This includes myself. My mom got her shot 4/3 and this has been the most irregular of my life. Didn’t think anything of it until I read hundreds of similar stories. I’m now convinced one of the goals of this was to sterilize people.
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Here's a post about a private school in Miami that is taking immediate steps to ban vaccinated staff + teachers in light of this:
Thanks, that was a great listen. It’s starting to piss me off that people are just blindly injecting themselves with this biological material without knowing any consequences to themselves or those around them. It’s actually irresponsible.
I wonder how close someone that is vaccinated has to be to someone else to potentially spread side effects.
The spike protein is the issue. The spike protein sits atop the virus and we know that the virus is incredibly small. That makes the spike protein even smaller.
How is the spike protein exiting the body? Breathing? Sweat? Blood? Feces? Eventually we will find out. Once out, it would be small enough to float in the air if the right conditions were there for it to be picked up. It will be incredibly hard to filter these out of the air or water.
I wonder how long they last?
I wonder if these spike proteins will behave like prions? That was a concerning part of mad cow disease. The prions were hard to stop.
I'll just wear an old bandana over my face, like a train robber. Problem solved!
So we SHOULD be wearing masks. Not to protect us from the virus but to protect us from the vaccine. Maybe this is why they are all wearing masks because they know they aren't immune from what is happening.
The virus is small enough to pass through the masks, and the spike protein is smaller than the virus.
The spike protein isn’t even alive, so spraying it with alcohol won’t disable or disarm it. That’s why prion disease may be a close analogy to what could happen.
A virus is 10,000 times smaller than the fibers that make up a mask.
To put this to a scale you can understand... if a single blood cell is the size of a major league baseball stadium, the virus is the size of the ball... that's how small the virus actually is.
P.s. viruses can also enter through your eyes. Masks are completely useless
That is my question too!
Anti parasitic drugs will be the cure to the vax shedding - thats my bet
According to the video posted a few threads above with the 5 doctors discussing this issue: these covid shots are not “vaccines,” and because of that there is no “shedding” of the virus. Instead, it seems to be a transmission device, and the “vaccinated” people are transmitting covid-like symptoms and worse to non-“vaccinated” people.
I did see that group of videos too and I heard them say its a protein thats expelled through spit, sweat, skin cells, pheromones etc. So, if they are claiming its a protein expulsion (be it a brand new protein created from our very own RNA with the blueprints the vaccine gave it), one could wonder this: what is the makeup of a parasite? May I suggest its a protein? Is it possible that all the vaccine injuries and indirect vaccine injuries are simply parasites? We already know that many other vaccines contain many parasites in them, that was exposed months ago. So, here I am, smiling because I am excited if I am onto something... HCQ is an anti parasitic drug, so is ivermectin. I truly think those drugs are the cure. There are more drugs like them.
This is part of the "generation that will be lost"...souls of the unborn, who are innocent. So very sad....there will be much suffering to come, unfortunately...
Must suffering can be avoided if we are pro-active about educating others as to what's going on.
The should be a .win just for dealing with this issue and any information surrounding it.
I wish I could agee that most suffering could be avoided but unfortunately this will not be the case.. those that are even semi awake can be helped to choose based on the evidence (even the small amount that exists).... but unless an antidote to the shot exists (and it may) the "free will" given to us by God may have already determined the fate of those who choose to be "vaccinated".
Too many are unwilling to see that this is going to alter their physical makeup. Its uncharted territory, an experiment that people are lining up for out of fear. The evil behind this doesn't care one little bit about human the contrary, it thrives on it. Humans are a means to an end and the humans who are behind carrying out this plan don't care either...
Yes we must help them but they must WANT help....many dont. The old saying "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" applies here sadly...
Blessings fren....follow your heart but use your head while doing so.
I'm about to move back to same state as my family and im now scared for my kids to be around them. of course they are scared of us bc we are not vaccinated. holy mary mother of god
If this turns out to be true, we need to track down all these killers and have them arrested IMMEDIATELY.
This could also be fake to get us to go after these people.
Myself and these women are definitely not faking. We are seriously concerned.
I’ve been about a month late on my last two periods. I usually always start around the 1st or a little later.
omg wow so sorry
I’m so sorry for your loss. I joined on telegram. Menstrual Irregularities 2021 I believe.
Are you now asking people if they are vaccinated and if so, once you know are you keeping further away from them?
It seems the vaxed are more than happy to let you know within minutes of meeting them - even when you don't ask. It's like they are so proud of themselves for "saving the world".
Well my husband and I don’t ever plan on getting the shot, but his mother did (2 shots, don’t know which company though). She is coming to visit & stay with us for a few months ? I’ve been in menopause for 6 1/2 yrs now, I guess we will find out if I suddenly get a menstrual cycle again. There’s no keeping her from coming either, tickets were bought a month ago and she’s so looking forward to coming since my FIL passed last summer. Because of covid restrictions my husband couldn’t go to his fathers burial. What I really don’t like is our youngest daughter & her fiancé plan on visiting not long after MIL comes. Daughter is only 22 yrs old and does plan on having children in the not too far off future. The thought of her not being able to get pregnant when she’s ready or if she gets sick, it will be horrible, and I will be so pissed!
Might want to ask the kids to reschedule.
GDZ, its worth your while to try and locate more info on this shedding thing. From what I've read, a person needs to be in close contact with a vaccinated person to be in jeopardy. Not much is known. That's what happens when the population is THE animal control group. These "vaccines" have NOT been properly tested.
I think we know who they are.
I'm in the same boat, never had these issues before, being around vaccinated people is the only thing different. Super strange! I'm keeping my young daughter away from the loonies out there getting this shot!
My wife is a CNA.. she’s done a deep dive on this issue. From what she’s saying if accurate, there’s no punishment severe enough for those purposely promoting this???
CNA ? Certified nurse anesthetist?
My DIL is a nurse and was forced to be vaccinated. She and my son have been having problems having a baby. They have turned to IVF, but she has miscarried 2x. They are trying for a 3rd time now and this news really scares me. She had the vaccine and is now trying to get pregnant. This doesn't bode well IMO. Both think I'm "far out there" for my beliefs. My son did refuse to get the vaccine though.
Sorry to hear you are experiencing issues. Do you live with these vaccinated people? Meaning is it prolonged exposure or just random brief visits. Reason I ask is my neighbor just stopped by about 5-10 minutes and first thing he did was pull up his sleeve to show he received his first dose today. I just shook my head, and because there is no privacy in this small town he was sure to tell me of other neighbors that have gotten it. Should I hang a VACCINATED KEEP AWAY sign?
I do live with her. It’s even more frustrating because I asked her to please not her it. Ugh. Sheep.
You're getting married soon, right? Maybe you can get your marital home or apartment early and move in? My wife moved into our marital apartment a month or so before we married, then I moved in. That could be a solution.
Yeah, we are actually looking to get to a place by ourselves sooner than we planned. I feel bad about my mother but this is my life now.
Yeah, that's rough. Sorry to hear it.
I had a thought wondering if pre-natal vitamins might help since they're like, "women's vitamins," but I don't know if that would really affect your reproductive health. Getting out of the situation is probably the real solution. I hope you get back to normal, especially in time for the wedding!
Praying for you. - Dr. Tenpenny suggestion for you around the 50 minute mark.
Zombies keep out!
And then in the small print ... especially the ones with neurological damage, too many movies as a kid seeing zombies doing the funky chicken dance.
Is this how us ladies unite? In tragedy. ?
Bonds are forged in adversity
Seriously hope not?
might want to watch what this guy has to say :
“Women bitch about their periods way too much!”
-Official Position of the CDC.
I’ll give an “awomen” to that
Good catch!
Men who menstuate are probably the worst as they are hopped up on testosterone!
“Yo, Doc, you gonna do anything about this bleeding or do I need to get in your face!”
My post about this may be of interest...
It's true.
Wait, what?
Somebody ELSE gets the shot...and your periods are even more fucked up than they usually are?
What am I missing. (Go easy. Scrotum and testicles here. :)
This video, though it’s long, was a bit of an eye opener and discusses the phenomenon:
My girlfriend got the first shot, and had 2 menstrual cycles that month.
Is it possible that these cases are just coincidental, and that the stories of it happening are just being spread to further divide us? Division seems to be one of the main goals of the Deep State people behind the scenes. Combine division with fear, and you have the totally dysfunctional society they hope for.
I really thought they were coincidental until I saw the amount of women having issues. I think if thousands of women with regular cycles are having issues the cause needs to be looked into. I’m not even sure what to think at this point except I want ACTUAL scientists and doctors to look into what is going on.
It's so sad that science in general, and the medical field in particular, have become so unreliable in reporting truth! A simple way to possibly determine if it is just coincidental is to find out how many women experienced irregular menstrual cycles in a given amount of time, prior to covid shots. With covid, and all sorts of things, there is a large potential for "confirmation bias" to happen. Sort of like the Jim Gaffigan joke, "I drank a 64-oz milkshake and now I feel sick; I must be lactose intolerant" :)
Is this why we are seeing all these women fighting each other?
The globalists are just trying to recreate the plot of "Children of Men".
The cabal has figured out a way to keep us separated.
I am a man but I read women's cycles are synchronizing in groups. Alfa female synchronize beta females(their period becomes same as alfa one). So if you disrupt alfa female period couldn't it perhaps cause issues to beta females? Anyway these synchronizing mechanism exists so it can work different way when vaccine comes into the play.
I was convinced that was the goal by their papers, policies and organizations advocating population reduction. These people are sick.