All of his statement are posted to his Gab account. Here is what his page says:
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States of America?? This account is an uncensored Twitter archive and shares email statements sent by The Office of Donald J. Trump.
I have thought that maybe he's not going to another media format, because it would interfere with the large gargantuan Huuuuge lawsuit he will file on twitter once the cheat/steal is proven.
When the small snowball rolls down hill it gets bigger and bigger and bigger as it goes. This is what’s going to happen with these audits. This is going to be a wild ride.
Well you would think if they can prove it at the Arizona audit that there would be increasing pressure from Trump voters and independents to stop dragging feet.
It makes sense the black hats know how many fraudulent, illegal votes they injected into each state. And how many legal votes they flipped from one candidate to another.
But it seems the white hats know too. And they’ve known for a while, maybe the entire time. What doesn’t make complete sense is how this is all being played out. Is it because the way the white hats know isn’t admissible in court? Or is it because this way causes more damage to the DS?
I'm betting it has a lot to do with public perception. There will (or should) come a point where the truth of how they stole the election will be undeniable. This audit, if done properly and fully documented, will make it undeniable. It's going to get out among conservative circles and eventually the normies are going to catch wind of it and wonder why the news isn't reporting on it. So the MSM will have to report on it. Then they'll have to report on how the machine recounts were legitimate but the full forensic audit isn't. It really creates a problem for the narrative. We should see a lot of people waking up then... Hopefully.
Then what is the big question because this has been an act of war on the part of China, Iran and others. Knowing they could never stand up to America in a fight this is warfare by other means just as Covid is.
It has been high treason by a great many of our countrymen, perhaps numbering in the tens of thousands but most definitely in the thousands.
And its all set against the backdrop of a Luciferian death cult specializing in child rape and torture. It is worldwide and pervasive in the extreme. It is all the worst parts of the Bible.
The one thing we can be sure of is that this world will be changed forever. The old world has been utterly destroyed and regardless who wins this war we will never go back to what we knew just 2 years ago.
Yes! I had Swarm of cockroaches or every size stage of growth, w/ wings, big , tiny ones & weird wingless ones come swarming out of my Asian style toilet ( in Asia) , they were being attacked by a swarm of red ants... it was brutal, I ran screaming out of my meditation hut ( Asian style), it was terrible! the novices came to the rescue...
Interesting that I was listening to an interview of Roger Stone by some news organization (OANN?) yesterday. I didn't hear him say anything about this, but I didn't hear the full interview.
I mean if we had taken the election (I know we won), and dems kept saying we cheated. I’d want them to audit the election just to shut the opposition up.
There is panic in the air in AZ
This is AWESOME!!
The best is yet to come!
oh gawd my freedom boner is goin wild
Don't rain on his parade, man.
Just watch where you're pointing it.
Wait he’s been posting on Gab now?
All of his statement are posted to his Gab account. Here is what his page says:
About: Reserved for the 45th President of the United States of America?? This account is an uncensored Twitter archive and shares email statements sent by The Office of Donald J. Trump.
This is different from his statement though
And it has exactly how many CAPITAL letters?
Veiled reference to Q being in the capital?
Nice catch : ) 17 attafrens to ya
I'm sure he'd love to post on Gab if he could but for legal reasons he's distancing himself...
Or he's waiting for Frankspeech
I have thought that maybe he's not going to another media format, because it would interfere with the large gargantuan Huuuuge lawsuit he will file on twitter once the cheat/steal is proven.
Link to post
When the small snowball rolls down hill it gets bigger and bigger and bigger as it goes. This is what’s going to happen with these audits. This is going to be a wild ride.
I'm hoping they verify the voter fraud and digital foreign intrusions and this causes all other audits to HURRY UP.
Well you would think if they can prove it at the Arizona audit that there would be increasing pressure from Trump voters and independents to stop dragging feet.
I am getting so amped up, hell yeah!
It makes sense the black hats know how many fraudulent, illegal votes they injected into each state. And how many legal votes they flipped from one candidate to another.
But it seems the white hats know too. And they’ve known for a while, maybe the entire time. What doesn’t make complete sense is how this is all being played out. Is it because the way the white hats know isn’t admissible in court? Or is it because this way causes more damage to the DS?
I'm betting it has a lot to do with public perception. There will (or should) come a point where the truth of how they stole the election will be undeniable. This audit, if done properly and fully documented, will make it undeniable. It's going to get out among conservative circles and eventually the normies are going to catch wind of it and wonder why the news isn't reporting on it. So the MSM will have to report on it. Then they'll have to report on how the machine recounts were legitimate but the full forensic audit isn't. It really creates a problem for the narrative. We should see a lot of people waking up then... Hopefully.
If fraud is "shown" it won't have to go to court. The public waking up and seeing it themselves is all the military is still waiting for.
Then what?
Then what is the big question because this has been an act of war on the part of China, Iran and others. Knowing they could never stand up to America in a fight this is warfare by other means just as Covid is.
It has been high treason by a great many of our countrymen, perhaps numbering in the tens of thousands but most definitely in the thousands.
And its all set against the backdrop of a Luciferian death cult specializing in child rape and torture. It is worldwide and pervasive in the extreme. It is all the worst parts of the Bible.
The one thing we can be sure of is that this world will be changed forever. The old world has been utterly destroyed and regardless who wins this war we will never go back to what we knew just 2 years ago.
Prepare and pray.
That number of uppercase letters in his message again, though
SURELY it's just the 17th remarkable coincidence in a row
What is significant about 17?
17th letter of alphabet
17 = Complete Victory!
and the seventeenth letter of the alphabet is Q.
Time for a good ol' American ass-kicking.
This is all leading to a constitutional crisis. Let's hope Bidan hasn't packed the court by the time it comes to fruition.
I would never question our GEOTUS, but do cockroaches actually "swarm?"
Yes! I had Swarm of cockroaches or every size stage of growth, w/ wings, big , tiny ones & weird wingless ones come swarming out of my Asian style toilet ( in Asia) , they were being attacked by a swarm of red ants... it was brutal, I ran screaming out of my meditation hut ( Asian style), it was terrible! the novices came to the rescue...
Read this in his voice, so pumped when I do that.
This is why Trump is a leader.
Number of capitalized words = 17
He’s right you know...its not just Arizona.
I’d say it’s multiple levels of government authority world wide.
Weve been duped for decades. Hardly anyone is a position of authority is legit.
Let that sink in.
They have alot to be panicked about.
President Trump is not on Gab.
They just post all his stuff there, on the account that has been saved for him since 2016.
Filthy Riggers must not go unpunished.
Trump doesn’t post on gab. You can pay to get certified.
Interesting that I was listening to an interview of Roger Stone by some news organization (OANN?) yesterday. I didn't hear him say anything about this, but I didn't hear the full interview.
Don't tease me President Trump... my heart can't take anymore hopes getting dashed.
Almonds are beginning to tingle...
I wish I was down there flying my drone around watching these people just try to stop the counting.
I mean if we had taken the election (I know we won), and dems kept saying we cheated. I’d want them to audit the election just to shut the opposition up.
I like him on Gab nice!