I was in a grocery store today and nearby was a black couple buying rice and they were complaining about Uncle Ben have been removed. "Who was bothered by him and Aunt Jemina? They were real people and now we have no mascots of our own anymore, how does that help anything?"
As a white male you don't want to know how many times I have been called racist for pointing out that's exactly what's happening. They are doing the same thing to the aboriginals in Canada. Taking away ALL THEIR IMAGERY from public spaces under the guise of someone being offended. Fuck that! I'm offended. I wore that Indian chief proudly on my chest as a young child playing hockey. We fought hard like the warriors we knew they were. I hate how people are so distracted with beer drinking white dudes like me who hold absolutely NO WORLD POWER and want the same equal opportunity world for all as everyone else. /endrant
Take away all positive role models, replace them with barbaric gutter trash, watch their culture implode. This isn't by accident. Why do you think people like Ben Carson are villified?
It is ONLY racist people that look at this label and think that it is racist. I'm in my mid 60's and have always looked at this label and the label for Uncle Ben's Rice and thought of them as good quality, American products. NEVER in a racist form. I feel for my African / American friends losing great American cultural symbols.
Me too! How on earth was this considered racist? Isn’t it racist to REMOVE black figures from packaging? Especially since white people are still on packaging (Quaker Oats dude)?
The leftists really need to learn history before deleting these things. Nancy Green did real well financially by portraying the "Aunt Jemima" character.
And the thing is, every one of these hater-chipper-inners thinks they'll be somehow protected or screened come the purges. Imagine the look on their faces when they realise they are especially despised for being so stupid as to fall for all the bullshit that comes out of the idiots' lantern.
Nevertheless #45 will be benign to all of these keyboard fuckwits. Their media, entertainment and internet heroes - not so much.
They don't want to learn history, just destroy our history and create a new communist history.
They should all burn in hell.
I found some Land O Lakes butter in the original packaging with the Indian maiden on the front and bought them just to have because the artwork was beautiful!
I live in Peyton, CO. Where is the “blue part”? My husband and I went to purchase his AR-15 today down by CO Springs airport. Big mask signs all over the doors. Parking lot jammed. Inside no employees wearing masks half of customers not wearing masks! Smiling people buying guns and ammo. What a fantastic day!
I went to the grocery store in IL yesterday and was the only one without a mask.... I am hoping for. the biggie too!! I have homemade maple syrup for my waffles. We Tap our maples for syrup. YUM!!
I bought two when they first came out saying they were taking her face off the bottle. Still sitting in my pantry :) IF we ever use the syrup, we will still keep the bottles. I heard even her family wanted to keep her face on the bottle, they didn't see anything racist about it.
Most of the western slope is red Trump country. It’s just the uppity parts that are a blue pile of crappy Denver, the communist republic of Boulder etc.
Whoever made the decision to remove mascots that people loved should be shot. These are cherished, childhood memories and now they're being taken away by people who deserve to be shot.
if I knew how to do jack shit in terms of providing links to photog graffiti JPEG-ish type malarkey I would include the meme of Samuel L Jackson on the bottle of motherfucking syrup!
I was in a grocery store today and nearby was a black couple buying rice and they were complaining about Uncle Ben have been removed. "Who was bothered by him and Aunt Jemina? They were real people and now we have no mascots of our own anymore, how does that help anything?"
whats sad is there was a real Aunt Jemima, the picture was based on a real woman. Her family is saddened by her removal.
This pisses me off to no end. Bring back Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben! We should start a campaign.
Jemima is still on the shelves here.
This is just like how a lot of native Americans were offended by whites being offended by the Washington Redskins.
I'm certain that the VAST majority of people offended by any of this are those who aren't even in the demographic in question. liberals....
VERY white liberals at that.
As a white male you don't want to know how many times I have been called racist for pointing out that's exactly what's happening. They are doing the same thing to the aboriginals in Canada. Taking away ALL THEIR IMAGERY from public spaces under the guise of someone being offended. Fuck that! I'm offended. I wore that Indian chief proudly on my chest as a young child playing hockey. We fought hard like the warriors we knew they were. I hate how people are so distracted with beer drinking white dudes like me who hold absolutely NO WORLD POWER and want the same equal opportunity world for all as everyone else. /endrant
This is what is going to push the Black vote to the Republicans.
The straw that broke the camel's back.
Take away all positive role models, replace them with barbaric gutter trash, watch their culture implode. This isn't by accident. Why do you think people like Ben Carson are villified?
It is ONLY racist people that look at this label and think that it is racist. I'm in my mid 60's and have always looked at this label and the label for Uncle Ben's Rice and thought of them as good quality, American products. NEVER in a racist form. I feel for my African / American friends losing great American cultural symbols.
Just think of Modern Art of the past Century.
How could they market their meaningless compliance if there was something else of actual substance to choose from?
Me too! How on earth was this considered racist? Isn’t it racist to REMOVE black figures from packaging? Especially since white people are still on packaging (Quaker Oats dude)?
Their iconic American images are a source of comfort. Now how is that racist?
Comfort. Yes, that's exactly the word I was thinking of when looking at the photos of them.
The leftists really need to learn history before deleting these things. Nancy Green did real well financially by portraying the "Aunt Jemima" character.
In 1984 George Orwell wrote that “the most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
Yep. Pol Pot called it a purification. He named the process Year Zero.
Cambodia's Year Zero: Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge, and the Bloody Madness
Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge is the best example of Communism in its purest form.
And the thing is, every one of these hater-chipper-inners thinks they'll be somehow protected or screened come the purges. Imagine the look on their faces when they realise they are especially despised for being so stupid as to fall for all the bullshit that comes out of the idiots' lantern.
Nevertheless #45 will be benign to all of these keyboard fuckwits. Their media, entertainment and internet heroes - not so much.
Exactly. SJW's are useful idiots in their own destruction.
And Uncle Ben was a very successful rice farmer whose goods were of such high quality he was the farmer that everyone else was compared to.
They don't want to learn history, just destroy our history and create a new communist history. They should all burn in hell.
I found some Land O Lakes butter in the original packaging with the Indian maiden on the front and bought them just to have because the artwork was beautiful!
I live in Peyton, CO. Where is the “blue part”? My husband and I went to purchase his AR-15 today down by CO Springs airport. Big mask signs all over the doors. Parking lot jammed. Inside no employees wearing masks half of customers not wearing masks! Smiling people buying guns and ammo. What a fantastic day!
Now I know you're lying!
Could not buy 9mm ammo ANYWHERE. We bought ammo for the AR -15. We do have 9mm ammo coming that we bought online at ammoseek.com.
Her wonderful glowing face. Fuck these racists!
I went to the grocery store in IL yesterday and was the only one without a mask.... I am hoping for. the biggie too!! I have homemade maple syrup for my waffles. We Tap our maples for syrup. YUM!!
Finally the comment that doesn't involve corn syrup!
I bought two when they first came out saying they were taking her face off the bottle. Still sitting in my pantry :) IF we ever use the syrup, we will still keep the bottles. I heard even her family wanted to keep her face on the bottle, they didn't see anything racist about it.
lol its not time travel we have bought Aunt Jemima original for years and thats even here in Canada.
Now I'm craving a pancake at 9 at night.
They will never take my Aunt Jemima away!
Completely unrelated but I just realized they could easily add a little plastic Santa hat to the top around Christmas time, it would look really good
Do they not have Aunt Jemimas in blue areas?
What the fuck do they eat on their pancakes? Fructose corn syrup?
Curious, what part of Colo is not blue?
Most of the western slope is red Trump country. It’s just the uppity parts that are a blue pile of crappy Denver, the communist republic of Boulder etc.
Sane pockets of America still exist
Bring Back the Land O Lakes Indian Maiden!!!!
They brought her back in MD a few months ago.
The bottles with Aunt Jemima on them will sell out eventually. I have a stockpile.
We still have it in shitty NY. And I still won't have anything else on my pancakes.
Whoever made the decision to remove mascots that people loved should be shot. These are cherished, childhood memories and now they're being taken away by people who deserve to be shot.
Theres a non blue side to colorado?? I thought lauren boeber was one of very few decent people that stayed there.
Well I'm glad you had a good time.... Me I enjoyed a nice late lunch at Applebee's without having any pestering me to wear a mask.
Never worn a Mask if not really required but it was nice to have some sense of normal for a little while whatever that is :)
Enjoy your waffles!!!
if I knew how to do jack shit in terms of providing links to photog graffiti JPEG-ish type malarkey I would include the meme of Samuel L Jackson on the bottle of motherfucking syrup!
They still got to get rid of the old stock