SATANYAHU revelations 2:9 and also 3:9. the Hebrews wrote that , the hebrews are the original Jews, the chosen ones , the anceint tribes of Israel. what we see today are imposters, converts to that satanic religion known as judiasm. the Real jews warned us about them.
There is a difference between someone who follows the teachings of Judaism, and a scumbag who doesn't believe in anything except their own twisted ideologies. Everyone on your list is of the latter.
I agree with you on that, but the normies all think "it will never happen to us" so they go about their day posting selfish and living the dream. Small print, big print, they don't give a shit.
Those will be the people who are so shell shocked when the curtain falls that some won't be able to mentally handle it. Our side has tried to throw these people a lifeboat many times. Friends, family, etc I have tried many times. Tried to have discussions online. The people that firmly plant their heads in the sand just refuse to see the light of day. I am 100% done with those people.
They still don't get it. IMO those people deserve whatever is coming to them.
I agree with you btw. And it is scary how self absorbed people are nowadays.
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage."
Alexander Fraser Tytler
I would say we are at apathy to dependence... scary shit
I already hate most people. I can hardly stomach even going out anymore. The things I see just disgust me.
Hopefully we are the Nation to break the mold. But as we know nations as great as ours have fallen. In very similar circumstances. The more History I learned(outside of our garbage school system) the more it generally freaked me out with the state this Country is in. Pre-WW2 Germany is one of the most interesting reads out there. We show a lot of similarities.
Exactly...oh, and don't mind that BootyJudge just proposed a ferlderal mileage big deal. Hmmmm, how does fed track? Federal registration of vehicles coming.
Nah, this is intentional. This is cold warfare. This is sending a message to China, letting them know we are going to grind their economy to a complete halt because of (them working with) Evergreen (Hillary).
I’m trying to get an image. It’s really hard to get this info, it’s not widely reported. I will update if I can find more info. There is supposedly an image of the broken chimney. Look at this link-
There's a phenomenon where things are invisible until you are aware of them, then you see them everywhere. Like a new word that you learned, or a car that you bought.
This leads us too Gibraltar, who flag is a red castle with a key. Castle rock and Castle lock are too close to not be connected. Gibraltar was built a 1000 years ago but was used as a prison until 2010... hence the key.
Now to the Mediterranean Sea. There are only two ways in and out.... The Suez Canal and the Strait of Gibraltar. HMM.
So we have a missing Nuclear Sub in the Med Sea with only two ways out. The Suez, which was surreptitiously blocked last week by the Ever Given, and The Gibraltar Strait.
Last week the Russian Navy started doing "exercises" in the Med Sea.
and the US Navy started doing exercises in the Arabian Sea, coincidently, right where the Sub would have to pass to get out of the Suez.
If your still not picking up what im getting at then here: Russian Nuclear sub is rogue in the Mediterranean Sea, The Russian navy is in position to block the Gibraltar Strait and the Suez is blocked by the Ever Given in the Suez and the US Navy in the Arabian Sea. The Russian sub is trapped in the Mediterranean and why is no one talking about a rogue nuclear sub the could strike anywhere in Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa? The hunter has Become the Hunted?
How many before it can be dismissed as a coincidence?
I feel like the magic number for normies to acknowledge this is 4. Many have been hearing “things come in threes” and they’d just brush it off as “one of those things”
If it happens a 4th time they’ll start asking questions.
Lord if it were just four or even four hundred we'd be fully awakened already.
I think the bar for the average American is the TV has to be reporting fake news about them from within their own house, and even then a lot of them would end up gaslit.
SAME SHIP in 2019
Port escapes disaster
Ferry served as buffer in freighter crash
12.02.2019 - 5:35 pm
The Port of Hamburg has slipped past an even greater disaster in the crash of the mega freighter "Ever Given" (400 meters) with the Hadag ferry "Finkenwerder" (25.50 meters) apparently only by chance.
The 200,000-ton freighter had only narrowly missed the Blankenese ferry pier at 9:28 a.m. on Saturday - because the 6.50-meter-wide ferry, which was pushed onto the pontoon during the collision, served as a kind of buffer.
This has to be a joke
Welcome to the simulation
Omg! This kills me every time!!
I love me some partying pepes too
Me too, I love our mascot so much
Dance, you beautiful frog, dance!
Is the gif list/post back up?
I looked at it after Evs left and couldn’t see the post
u / coup all together
There was a replacement:
There hero we need, but don’t deserve.
Thanks, fren
It's gifs like these that get me though these hard times.
You are welcome, free
Me too!!!!
Guitar pepe and Sombrero pepe are my spirit pepes
Make sure everyone pays attention to this while gun control legislation is being pushed thru. BIG HEADLINE 'A ship is stuck OMG'...
small headline (gun control continues thru congress) shh
I disagree completely. They are completely out in the open now about gun control. They don't need to hide lol
They stole the election right in our faces. They literally don't need to hide any of their extremist policies any longer.
Yeah they’ve showed their hand. Open borders, reparations and everything.
Normies are being redpilled faster than ever, it feels like. Even people I thought would never wake up are starting to ask questions.
It’s beautiful to see.
You can see the light come in their head I've noticed.
Yup. Their eyes get real big and you can see the lightbulb go off.
Never gets old.
Open borders - The Jewish Origins of the Open Borders Movement -
Reparations? - Atonement: The Jewish case for black reparations -
Why are you against these things, you nazi?!!
SATANYAHU revelations 2:9 and also 3:9. the Hebrews wrote that , the hebrews are the original Jews, the chosen ones , the anceint tribes of Israel. what we see today are imposters, converts to that satanic religion known as judiasm. the Real jews warned us about them.
I actually wonder if Russia and/or NK are some sort of uncontrolled (albeit, at a cost perhaps) country has been demonized to us because of this.
We, the people have the power here. This is what they fear the most. We just need to agree to work together.
There is a difference between someone who follows the teachings of Judaism, and a scumbag who doesn't believe in anything except their own twisted ideologies. Everyone on your list is of the latter.
Good point about the curtain.
Seconded about the curtain.
Ashkenazi new... or false jew.
And now they get to pick your state representatives too, according to themselves
I feel the Christmas spirit lol.
And I agree. It does help. It really helps the NPC's out. When they show their hand like that lol
I can't even imagine how redpilled(maybe black pilled) the keystone pipeline families are at this point lol
Most people my age are retarded, but I have to think some of the losers who expected the 15$ min.wage have to be pissed right now.
I agree with you on that, but the normies all think "it will never happen to us" so they go about their day posting selfish and living the dream. Small print, big print, they don't give a shit.
Those will be the people who are so shell shocked when the curtain falls that some won't be able to mentally handle it. Our side has tried to throw these people a lifeboat many times. Friends, family, etc I have tried many times. Tried to have discussions online. The people that firmly plant their heads in the sand just refuse to see the light of day. I am 100% done with those people.
They still don't get it. IMO those people deserve whatever is coming to them.
I agree with you btw. And it is scary how self absorbed people are nowadays.
100% brings me to this quote...
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage." Alexander Fraser Tytler
I would say we are at apathy to dependence... scary shit
Fuck me. I hate reading shit like this.
I already hate most people. I can hardly stomach even going out anymore. The things I see just disgust me.
Hopefully we are the Nation to break the mold. But as we know nations as great as ours have fallen. In very similar circumstances. The more History I learned(outside of our garbage school system) the more it generally freaked me out with the state this Country is in. Pre-WW2 Germany is one of the most interesting reads out there. We show a lot of similarities.
Ditto, hate it, but at least we don't ignore it.
The Boulder shooter truth coming out took the wind out of their sails a bit in regards to the bill.
People are starting to see the media for the puppets they are.
Exactly...oh, and don't mind that BootyJudge just proposed a ferlderal mileage big deal. Hmmmm, how does fed track? Federal registration of vehicles coming.
Good point
(We) Enjoy the show!
Nah, this is intentional. This is cold warfare. This is sending a message to China, letting them know we are going to grind their economy to a complete halt because of (them working with) Evergreen (Hillary).
What site?
I’d also like to point out that this happened on an expressway leaving Shenzhen.
Wait so a 3rd blockage by evergreen? Do you have a link to an image?
If we can get one more...4...that’s the magic number. Normies are programmed to think “things happen in 3s” so one more will be huge.
I’m trying to get an image. It’s really hard to get this info, it’s not widely reported. I will update if I can find more info. There is supposedly an image of the broken chimney. Look at this link-
I didn’t post this link because they had an error about the date.
Thanks I appreciate it.
Well there is four I guess- Ever Liberal, Ever Given, Ever Gentle, and this stupid truck...
And that the truck is oriented along the 1 o'clock to 7 o'clock line relative to direction of travel.
This is a smaller media company that tends to report stuff the big guys “overlook” for some reasons ^_^
So if you go to the story and scroll down, you get this story about an Evergreen container ship losing 36 containers off its ship on Jan. 2, 2021. The ships name was Ever Liberal. You can’t make this shit up!?
We are living in a simulation, lmao
Good pull...KEK
Container ships lose containers while at sea far more often than we hear about.
And Gislhlaine was there to scoop them up with the Terra Mar super scooper.
I saw a brand new container being hauled yesterday. Kinda weirded me out some.
There's a phenomenon where things are invisible until you are aware of them, then you see them everywhere. Like a new word that you learned, or a car that you bought.
Or pedophiles in positions of power
Reticular activation
Sa**w one on a freight train heading to Miami....just thought Killery
I'd recommend getting in front of it so you don't get stuck in the jam behind it.
I'd take the first exit ramp off the highway.
final dsstination
I think that's a solid plan!
"More sober-minded users pointed out that the accident had nothing to do with the company. " lmao ok
Thanks! It’s getting crazier
Strike while the irony is HOT!
This is some serious what the fuckery
Open the containers and find out.
Noticed the filthy air quality.
Stay with me:
Last week they were searching for a Russian Sub(s) that had gone quiet. One was in the Mediterranean Sea but couldnt find it.
MelQ posted a graphic that links Dan scavino's tweet and links to "Red Castle" and Castle Lock".
This leads us too Gibraltar, who flag is a red castle with a key. Castle rock and Castle lock are too close to not be connected. Gibraltar was built a 1000 years ago but was used as a prison until 2010... hence the key.
Now to the Mediterranean Sea. There are only two ways in and out.... The Suez Canal and the Strait of Gibraltar. HMM. So we have a missing Nuclear Sub in the Med Sea with only two ways out. The Suez, which was surreptitiously blocked last week by the Ever Given, and The Gibraltar Strait.
Last week the Russian Navy started doing "exercises" in the Med Sea. and the US Navy started doing exercises in the Arabian Sea, coincidently, right where the Sub would have to pass to get out of the Suez.
If your still not picking up what im getting at then here: Russian Nuclear sub is rogue in the Mediterranean Sea, The Russian navy is in position to block the Gibraltar Strait and the Suez is blocked by the Ever Given in the Suez and the US Navy in the Arabian Sea. The Russian sub is trapped in the Mediterranean and why is no one talking about a rogue nuclear sub the could strike anywhere in Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa? The hunter has Become the Hunted?
Blocking traffic in EXACTLY the same manner as Ever Given. Wow. Can't be a coincidence
Is Taiwan telling China something?
not the same but found this -
Link to story:.
The article mentions the incident occurred in China at approximately 9:55am, which Q-incidentally would be 9:55pm ET.
It's the "evergreen new deal"
Gotta be photoshopped
space force targeting their vehicles used in human trafficking?
CCP going down?
How many before it can be dismissed as a coincidence?
I feel like the magic number for normies to acknowledge this is 4. Many have been hearing “things come in threes” and they’d just brush it off as “one of those things”
If it happens a 4th time they’ll start asking questions.
Lord if it were just four or even four hundred we'd be fully awakened already.
I think the bar for the average American is the TV has to be reporting fake news about them from within their own house, and even then a lot of them would end up gaslit.
I love being on the side with a sense of humor
Hacking vehicle from satellite
SAME SHIP in 2019 Port escapes disaster Ferry served as buffer in freighter crash 12.02.2019 - 5:35 pm
The Port of Hamburg has slipped past an even greater disaster in the crash of the mega freighter "Ever Given" (400 meters) with the Hadag ferry "Finkenwerder" (25.50 meters) apparently only by chance.
The 200,000-ton freighter had only narrowly missed the Blankenese ferry pier at 9:28 a.m. on Saturday - because the 6.50-meter-wide ferry, which was pushed onto the pontoon during the collision, served as a kind of buffer.
This is God showing us his power.
Quick!!! Call a plumber!!!!
Can't updoot dancing pepes enough!
There it is 3-27-2021
I stopped believing in coincidences a long time ago. Coincidence is like Santa Clause & I urge all thinking adults to let go of the myth
There was one on I95 Virginia, just off the side of the shoulder.
evergreen crystal mansion on sale for $80M. Wuts the deel??
Each dead Biden voter just needs to pay $1 ?