Yeah, I think we've been getting a lot of these click farms recently with an obsession over the satanic stuff. They're trying the leftists usual tactic of trying to discredit something by taking it to the extreme.
The tactic works like this:
Awakened person: Many of the elite believe in satanism and sacrifice children. There are thousands of testimonies of victims of these rituals (Ted Grunderson interviews) that date back decades. Hollywood is full of satanic symbolism.
Rather than try to say it's not true, the shill tactic is to instead take it to ridiculous extreme .
Do you see how they do it? They don't deny it. Instead they take it to the extreme so that the actual truth will be thrown out with the ridiculous lies. It's an old and very effective tactic of the DS.
Now I see a lot in recent days doing it here. They seem really upset about the satanic cabal stuff and accusations of child trafficking.
From my experience every strawman is an extreme strawman. The only way to make a well thought out position ridiculous is by taking it to ridiculous extremes.
The whole Satanic Panic is a textbook example of taking it to the extreme so that masses no longer believe any of it. In the 80s and 90s many children were coming forward with vivid stories of abuse during satantic rituals. It was finally coming out. The pedo rings, the satanism, ect. So what did the Deep State do? They called up their crisis actors and fake Christians, put them on MSM, and caused a mass panic until the masses just think the whole thing stupid.
Same with muslim rapists in the UK. The newspapers were getting ahold of children being passed about in the halls of power and the royals, then the English and Jewish Defence League [They dropped Jewish from the name at companies house] pops up with Tommeh Robinson harping on about muslims 24/7 and how great Israel is.
Yeah, there's problems with organised muslims/pakistani rape gangs, but as with everything, the crimes are not prosecuted, which is LE and DOJ equiv, and they're not allowed to move if they wanted to, which is the equiv of congress and the senate. So what you're left with is a [thing], in this case Pakistani rape gangs, in yours, satanic panic, that vacuum up all the attention and energy of the people for a decade or so and then the [thing] but not the real thing is "safely put to bed" and everyone gets back to watching dumb shit on netflix or sportsball.
Yeah I remember this. I really feel for so many Hollywood children who were thinking that they would finally get some closure, but suddenly its all gone. Honestly, I really hope this blows out into open real soon.
The tactic is no longer working, but notice how the shills on this site are going into overdrive to try and use it here. It worked so well back then that it became the standard tactic whenever any victim came forward about the child sacrifice and satanic rituals.
Q has several posts just about Anderson Cooper's mom. The satanic stuff is given a big spotlight by Q. It's all over Hollywood once you know what to look for.
Yet you mention it here or online and a hoard of shills will scream, "OMG, SO YOU BELIEVE THAT BABIES ARE BEING EATen AT MCDONALDS AND THEIR SKIN USED IN NIKE SHOES? THAT'S CRAZY!!!"
They immediately take what you say to ridiculous extremes if you even mention "Satanic stuff" at all. For the longest time it worked well and people dropped the subject all together as "crazy talk".
Hopefully people are finally seeing through this tactic and not letting the "extreme strawman" fool them and make them afraid to call it out anymore. If so, then it'll start to come out more and more as people lose their fear of talking about it.
Yeah, I guess they learn that in shill school. Their whole movement is based on these sorts of crude misinterpretations on social media while controlling anyone with a clear mind. Back when I was on FB, I noticed these people somehow on my feed. I've also noticed that even some people I have known are part of them. They were always these various acquaintances in various circles that always seem to come to events but it was never clear how they made their living. Interesting. I've been putting dots together. Looks like the clowns have been all over for years but lately have descended to social media.
yeah but if they click on your post specifically they can infect you with a variant of the wuflu that has been recoded to be a computer virus and then they can steal all your soup!!!!
Wth are you even talking about? You're reading all sorts of weird things into an EXAMPLE and then getting upset by that. And you're running around accusing others of not including a block of text in their statements.
"Maybe you should reconsider your position if your only source on blood libel comes from Wikipedia?"
Erm... did you even read my comment? You clearly have no idea what I said. What the hell are you talking about? Wikipedia? So random and pressumptious.
And another thing, could you try being concise and get to your point. Throwing a block of text at people and ranting about things that have nothing to do with the point they made is just silly. You didn't get my point at all and if anything you seem angry that I pointed out the Extreme Strawmen tactic of the Left. Are you upset that I called out their tactics?
What are you a fan of how they destroy the truth and sweep victims under the rug? Because that's how your wall of weird text reads.
Be more concise and clear in your posts. It'll help a lot in having an actual discussion.
All this ranting because you're upset that my example is not absurd enough for you. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. That says a lot about you.
I don't think you even read nor understand my original comment in the slightest. You're basically ranting over things I never said. And then freaking out over that.
You're creating an entire argument in your head and screaming about that made-up argument in your mind.
So you think my example of a Leftist extreme strawmen was acceptable to normies? That they wouldn't reject that as absurd? That's actually good news. That means the normies are way more awake than any of us realized. I didn't realize you thought that.
The whole point of the example was showcasing what wouldn't be acceptable to normies. My example was not about what people on this site would accept. Almost everyone but you understood that point. I don't know why it went over your head.
My point was this is how the Left control the sheep. They say that to the sheep. This was especially true in the days of the Satanic Panic.
Now you're accusing me of being a shill while you get more and more shrill.
I'd say you have a real problem in how you deal with disagreement. There was no need to blow up and become rude. You could have just had a discussion with me. Instead you get angry and rude like all you want is a fight over something you have clearly misunderstood.
Again, the example was what the Left says to the NORMIES. Are you really going to argue that if you said that to the typical normie they'll go, "Oh! Of course! Why didn't I see it?"
It's sad that you can't see how you blew things out of proportion.
Yeah, I think we've been getting a lot of these click farms recently with an obsession over the satanic stuff. They're trying the leftists usual tactic of trying to discredit something by taking it to the extreme.
The tactic works like this:
Awakened person: Many of the elite believe in satanism and sacrifice children. There are thousands of testimonies of victims of these rituals (Ted Grunderson interviews) that date back decades. Hollywood is full of satanic symbolism.
Rather than try to say it's not true, the shill tactic is to instead take it to ridiculous extreme .
Do you see how they do it? They don't deny it. Instead they take it to the extreme so that the actual truth will be thrown out with the ridiculous lies. It's an old and very effective tactic of the DS.
Now I see a lot in recent days doing it here. They seem really upset about the satanic cabal stuff and accusations of child trafficking.
From my experience every strawman is an extreme strawman. The only way to make a well thought out position ridiculous is by taking it to ridiculous extremes.
The whole Satanic Panic is a textbook example of taking it to the extreme so that masses no longer believe any of it. In the 80s and 90s many children were coming forward with vivid stories of abuse during satantic rituals. It was finally coming out. The pedo rings, the satanism, ect. So what did the Deep State do? They called up their crisis actors and fake Christians, put them on MSM, and caused a mass panic until the masses just think the whole thing stupid.
Same with muslim rapists in the UK. The newspapers were getting ahold of children being passed about in the halls of power and the royals, then the English and Jewish Defence League [They dropped Jewish from the name at companies house] pops up with Tommeh Robinson harping on about muslims 24/7 and how great Israel is.
Yeah, there's problems with organised muslims/pakistani rape gangs, but as with everything, the crimes are not prosecuted, which is LE and DOJ equiv, and they're not allowed to move if they wanted to, which is the equiv of congress and the senate. So what you're left with is a [thing], in this case Pakistani rape gangs, in yours, satanic panic, that vacuum up all the attention and energy of the people for a decade or so and then the [thing] but not the real thing is "safely put to bed" and everyone gets back to watching dumb shit on netflix or sportsball.
You're very presumptuous, you should check that.
Yeah I remember this. I really feel for so many Hollywood children who were thinking that they would finally get some closure, but suddenly its all gone. Honestly, I really hope this blows out into open real soon.
The tactic is no longer working, but notice how the shills on this site are going into overdrive to try and use it here. It worked so well back then that it became the standard tactic whenever any victim came forward about the child sacrifice and satanic rituals.
Q has several posts just about Anderson Cooper's mom. The satanic stuff is given a big spotlight by Q. It's all over Hollywood once you know what to look for.
Yet you mention it here or online and a hoard of shills will scream, "OMG, SO YOU BELIEVE THAT BABIES ARE BEING EATen AT MCDONALDS AND THEIR SKIN USED IN NIKE SHOES? THAT'S CRAZY!!!"
They immediately take what you say to ridiculous extremes if you even mention "Satanic stuff" at all. For the longest time it worked well and people dropped the subject all together as "crazy talk".
Hopefully people are finally seeing through this tactic and not letting the "extreme strawman" fool them and make them afraid to call it out anymore. If so, then it'll start to come out more and more as people lose their fear of talking about it.
Don't let them fool you with this trick.
Yeah, I guess they learn that in shill school. Their whole movement is based on these sorts of crude misinterpretations on social media while controlling anyone with a clear mind. Back when I was on FB, I noticed these people somehow on my feed. I've also noticed that even some people I have known are part of them. They were always these various acquaintances in various circles that always seem to come to events but it was never clear how they made their living. Interesting. I've been putting dots together. Looks like the clowns have been all over for years but lately have descended to social media.
yeah but if they click on your post specifically they can infect you with a variant of the wuflu that has been recoded to be a computer virus and then they can steal all your soup!!!!
Wth are you even talking about? You're reading all sorts of weird things into an EXAMPLE and then getting upset by that. And you're running around accusing others of not including a block of text in their statements.
"Maybe you should reconsider your position if your only source on blood libel comes from Wikipedia?"
Erm... did you even read my comment? You clearly have no idea what I said. What the hell are you talking about? Wikipedia? So random and pressumptious.
And another thing, could you try being concise and get to your point. Throwing a block of text at people and ranting about things that have nothing to do with the point they made is just silly. You didn't get my point at all and if anything you seem angry that I pointed out the Extreme Strawmen tactic of the Left. Are you upset that I called out their tactics?
What are you a fan of how they destroy the truth and sweep victims under the rug? Because that's how your wall of weird text reads.
Be more concise and clear in your posts. It'll help a lot in having an actual discussion.
All this ranting because you're upset that my example is not absurd enough for you. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. That says a lot about you.
I don't think you even read nor understand my original comment in the slightest. You're basically ranting over things I never said. And then freaking out over that.
You're creating an entire argument in your head and screaming about that made-up argument in your mind.
So you think my example of a Leftist extreme strawmen was acceptable to normies? That they wouldn't reject that as absurd? That's actually good news. That means the normies are way more awake than any of us realized. I didn't realize you thought that.
The whole point of the example was showcasing what wouldn't be acceptable to normies. My example was not about what people on this site would accept. Almost everyone but you understood that point. I don't know why it went over your head.
My point was this is how the Left control the sheep. They say that to the sheep. This was especially true in the days of the Satanic Panic.
Now you're accusing me of being a shill while you get more and more shrill.
I'd say you have a real problem in how you deal with disagreement. There was no need to blow up and become rude. You could have just had a discussion with me. Instead you get angry and rude like all you want is a fight over something you have clearly misunderstood.
Again, the example was what the Left says to the NORMIES. Are you really going to argue that if you said that to the typical normie they'll go, "Oh! Of course! Why didn't I see it?"
It's sad that you can't see how you blew things out of proportion.
is this the secret formula for insta ban on Reddit?
Or is this the formula for insta boot-on-face in CCPland?
This triggers firewalls. I believe it originated from a gamer who got fed up with Chinese hackers.
And complaining about getting blocked!
Hear hear! Come on, China! KILL THE CCP. They're all run be pedophiles. I know you can read this.
So stone age... In America we have youtube admin changing the view numbers and removing the thumb downs.
Cheap labor solution vs high-priced labor solution.
Look! Its half of social media!
BINGO! Online "public opinion" is an illusion, now you know why.
The Chinese are living proof that you can do literally anything if you're willing to throw enough human suffering and misery at it
No, they still can't learn English (properly)
we are living in a dystopia
But but ... the Russian bots !
Woooah. I’m on Reddit and have become well versed in bot/shill detection. I’ve always wondered what one of their bases actually looks like.
Free Hong Kong, Free Tibet, Long Live Taiwan, China is asshoe
I've seen taxi drivers there with a dozen phones mounted in front of them doing stiff as such
Those poor people
Slaves at work. Well, it is probably easier than picking cotton, I guess. But still slaves.