I know we all hate twitter but Q often reminds us that twitter is a major tool for the DS. Personally I view this is a potential major happening. Not to mention twitter going down was within 3 or 4 days of a three year delta literally talking about twitter being down. I guess more than anything I’m surprised this isn’t getting as much attention here as I thought it would. Add in the fact that we seem to be receiving comms from Pompeo,Scavino and Grassely regularly and quite possibly the different military branches, all via twitter. Could we be looking at RED2 and the comm blackout?
Comments (72)
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Please fren, please hang in there. Your sacrifice will not go unnoticed. I hope you and your wife will have a beautiful life when we come out on the other side of this. Lord, please hold this man and his wife in your hands today and give them a special grace of strength and peace. Amen
I will pray for that person as well. Some days feel pretty lonely on this battlefield, but at least we all have each other. WWG1WGA
Yup, not looking good. But it's a religion at this point, no room for questions or doubt.
If it helps, I like the way you think. Questioning everything, even the thing I want to believe is the truth has done me very well.
Also, not all shills take the opposition approach. Many act to be of the same mind and opinion only to lead others astray slowly. Some become Mods. Just saying.
It is for some. It started out in gaming. It uses "game theory".
Or, don't depend on them for your FREEDOM. Find TRUE FREEDOM.
"You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." - Marcus Aurelius, arguably the most powerful Roman Emperor.
I know where my power comes from.
The Almighty Creator of ALL.
And, He is in control of All Power and is outside of time and space. So, He already knows how much is the perfect allocation of power everywhere.
And, recognizing Him leads to TRUTH and TRUE FREEDOM,btw.
Nope. Don't let the deep state kill you and Do turn to JESUS.
Case in point: Adrenochrome. Literally no reason to believe that children are sold for some chemical that supposedly gets you euphorically high and stops aging
However, hundreds of thousands of children go missing to be made into child prostitutes. Why do we have to lie to ourselves about Adrenochrome when something way worse is happening right under our noses?
Or what about stem cells? Doesn't it make way more sense that the elite get their health benefits from stem cells harvested from embryos? Would explain why the left loves abortion so much
Those things happen right under our noses, yet many people here want to focus on frazzledrip fantasy land bullshit that makes everybody here look crazy. And don't you dare question it or you're a shill
It's becoming cult like
Yeah, I never got that.
A was listening to a speaker... a Rabbi actually, last night. He apparently did a lecture on things like Q, Covid, Vaccines. He ended up ranting about people who believe what they see on the internet and scare other people.
He also picked some of the worst examples, like ardenochrome. "Harvesting children for their blood is straight out of the blood libels!" he said.
And he's not wrong. I find that idea extreme. The elites bleeding kids out for immortality? Sounds ridiculous.
On the other hand... if I could respond to him (or send him a letter) the idea of kids being raped IS something we KNOW happens. We know the Church did it. We know Hollywood does it. We know Jeffrey Epstein did it with the rich and powerful. We know corrupt regimes do it the world order. Anyone objects, tell him to read Kite-Runner.
Isn't that enough? Why go off he deep end and sound crazy when the simple truth is sufficient?
It's probably forum sliding. Wouldn't surprise me if these narratives are pushed to keep people from discussing reality. As many people discuss the absurd, the powers that be continue to slowly push society into normalizing what many would consider depraved. They won't have to hide pedophilia if it becomes mainstream. Pedophiles openly glorify pedophilia on twitter, so I fear we aren't too far off
Then there's the issue of "Paytriots" using Adrenochrome as a dramatic and salacious form of clickbait. As crazy as it sounds, child trafficking and rape has become such a normalized subject that people are bored of it.
To me, rape is as bad as torture, and the reward isn't adrenochrome. It's the sadistic sexual pleasure they get from the exploitation of children. That's plenty bad enough
I agree in a sense.
Look into the symbolism, the occult nature of things, and it becomes clear there is some other level of things going on beyond the normal.
That said, child trafficking, slavery, and so much more is going on as well.
But there is another level. And people are apathetic, so I'll take whatever gets folks excited to do something.
The enemy will manipulate and deviate no matter what level you look at. And there are literally billions of religious people in the world who believe in spirits and all manner of things.
The media paints this stuff as crazy and the religious news followers believe them. But there are tons of people who are more than happy to take all the esoteric stuff seriously, so don't write it off so fast.
I definitely have not written off the esoteric stuff. But I save that kind of thinking for the unknown. It gets people thinking way outside the box, which everyone should do. But there isn't really a need for that here considering we know our enemy and we know what happens to missing kids.
Definitely think outside the box. I think that's the greatest part of the Q movement. It's something that people are afraid to do these days. I don't think anything about the adrenochrome theories is outright crazy, but I think it's odd that it's discussed over what is already known.
Yeah, looking at their APIs (how Twitter actually, you know, makes money), they report "degraded performance": https://api.twitterstat.us/
It's certain data centers in certain locations.
The Lord will not be outdone in generosity. I have learned that over and over in my personal experience. If you do right by Him, He will do right by you no matter how bad it may seem in the present.
It's not really the hopium that's bad because it does lift people's spirits. I believe the problem is in "expectations." If a person learns to observe, rather than judge or expect a specific outcome, they have freed themselves from the negative feelings this can generate. We KNOW we have this. We just don't know when. Truth is relative, making change inevitable. God does not give us anything in life that we are not capable of handling. The lesson to be learned is in knowing that yourself.
Um, it was down for 17+ minutes.
Do you remember when the Marines (and others) changed the color on their banner to red and then back to normal? The color to look for is white - DEFCON 1. I tried checking background colors today (Twatter kept crashing my Brave browser) but was able to see two backgrounds. Both were B/W. Does anyone here know/remember if those colors are normal for these two?
Department of Defense - https://nitter.fdn.fr/DeptofDefense
U.S. Marines - https://nitter.fdn.fr/USMC
Not sure what the colors before were but I find the background picture change to the DOD account just as interesting as the color changes
Damn. I was going to look at the DOD pic again (not for color but what you said) and got this instead...
Service Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
Apache/2.4.38 (Debian) Server at nitter.fdn.fr Port 443
Guess I'll try again later.
https://mobile.twitter.com/DeptofDefense Worked for me just now when I tried
17 minutes
I’ve read that in quite a few places. Even crazier if that’s true!!!!
I didn't time it but sounds just about right.
Yup...and there were 17 comments on this post until I commented...my bad
Ill chalk it up to technical issues unrelated....while hoping that there is more to it.....injection baby!
Agreed. I’m just trying to draw attention to it so that we have plenty of eyes on it today but I am cautiously optimistic
Many of us do not use twitters, so who cares?
Prepare for the Storm, put your Faith in the Lord and don't worry about the Time.
As of 9:30 EST today (4/17), it is still down.
I'd scratch It to manteinance for a while. Stay vigilant, let's see what happens
I'm OK with it being down.
Are we going to ignore it?
Do you even check the board before posting?
There are a shit ton of threads.
There were a couple posts last night about it and so far I’ve seen one this morning in regards to the issues being reported today. I check the board quite regularly actually which is why I made this post
We aren't ignoring it. This is the their post I've seen about it.
I heard it was down for 17 minutes?
Quite the coincidence
What's Twitter?
I'm not ignoring it. I just dont give a fuck !
Wouldnt know. Don't have twitter
Copied from https://t.me/s/disclosetv
JUST IN - Twitter is broken: Tweets are not loading for many around the globe for the past few hours. Login not working on desktop version.
"The Twitter data team is investigating a possible system irregularity currently affecting all Twitter API v2 endpoints starting at 2021-04-17 12:00 UTC," Twitter posted Saturday at 9 a.m. EST reads. "The presence and scope of any developer impact has not been determined at this time, but we will provide an update as soon as we know more."
@disclosetv @disclosetv_chat
Gab is up. Twitter is operating for me. FB, I don't care about, and I'm unable to access Parler. Is tech at war and did Parler fall in the first battle?
For those interested.
Down for 17 minutes and then Defcon goes to level 3.
Somebody just unplug the cord on that traitorfest!
I'm not on Twatter. This sight is irrelevant. FYI