Holy SMOKES...this Bidness owner is based
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Now that's what I call some serious truth in advertising.
Check this post out. Its a video of that same sign.
Also watch THIS ONE. Filmed at a gas station. Nice diatribe against Biden and Biden voters.
That is one dark white supremacist.
ha, good one.
The truth shall set you free.
"You gas tax money helps to pay for the presidents sons drug habit, and whores."
I would shake this man's hand. Top kek.
I would shake his hand , buy his gas, AND his snacks....ha
Wow, that’s so based. Love it!
Patriot for sure!
He has a great idea. Put those pictures of Hunter out there for the sleeping ones to see and we can wake them up. Love it.
How much you want to bed they don't even know who that is.
They may not, but if they have some friends like us who are awake, we could calmly mention if they saw the Hunter Biden sign at the gas station. Then we could show them the rest of the story.
Great conversation starter. Who's that guy on the Country Store sign?
Oh that guy's a crackhead, his wife's a stripper and his dad is president.
Now that's really funny. And you'd be telling the truth too.
They'll be asking.
Yes I agree, share these on other social media and folks from the other side may not know at first but they will think its funny and ask questions.
If I lived in this area, that would be the only gas station I visit for life.
How far must I drive to support this??!!
Depends on where you? This is in Tenn
That's at least a 12 hour hike from me! Almost worth it!
Fucking Legend
That owner is a major red pill machine.
Where is this?
Appears to be the Nashville area.
Thank you Fren, I will share and spread it far and wide.
OMG. That is pretty ballsy. But so deserved...
There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.
Alexander Hamilton
“We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us.” Winston S. Churchill
Hunter's Laptop Matters. #ElectionFraud2020
I noticed in another post that your petrol (gasoline) is only 87 Ron, is that normal in the US?
I only ask because 95 Ron is our minimum octane at fuel stations (UK).
UK and US numbering is not the same. US uses (R+M)/2 method, or AKI. UK uses straight RON. 87 in the US is 91 in the UK. 95 in the UK is equivalent to US 91.
Thanks for clarifying, you learn something new every day :)
Just curious = how much is your petrol in the UK? I know it's by the liter and also in pounds but I'll figure the conversion. Thanks.
roughly £1.30 litre
87 is the lowest octane here. 88 and 91 I think is premium. Always read up on your vehicles manual. Suggested to use 87 or 88 but not 91 on my jeep and the Milan. Some want that high octane some run best lower. I'm just glad I dong still have the diesel Mercedes but it was a nice ride.
I only ever had one diesel car, a Seat Leon TD 110, was very nippy for a diesel. One day I forgot that it didn't take unleaded (since I've driven petrol cars for 30 years) - it didn't like that too much :)
Some of the mountain states in the west are as low as 85 octane and they have many places that sell e15 crap to boot.
More please!
Awesome. What a Patriot.
"Listen Fat, have you seen the price of cocaine lately?"
--Joe Biden
Well played.
If he was really based he would just sell diesel and tell anyone who does not have a diesel that he'll be happy to sell to them after their gonads drop and they have hair in their special places.
Where is this? TAKE MY MONEY!
around Nashville.
He could raise that price across the street from "cheaper" <Biden Subsidized Gas Pseudonym>, and I'd still buy from him. That's some based awesome sause; I'd fund it, if I lived around it.
And this is awesome.
If I could get my hands on a high res. copy I'd get it blown-up to poster size!
Looks like sloJoe & hisHo gave it the ol' thumbs down?
Guess the old saying "ya love your kids no matter how fuckin stupid they are" must be true.
Remember - ole Joe said this is the smartest man he knows.