... also Nature's way of setting up all the conditions for a massive lawsuit. Experimental "vaccines" cannot be mandated or forced - period. Why is that so difficult for people to understand with their "oh woe is me" posts?
Meanwhile, there was a great meme going around here last week on all the things pregnant women are not supposed to do: No caffeine, avoid sushi, avoid deli meats due to nitrates, no alcohol, those things can harm your baby! but of course inject yourself with this vaccine that was never tested on pregnant women.
Standard practice in the Colonies and true in the lower 48 until doctors were stressing "primitive" conditions at home, so y'all come to a hospital where "sterile" rooms are available-turns out the babies are yanked out of the mother and separated from her; home births encourage the bonding of placing the newborn into the mothers arms.. I was born in a Naval hospital during the waning days of WW2 and the docs and nurses who healed our wounded troops were a bit lost on birthing babies-the use of forceps disfigured my head for a few days. My first 6 months were really dicey... Here I am, 76 this year, it's been a long strange journey for certain..
My midwife Dr. Jenny Joseph is a wonderful woman who came from the UK to America and advocates for women to have at home births or births in a birthing center over the hospital. Only one of my children was born at the hospital and it was the worst experience I ever had. All others were with her, my second didn't want to come in time water broke no contractions so I had to go to the hospital. She's gone to DC talked before Congress she's done a lot of work for black women as well trying to make them aware of how they are treated in the hospital and how more women die or their babies die due to compromised care. She doesn't seem like a leftist but a few of her points drift that way. I've known her for 10 years now though.
Honest question, what happens if you need a C-section and you're at home with a midwife? I was hoping to delivery my child naturally, but I never would dilate fully to have him naturally, plus my water had already broken by time I had go to the hospital. What would a midwife due in these circumstances?
So I know my midwife has pictocion (idk how to spell it) which helps dialate but I don't know if she can use enough when your not naturally dialating. While at the hospital they hook you up to satan's machine and your dialated that way. My midwife was supposed to come with me to be at the hospital but for whatever reason she wasn't allowed to be there. I had my other kids at a birthing center which is set up kinda like a home (they had bedrooms and each was set up in a way where it looked you were at home) but they were close enough if you need an ambulance you could make it to the hospital in time.
Edit: I just woke up and my brain likes to forget words didn't mean dilaudid ment pictocion
I find it interesting timing there was an anti midwife movement and a push towards hospital births around the time the Rockefeller’s invested their oil in pharmaceutical and they forced us to have birth certificates for our peaceful slavery. We lost so much in the art of childbirth from knowledge passed down by midwives. Birth in hospitals is treated as a medical condition, resulting in a massive uptick in cesareans which are way more risky to the mother for future pregnancies. I wish I would have been brave enough to have a home birth. The hospital’s increased interventions resulted in me not being able to push and I was coerced into a csection. It wasn’t an emergency, they didn’t rush me into the OR. It was evidently the end of my doctor’s shift and if I didn’t have this baby on her time, she wouldn’t have been paid. Infuriates me I was gyped of a natural childbirth experience by the hospital. Many women like me have had the same experience. It’s a fucking racket.
look on the walls of the ' docs ' office ... u'll see diplomas but if u dont see the Hippocratic Oath framed and hanging ... turn around and walk out !
I too had a c-section, and like you I was extremely disappointed. They could never get me to dilate fully, and since my water had already broken many hours before, they said I had to have a c-section. If I would have found out my doctor ordered it just to get it in before his shift ended, OMG... I'd be furious!!
People need to start pushing back on these things. By not doing so we’re enabling these doctors who have been put on a pedestal as the new religion of “science” by the establishment. We’re enabling them to be reckless with our health, and to bully and threaten others who are more timid and/or less informed. It is your job to be your own advocate for your health because big pharma wants you sick and paying your life savings away then eventually indebted to them. Doctors are an important part of society but they are not gods, they do not know everything and they do not get to act with impunity. They, like politicians and bureaucrats, have gotten confused along the way and forgotten that they serve US. We pay them for a service, not to bully and harass for the establishment
Edward Jenner, worshiped by modern “medicine” created a Temple of Vaccinia performed deadly experiments on children and used children as vaccine shipment containers. He is a vile man to idolize. All Vaccines are against God, do not worship at the altar of Jenner science.
“Soon, smallpox vaccination was common practice around the world. It was completely eradicated in 1979.”
If small pox is dead why are they still vaccinating against it?
the name derived from the Latin for cowpox, vaccinia
He converted a rustic summerhouse in his garden into his Temple of Vaccinia and invited local people to be vaccinated after church on Sunday.
““It's a theme that we see now in terms of vaccine advocacy and ensuring acceptance of a vaccine is the right message delivered by the right person.”
In 1803, the ship sailed for South America. On board were 22 orphans to act as vaccine carriers.
“There is no way of mass-producing vaccine, so they give it to a child,” explains Najera. “The child will develop the lesion, then they take it from their child a couple of days later, give it to the next child and so on and so forth down the line.”
Home birth is not bad at all. Home birth was the only way for thousands of years. If you are hesitant find a good midwife to come to your home for the delivery.
She should ask him if that hospital is requiring vaccination to treat MVA or other trauma victims in their ER. Or if a walk in pregnant woman in labor shows up with no prenatal care, do they get delivered? He’s about to get sued into oblivion.....
I recently had a home birth because of everything that has been going on for the last year.. Even if everything was back to normal I would still choose to give birth at home.
Sure! I would first find a local midwife. Schedule an interview with her, and ask any questions or voice concerns you might have. There is a good chance that the midwife you are talking to has experienced many different scenarios with delivering a baby. Midwives do come with some medical equipment when at a home birth. The only thing that they don't offer is the epidural, but they can help with pain management.
Midwives provide the expectant mother a list of materials that will be needed for the the home birth. There are also plenty of videos on youtube of women sharing their experience.
Going into labor is a lot like running a marathon. It's important to focus on your breathing... This will help your muscles stay relaxed. There are plenty of hypnobirthing videos available that offer guided meditation to help during labor. It keeps the mother focused on labor, and keeps your mind clear of any distracting thoughts during contractions.
It's also important to remember that people's attitude towards child birth has often times been influenced by the media (whether they realize it or not). Labor and delivery is not an emergency, and is not scary. The female body is designed to do this.
I gave birth at the hospital with my other children. There is a lot more pressure, stress, and distractions in that environment. What I liked most about giving birth at home is that I was in my own environment. I felt comfortable and safe. I prepared as much as I could before I went into labor that the initial fear I had was gone by the time my baby was born.
I hope this helps!
Having experienced the comparison, how much pain did the epidermal relieve? On a scale of 1-10 with vs without. Did you find the fear placed on the final pain to be worth the build up society places? Not to say it isn’t painful, I think there is a lot of potential fear there and would love to hear what you thought. Again thank you for taking the time and your candor about your personal journey. I know I appreciate hearing it.
The epidural was most effective during my first labor and delivery. I didn't know what contractions were going to feel like, so I was a bit nervous. If you decide to get an epidural you are given an IV bag of pitocin to encourage contractions. Pitocin tends to make contractions a lot stronger. After my first child was born I understood what contractions felt like. They could be described as really intense cramping and pressure.
I did get an epidural the second time around as well.. My second labor went a lot faster, so I don't think the epidural went into full effect by the time I needed to push. I felt a lot more that time, and didn't think it was as bad as it is made out to be.
After that experience I decided that if there was a next time that I would skip the epidural all together. I honestly wasn't planning on going to a midwife or delivering at home with my 3rd child, but I had a change of heart last year when all the lockdowns started happening.
Everyone handles pain differently... That being said contractions are not the worst pain I have experienced. The pain that comes with contractions serves a purpose (child birth). The more intense contractions become that is usually a good sign that it's almost over.
I personally believe that fear can cause contractions to feel a lot worse. If this last year has taught me anything is that fear can make people act out in a negative ways (whether or not the threat is real). This last year has also made me look at medicine and doctors a lot differently. How people are just seen as a problem that needs to be fixed in the shortest amount of time possible. The symptoms seem to get the attention rather than actually treating the source of the problem. I guess you could say that I don't always "trust the science".
Sorry it took me awhile to respond.. I hope this answers your questions.
No worries on the delay, you’re sweet to mention of it.
I completely agree, this last year has been really revealing about the medical industry and the spouse pede and I are with you. Never thought a home birth would be something we’d ever consider. Hearing from you has been wonderfully encouraging. Words are insufficient to express my appreciation.
Was the home birth without the Pitocin then? Would you have then experienced contractions with and without the additional substance. I’m curious how much harsher the contractions were on and off the medicine. No rush or requirement to reply.
I heard the “ring of fire” was a worry. It sounds like the pain is short lived, purposeful and the baby arrival is a quick salve. The bonding process directly after sounds heavenly.
When doctors have been politicized and brainwashed like many have, you see how pervasive the indoctrination they obtained through education. It's why the communists target 2 groups more than any other....education and media. With those 2 in their control they can infect everything and everyone. Every doctor I personally know tows the left's vax narrative including dentists and veterinarians. It's scary as shit to hear them diss Trump and Republicans. I know there are conservative doctors like the Front Line Alliance Group. But if ever there were a profession that should be apolitical it's medicine but read any of their journals and it's full of articles like Racisim in the OR and stuff like that.
FDA 21 U.S Code-360bbb-3.
Tell them they are violating Federal Law and can be held personally liable.
We need lawyers on this, some nice form letters full of legal threats.
It's obvious this doctor cares nothing for the baby, and only wants the woman to submit to their vaccine cult. That baby would probably miscarry or be a stillbirth if she got the vaccine, so I hope she stays clear from it and gives birth at home.
She can show up at the ER in active labor and they have to take her (not if she's just crampy, but regular hard contractions). Go to a different hospital, you couldn't have much worse attitude with a random stranger (doesn't he think masks will save him?)
Nature's way of telling you you have the wrong doctor.
... also Nature's way of setting up all the conditions for a massive lawsuit. Experimental "vaccines" cannot be mandated or forced - period. Why is that so difficult for people to understand with their "oh woe is me" posts?
UK. Humans Have no rights there.
They're still bound by the war crimes established T the Geneva Conventions
Our (their) rights must be asserted or taken. Don't expect your oppressors to be much help.
War crimes aren't crimes until they're committed... After that war and crime have predictable responses
Only if the good guys win.
I mean war and crimes are still war crimes while they happening
Meanwhile, there was a great meme going around here last week on all the things pregnant women are not supposed to do: No caffeine, avoid sushi, avoid deli meats due to nitrates, no alcohol, those things can harm your baby! but of course inject yourself with this vaccine that was never tested on pregnant women.
Standard practice in the Colonies and true in the lower 48 until doctors were stressing "primitive" conditions at home, so y'all come to a hospital where "sterile" rooms are available-turns out the babies are yanked out of the mother and separated from her; home births encourage the bonding of placing the newborn into the mothers arms.. I was born in a Naval hospital during the waning days of WW2 and the docs and nurses who healed our wounded troops were a bit lost on birthing babies-the use of forceps disfigured my head for a few days. My first 6 months were really dicey... Here I am, 76 this year, it's been a long strange journey for certain..
My midwife Dr. Jenny Joseph is a wonderful woman who came from the UK to America and advocates for women to have at home births or births in a birthing center over the hospital. Only one of my children was born at the hospital and it was the worst experience I ever had. All others were with her, my second didn't want to come in time water broke no contractions so I had to go to the hospital. She's gone to DC talked before Congress she's done a lot of work for black women as well trying to make them aware of how they are treated in the hospital and how more women die or their babies die due to compromised care. She doesn't seem like a leftist but a few of her points drift that way. I've known her for 10 years now though.
Honest question, what happens if you need a C-section and you're at home with a midwife? I was hoping to delivery my child naturally, but I never would dilate fully to have him naturally, plus my water had already broken by time I had go to the hospital. What would a midwife due in these circumstances?
So I know my midwife has pictocion (idk how to spell it) which helps dialate but I don't know if she can use enough when your not naturally dialating. While at the hospital they hook you up to satan's machine and your dialated that way. My midwife was supposed to come with me to be at the hospital but for whatever reason she wasn't allowed to be there. I had my other kids at a birthing center which is set up kinda like a home (they had bedrooms and each was set up in a way where it looked you were at home) but they were close enough if you need an ambulance you could make it to the hospital in time.
Edit: I just woke up and my brain likes to forget words didn't mean dilaudid ment pictocion
Birthing center would've been nice. Although, I'm pretty sure I would've ended up in the hospital regardless. :(
I find it interesting timing there was an anti midwife movement and a push towards hospital births around the time the Rockefeller’s invested their oil in pharmaceutical and they forced us to have birth certificates for our peaceful slavery. We lost so much in the art of childbirth from knowledge passed down by midwives. Birth in hospitals is treated as a medical condition, resulting in a massive uptick in cesareans which are way more risky to the mother for future pregnancies. I wish I would have been brave enough to have a home birth. The hospital’s increased interventions resulted in me not being able to push and I was coerced into a csection. It wasn’t an emergency, they didn’t rush me into the OR. It was evidently the end of my doctor’s shift and if I didn’t have this baby on her time, she wouldn’t have been paid. Infuriates me I was gyped of a natural childbirth experience by the hospital. Many women like me have had the same experience. It’s a fucking racket.
look on the walls of the ' docs ' office ... u'll see diplomas but if u dont see the Hippocratic Oath framed and hanging ... turn around and walk out !
I’m sorry to hear you had that experience. God bless.
I too had a c-section, and like you I was extremely disappointed. They could never get me to dilate fully, and since my water had already broken many hours before, they said I had to have a c-section. If I would have found out my doctor ordered it just to get it in before his shift ended, OMG... I'd be furious!!
Change Drs. NEVER pay a Dr. to abuse you or to be less than professional with you.
People need to start pushing back on these things. By not doing so we’re enabling these doctors who have been put on a pedestal as the new religion of “science” by the establishment. We’re enabling them to be reckless with our health, and to bully and threaten others who are more timid and/or less informed. It is your job to be your own advocate for your health because big pharma wants you sick and paying your life savings away then eventually indebted to them. Doctors are an important part of society but they are not gods, they do not know everything and they do not get to act with impunity. They, like politicians and bureaucrats, have gotten confused along the way and forgotten that they serve US. We pay them for a service, not to bully and harass for the establishment
I agree. Vaccination is a religion with a physiological savior. https://files.catbox.moe/o1m2sp.webp
Edward Jenner, worshiped by modern “medicine” created a Temple of Vaccinia performed deadly experiments on children and used children as vaccine shipment containers. He is a vile man to idolize. All Vaccines are against God, do not worship at the altar of Jenner science.
“Soon, smallpox vaccination was common practice around the world. It was completely eradicated in 1979.” If small pox is dead why are they still vaccinating against it?
If they work why did more people die? Vaccine book back image https://files.catbox.moe/ek0fhi.jpeg
the name derived from the Latin for cowpox, vaccinia
He converted a rustic summerhouse in his garden into his Temple of Vaccinia and invited local people to be vaccinated after church on Sunday.
““It's a theme that we see now in terms of vaccine advocacy and ensuring acceptance of a vaccine is the right message delivered by the right person.”
In 1803, the ship sailed for South America. On board were 22 orphans to act as vaccine carriers. “There is no way of mass-producing vaccine, so they give it to a child,” explains Najera. “The child will develop the lesion, then they take it from their child a couple of days later, give it to the next child and so on and so forth down the line.”
Home birth is not bad at all. Home birth was the only way for thousands of years. If you are hesitant find a good midwife to come to your home for the delivery.
Violation of the Hippocratic Oath.
Ie perfectly in line with the standard set during 2020.
look for a midwife, do it at home.
Don't want to be a downer, but with my second son, if I didn't have extra help from the doctor, I truly believe I and my son would have died.
She should ask him if that hospital is requiring vaccination to treat MVA or other trauma victims in their ER. Or if a walk in pregnant woman in labor shows up with no prenatal care, do they get delivered? He’s about to get sued into oblivion.....
That doctor needs to be sued into oblivion and have his medical license revoked!
Saw a comment on Reddit that their OBGYN told them to get a new doctor since they didn't want to get vaxxed.
Depending on the state, he might get a medal.
so they're forcing someone to get an experimental treatment to get access to basic healthcare?
If you threaten legal, they'll fold up like a cheap suit.
Notice how they said may. They know the reality is they can't force you, but they'll bet you don't know that and don't know how to exert your rights.
Outf&^kingrageous! Run away from that doctor - he shouldn't be anywhere around mom and baby.
I recently had a home birth because of everything that has been going on for the last year.. Even if everything was back to normal I would still choose to give birth at home.
Would you have any advice or information suggestions for those considering home births?
Sure! I would first find a local midwife. Schedule an interview with her, and ask any questions or voice concerns you might have. There is a good chance that the midwife you are talking to has experienced many different scenarios with delivering a baby. Midwives do come with some medical equipment when at a home birth. The only thing that they don't offer is the epidural, but they can help with pain management.
Midwives provide the expectant mother a list of materials that will be needed for the the home birth. There are also plenty of videos on youtube of women sharing their experience.
Going into labor is a lot like running a marathon. It's important to focus on your breathing... This will help your muscles stay relaxed. There are plenty of hypnobirthing videos available that offer guided meditation to help during labor. It keeps the mother focused on labor, and keeps your mind clear of any distracting thoughts during contractions.
It's also important to remember that people's attitude towards child birth has often times been influenced by the media (whether they realize it or not). Labor and delivery is not an emergency, and is not scary. The female body is designed to do this.
I gave birth at the hospital with my other children. There is a lot more pressure, stress, and distractions in that environment. What I liked most about giving birth at home is that I was in my own environment. I felt comfortable and safe. I prepared as much as I could before I went into labor that the initial fear I had was gone by the time my baby was born. I hope this helps!
Bless you for taking the time to post this reply! I hope others find your comment as helpful as I have.
Did you try pain management in the hospital and then go without at home? I’m curious about that experience.
You're welcome!
I did have an epidural with my previous pregnancies, and went without any pain medication when I gave birth at home.
I could still feel contractions even with an epidural. I think going without one helped me gauge and understand what stage I was in during labor.
Having experienced the comparison, how much pain did the epidermal relieve? On a scale of 1-10 with vs without. Did you find the fear placed on the final pain to be worth the build up society places? Not to say it isn’t painful, I think there is a lot of potential fear there and would love to hear what you thought. Again thank you for taking the time and your candor about your personal journey. I know I appreciate hearing it.
The epidural was most effective during my first labor and delivery. I didn't know what contractions were going to feel like, so I was a bit nervous. If you decide to get an epidural you are given an IV bag of pitocin to encourage contractions. Pitocin tends to make contractions a lot stronger. After my first child was born I understood what contractions felt like. They could be described as really intense cramping and pressure.
I did get an epidural the second time around as well.. My second labor went a lot faster, so I don't think the epidural went into full effect by the time I needed to push. I felt a lot more that time, and didn't think it was as bad as it is made out to be.
After that experience I decided that if there was a next time that I would skip the epidural all together. I honestly wasn't planning on going to a midwife or delivering at home with my 3rd child, but I had a change of heart last year when all the lockdowns started happening.
Everyone handles pain differently... That being said contractions are not the worst pain I have experienced. The pain that comes with contractions serves a purpose (child birth). The more intense contractions become that is usually a good sign that it's almost over.
I personally believe that fear can cause contractions to feel a lot worse. If this last year has taught me anything is that fear can make people act out in a negative ways (whether or not the threat is real). This last year has also made me look at medicine and doctors a lot differently. How people are just seen as a problem that needs to be fixed in the shortest amount of time possible. The symptoms seem to get the attention rather than actually treating the source of the problem. I guess you could say that I don't always "trust the science".
Sorry it took me awhile to respond.. I hope this answers your questions.
No worries on the delay, you’re sweet to mention of it.
I completely agree, this last year has been really revealing about the medical industry and the spouse pede and I are with you. Never thought a home birth would be something we’d ever consider. Hearing from you has been wonderfully encouraging. Words are insufficient to express my appreciation.
Was the home birth without the Pitocin then? Would you have then experienced contractions with and without the additional substance. I’m curious how much harsher the contractions were on and off the medicine. No rush or requirement to reply.
I heard the “ring of fire” was a worry. It sounds like the pain is short lived, purposeful and the baby arrival is a quick salve. The bonding process directly after sounds heavenly.
I would tell her to film the abuse as well as GTFO of the blue hell state she must obviously be living jn
hospital cannot refuse her, birth is not an elective procedure.
Edit: Should clarify, conception is elective but birth is not. Murdering your child is also an elective procedure.
I don't recall extortion being in the Hippocratic Oath...must be a recent liberal addendum.
This is an article which definitely states that it is against federal law to require this vaccination because it's still considered experimental: https://www.statnews.com/2021/02/23/federal-law-prohibits-employers-and-others-from-requiring-vaccination-with-a-covid-19-vaccine-distributed-under-an-eua/ Forward it to anyone who needs it so they have a basis with which to contact an attorney. People need to start suing. Edit: This is for people in the United States; I can't speak for other countries.
How wonderful! The opportunity to have your child at home in a loving environment. Seems a blessing in disguise.
New doctor now!
She should find another doctor or midwife QUICK and sue this bastard. This is criminal.
Women are having miscarriages after having this vaccine. That doctor is SICK.
When doctors have been politicized and brainwashed like many have, you see how pervasive the indoctrination they obtained through education. It's why the communists target 2 groups more than any other....education and media. With those 2 in their control they can infect everything and everyone. Every doctor I personally know tows the left's vax narrative including dentists and veterinarians. It's scary as shit to hear them diss Trump and Republicans. I know there are conservative doctors like the Front Line Alliance Group. But if ever there were a profession that should be apolitical it's medicine but read any of their journals and it's full of articles like Racisim in the OR and stuff like that.
Perhaps the front line doctors can refer her to someone in her area that is not a freak.
FDA 21 U.S Code-360bbb-3. Tell them they are violating Federal Law and can be held personally liable. We need lawyers on this, some nice form letters full of legal threats.
It's obvious this doctor cares nothing for the baby, and only wants the woman to submit to their vaccine cult. That baby would probably miscarry or be a stillbirth if she got the vaccine, so I hope she stays clear from it and gives birth at home.
Exactly!! If they won't allow her to deliver in a hospital, find a mid-wife or another doctor who is able to assist.
The shot will kill her baby. Find a doula and give birth at home. I'm not kidding.
She can show up at the ER in active labor and they have to take her (not if she's just crampy, but regular hard contractions). Go to a different hospital, you couldn't have much worse attitude with a random stranger (doesn't he think masks will save him?)
So wrong. :-(
Doctor, your fired