I’m going with China getting screwed in ass. They are caught with a nuke on the boat. Their economy is going to plummet because they can’t export goods for at least a month. The ship is searched and then...Lucy, you got some planning to do!
The lock idea makes sense though, just not for the Suez - surprised me too that there aren't any on it, I would have thought the bodies of water they connect were different elevations.
Let's not lump outward human expression in with gender studies please; art has a valuable place but I believe it's been perverted over the decades/centuries just like all the rest based on the value system we've been fed (fiat currency being the root.)
*Didn't mean to get all preachy on ya, I'd just not considered the meta function of art in the context of our collective priorities being pillaged and misguided for so long. It just hit me kinda hard lol.
I’m going with the KISS method and speculate the the captain got caught between the US Navy and Russian Navy and didn’t know what to do so he grounded the ship and gave us a big FU in the process.
Good question. His Twitter lists him as a "public servant" still, while Wikipedia (so trustworthy, I know...) lists his time as ending on 1/20. Sooo...one more mystery, evidently! FWIW, he's changed his profile pic--no longer the official photo w/flag behind him--which might be an indicator he is no longer in the same position. Which begs the question of what he is doing NOW?
This is a short excerpt from the article Q linked to in post #4202 about Mr. Cohen-Watnick
"Cohen’s new post at the Defense Department will include examining financial transactions to map out terrorism and drug traffic networks."
"He was a Defense Department official for a decade before Trump took office, and was assigned to the U.S. Southern Command from 2010 to 2014 where he worked on countering drug trafficking, money laundering and human trafficking networks."
I would like to imagine Ezra is still involved with his work history.
That’s an interesting interpretation! Nicely done.
If true, then consider this: KEY is pronounced the same as QUAY (a bank where boats park) which comes from the North French CAI which means “sand bank”.
Mmmmmm.. really doesn't look like a Key thou. and really if they wanted it to be a reference to that post, they could have said something like "the Key to open all Locks" (as in canal locks),, .. so .. meh
ALL THAT BEING SAID i'm still SUS of the Ship
did a pretty good job of making it spin out a cock an ball
You're both right. Scale and speed.
Holy shit thats funny ?
You made my night!
Very interesting. Still looks more like a dicknballs than a key. But it could be a key.
Yeah. That's a dig ol' dinga ling going into a bootyhole. If it's a key it really badly done.
I imagine it could be a tad difficult to draw with a container ship...
Reminds me of Jarhead...
"Why the fuck are you my scribe? Isn't my scribe supposed to know how to draw!?"
Imagine the instructions given to the skipper.
"You want me to draw what!?"
"That's correct son."
"With the..."
Or just a few feet of sand.
Would probably be easier to stick the transponder into a smaller boat to make the drawing
I was just gonna say the same thing.
That seems to happen a lot around here.
I’m going with China getting screwed in ass. They are caught with a nuke on the boat. Their economy is going to plummet because they can’t export goods for at least a month. The ship is searched and then...Lucy, you got some planning to do!
I heard they were going to have to remove some containers to make the ship lighter...hmmmmm
Seems like a good place to repost my dig from a couple weeks ago...
Noah's Ark came to rest on Mt. Ararat on the 17th day of the 7th month of the Hebrew year, which is March 30th on the Gregorian calendar this year.
Right smack dab in the middle of passover...
I'll be waiting for the rainbow that follows The Storm as proof of God's Promise to us
Here we go frens, it looks like we are going to see some big things soon.
Plus the ship is like a watergate, like in the daily caller link above
You do know that a canal like that is a big series of 'Locks'?
Except no lift locks on that canal.
Ah fair enough.
Well, it does now :)
The lock idea makes sense though, just not for the Suez - surprised me too that there aren't any on it, I would have thought the bodies of water they connect were different elevations.
Either way, the message was received.
"The Suez is locked" = "You're f***ed!"
same meaning.
Q Post 3898
I wonder if the doors in this drop could also mean opening all the container doors sitting around the canal or even just in that ship.
Unlocks all doors? Oh man.
Not if you bleach?
art is humanities bullshit anyway
Let's not lump outward human expression in with gender studies please; art has a valuable place but I believe it's been perverted over the decades/centuries just like all the rest based on the value system we've been fed (fiat currency being the root.)
*Didn't mean to get all preachy on ya, I'd just not considered the meta function of art in the context of our collective priorities being pillaged and misguided for so long. It just hit me kinda hard lol.
Finally... something good thanks!
It is a dick and balls
key is way better than dick n balls.
Oh cock and balls! It was a clubbed key the whole time, laying in the middle of White Rabbit's belly?!
I’m going with the KISS method and speculate the the captain got caught between the US Navy and Russian Navy and didn’t know what to do so he grounded the ship and gave us a big FU in the process.
This key sure looks like its going to open up China's ass reeeeal wide.
[news unlocks]
Q post 4202
Is Ezra still at the Pentagon?
Good question. His Twitter lists him as a "public servant" still, while Wikipedia (so trustworthy, I know...) lists his time as ending on 1/20. Sooo...one more mystery, evidently! FWIW, he's changed his profile pic--no longer the official photo w/flag behind him--which might be an indicator he is no longer in the same position. Which begs the question of what he is doing NOW?
This is a short excerpt from the article Q linked to in post #4202 about Mr. Cohen-Watnick
"Cohen’s new post at the Defense Department will include examining financial transactions to map out terrorism and drug traffic networks."
"He was a Defense Department official for a decade before Trump took office, and was assigned to the U.S. Southern Command from 2010 to 2014 where he worked on countering drug trafficking, money laundering and human trafficking networks."
I would like to imagine Ezra is still involved with his work history.
Agreed. There is no way he ISN’T still involved, from what I can see, but the question is what and where? Hmm.
A key... in more ways than one.
Naw, looks like a dick and balls.
Time to take the containers off the ship to lighten the load. ?Please do a through search of each container’s contents!
That’s an interesting interpretation! Nicely done. If true, then consider this: KEY is pronounced the same as QUAY (a bank where boats park) which comes from the North French CAI which means “sand bank”.
The Powers that be https://youtu.be/W5jQSk-UjZ0?t=92
Mmmmmm.. really doesn't look like a Key thou. and really if they wanted it to be a reference to that post, they could have said something like "the Key to open all Locks" (as in canal locks),, .. so .. meh ALL THAT BEING SAID i'm still SUS of the Ship
That ship is in the Suez right now.
I can’t find any route history data but it is near a bunch of ships.
MNG Grenville
N22°54’46.30 E037°03’54.44 (22.9129, 037.0651)
Updated ~10 minutes before this post
Average speed 5.9 knots (6.79 mph)
Data received 22:56 CST
MNG Grenville
(22.15, 037.45)
She uh... didn’t move in the last 8 hours or so... status is underway
Departure: 2/25/21 Stellendam (tiny marina near Rotterdam)
Arrival 04-17-2021 Mumbai Port
MNG Grenville
(29.83930, 32.54468)
I’m going to track this a bit more tonight but then I’m done.
Nothing here looks strange it is simply traveling at expected pace.
I’m going to keep tracking.
The ship has been underway all day and hasn’t moved. But the arrival date changed. I’m going to track that now as well.
Cannot convince me that isnt a penis.