any nation is the phrase "who cares, as long it makes them happy", or other variations of "who cares".
Nihilism is the beginning, degeneracy is the end result.
Holy shit, that is so succint and prescient. Do you have more links where I can study this phenomenon? It's literally a template for what's happening today.
Yes!! Thank you, Fren! Fantastic, I will get to reading ASAP.
TY for this ?
Pick up any history book older than 50 years and have at it.
It should have been obvious, but I haven't read this since college. I will have to dust off my copy and check back in with you to compare notes. I want to see how the allegory of the cave fits in with what's happening in our country today amongst other things. You're the best!!
Thank you for touching on this!! Plato's Republic and Democracy and Education by John Dewey are both must reads. I like that Q uses the Socratic method as well. You guys are the best!! Thank fsm that I found this site!! ??
DS plan 101.
Yeah the OUR in "the source of our strength" = DS, not we the people.
They're power hungry tyrants that just want as big of a peasant class as possible to rule over.
They speak with a forked tongue. There are two meanings to everything they say.
Just the exact opposite is what needs to happen: no immigration for a decade at least
The goal is to slowly drive the populace insane
Same with bringing in islamics, who only want sharia law
Calling a peaceful patriot protest a riotous insurrection, and calling riotous insurrections peaceful protests
The goal is to slowly drive the populace insane
Trying to ban guns so good people can't defend themselves against bad people with guns, as if the good people were the bad people
Making all healthy people wear a mask, after first saying healthy people should never wear masks
Telling people that singing in church or cheering at a game makes them a selfish murderous superspreader of viral contagion, but screaming and shrieking in violent mobs at mass street riots and looting shops don't spread the virus....and neither does bringing in thousands of infected criminals from other countries to spread the virus
Telling people masks block viruses...and only in one direction, so their own mask can't protect them
Now random strangers are all responsible for your health, instead of you
Claiming Trump's a racist when he was on many TV shows including Oprah for decades, and nobody ever he helps non-whites more than anyone else ever has
The goal is to slowly drive the populace insane
Honk x 2
I think leftist are encouraged (by [them]) to be “tolerant” (actually now it’s more like admire) Islamic culture is because sharia law is a form of control and that’s what [they] want us to accept and think is nice.
Except, his stats on Whites being in the "absolut minority in America" is false.
Look at that dirty fuck, Mayorkas.
Yea saw that, has “useful moron” written all over it!
And now that douchebag is running DHS. What an inspiration...:(
I’m sure the early settlers would be so pleased to know their efforts were not in vain. Couldn’t they have had just a few tokens in Plymouth, you know to show their support for minorities.
I can’t believe this was only 3 years ago. He looks like he’s aged 10 years since then.
Two aneurysms and a body double will do that to a guy.
lol... 80 million peoplel voted for that piece of shit??? i think not!!
Go fuck yourself slo-Joe. This is our country. My ancestors built it and my family will protect it.
You should have a 100+ upvotes. Very clearly explained.
He's got skin in the game and it's not with Christian whites. His children didn't marry Christians, I'll leave it at that.
How do you dilute the the vote in red states or draw “voting” representation (house seats) away from the red states? Unrelenting immigration to border states....
Idiot white liberals are the roadblock to world peace.
'Memba when we had a president with an America First agenda?
Sounds like we "whites" will just have to get our own country to not be persecuted. Sad that this is going on this direction. What happened to being American? Why can't we just be American? But if this keeps going....I don't see any other option... Iceland?
Nope. We will fight to preserve it. Leftist have no chance at a civil war.
Greenland. Iceland is full tilt socialist. I stopped in Greenland and worst part was the giant nurder-mosquitos. Arctic style. I was there in July tho and weather was beautiful; flowers, grass etc.
Let's not forget who is at the root of this
What happens when your primary tax payer demographic evaporates through replacement migration?
The deep states strength is in having brown people as.slaves.
Glad to live in a country where the general phrase regarding our immigration policy is "fuck off we're full" xD
Not going to end up well if you are the white minority and the majority all hate you along with half white minority as well. What the hell are these liberals trying to accomplish and for what purpose? Can't really believe its just votes. They've shown they don't need real votes to win an election. And thats doesn't look like it will change any time.
My first sticky!!! “Look Ma, I’m in the phone-book! I AM somebody”. -Steve Martin
You know... Every other other ethnic group has banded together to become pro (insert ethnic group here). Whites should do the same. Problem is that most white people with money are too self engrossed. They could care less about their next door neighbor. All is good as long as their lifestyle is met. On the other hand..every other ethnic community is absolutely pro their ethnicity.
Being poor and broke and targeted by the CIA will do that to you. Makes you band together.
Piece of shit. “Unrelenting immigration???” Makes a lot of sense when veterans are homeless. The idea really seems to be going great right now. I wonder who he plagiarized this from. The absolute worst thing about him is he has never had an original idea since birth and is a puppet.
(((Our strength)))
This man is a horrible human being
So why doesn't he take his wrinkled white ass out of America?
Throw this man and his entire family in the getto, no-go zone, or barrio without the protections he has for being wealthy.
These people literally do not get it AT ALL.
And they should be forced to get it.
Every single traitor.
Not the death penalty, but fighting-for-their-lives-for-the-rest-of-their-life-penalty, without zero chance of upward mobility without scamming someone or the govt or lawyers.
Children and daughter included, no guns allowed. No security. No money to move out and get a safer place. Just your physical strength and mental acuity between you and the oppressors. Choose your friends wisely.
This goes for all races, and that’s why I hate other race dwelling posts meant to incite.
Is it a problem? Yes, but please don’t play it up on the f’ng internet. The way things are going, it will be your own children, family, and friends who have to bear the brunt of what is said here.